Research Thread


Looking for the door...
Mar 18, 2002
Behind you
This thread will be used for discussion of our research/tech path. Everyone and anyone may post in this thread.
I've read several posts indicating different paths to take. One was to get Pottery quickly. Others suggested Map Making and Mathematics. Still others suggested the Philo rush. Should we be thinking about Iron Working? What are your thoughts?
My choice: Pottery-> Writing -> Philo (Map making)

We know that we have iron nearby guaranteed, so there's no reason to get iron working until we want swordsmen, which won't be for a while.
I think our top 2 priorities should be Pottery and Philosophy. If we can complete Writing first and still complete Pottery in time for our capital's granary to be built, then I think we should go that way and maybe we will pick up Pottery earlier via trade or hut popping. If we cannot do both Pottery and Writing by the time we want our granary to complete, then I would do Pottery first.
Ok. It seems the multiplier for this game is 25:


This is the stating tech tree. I think even when in German everybody knows the game good enough to know what everything is:

Looks good, Calis. Lanzelot is an expert at getting to Philo quickly. I'm already on the edge of my seat.
I don't think we will have any trouble reaching 250 beakers (Writing + Pottery) by turn 33 (approximately when we want our granary to complete). We may have to delay the forest chop a few turns and have the worker road and irrigate another flood plains before chopping so we can use the Colossus as a prebuild, but my vote is to research Writing first.
I like the philosophy for map making plan. Most teams will try and get a republic slingshot if they even go for philosophy, so we will almost guaranteed beat them.
Well, I've decided that the first technology we should research is Fledging. If we don't become fledglings, how are we going to be able to leave the nest?

Just kidding, of course. Chamnix is correct. We will not hve any problem researching Writing and then Pottery before the end of our planned Ganary. Plus the possibility of popping the tech or trading for it is also possible. So we will start on Writing at 100%.
I agree, lets go for writing. We should consider a warrior for exploration, to find some huts.
I like the philosophy for map making plan. Most teams will try and get a republic slingshot if they even go for philosophy, so we will almost guaranteed beat them.

I observed the play the style of that German guys a bit in their PBEM stories. And I am rather sure that they will NOT try the Republic slingshot.
Odd. That's common practice in CivFanatics. What does the player that get Philo first normally take?

In single player, maybe. But in a multiplayer game, not really. You rather beeline to Philosophy to deny anybody else their shot at a new government.
yeah - a rep slingshot is very difficult in MP unless you are working with another team right from the beginning.

I agree - we research Schrift.
I like the idea of researching writing first, then pottery, and then philosophy to try to get map making. I just hope that none of the other teams are playing as the English.
Okay guys, bumping this thread because we have Pottery due next turn. We need to decide what we want now. It appears that from the past discussion that writing is our next option. I also believe in researching writing now.
Writing sounds good.
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