Plotting something
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- Sep 1, 2010
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Greetings! RevEarth is a mod designed to allow me (or others) to create historical, realistic scenarios of human history. Currently, just one, Earth 1100 CE is finished, though I intend to create many more. This mod was built off of the platform of Revolutions DCM (see, which enables revolutions (cities rising up to form new civs), inquisition, Improved aerial bombardment (from Road to War), and BarbarianCivs (Barbarian cities forming new civilizations). The latter process is disabled in my 1100 AD scenario, since it produces bizarre and a-historical results. This was an excellent platform to start from, but I decided to add some stuff along the way, hopefully to allow for semi-realistic simulation of human history. My mod offers:
1: Historical Scenarios (starting with the medieval 1100 CE, Crusades, Mongol Invasions, and some time later Initiate Imperialism (or resist it!)).
2: New Civs: Brazil, Argentina, Australia and Canada can all rise up as revolutions later in the game
3: Changed religions: Judaism is replaced with Orthodoxy, Taoism is replaced with Shiite Islam, since these two have historically been more influential than their Vanilla counterparts (I hope to add Judaism and Taoism back if I can figure out a way to increase the # of religions)
4: New units and buildings: Modern pirates, historically accurate macemen, heavy swordsmen and unique units and buildings for the new civs. More will be added in later patches.
5: Minor civs to represent cities, kingdoms, tribes and empires that were influential, but to small or transient to warrant their own civilization
Download Link:
For this mod to work, you need to go into your BtS config file (My Docs/My Games/Beyond the Sword/Civ4Config.ini IIRC), and change
ModularLoading = 0
ModularLoading = 1
Credits: Brazil Australia Argentina for Canada
Known bugs (+ indicates that I know the bug's origins and it will probably be fixed in the next release, - indicates that I do not though it is confirmed, ? indicates that I am not sure if its a real bug or not):
+ Orthodoxy and Shiite Islam have the wrong art.
? Some civs start with random, distant parts of the map revealed
What you can do:
Play it and say what you think! If you have any suggestions for features or art, please offer them!
Planned Features:
Add the Better Global Warming Mod
Make scenarios for time periods other than 1100 CE
Fix the technology rate. Currently, civilizations are consistently behind where they should be technologically. Or maybe I should just make the game take more turns to reach 1500 CE?
Add Barbarian "Camps" which produce Barbarian units continuously, to represent the historic power of nomads
Add additional religions (Judaism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Protestantism, Native American, Native African)
1: Historical Scenarios (starting with the medieval 1100 CE, Crusades, Mongol Invasions, and some time later Initiate Imperialism (or resist it!)).
2: New Civs: Brazil, Argentina, Australia and Canada can all rise up as revolutions later in the game
3: Changed religions: Judaism is replaced with Orthodoxy, Taoism is replaced with Shiite Islam, since these two have historically been more influential than their Vanilla counterparts (I hope to add Judaism and Taoism back if I can figure out a way to increase the # of religions)
4: New units and buildings: Modern pirates, historically accurate macemen, heavy swordsmen and unique units and buildings for the new civs. More will be added in later patches.
5: Minor civs to represent cities, kingdoms, tribes and empires that were influential, but to small or transient to warrant their own civilization
Download Link:
For this mod to work, you need to go into your BtS config file (My Docs/My Games/Beyond the Sword/Civ4Config.ini IIRC), and change
ModularLoading = 0
ModularLoading = 1
Credits: Brazil Australia Argentina for Canada
Known bugs (+ indicates that I know the bug's origins and it will probably be fixed in the next release, - indicates that I do not though it is confirmed, ? indicates that I am not sure if its a real bug or not):
+ Orthodoxy and Shiite Islam have the wrong art.
? Some civs start with random, distant parts of the map revealed
What you can do:
Play it and say what you think! If you have any suggestions for features or art, please offer them!
Planned Features:
Add the Better Global Warming Mod
Make scenarios for time periods other than 1100 CE
Fix the technology rate. Currently, civilizations are consistently behind where they should be technologically. Or maybe I should just make the game take more turns to reach 1500 CE?
Add Barbarian "Camps" which produce Barbarian units continuously, to represent the historic power of nomads
Add additional religions (Judaism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Protestantism, Native American, Native African)