Research Thread

By founding our 2nd city, we reduced our research time for Writing by 10 turns! :bounce:
With 6 turns to go on Writing, what is the thinking regarding what we should research next? It seems very unlikely we can win the race to Philosophy.

I think the most helpful thing we can do is to move toward a government. They are both a long way away, but the sooner we start, the sooner we can get out of despotism and make everything much better.

If anyone agrees with that, then we need to decide which government will we be playing in. I think Republic may still be better than Monarchy even in multiplayer civ, even though it is not as clear as it is in single player. Therefore, I would research Philosophy next anyway. We probably won't get there first, but if the Knights decided to get greedy and try to fit in CoL first, then we can punish them appropriately. If we are not first, then we are still one step closer to Republic.
I agree with going for philosophy, on the off chance we win the race. As you said it gets us closer to a government. We can switch out of Republic later if WW becomes a problem, which won't happen for long enough to make Republic worthwhile. If we went for mapmaking, I don't think we'd be ready to build the Lighthouse by the time we get there, and we probably won't even know if it is worth it to even build it in the first place (depending on the map).

There is also literature to consider, which gives us libraries, and the maybe useful Great Library (if we meet everyone else, that is).
I'm fine with Phil - we almost certainly won't get it, but it's useful in itself.

If we do go Phil, we pretty much lose the opportunity to get the lighthouse, which is probably ok.

We should make sure we think about Lit after phil - cheap libraries may really cut down the time to get Rep/Monarchy.

Basically I am fine with Philosophy.

But we should also not forget our militray. I would like to reseach warrior code right after Philosophy.
We might as well try for the Philo bonus. If the BH is going for the Republic slingshot, we will be saving ourselves a giant headache by getting there first. But that will pretty much end the shortcut to Monarchy as a new government. I haven't really looked at it yet, but that's what I'm guessing.
I think this is my favorite thread here.
Would tyeing this to working the plots help? I realize subconsciously it already is because while the turn is open you are making the best decisions.

but if we count our future worker's job completions and add population growth to the calculation, we can count gold for research better. Sorry to bring this up because doesn't answer the question at hand (Philo). I know we are already charting everything and thats amazing!

I hopeful to run Dromon tactics soon :) All hands man the Canons FIRE!!!
:) I think we will want to get into a new government before sinking any enemy ships with Dromons. But I like your spirit, matey.

In answer to your question, I would say yes.
I believe so, on the very outside chance that we might get the bonus.
In four turns Philosophy will be done.

What next?

I would recommend Warrior Code. We fell to position 3 in military service and I want to be able to react if our neghbour comes with force.

Any opinions?

With the next save I will post a screen of F6, then we can see our options.
Okay. I also like the idea of Warrior Code, it gives us access to the Dromon-Archer combo. Remember that archers are semi-amphibious.
Sounds like a plan, as long as it doesn't take too long. We still have mapmaking and monarchy to get to. Just make sure to set it to mapmaking when it prompts you just in case we get philosophy first.
Warrior Code sounds good. A quick tech to help catch up and Archers too.

Just make sure to set it to mapmaking when it prompts you just in case we get philosophy first.
I would research Code of Laws next. I don't see any threat from our neighbors that we can't even find.
Actually I'm changing my mind. We may be third in military service, but we're also first in population. We should make sure to keep an eye on the military service when we finish our settler next turn. Even if that means our opponent on our continent built a wave of units bent on finding and attacking us, they won't be getting here anytime soon. We can build spearmen anyways.

Warrior code aside, we'll also need to pick between mapmaking and code of laws- which to prioritize, dromons and the Great Lighthouse or a new government? Keep in mind that Aerie will probably have to build the lighthouse, and if we go mapmaking next with a Mausoleum prebuild, that means shutting down our settler factory quite soon.
I'd have to say going for a Monarchy may be a better move. Republic is going to take a very long time, during which we will fall behind (not even having Archers...).

I think we can hold off on the Great Lighthouse also. Let's make some Settlers.
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