Spoiler Warning: This post contains spolier info! For that matter, so does some of the rest of the thread, so nyah!
cgannon64, good movie. Not all his movies are quite in the same spirit. If you liked Resevoir Dogs you'll probably like Pulp Fiction.
I liked Jackie Brown, Kill Bill and Four Rooms, too. From Dusk Till Dawn I thought was really odd and didn't like it. I can't recall the other Tarentino movies right now.
I'll say this about Jackie Brown: It's a great movie, but it's about characters and can seem very slow and boring if you're not into character development but only action. I loved it though.
sysyphus, I think of his movies as more parodies or homages than cliche, but cliche is a far assessment, too. Supposedly Tarentino used to work in a video store and basically everything he makes is in the spirit of corny or B-grade movies.
Mescalhead, I remember hearing that unaided the first time or two I saw it, but the movie was on a cable channel recently and I couldn't hear it then. Mr. Orange had already said that the cops were staking the place out and waiting for the head honcho to show up before raiding the place, so Mr. Pink surely walked out into a sea of cops since the big guy had recently entered the garage. I don't recall hearing shooting outside, though, and that would seem to be against his character to me. I think he would quickly surrender and chalk it up to a really bad day and really bad luck.
As far as the end, though, I was never sure who shot who first, and the last time I saw it I started wondering if Mr. Pink actually shot someone from under the ramp or even started the shooting realizing everyone would be killed and he'd get the loot to himself. I'd have to rent it and run it through slow quite a few times to be sure, though.