[Request] Disabling Settler Manual Production - Receive settlers from specific technologies and Eras


Sep 29, 2010
Thanks to this mod, I have a convenient way to configure extra Settlers independently for Humans vs AI at the game's start:
This allows me to do some of what I want if I keep myself honest (I only use a settler right now when I get to a new era)

I would further love a way to limit settler construction officially with a mod. I hope this would change the gameplay away from city spam mode every AI and human player is naturally encouraged to participate in, due to the game's design.

I'm interested in the following specifics:
  1. Disabling the ability to make a Settler until things below have occurred
  2. UPDATE: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/civ-vi-super-settler-wip-0-01.25768/ This Civ 6 mod I hobbled together completes this portion. Giving the starting settler extra movement ability. Basically this Civ5 mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=96695370
  3. Tagging specific technologies to reward the player with a Settler
  4. Receiving a settler when you get to specific Eras
  5. Unlocking Settler Manual Construction in a specific lategame Era via an Economic Policy Card
  6. Multiple Economic Policy cards reducing the cost of Settler construction (so player can stack effects)
  7. Multiple Economic Policy cards that boost Production the fewer cities the player has (A multiplier if you only have a couple cities, would be ineffective if you have say 5+ cities - unsure how to word this efficiently atm)
  8. Increasing Science/Civics costs of technologies (Other mods can do this, but I'd like to make it a component of this one)
  • Dream Scenario: Settler allotments, kind of similar to traders. The above things would give you a +1 allotment, allowing you to construct a settler from any city, and decrementing when they're built. A cap i.e. 0/1 or 0/2 which would limit how many you can have at one time so lategame when the allotment is removed, you're still limited by simultaneous Settler construction.
I can help in all ways in testing any of the above and am very interested in learning how to put this all together.
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Oh, man, losing a settler would be game-ending. o_o

But this sounds really, really good. I'd love it as a ruleset, but not as the default.
Yeah this will be a great byproduct. Go to war over acquisition of a stray settler =D
How would this be different from the current game?:think:

Anyway you can probably make settlers impossible to build by setting CanTrain to 0 in the units table (similar to great people), then you would need a modifier attached to the techs/civics you want to provide settlers. Maybe you could use MODIFIER_SINGLE_CITY_GRANT_UNIT_IN_CITY or if it doesn't work create your own modifier using the effect EFFECT_GRANT_UNIT_IN_CITY
How would this be different from the current game?:think:

Anyway you can probably make settlers impossible to build by setting CanTrain to 0 in the units table (similar to great people), then you would need a modifier attached to the techs/civics you want to provide settlers. Maybe you could use MODIFIER_SINGLE_CITY_GRANT_UNIT_IN_CITY or if it doesn't work create your own modifier using the effect EFFECT_GRANT_UNIT_IN_CITY

Thanks, I will start here and see where I get
After play testing a bit with the Super Settler mod I got functional, I want to update this thread with some more detailed specifics and goals and where I plan to focus mod development next as I learn how to implement all this:

High Level Mod Goals/Vision:
  • Reduce City Spam
  • Encourage more Science/Civics focus earlier in the game by restricting / inhibiting Settler production through tech unlocks
  • Force specialization to get lots of Settlers for cheap through Policy Cards and Settler cost increases
  • Try to encourage Player Cities to be farther apart by giving a Science/Civic multiplier if cities are farther apart
0) Create a special Ruleset?

I'm unsure how Rulesets work, but it would be great to tie everything to a special Ruleset to not require uninstallation of the mod if Players want to play the base game unaffected.

1) Start the game with a "Super Settler" - extra movement ability and visibility

DONE: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/civ-vi-super-settler-wip-0-01.25768/
Notes: Need to fix artdef, among other things, to make this unique unit work correctly with the right art and icons. Maybe consider a rename to something like Colonist?

2) Disable the ability to manually create or purchase a normal Settler at the game's start

3) Increase the production/gold cost of normal Settlers and the ramp costs of building additional Settlers to increase more dramatically

Initial increase to be tested: 250% increase over base game settings, e.g.:
Vanilla: First Settler: 80 Production, Second Settler: 100 Production
New: First Settler: 150 Production, Second Settler: 200 Production

4) Separate the Economic Policy Cards Colonization and Expropriation:

Currently the Colonization card upgrades into the Expropriation Card. I'd like to detach them, and reduce their effects, forcing a player who want's to get a large cost reduction in Settlers to have to commit to using both cards to stack both the effects. At their peaks, combined the player could receive 60% cost reduction for Settler Production costs.

5) Tag specific technologies to reward you with a normal Settler or Super Settler and unlock manual construction of Settlers
  • Early Empire (Civics - Ancient) - Unlocks manual building of normal Settlers and the Colonization Economic Policy (20% Settler production cost reduction)
  • Engineering (Science - Classical) - Rewards one free normal Settler
  • Exploration (Civics - Renaissance) - Upgrades the Colonization Economic Policy Card (30% Settler production cost reduction)
  • Scorched Earth (Civics - Industrial) - Unlocks manual building of Super Settlers and the Expropriation Economic Policy (20% Settler production cost reduction combined with 20% cost reduction in plot purchase)
  • Flight (Science - Modern) - Rewards one free Super Settler
  • Rapid Deployment (Civics - Industrial) - Upgrades the Expropriation Economic Policy (30% Settler production cost reduction combined with 20% cost reduction in plot purchase)
  • Robotics (Science - Information) - Rewards one free Super Settler
Design/Balance discussion - When each type of Settler is unlocked, when each free one is given, this will need to be balanced and play tested. Here are my current thoughts:

I want to encourage less city spam in the early game and more tactical decisions. I want to reduce pressure on land grabbing until players have gotten a grasp of their surroundings and have established relations with their neighbors. When manual construction is unlocked, I want production costs to be high and only minor reductions allowed (20% vs 50% in vanilla). The goal here is to allow/encourage early game strategies around rushing science and civics to get Settlers unlocked. Further, when the Super Settler is unlocked, with the extra movement mobility (10) - it allows rapid land grabbing expansion. The push back on this is the ramped production costs of Settlers. It should be quite high and not allow players to rush produce more than a couple.

6) To be decided: Increase City Health or Strength

I don't think this could properly be designed until parts 1-5 are implemented. With less total cities in the game, we want to make them stronger by a little bit. A natural Player reaction to there being less cities on the board is to capture more of them to compensate. This is perfectly valid, but we want to make Cities a bit more defendable if you only have one for the early game until normal Settlers get unlocked.

7) To be decided: Increase Science and Civics costs by 25%. Reduce Eureka/Inspiration bonuses to 30%

I don't think this could properly be designed until parts 1-5 are implemented. Initial thoughts here are that the game's science and civics are rewarded too quickly. This increases the game's length and increases the value/importance of getting additional science/culture buildings up.
NOTE: This is still being brainstormed. This might not be needed after all the Settler changes are in. With less total population/cities available then Science and Civics will naturally take longer to reach since the player can no longer city spam.

8) To be decided: Create Economic Policy cards that give a multiplier on Science and Culture Districts if the player has only 1 city within 7? tiles of the district

I don't think these could properly be designed until parts 1-5 are implemented. My ultimate hope here is to encourage players to spread out. If they are rewarded for spreading out, then there will be less clumped cities. This will boost effectiveness of lone cities and not stack effects with the District Adjacency bonuses because a city would need to be within 6 tiles to receive the Factory/Power Plant aura buffs (within 6 tiles).
NOTE: The Toronto City state increases th Factory/Power Plant aura buff to 9. Undecided if this should be left in or tweaked to not create an abuse of combining the multiplier and aura buffs
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I like your idea of slowing down the rate of settler production. I have a couple of suggestions and thoughts.

Settlers would be so valuable that they should be like great people and transport back to your capital when attacked. There is a mod made for this already.

I would be concerned with how this would effect the AI. There is a lot of foward thinking required with your suggestions, which is great for human players but not for the AI.

I suggest increasing the population cost of building a settler. Maybe start out at 2 or 3 population cost with a 5 population city minimum to initiate settler build. Card and tech modifiers could change these values as you progress. This would have the added effect of making food tiles more valuable and useful.

Another thought I had was adding a new district that is required for a city to build a settler.
I like your idea of slowing down the rate of settler production. I have a couple of suggestions and thoughts.

Settlers would be so valuable that they should be like great people and transport back to your capital when attacked. There is a mod made for this already.

I would be concerned with how this would effect the AI. There is a lot of foward thinking required with your suggestions, which is great for human players but not for the AI.

I suggest increasing the population cost of building a settler. Maybe start out at 2 or 3 population cost with a 5 population city minimum to initiate settler build. Card and tech modifiers could change these values as you progress. This would have the added effect of making food tiles more valuable and useful.

Another thought I had was adding a new district that is required for a city to build a settler.

I think the value of the settler being increased is an important part of this whole setup. I want players to have to scout and do more than just link it with an archer or warrior. There should be stakes on expanding into the unknown.

My current Super Settler mod has a 5 pop requirement before building more of them. For the first iteration I'll keep it at 1 pop cost, but having more could be a possibility. I think it's a large change vs base game that would be nice to avoid. For this same reason I'd rather not have a district requirement for building settlers. I'd rather just explore giving potential bonuses in the same vein as trade routes - you're not required to build them, but if you want valuable internal trade routes then you build the districts which provide +Food.

Regarding the AI - I'm somewhat resigned to just knowing the AI will always be bad, but it's something I'd explore only after I get the functionality changes implemented. It would be great if we could account for the priorities and tendency the AI has to handle settlers. We certainly would want them to protect them more, and change when/why they go after gaining settlers and cities.
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