Resources: What are the exact bonuses?


Oct 7, 2007
San Jose
Hey everybody!

This is my first post, but I've been a civ fanatic for a long while. The wealth of information here is truly amazing!

I have a question about Resources. If you mouse over a resource like sheep, it says "+1 :food:" like so:

Or stone that says "+1 :hammers:" like so:

My question is, what exactly does this do? Does having a stone resource provide every city with access to it a +1 :hammers:? Other than the happiness bonus / health bonus / unit production bonus on resources, is there any reason to have one of every resource?

Complete side note: What does the "favorite civic" do for a leader? If you are a leader who's favorite civic is slavery, do you get some bonus for slavery being your current labor civic?

Thanks! :D
Hey everybody!

This is my first post, but I've been a civ fanatic for a long while. The wealth of information here is truly amazing!

I have a question about Resources. If you mouse over a resource like sheep, it says "+1 :food:" like so:

Or stone that says "+1 :hammers:" like so:

My question is, what exactly does this do? Does having a stone resource provide every city with access to it a +1 :hammers:?

No resources don't increase the food or production or commerce. The +1 hammer or +1 food mentioned in the box is a bonus to the output of the tile. You'll see that a corn grassland tile already has a food output of 3 (instead of 2) before you improve it. After being improved these tiles are usually the best tiles in your city.
Luxury resources improve the happiness of the cities to which they are connected and health resources improve the health of the cities to which they are connected.

Other than the happiness bonus / health bonus / unit production bonus on resources, is there any reason to have one of every resource?

Big cities need a lot of health and happiness as each citizen increases the unhealthiness and unhappiness by 1. Each different luxury resource increases the happiness by 1 and each different health resource increases the health by 1. This counters the unhealthiness and unhappiness. There are various buildings which improve the output of health or happiness of the resources. Before corporations, there is no reason to own multiple instances of the same resource. So if you have more connected, then you can use them to trade for different resources which aren't located in your empire, but are located in the neighbouring empire.

Complete side note: What does the "favorite civic" do for a leader? If you are a leader who's favorite civic is slavery, do you get some bonus for slavery being your current labor civic?

No, it's a diplomatic effect. If an AI leader has slavery as his/her favourite civic, then they will usually use this civic when it is available. If you are also using this civic, then you will get a diplomatic relations bonus with this leader. The bonus starts small at a +1 or +2, but can become as high as +5 with certain leaders (depends a bit on the leader, some consider this more important than others).

Oh, and of course:

Welcome to civfanatics! :dance: :band: :dance:

By the way, there exists a Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions thread where such questions are usually answered. This thread could easily have disappeared between all the other threads and you will usually get a quick answer in that thread.
Note that all resources need their improvement (farm, mine, plantation etc.) and to be connected to your cities by road, or by rail, river or sea once you have the necessary techs. And all your cities need to be connected (by similar routes) in order to gain the health and other effects of your resources, but only the city in whose fat cross the resource lies will get the extra food or production. Having more than one instance of a resource won't give greater benefits only in three cases: (1) more food or production in the local cities, (2) greater benefit to corporations using those resources, and (3) the extras can, if you wish, be traded to other civs. But don't trade away a resource you have just one of !
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