Revised Provolution Plan for TNT, turns 1-30


Sage of Quatronia
Jul 21, 2004
This plans allows early security with a first warrior build, then industrial effectiveness with a worker following up and finally a range of two swiftly built settlers subidized by the timber industry, ending up with a final warrior.

Buildqueue here is:
Turn 5 Warrior
Turn 9 Worker2
Turn 13 Warrior
Turn 18 Settler
Turn 24 Settler2
Turn 29 Warrior3

The plan is to use the two early workers to make all the needed infrastructure to fulfill the needs of three cities for the early part of Term 2 as well as maximizing output for Term One. 2 Warriors are available for exporation where one is handling capital security.


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    Provoplan TNT 2.JPG
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I just get the last save - why we producing a worker? Strider show in other thread that there will be waste of turns. :confused:

Edit: Sorry - I miss that the first line in plan is a warrior production.
Looks perfect to me. Of course, I didn't take a close look at the big white thing.

Yeah, this will do perfectly.
Thanks for all the good inputs Strider, remember we are a team, and I think we help out each other quite well. :D
mvp said:
but please someone to explain me - why we are producing Worker at the moment?
We didn't decide on what to build, so we are building a worker. We will probably switch it to a warrior next time. :)
I hope most people agree to this 1-30 turn plan, so I bump this.
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