Request for the politically savvy


Trained& Motivated Killer
Jan 24, 2006
My comprehension and understanding of world politics is a bit vague and really only those people/places/things that directly affect me are of any concern to me but I would still like to know a bit more, understand it, so when I hear names and places on the news at night (specifically a lot of middle-eastern names) I won't be saying "Whhaaa?"

I would like to request someone that is (or think they are) world politics savvy to make a thread we'll call it "World Politics for Dummies" or whatever, with a similar set up to this.

Galactic Politics for Dummies

The Empire

Lead by these two guys, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious. They hate the Jedi even though they both are sort of Jedis, and are evil. Their nuclear program is way advanced namely their death star which can hit America's east coast and would probably destroy the earth all together.

The Wookies

This is a small band of tribal leaders who mainly inhabit the tree-filled north, close allies with America and a decent GDP, mostly in the basket weaving industry.


Note the pictures, maybe maps would be cool. Please share your knowledge with us less inclined to politics.
Can't we just use this thread?
Can't we just use this thread?

Whatever works, I just wanted to provide an example or format I thought would be easy to read and understand with faces and maps.
This thread is full of win.
You forgot:
Europe=Goddless anti-liberty Commie-Socialists.
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