There are some civics that either have little or no strategy section and of what I read from the ones that do have one, it looks like it serves as a way to carry out the lore of each type of civic, like how Agricultural Guilds has the lore of "a nation that uses guilds for their agricultural system".
I suppose I could try coming up with some text in order to fill the missing lore. Feel free to comment on suggestions or remarks if there is something you don't agree on.
Changes to civic availability:
Old: Your nation doesn't have a form of government.
New: Informal associations of people replace the need for a government.
Old: Government Civic : Chiefdom
New: Small clans with varying degrees of kinship periodically come together to act on issues.
Old: Government Civic : Despotism
New: A single individual guides the nation with unrestricted absolute power.
Old: Government Civic : Hereditary Rule (Monarchy)
New: A system where rule of the country passes from monarch to heir, whose method of succession, division of power, and role can vary considerably.
Old: .
New: Representatives who may or may not be elected and whose leadership is nonhereditary lead the nation.
Old: Civic : Theocracy
New: Religious leaders act on behalf of their deity or deities.
Old: .
New: The general public governs itself through the election of representatives or directly by referendum.
Old: The government control's every aspect of society.
New: An extreme degree of control exists over people's public and private lives.
Old: .
New: A consortium of qualified and knowledgeable specialists oversee the civilization.
Gestalt Mind (was Noocracy)
Old: Collective Rule
New: A single interlinked consciousness comprised by every individual that is biological, mechanical, or even psychic in nature.
Old: Rule by an immortal elite
New: An extremely old and experienced immortal elite guide the civilization with wisdom.
Galactic Federation
Old: A loose confederation of star systems.
New: A decentralized federation made up of independent star systems.
Universal Empire (was Intergalactic Empire)
Old: An empire across galaxies.
New: Faster-than-light communications and travel allows a central authority to manifests itself across the entire universe.
Old: Most primitive way to rule the population.
New: Order is maintained by being obedient to the highest ranking individuals, the alphas.
City States
Old: Cities have their own governments.
New: Cities rule independently, where each has their own set of laws, customs, and traditions.
Old: Power!
New: An appointed officer with judicial and executive powers dictates what is and isn't lawful.
Old: Meritocracy is when members of the government are chosen based solely on their abilities to exercise civil responsibilities
New: Selecting leaders based on their past performances and achievements.
Old: Power Civic : Bureaucracy
New: A unitary system where most or all decision making comes from a central authority.
Old: Power Civic : Vassalage
New: A mutual relationship exists between overlords and vassals, where the former assures safety and lands and the latter promises support and tribute.
Old: The government is a loose collection of cities and states.
New: Self-governing states work together towards a common military, economical, or social goal.
Federalism (was Federal)
Old: .
New: Semi-autonomous states follow the laws and guidelines put forth by a central authority.
Martial Law
Old: Martial Law is when, due to extreme circumstances, the government runs society to keep it "orderly".
New: Direct military control is imposed over normal civilian functions in an attempt to stabilize the nation, often in response to emergencies or major disasters.
Old: Big Brother is watching you.
New: Indirect control of the nation through mass surveillance, where the powers that be know everything about each individual.
Old: Multiple virtual states
New: People join virtual states that are in accordance to their opinions and ideals.
Machine Rule
Old: Rule by artificial intelligence
New: The people follow the directives put forth by a superintelligent AI.
Mind Control
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through mind control.
New: A permanent state of subservience is instilled on the population and individuality might be non-existent.
Societal Molding (was Engineered Society)
Old: Highly social engineered society
New: Cohesion is maintained by imbuing specific ideas and aspirations on the population through the use of technology and highly advanced social engineering.
Phronesis (was Programmed Morality)
Old: Morality is programmed into all aspects of society.
New: A nation run according to lofty values like prudence and mindfulness, where being moral is the most virtuous quality one can have.
Old: Strong take from weak.
New: The strongest dictate the rules.
Old: Honor thy mother.
New: Females dominate all positions of power.
Old: Honor thy father.
New: Males dominate all positions of power.
Old: .
New: The highest ranking military officers are the ones who are calling the shots.
Old: Power!
New: The ones in power are those who own or control the land.
Old: Power!
New: The authority to legislate, execute, and sometimes judge is concentrated in the hands of a gathering of individuals that have different political leanings.
Divine Right
Old: Your power comes from heaven.
New: Power is recognized in whoever "successfully" claims to be favored by the god or gods.
Separated (was Separation of Powers)
Old: Power!
New: The abuse and tyranny that come from having supreme authority is unacceptable and so power is divided into different independent branches.
Single Party
Old: Power!
New: Inefficiencies caused by dissidence can be curtailed by vesting power into a single political entity.
Old: Rule by money.
New: Assets and economic capital are the hallmarks of power.
Old: Decentralized protocols
New: Information and knowledge are some of the greater sought out items and whoever has the most is considered to be in power.
Old: Computation is power.
New: The difficulty of finding new discoveries is something that increases exponentially and so power is recognized in whoever can calculate or compute the most.
Old: Soldiers are unorganized commonfolk.
New: Civilians independently take up arms in the eventuality of conflict.
Old: Soldiers are organized bandits.
New: Outlaws carry out military actions, usually as a sentence.
Tribal Warfare
Old: All the young men are ready to punish the other tribe!
New: War as a way to train the younger generation.
Old: .
New: A military force is maintained through the compulsory enlistment of civilians.
Old: Soldiers are hired professionals.
New: Paying soldiers who may or may not have an allegiance to the nation.
Old: Military Civic : Pacifism
New: Expenditures meant for war are instead redirected towards improving culture and inspiring great people.
Vassal Levies (was Vassalage)
Old: .
New: Vassals maintain a military force which is provided to the overlord in times of need.
Voluntary (was Volunteer Army)
Old: .
New: Civilians volunteer into the armed forces and are given additional benefits for the time spent in service.
Robotic (was Unmanned Warfare)
Old: .
New: Widespread use of remote controlled and robotic equipment as a way to reduce the number of friendly casualties.
Cloned (was Cloning)
Old: You clone the vast majority of your nations military.
New: Genetically enhanced clone soldiers defend the nation.
Old: Conquer the entire universe!
New: Space battles and orbital strikes are the factors that decide who wins or loses a war.
Time Drafting
Old: Travel through time recruiting the best warriors.
New: Using time travel to staff the army with the fittest warriors and most skilled officers from throughout past and future.
Old: Conquer the entire multiverse!
New: Powerful eldritch entities with unmeasurable power battle across infinite realities.
Old: Your nation doesn't have a form of religion or spirituality.
New: This civilization lacks (or refuses) the concept of religion and spirituality.
Old: .
New: Countless forms of popular beliefs and traditions exist in the place of organized religions.
Divine Cult
Old: .
New: The leader or leaders are worshiped as if they were living manifestations of their god or gods.
Old: .
New: Individuals regarded as being in contact with divine beings periodically introduce new religions to the people.
State Church
Old: .
New: The church and the state are usually headed by the same people.
Free Church
Old: .
New: There is a promoted religion but it is kept independent from the state.
Inquisitorial (was Intolerant)
Old: .
New: Religious beliefs beyond the accepted one are shunned and actively eradicated.
Old: .
New: Everyone has the freedom to follow the religion they want.
Antireligion (was Anti Religion)
Old: Anti Religion increases taxes and science in all cities and all specialists get +1 culture. Government doesn't allow state religion and religions are not allowed to spread to your cities.
New: Religious worship is forbidden in public and private places.
Neo-Syncretism (was Syncretism)
Old: Syncretism is a system of thought that attempts to unify religious, scientific, political, and philosophical thought into a coherent whole.
New: A unified belief developed from the amalgamation of religion, science, politics, and philosophy exists in the place of religion.
Cosmic Enlightening (was Cosmic)
Old: Cosmic Destiny
New: Alien interactions coupled with millennia of philosophical and scientific progress have birthed a new style of religion where its practitioners believe it is objectively and intrinsically useful to all forms of life.
Apotheosis (was Divinity)
Old: Become gods
New: Become the literal gods of less developed civilizations.
Old: Your nation's society is in its most primitive form.
New: The people are primal and savage, barely different from non-sentient animals.
Old: .
New: Blood relations are very important as clans are formed based on how close people are with one other.
Caste System
Old: Decreases great people birth rate and culture in cities and causes unhappiness in largest cities; Increases Farm and Fishing boat food production; Increases Mine, Lumbermill and Quarry production; Increases Plantation, Camp and Silk Farm gold production.
New: The people are divided into different social classes based on parentage.
Old: .
New: A class of educated and wealthy people has formed inside the bigger cities and society has adapted around fulfilling their needs.
Old: .
New: The working class has attained sufficient rights so as to influence the society to a high degree.
Old: .
New: The society is structured around accords derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor.
Old: .
New: Equality is paramount as all people are considered to be of equal worth.
Old: .
New: A passion exists for the homeland and its culture, language, and common ancestry.
Old: .
New: A classless society whose ambition is meeting the needs of everyone.
Old: Your nation is now a corporation.
New: Corporations form the basis of society, where people are organized into industrial and professional groups since birth.
Biological Castes
Old: Castes based on biology
New: Genetic engineering coupled with cybernetic augmentations have segregated society into different classes based on mental and physical abilities.
Old: Post-material society
New: A pure information society whose members can be physical, digital, or incorporeal.
Old: Your nation doesn't have a a sense of property or wealth.
New: This civilization lacks (or refuses) the concept of property or wealth.
Old: Your nation has uses subsistence for their agricultural system.
New: The only goods a person has access to are the ones they find while foraging or hunting.
Bartering (was Barter)
Old: Use Barter to boost your early economy.
New: Exchanging goods for other goods of perceived equal value.
Marketplaces (was Trade)
Old: Gives another trade route, gives best bonus to trade.
New: A wide variety of goods can be found within specific locations intended for trade.
Old: .
New: Artisans and merchants inside a particular craft or trade have associated together in order to protect their common interests.
Old: Free specialist in each city but no foreign trade routes; +10% hammers and +10% gold but -10% scientific research in all cities
New: Maximizing trade surpluses through the taxation of foreign imports and by promoting the exploitation of domestic resources.
Free Market
Old: .
New: The forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention.
Old: .
New: The economy is maintained by corporations subordinate to those in power, each representing different interest groups.
Old: .
New: All goods are allocated in accordance to nation-wide economic plans.
Old: .
New: A body with powers of enforcement regulate the economy with the intent to protect it from perceived abuses.
Old: Economy Civic : Environmentalism (Green)
New: The economy is geared towards maintaining a sustainable development without degrading the environment, even if that means forfeiting profit or productivity.
Old: Elimination of all human want
New: Materials can be produced and provided very cheaply or even freely.
Old: Economy spans dimensions.
New: Managing an economy that stretches across different realities, from past to present to future, have rendered previous economic models obsolete.
Old: .
New: Welfare is non-existent and downtrodden people must resort to stealing or even killing in order to supply themselves and their families with essential goods.
Old: Charity gives +1 happiness from Granary and Modern Granary and increases health from Healer's Hut, Doctor's Office and Bazaar.
New: Unfortunate individuals rely on the charitable nature of people to receive help.
Old: Church increases health by 1 in all cities and every religions' Monastery will increase city's health by 1. Improvements upgrade faster and cities with state religion can construct buildings faster.
New: Religious institutions assure sanctuary and basic care to people in need thanks to tithes collected from the devout population.
Public Works
Old: .
New: Anyone in need can earn a living wage by applying to be part of the government-sponsored workforce responsible for constructing infrastructures that benefit the community.
Philanthropic (was Private)
Old: State sponsored charity
New: Some individuals inside the wealthier echelons of society donate to private foundations that assist the poor and needy.
Subsidized (was Subsidized)
Old: Welfare Civic : Subsidized
New: Institutions that provide social security are subsidized through the use of taxpayer money.
Privatized (was Corporate)
Old: Corporatist increases maintenance costs from number of cities by 25% but corporations maintenance costs are reduced by 35%. Increases health by 3 and science by 15% in all cities but causes unhappiness in largest cities. Corporation buildings are cheaper to build.
New: Vouchers are granted to those in need of welfare as private enterprises specialized in providing healthcare, education, and employment are ubiquitous.
Old: .
New: A welfare state is maintained where free education, housing, universal healthcare, and generous unemployment benefits or pensions are provided to everyone in need.
Eco-Friendly (was Paradise)
Old: .
New: A careful balance between economics and ecological sustainability, where a welfare state can be maintained while also preserving nature and its resources.
Old: .
New: The democratization of human enhancement techniques to the masses have allowed people to become stronger, smarter, and enjoy much longer lives free of diseases.
Cornucopia (was Abundance)
Old: Abundant Resources
New: The mass replication of goods have allowed untold levels of prosperity as everyone has the satisfaction of having nearly anything whenever they need.
Eudaimonia (was Utility Maximization)
Old: Abundant Resources
New: It does not matter how difficult nor how costly it is, what matters the most is for everyone to experience true and complete happiness.
None (was No Currency)
Old: Your citizens have no form of currency.
New: This civilization lacks (or refuses) the concept of money.
Old: Your people value precious metals as a standard of trading.
New: Goods can be bought and sold through the exchange of precious metals.
Old: .
New: Precious metals are melted into small, flat pieces that are standardized in weight.
Certified (was Banknote)
Old: Bank's issue notes which make up your currency.
New: Banks facilitate trade by allowing merchants to use a certified instrument that guarantees the payout of money once a payee goes to a bank to reclaim it.
Paper Money
Old: Your country prints your nations currency on cheap paper.
New: Money is printed in large quantities, replacing the need to carry heavy coins or to visit a bank.
Gold Standard
Old: Gold is used to back up your currency.
New: The standard economic unit from which all circulating currency are derived from is gold, where it is usually hoarded inside secure vaults.
Fiat Money (was FIAT Currency)
Old: Combination of paper and cheap metals make up your currency.
New: A currency which is without intrinsic value that circulates in the form of coins and paper money.
Old: The citizens of your nation can buy products on credit.
New: Transactions are made on the promise to pay at a later date which replaces the need to carry physical money.
Old: People buy products on a digitallized trading program.
New: Through the use of computer networks it is possible to have an entirely digital currency that allows for instantaneous transactions.
Old: Transcend Money
New: Although still present, the blessing of having nearly anything for very cheap means that money no longer has the same importance it once had.
Old: Energy as money
New: While material goods can be obtained for cheap their throughput is still limited by the amount of available energy.
Old: Knowledge as money
New: After reaching a point where there is free, near limitless energy the only real constraint is finding out other ways for this energy to be utilized.
Workforce (was Labor)
Unorganized (was Unorganized Labor)
Old: Your nations labor is unorganized and without direction.
New: The labor force is not divided and everyone does a little bit of everything.
Communal (was Community Labor)
Old: The community of your population assigns labor, based on peoples skill.
New: People are able to have steady jobs that benefit the community, like being the village butcher or hunter.
Specialized (was Skilled Labor)
Old: Your work force create products that others buy from them.
New: Artisans and laborers gain a lifetime of experience by specializing into a specific craft.
Serfdom (was Serf Labor)
Old: Workers build improvements faster; +20% hammers but -10% scientific research and -10% culture in all cities
New: Bounded to a specific plot of land from which they cannot leave, serfs are considered to be property of the landowner.
Capitalist (was Capitalist Labor)
Old: Your work force has organized themselves into corporations to make the most capital.
New: Individuals choose who they want to work for and in return receive payment for their services.
Collectivist (was Socialized Labor)
Old: Your population makes use of Labor Unions and gives much power to the Proletariat.
New: Those who are not interested in working in the public sector can join one of the many cooperatives whose revenue is divided between all members.
Centralized (was Centralized Labor)
Old: Labor is owned by the state.
New: A central authority oversees where and what each person will do.
Automated (was Post-Labor)
Old: .
New: People can enjoy entire lives free of work as most tasks are now performed by non-sentient autonomous machines.
Engineered (was Engineered Labor)
Old: Engineered labor castes
New: The workforce is comprised almost exclusively of factory-built androids or lab-grown humanoids.
Hyperintelligent (was Hyperintelligent Labor)
Old: Labor by hyperintelligent beings
New: Entities with god-like intellect and abilities are willed into doing all the work.
Old: Allows blissful wallowing
New: Whatever knowledge or wisdom someone gained during their lives is lost once they die.
Oral Tradition
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through telling stories.
New: Knowledge is transmitted through the use of stories and songs.
Written Tradition
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through written stories.
New: Records of previous facts are kept in writing, of which the few who are literate are able to read.
Martial (was Military Tradition)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through military tradations.
New: Children are trained under a rigorous program by veteran warriors made to produce strong and capable fighters.
Religious (was Religious Training)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through relgious dogma.
New: Various oral and written beliefs, doctrines, rituals, and customs are memorized by the populace who devotedly transmit them to the next generation.
Old: One bound by indenture to serve another for a prescribed period with a view to learning an art or trade. Add's 25% to the Great People's growth rate, allows unlimited engineers
New: People are educated from an early age the ways of practicing a specific craft by their parents or teachers.
Corporate (was Corporate Education)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through commercialism and consumerism.
New: Employers provide new hires a business-oriented education where some classes are related to the specificities of being a productive worker.
Compulsory (was Compulsory Education)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through repetition and memorization.
New: All children are required to have a proper education and so several schools are built in order to meet that demand.
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through propaganda.
New: Influencing people to be in favor of specific political causes.
Online (was E-Education)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through the internet.
New: People learn remotely through various web courses.
Fast (was Rapid Education)
Old: Allows your people to download knowledge directly into their minds.
New: Brain implants allow people to access and quickly memorize information from a variety of different online databases.
Instant (was Instant Education)
Old: All collective knowledge is shared directly into minds of the nation.
New: The sum of human knowledge is saved inside advanced cybernetics dedicated to data storage.
Omniscience (was Universal Knowledge)
Old: Know everything.
New: Individuals have complete knowledge about the whole universe, past and present.
Nonverbal (was No Language)
Old: Your nation has speaks in grunts and gestures.
New: A lack of language makes complex communication an impossible task.
Native Language
Old: Your nation has its own unique language.
New: A language exists but it is very difficult for foreigners to understand it.
Trade Language
Old: Your nation has developed a simplified language when communicating with other nations.
New: A simplified but mutually understood language made to facilitate trade with non-natives.
Old: Your nation uses Interpreters when communcating with other nations.
New: Individuals versed in two or more languages are able to act as translators between nations.
Codified (was Language Education)
Old: Language education is the teaching and learning of a foreign or second language. Language education is a branch of applied linguistics.
New: An effort was made to standardize the language inside the nation into a more logical format that is easier to learn.
World Language
Old: One global language that everyone speaks.
New: The ever growing interconnectivity between nations have allowed for a lingua franca to emerge which almost everyone understands.
Universal Translator
Old: Your nation uses a Universal Translator to communcate with any language.
New: A device allows for almost real-time communications with someone who speaks another language.
Telepathic (was Telepathy)
Old: Communicating directly from mind to mind.
New: Information is directly transmitted into the minds of others.
Xenosemiotic (was Xenosemiotics)
Old: Interstellar communication via semiotics
New: Instantaneous conveying of complex ideas, emotions, and experiences to any sentient lifeform.
Everywhere (was Garbage Anywhere)
Old: Toss garbage on the ground.
New: Either from a lack of knowledge or by feelings of apathy, garbage is not removed and instead piles up everywhere.
Burned (was Burn Garbage)
Old: Burn trash into ashes.
New: Waste is incinerated through the use of fire.
Thrown into Water (was Waste to Sea)
Old: Toss garbage into the sea.
New: Trash is dumped into bodies of water in an attempt to avoid polluting the air with smoke.
Old: Toss garbage into the sea.
New: Junk is collected and placed inside dedicated places.
Exported (was Waste Exportation)
Old: Send trash to other nations.
New: Other nations "agree" to take our waste.
Imported (was Waste Importation)
Old: Get trash from other nations.
New: Accepting trash from other places as a way to get an additional revenue source.
Waste to Energy
Old: Send trash to be converted into energy.
New: Factories burn garbage and convert it into usable energy.
Recycled (was Recycling)
Old: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
New: Waste is re-converted into new materials and objects.
Off-Planet Dumping
Old: Send trash to outer-space.
New: Trash is either sent to uninhabited worlds or simply thrown into stars and black holes.
Atomized (was Atomize Trash)
Old: Atomize Trash
New: Waste is broken down into very fine particles.
Dematerialized (was Dematerialization)
Old: Dematerialize Trash
New: Trash is sent into another dimension.
Borderless (was No Borders)
Old: Your nation has no offical borders.
New: There are no official borders and people come and go as they please.
Open Borders
Old: Your nation is open to all immigrants.
New: Even though borders exist, people are allowed to immigrate with no restrictions.
Closed Borders
Old: Your nation is closed to all immigrants.
New: People are not allowed to immigrate.
Secured Borders
Old: Your nation checks all immigrants before they enter your borders.
New: Access is carefully monitored in order to prevent unwanted people from coming in and to verify if goods are being properly tariffed.
Skilled Workers
Old: Your nation is closed to all immigrants except for Skilled Workers.
New: Accepting immigrants that are knowledgeable or that demonstrate skill in a particular craft.
Virtual Citizenship (was Digital Citizenship)
Old: Citizenship not tied to physical location
New: People from across the world are now able to become citizens and work for the nation without ever needing to be inside physical territory.
Interstellar (was Interstellar Migration)
Old: Allow ET to immigrate
New: The immigration of different extraterrestrial lifeforms is commonplace.
Old: Transcend physical borders
New: The ability to assume non-corporeal forms have made physical borders irrelevant.
Hunter-Gathering (was No Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has no agricultural system.
New: People feed themselves through foraging and hunting.
Smallholding (was Subsistence Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses subsistence for their agricultural system.
New: A mixture of cash crops and subsistence farming support a single family.
Agricultural Guilds
Old: Your nation has uses guilds for their agricultural system.
New: The agricultural sector is dominated by associations of farm-owning individuals.
Private Owned (was Privatized Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses privatization for their agricultural system.
New: Groups and individuals are able to buy and sell plots of land dedicated to agriculture.
Incentivized (was Subsidized Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses subsidization for their agricultural system.
New: Crops considered unprofitable are kept in circulation by subsidizing private farmers and agribusinesses.
Corporate Owned (was Corporate Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses corporations for their agricultural system.
New: Agribusinesses monopolize all agricultural production.
State Owned (was State-Run Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses state-run for their agricultural system.
New: A central authority has control over what farmlands produce.
Organic Farming (was Green Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses green for their agricultural system.
New: By using naturally occurring pesticides and fertilizers farms are able to pollute less and give healthier products, though this comes with the cost of decreasing their output.
Lab-Grown Food (was Synthetic Agriculture)
Old: Grow algae for food
New: Mass-produced synthetic food replaces the need for land-based agriculture.
Nutrient Replication (was Food Replication)
Old: Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
New: Subatomic particles are quickly rearranged to form food.
I suppose I could try coming up with some text in order to fill the missing lore. Feel free to comment on suggestions or remarks if there is something you don't agree on.
Changes to civic availability:
- The welfare civic Eco-Friendly (was Paradise) is to be unlocked later with Environmental Economics (was Ecological Engineering).
- The economy civic Subsistence is to be unlocked earlier with Hunting (was Pottery).
- The education civic Propaganda is to be unlocked a bit earlier with Propaganda (was Fascism).
- The rule civic Mind Control is to be unlocked later with Simulated Reality (was Cybernetics).
- The workforce (was labor) civic Centralized (was Centralized Labor) is to be unlocked later with Management (was Marxism).
- The education civic Instant (was Instant Education) is to be unlocked later with Knowledge Mercantilism (was Mind Uploading).
- The agriculture civic Corporate Owned (was Corporate Agriculture) is to be unlocked later with Agricultural Engineering (was Corporation). The Megafarm building that this civic unlocks was also moved.
- The military civic Starfaring (was Omni Imperialism) is to be unlocked much earlier with Astroimperialism (was Cosmic Warfare).
- The immigration civic Secured Borders is to be unlocked earlier with Foreign Policy (was Applied Economics).
- The immigration civic Skilled Workers is to be unlocked a bit later with Globalization (was Applied Economics).
- The education civic Xenosemiotic (was Xenosemiotics) is to be unlocked later with Species Amalgamation (was Xeno Diplomacy)
- The immigration civic Interstellar (was Interstellar Migration) is to be unlocked earllier with Xenodiplomacy (was Species Amalgamation)
Spoiler :
Old: Your nation doesn't have a form of government.
New: Informal associations of people replace the need for a government.
Old: Government Civic : Chiefdom
New: Small clans with varying degrees of kinship periodically come together to act on issues.
Old: Government Civic : Despotism
New: A single individual guides the nation with unrestricted absolute power.
Old: Government Civic : Hereditary Rule (Monarchy)
New: A system where rule of the country passes from monarch to heir, whose method of succession, division of power, and role can vary considerably.
Old: .
New: Representatives who may or may not be elected and whose leadership is nonhereditary lead the nation.
Old: Civic : Theocracy
New: Religious leaders act on behalf of their deity or deities.
Old: .
New: The general public governs itself through the election of representatives or directly by referendum.
Old: The government control's every aspect of society.
New: An extreme degree of control exists over people's public and private lives.
Old: .
New: A consortium of qualified and knowledgeable specialists oversee the civilization.
Gestalt Mind (was Noocracy)
Old: Collective Rule
New: A single interlinked consciousness comprised by every individual that is biological, mechanical, or even psychic in nature.
Old: Rule by an immortal elite
New: An extremely old and experienced immortal elite guide the civilization with wisdom.
Galactic Federation
Old: A loose confederation of star systems.
New: A decentralized federation made up of independent star systems.
Universal Empire (was Intergalactic Empire)
Old: An empire across galaxies.
New: Faster-than-light communications and travel allows a central authority to manifests itself across the entire universe.
Spoiler :
Old: Most primitive way to rule the population.
New: Order is maintained by being obedient to the highest ranking individuals, the alphas.
City States
Old: Cities have their own governments.
New: Cities rule independently, where each has their own set of laws, customs, and traditions.
Old: Power!
New: An appointed officer with judicial and executive powers dictates what is and isn't lawful.
Old: Meritocracy is when members of the government are chosen based solely on their abilities to exercise civil responsibilities
New: Selecting leaders based on their past performances and achievements.
Old: Power Civic : Bureaucracy
New: A unitary system where most or all decision making comes from a central authority.
Old: Power Civic : Vassalage
New: A mutual relationship exists between overlords and vassals, where the former assures safety and lands and the latter promises support and tribute.
Old: The government is a loose collection of cities and states.
New: Self-governing states work together towards a common military, economical, or social goal.
Federalism (was Federal)
Old: .
New: Semi-autonomous states follow the laws and guidelines put forth by a central authority.
Martial Law
Old: Martial Law is when, due to extreme circumstances, the government runs society to keep it "orderly".
New: Direct military control is imposed over normal civilian functions in an attempt to stabilize the nation, often in response to emergencies or major disasters.
Old: Big Brother is watching you.
New: Indirect control of the nation through mass surveillance, where the powers that be know everything about each individual.
Old: Multiple virtual states
New: People join virtual states that are in accordance to their opinions and ideals.
Machine Rule
Old: Rule by artificial intelligence
New: The people follow the directives put forth by a superintelligent AI.
Mind Control
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through mind control.
New: A permanent state of subservience is instilled on the population and individuality might be non-existent.
Societal Molding (was Engineered Society)
Old: Highly social engineered society
New: Cohesion is maintained by imbuing specific ideas and aspirations on the population through the use of technology and highly advanced social engineering.
Phronesis (was Programmed Morality)
Old: Morality is programmed into all aspects of society.
New: A nation run according to lofty values like prudence and mindfulness, where being moral is the most virtuous quality one can have.
Spoiler :
Old: Strong take from weak.
New: The strongest dictate the rules.
Old: Honor thy mother.
New: Females dominate all positions of power.
Old: Honor thy father.
New: Males dominate all positions of power.
Old: .
New: The highest ranking military officers are the ones who are calling the shots.
Old: Power!
New: The ones in power are those who own or control the land.
Old: Power!
New: The authority to legislate, execute, and sometimes judge is concentrated in the hands of a gathering of individuals that have different political leanings.
Divine Right
Old: Your power comes from heaven.
New: Power is recognized in whoever "successfully" claims to be favored by the god or gods.
Separated (was Separation of Powers)
Old: Power!
New: The abuse and tyranny that come from having supreme authority is unacceptable and so power is divided into different independent branches.
Single Party
Old: Power!
New: Inefficiencies caused by dissidence can be curtailed by vesting power into a single political entity.
Old: Rule by money.
New: Assets and economic capital are the hallmarks of power.
Old: Decentralized protocols
New: Information and knowledge are some of the greater sought out items and whoever has the most is considered to be in power.
Old: Computation is power.
New: The difficulty of finding new discoveries is something that increases exponentially and so power is recognized in whoever can calculate or compute the most.
Spoiler :
Old: Soldiers are unorganized commonfolk.
New: Civilians independently take up arms in the eventuality of conflict.
Old: Soldiers are organized bandits.
New: Outlaws carry out military actions, usually as a sentence.
Tribal Warfare
Old: All the young men are ready to punish the other tribe!
New: War as a way to train the younger generation.
Old: .
New: A military force is maintained through the compulsory enlistment of civilians.
Old: Soldiers are hired professionals.
New: Paying soldiers who may or may not have an allegiance to the nation.
Old: Military Civic : Pacifism
New: Expenditures meant for war are instead redirected towards improving culture and inspiring great people.
Vassal Levies (was Vassalage)
Old: .
New: Vassals maintain a military force which is provided to the overlord in times of need.
Voluntary (was Volunteer Army)
Old: .
New: Civilians volunteer into the armed forces and are given additional benefits for the time spent in service.
Robotic (was Unmanned Warfare)
Old: .
New: Widespread use of remote controlled and robotic equipment as a way to reduce the number of friendly casualties.
Cloned (was Cloning)
Old: You clone the vast majority of your nations military.
New: Genetically enhanced clone soldiers defend the nation.
Old: Conquer the entire universe!
New: Space battles and orbital strikes are the factors that decide who wins or loses a war.
Time Drafting
Old: Travel through time recruiting the best warriors.
New: Using time travel to staff the army with the fittest warriors and most skilled officers from throughout past and future.
Old: Conquer the entire multiverse!
New: Powerful eldritch entities with unmeasurable power battle across infinite realities.
Spoiler :
Old: Your nation doesn't have a form of religion or spirituality.
New: This civilization lacks (or refuses) the concept of religion and spirituality.
Old: .
New: Countless forms of popular beliefs and traditions exist in the place of organized religions.
Divine Cult
Old: .
New: The leader or leaders are worshiped as if they were living manifestations of their god or gods.
Old: .
New: Individuals regarded as being in contact with divine beings periodically introduce new religions to the people.
State Church
Old: .
New: The church and the state are usually headed by the same people.
Free Church
Old: .
New: There is a promoted religion but it is kept independent from the state.
Inquisitorial (was Intolerant)
Old: .
New: Religious beliefs beyond the accepted one are shunned and actively eradicated.
Old: .
New: Everyone has the freedom to follow the religion they want.
Antireligion (was Anti Religion)
Old: Anti Religion increases taxes and science in all cities and all specialists get +1 culture. Government doesn't allow state religion and religions are not allowed to spread to your cities.
New: Religious worship is forbidden in public and private places.
Neo-Syncretism (was Syncretism)
Old: Syncretism is a system of thought that attempts to unify religious, scientific, political, and philosophical thought into a coherent whole.
New: A unified belief developed from the amalgamation of religion, science, politics, and philosophy exists in the place of religion.
Cosmic Enlightening (was Cosmic)
Old: Cosmic Destiny
New: Alien interactions coupled with millennia of philosophical and scientific progress have birthed a new style of religion where its practitioners believe it is objectively and intrinsically useful to all forms of life.
Apotheosis (was Divinity)
Old: Become gods
New: Become the literal gods of less developed civilizations.
Spoiler :
Old: Your nation's society is in its most primitive form.
New: The people are primal and savage, barely different from non-sentient animals.
Old: .
New: Blood relations are very important as clans are formed based on how close people are with one other.
Caste System
Old: Decreases great people birth rate and culture in cities and causes unhappiness in largest cities; Increases Farm and Fishing boat food production; Increases Mine, Lumbermill and Quarry production; Increases Plantation, Camp and Silk Farm gold production.
New: The people are divided into different social classes based on parentage.
Old: .
New: A class of educated and wealthy people has formed inside the bigger cities and society has adapted around fulfilling their needs.
Old: .
New: The working class has attained sufficient rights so as to influence the society to a high degree.
Old: .
New: The society is structured around accords derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor.
Old: .
New: Equality is paramount as all people are considered to be of equal worth.
Old: .
New: A passion exists for the homeland and its culture, language, and common ancestry.
Old: .
New: A classless society whose ambition is meeting the needs of everyone.
Old: Your nation is now a corporation.
New: Corporations form the basis of society, where people are organized into industrial and professional groups since birth.
Biological Castes
Old: Castes based on biology
New: Genetic engineering coupled with cybernetic augmentations have segregated society into different classes based on mental and physical abilities.
Old: Post-material society
New: A pure information society whose members can be physical, digital, or incorporeal.
Spoiler :
Old: Your nation doesn't have a a sense of property or wealth.
New: This civilization lacks (or refuses) the concept of property or wealth.
Old: Your nation has uses subsistence for their agricultural system.
New: The only goods a person has access to are the ones they find while foraging or hunting.
Bartering (was Barter)
Old: Use Barter to boost your early economy.
New: Exchanging goods for other goods of perceived equal value.
Marketplaces (was Trade)
Old: Gives another trade route, gives best bonus to trade.
New: A wide variety of goods can be found within specific locations intended for trade.
Old: .
New: Artisans and merchants inside a particular craft or trade have associated together in order to protect their common interests.
Old: Free specialist in each city but no foreign trade routes; +10% hammers and +10% gold but -10% scientific research in all cities
New: Maximizing trade surpluses through the taxation of foreign imports and by promoting the exploitation of domestic resources.
Free Market
Old: .
New: The forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention.
Old: .
New: The economy is maintained by corporations subordinate to those in power, each representing different interest groups.
Old: .
New: All goods are allocated in accordance to nation-wide economic plans.
Old: .
New: A body with powers of enforcement regulate the economy with the intent to protect it from perceived abuses.
Old: Economy Civic : Environmentalism (Green)
New: The economy is geared towards maintaining a sustainable development without degrading the environment, even if that means forfeiting profit or productivity.
Old: Elimination of all human want
New: Materials can be produced and provided very cheaply or even freely.
Old: Economy spans dimensions.
New: Managing an economy that stretches across different realities, from past to present to future, have rendered previous economic models obsolete.
Spoiler :
Old: .
New: Welfare is non-existent and downtrodden people must resort to stealing or even killing in order to supply themselves and their families with essential goods.
Old: Charity gives +1 happiness from Granary and Modern Granary and increases health from Healer's Hut, Doctor's Office and Bazaar.
New: Unfortunate individuals rely on the charitable nature of people to receive help.
Old: Church increases health by 1 in all cities and every religions' Monastery will increase city's health by 1. Improvements upgrade faster and cities with state religion can construct buildings faster.
New: Religious institutions assure sanctuary and basic care to people in need thanks to tithes collected from the devout population.
Public Works
Old: .
New: Anyone in need can earn a living wage by applying to be part of the government-sponsored workforce responsible for constructing infrastructures that benefit the community.
Philanthropic (was Private)
Old: State sponsored charity
New: Some individuals inside the wealthier echelons of society donate to private foundations that assist the poor and needy.
Subsidized (was Subsidized)
Old: Welfare Civic : Subsidized
New: Institutions that provide social security are subsidized through the use of taxpayer money.
Privatized (was Corporate)
Old: Corporatist increases maintenance costs from number of cities by 25% but corporations maintenance costs are reduced by 35%. Increases health by 3 and science by 15% in all cities but causes unhappiness in largest cities. Corporation buildings are cheaper to build.
New: Vouchers are granted to those in need of welfare as private enterprises specialized in providing healthcare, education, and employment are ubiquitous.
Old: .
New: A welfare state is maintained where free education, housing, universal healthcare, and generous unemployment benefits or pensions are provided to everyone in need.
Eco-Friendly (was Paradise)
Old: .
New: A careful balance between economics and ecological sustainability, where a welfare state can be maintained while also preserving nature and its resources.
Old: .
New: The democratization of human enhancement techniques to the masses have allowed people to become stronger, smarter, and enjoy much longer lives free of diseases.
Cornucopia (was Abundance)
Old: Abundant Resources
New: The mass replication of goods have allowed untold levels of prosperity as everyone has the satisfaction of having nearly anything whenever they need.
Eudaimonia (was Utility Maximization)
Old: Abundant Resources
New: It does not matter how difficult nor how costly it is, what matters the most is for everyone to experience true and complete happiness.
Spoiler :
None (was No Currency)
Old: Your citizens have no form of currency.
New: This civilization lacks (or refuses) the concept of money.
Old: Your people value precious metals as a standard of trading.
New: Goods can be bought and sold through the exchange of precious metals.
Old: .
New: Precious metals are melted into small, flat pieces that are standardized in weight.
Certified (was Banknote)
Old: Bank's issue notes which make up your currency.
New: Banks facilitate trade by allowing merchants to use a certified instrument that guarantees the payout of money once a payee goes to a bank to reclaim it.
Paper Money
Old: Your country prints your nations currency on cheap paper.
New: Money is printed in large quantities, replacing the need to carry heavy coins or to visit a bank.
Gold Standard
Old: Gold is used to back up your currency.
New: The standard economic unit from which all circulating currency are derived from is gold, where it is usually hoarded inside secure vaults.
Fiat Money (was FIAT Currency)
Old: Combination of paper and cheap metals make up your currency.
New: A currency which is without intrinsic value that circulates in the form of coins and paper money.
Old: The citizens of your nation can buy products on credit.
New: Transactions are made on the promise to pay at a later date which replaces the need to carry physical money.
Old: People buy products on a digitallized trading program.
New: Through the use of computer networks it is possible to have an entirely digital currency that allows for instantaneous transactions.
Old: Transcend Money
New: Although still present, the blessing of having nearly anything for very cheap means that money no longer has the same importance it once had.
Old: Energy as money
New: While material goods can be obtained for cheap their throughput is still limited by the amount of available energy.
Old: Knowledge as money
New: After reaching a point where there is free, near limitless energy the only real constraint is finding out other ways for this energy to be utilized.
Workforce (was Labor)
Spoiler :
Unorganized (was Unorganized Labor)
Old: Your nations labor is unorganized and without direction.
New: The labor force is not divided and everyone does a little bit of everything.
Communal (was Community Labor)
Old: The community of your population assigns labor, based on peoples skill.
New: People are able to have steady jobs that benefit the community, like being the village butcher or hunter.
Specialized (was Skilled Labor)
Old: Your work force create products that others buy from them.
New: Artisans and laborers gain a lifetime of experience by specializing into a specific craft.
Serfdom (was Serf Labor)
Old: Workers build improvements faster; +20% hammers but -10% scientific research and -10% culture in all cities
New: Bounded to a specific plot of land from which they cannot leave, serfs are considered to be property of the landowner.
Capitalist (was Capitalist Labor)
Old: Your work force has organized themselves into corporations to make the most capital.
New: Individuals choose who they want to work for and in return receive payment for their services.
Collectivist (was Socialized Labor)
Old: Your population makes use of Labor Unions and gives much power to the Proletariat.
New: Those who are not interested in working in the public sector can join one of the many cooperatives whose revenue is divided between all members.
Centralized (was Centralized Labor)
Old: Labor is owned by the state.
New: A central authority oversees where and what each person will do.
Automated (was Post-Labor)
Old: .
New: People can enjoy entire lives free of work as most tasks are now performed by non-sentient autonomous machines.
Engineered (was Engineered Labor)
Old: Engineered labor castes
New: The workforce is comprised almost exclusively of factory-built androids or lab-grown humanoids.
Hyperintelligent (was Hyperintelligent Labor)
Old: Labor by hyperintelligent beings
New: Entities with god-like intellect and abilities are willed into doing all the work.
Spoiler :
Old: Allows blissful wallowing
New: Whatever knowledge or wisdom someone gained during their lives is lost once they die.
Oral Tradition
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through telling stories.
New: Knowledge is transmitted through the use of stories and songs.
Written Tradition
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through written stories.
New: Records of previous facts are kept in writing, of which the few who are literate are able to read.
Martial (was Military Tradition)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through military tradations.
New: Children are trained under a rigorous program by veteran warriors made to produce strong and capable fighters.
Religious (was Religious Training)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through relgious dogma.
New: Various oral and written beliefs, doctrines, rituals, and customs are memorized by the populace who devotedly transmit them to the next generation.
Old: One bound by indenture to serve another for a prescribed period with a view to learning an art or trade. Add's 25% to the Great People's growth rate, allows unlimited engineers
New: People are educated from an early age the ways of practicing a specific craft by their parents or teachers.
Corporate (was Corporate Education)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through commercialism and consumerism.
New: Employers provide new hires a business-oriented education where some classes are related to the specificities of being a productive worker.
Compulsory (was Compulsory Education)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through repetition and memorization.
New: All children are required to have a proper education and so several schools are built in order to meet that demand.
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through propaganda.
New: Influencing people to be in favor of specific political causes.
Online (was E-Education)
Old: Your nation passes knowledge to the next generation through the internet.
New: People learn remotely through various web courses.
Fast (was Rapid Education)
Old: Allows your people to download knowledge directly into their minds.
New: Brain implants allow people to access and quickly memorize information from a variety of different online databases.
Instant (was Instant Education)
Old: All collective knowledge is shared directly into minds of the nation.
New: The sum of human knowledge is saved inside advanced cybernetics dedicated to data storage.
Omniscience (was Universal Knowledge)
Old: Know everything.
New: Individuals have complete knowledge about the whole universe, past and present.
Spoiler :
Nonverbal (was No Language)
Old: Your nation has speaks in grunts and gestures.
New: A lack of language makes complex communication an impossible task.
Native Language
Old: Your nation has its own unique language.
New: A language exists but it is very difficult for foreigners to understand it.
Trade Language
Old: Your nation has developed a simplified language when communicating with other nations.
New: A simplified but mutually understood language made to facilitate trade with non-natives.
Old: Your nation uses Interpreters when communcating with other nations.
New: Individuals versed in two or more languages are able to act as translators between nations.
Codified (was Language Education)
Old: Language education is the teaching and learning of a foreign or second language. Language education is a branch of applied linguistics.
New: An effort was made to standardize the language inside the nation into a more logical format that is easier to learn.
World Language
Old: One global language that everyone speaks.
New: The ever growing interconnectivity between nations have allowed for a lingua franca to emerge which almost everyone understands.
Universal Translator
Old: Your nation uses a Universal Translator to communcate with any language.
New: A device allows for almost real-time communications with someone who speaks another language.
Telepathic (was Telepathy)
Old: Communicating directly from mind to mind.
New: Information is directly transmitted into the minds of others.
Xenosemiotic (was Xenosemiotics)
Old: Interstellar communication via semiotics
New: Instantaneous conveying of complex ideas, emotions, and experiences to any sentient lifeform.
Spoiler :
Everywhere (was Garbage Anywhere)
Old: Toss garbage on the ground.
New: Either from a lack of knowledge or by feelings of apathy, garbage is not removed and instead piles up everywhere.
Burned (was Burn Garbage)
Old: Burn trash into ashes.
New: Waste is incinerated through the use of fire.
Thrown into Water (was Waste to Sea)
Old: Toss garbage into the sea.
New: Trash is dumped into bodies of water in an attempt to avoid polluting the air with smoke.
Old: Toss garbage into the sea.
New: Junk is collected and placed inside dedicated places.
Exported (was Waste Exportation)
Old: Send trash to other nations.
New: Other nations "agree" to take our waste.
Imported (was Waste Importation)
Old: Get trash from other nations.
New: Accepting trash from other places as a way to get an additional revenue source.
Waste to Energy
Old: Send trash to be converted into energy.
New: Factories burn garbage and convert it into usable energy.
Recycled (was Recycling)
Old: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
New: Waste is re-converted into new materials and objects.
Off-Planet Dumping
Old: Send trash to outer-space.
New: Trash is either sent to uninhabited worlds or simply thrown into stars and black holes.
Atomized (was Atomize Trash)
Old: Atomize Trash
New: Waste is broken down into very fine particles.
Dematerialized (was Dematerialization)
Old: Dematerialize Trash
New: Trash is sent into another dimension.
Spoiler :
Borderless (was No Borders)
Old: Your nation has no offical borders.
New: There are no official borders and people come and go as they please.
Open Borders
Old: Your nation is open to all immigrants.
New: Even though borders exist, people are allowed to immigrate with no restrictions.
Closed Borders
Old: Your nation is closed to all immigrants.
New: People are not allowed to immigrate.
Secured Borders
Old: Your nation checks all immigrants before they enter your borders.
New: Access is carefully monitored in order to prevent unwanted people from coming in and to verify if goods are being properly tariffed.
Skilled Workers
Old: Your nation is closed to all immigrants except for Skilled Workers.
New: Accepting immigrants that are knowledgeable or that demonstrate skill in a particular craft.
Virtual Citizenship (was Digital Citizenship)
Old: Citizenship not tied to physical location
New: People from across the world are now able to become citizens and work for the nation without ever needing to be inside physical territory.
Interstellar (was Interstellar Migration)
Old: Allow ET to immigrate
New: The immigration of different extraterrestrial lifeforms is commonplace.
Old: Transcend physical borders
New: The ability to assume non-corporeal forms have made physical borders irrelevant.
Spoiler :
Hunter-Gathering (was No Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has no agricultural system.
New: People feed themselves through foraging and hunting.
Smallholding (was Subsistence Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses subsistence for their agricultural system.
New: A mixture of cash crops and subsistence farming support a single family.
Agricultural Guilds
Old: Your nation has uses guilds for their agricultural system.
New: The agricultural sector is dominated by associations of farm-owning individuals.
Private Owned (was Privatized Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses privatization for their agricultural system.
New: Groups and individuals are able to buy and sell plots of land dedicated to agriculture.
Incentivized (was Subsidized Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses subsidization for their agricultural system.
New: Crops considered unprofitable are kept in circulation by subsidizing private farmers and agribusinesses.
Corporate Owned (was Corporate Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses corporations for their agricultural system.
New: Agribusinesses monopolize all agricultural production.
State Owned (was State-Run Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses state-run for their agricultural system.
New: A central authority has control over what farmlands produce.
Organic Farming (was Green Agriculture)
Old: Your nation has uses green for their agricultural system.
New: By using naturally occurring pesticides and fertilizers farms are able to pollute less and give healthier products, though this comes with the cost of decreasing their output.
Lab-Grown Food (was Synthetic Agriculture)
Old: Grow algae for food
New: Mass-produced synthetic food replaces the need for land-based agriculture.
Nutrient Replication (was Food Replication)
Old: Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
New: Subatomic particles are quickly rearranged to form food.
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