Research item costs


Jan 7, 2004
When it's time to choose which area (item) that should be researched you're informed about how many turns it will take. Do anyone know what the actual costs are for different research items?

In my latest game I tried to go directly for Monarchy, but the numbers of turns it would take to research one of the items (I don't know if it was mysticism, polytheism or monarchy) hit 40 and no matter where I put the research slider it stayed there. :confused: I've read somewhere that the maximum number of times it could take to research something is 40, but it seemed like I could never decrease it with a single turn even if the economy grows and I put the slider to max. Is it supposed to be like this? Has it anything to do with the fact that I didn't research the basic stuff (alphabet etc) first?
Go to the editor. Click the option: use custom rules (paraphrased)
View the cost value for each tech, and then view the value for each map. the # of civs that have it matters too (more=cheaper).

Try to also build roads on square your citizens work (visible in the city screen). Reaserch comes from beakers which come from your sci/lux rates which appropriates the trade produced by each square in worked in each city.

In summary: lower techs are cheaper than later techs. Smaller maps require less beachers to research techs. The more civs that have it, the cheaper it is. Build lots of roads adjacent to your cities.
what is happening in your situation is that the amount of "beakers" you put out each turn is not greater than the amount it would take to normally reseach one turn worth of the tech.

A simple example. If it takes 50 beakers of science to research a new tech and you only produce 1 a turn, you research time would be 40. After five turns it would be 35, even if you are still producing 1 a turn. Once you start accumulating more beakers, your turns till completion will remain high.

More advanced techs cost more beakers, but by then, you should also been creating more beakers.

You can create more beakers by 1) building libraries, universitys and other such buildings. 2) creating scientists in your cities and 3) spending more money on research via the slider. In regards to #3, if your turnly income is small, moving from 10% research to 100% research is not going to make a big difference.

Hope this helps, at least a little.
Yeah, I know how to increase nof research beakers. I thought that I had enough to lower the nof turns with at least one if I put the slider to max. It felt like some special rule stepped in, making it take 40 even though I hade enough. Well, I guess I could have been wrong, I'll have to calculate.

How many beakers do I get by making a scientist (if I stop working a tile that didn't give beakers anyway)?

About the tech cost: in the editor the cost factor for Polytheism is 12, and the numbers of civs is 12, large map and something called tech rate is 320. If noone have this tech, how do I calculate the total costs from these numbers?:confused:
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