RFC Epic


The Son
Mar 9, 2006
RFC Epic

Latest Version uploaded on :
V: August 25, 2007
W: August 25, 2007
BtS: September 7, 2007

Vanilla: 404!
Warlords: 404!
Beyond the Sword: BtS-1.180~0.20.a2 (UPDATED: FEB 26, 2008)

Spoiler Install Instructions :
Install instructions: Download the latest version and extract it. It comes in a .zip file, so you should not require any extra software. Inside the newly created folder marked RFC_EPIC, there should be a folder marked Rhye's and Fall of Cvilization EPIC. Place this folder into your Civilization 4\mods folder. Start the game, choose load a mod, load Rhye's and Fall of Civilization EPIC from the menu, and enjoy.

Also, if you wish to start up with RFC Epic, create a shortcut to Civ 4 on your desktop or whatever folder you would like, and put mod=mods\Rhye's and Fall of Civilization EPIC after the quotes. It should look like:
"F:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Civilization4.exe" mod="Mods\Rhye's and Fall of Civilization EPIC
Of course substituting in your own install directory.

Like RFC++, the version number consists of two(2) parts, the first x.xxx is the current version of the base RFC this is based off of, the second x.xx is the version number of this mod.

Unlike RFC++, this mod of a mod does not add any truly new content, it just gives you more time to play with all of the holy Rhyeist goodness in normal RFC.

How much more time you ask?
Well, the original turn count of RFC is somewhere around, or possibly exactly 480 turns (provided you actually quit when you hit 2050AD, heh heh, I kid, I kid.:lol:)
How many turns does RFC Epic have? I don't really know, somewhere around 900-1000. I think. And 200 of those are just in the modern era!

About the Balance:
I will warn you however, this version may NOT be balanced. I played through a game as Greece until around the Mongol spawn time, and it seemed balanced, but I can never test all scenarios, that is where YOU (Uncle Sam Again) come into play.

I am requesting anyone who plays this version to post on this thread any weird things that happen, or just general suggestions for ways to balance it. Currently I have a few ideas I think I might try (one is lowering the unit costs) however I will need input on whether or not these changes are good.

Current Balance Problems:

Barbarian Spawn Is Too Intense (consider yourself lucky, in the first version which I did not release, Barbarians still spawned at the same rate as normal RFC, but had twice as much time to spawn in, and you could only build half as many units in that time.)

Stability Problems (have hopefully been fixed enough with the latest version that the mod is playable. I will need feedback about this as I have little to no time to test the mod personally)

Tech costs (It has been suggested that tech is progressing too quickly. I have not seen this, however I also have not played much, if it becomes a horrible balance problem it will be fixed, however I am currently focusing on the Stability and Barbarians problems.)

I may shift the current timeline progression eventually. I want to extend the ancient age even further, but I will need dedicated or at least interested testers before I can even think of doing this efficiently.

Have Fun!
However, all of this is a bit of a mute point right now, I don't want you to work. I want you to have fun! (and possibly do a little work on the side). So with that, I bid you good gaming, and Rhye Speed to you all.
Modern era doesn't seem to work (it advances of one year: spring 1971, summer 1972, etc.)
BTW, in case you make it work, CIV4BasicInfos.xml contains seasons infos. You could delete spring and fall from there and have 2 seasons, so that it'll work exactly as 2X.
I'd also suggest to hide season name until the gameturn where you start counting 0 years, and to readd my tweak in setDateStrPlayer() for hiding the year in the save string.
All good ideas, I edited out your era tweak from the saves so I could easily check what year it was for balancing purposes. I fully intend to return it once I feel it is balanced.

Now then, its not advancing by seasons in the modern era? I'll look into that definately, also, if I can lower it to two seasons per year that would be good, thanks i hadn't looked at basic infos.

Update: I think I have the solution, got it to advance by years, sort of...
I will hopefully have a new version up by tomorrow at the latest.
I'm going to wait until you post the new version before I playtest but I wanted to say I think this is an awesome and I thank you for all your hard work.
I will definently give the warlords version a try when you post it.

Okay, both versions work now, I've tested them, and although I did NOT in fact get to the modern age on any of them, I have tested the code extensively and am now completely Sure that the calendar switches from yearly or more to seasonally at 1974. IE: I edited the scenario to start 4 turns before 1974, and watched it switch.

I have decided to keep the seasons even when the years are advancing as they do no real harm, and I haven't yet figured out how to remove them, if there is a great dislike of them I will remove them, providing I figure out how, but right now I doubt it will be an issue.

Furthermore I have changed it so there are only Summer and Winter seasons, so the modern age should not be distorted come 1974, thanks for the tip Rhye ;)

Have fun!

P.S. I tested it, and the Roman UHV is now quite possible if you know what you are doing.
I have decided to keep the seasons even when the years are advancing as they do no real harm, and I haven't yet figured out how to remove them, if there is a great dislike of them I will remove them, providing I figure out how, but right now I doubt it will be an issue.

Isn't it in CvGameTextManager.cpp::setDateStr() ?
you should add an external if.
If gameturn < turn that corresponds to 1974
paste the inner if-else without the GC.getSeasonInfo stuff
else paste the if-else as it is
Ah yes, thank you Rhye, I see it. Regardless, I don't think I'll release a new version just for that, partly because I am very proud of myself for not hardcoding dates and turns into the work I already did on the Seasonal Calendar, and I would like to continue to do that, but the function I used was completely internal. So It might take me some time to reverse engineer it into the setDateStr() function.

Also I would prefer my next few patches to actually have balance and bug fixes ;)

So, anyone who playse this, please provide some feedback!
Huge :thanx: , Vishang... I'll give it a try.
Huzzah! :banana:

Including the date string change and a small bugfix. Essentially I had not in fact changed the frequency of Congresses. That has now been fixed.

@Rhye, check your Email, I sent the changed files. And thanks for the tip about CvGameTextMgr.cpp, it worked very well, and I was able to keep it dynamic.
Have you by any chance accidentally double the plague duration? Im playing on emperor (which i havent in a while), so that could also be the explanation. Anyway, the plague lasted ~15 turns which, needless to say, was extremely hard on my country.
OK I played a game as Persia. I got ahead in the tech tree to the point where I had Education in 500 AD. Admittedly I was doing extremely well, having conquered Babylon and India and had plenty of time to build cottages and even get Free Religion but still... Might be a problem.
Thanks for the tips, I'll check them out.

What was the rest of the world like at that point in your Persia game KaiserBenjami? Mostly I'm wondering if you were just playing really well.

And yes, I did double the plague duration, I think I will probably need to lower the percent chance for it to kill a unit, and the other effects to make up for that.
I have played abit further today, still the same game - germans on emperor diff. I set plague duration back to 6 turns, 12 turns is imo way to long, atleast with the current kill percentages.
Anyway, it seems that stability is a major issue. Even though i tried to focus hard on it, it seemed impossible to maintain better than shaky stability. Its just as bad for the ai. So far japan, china, india, mongols, persia, egypt, arabia, turkey, rome, france, russia, vikings and possibly babylon and carthage (not entirely sure with those two) have collapsed, and some of them more than once. I have just reached the 19th century btw.
The remaining nations have severe stability issues and my nation will also eventually collapse - im certain that i wont be able to make it to democracy (i dont quite have the tech yet) since im oscillating between shaky and unstable. Could it be that the small stability boost from tech now only occur half as often?
Apart from that, this game was the most fun gaming i had in a while. The extra turns makes emperor diff much more playable, while ofcourse still being a hard challenge. Thanks for taking the time to create this. :) :goodjob:
wow i didnt know you could play civ as far as the 1900th century. tell me, do we make contact with aliens? :mischief:
I've playined with Rome on monarch, warlords, until Spain spawn.
I thought the game was well balanced and enjoyable. 2 small critics though, the barbs pressure is stronger than in RFC, and so is the plague, which means that the combination of both makes it hard to survive. It also is a lot more difficult to hurry construction with slavery.
Thank you Vishaing as many of us wanted a longer game.
How many turns does RFC Epic have? I don't really know, somewhere around 1100. I think.


Man, if I hadn't agreed to MP play this weekend, I would totally sit down and play China to the end.
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