Finally come up with a list, given sedna's proposal for eras.
Eastern Roman (500-1000 AD) ---> Byzantine (1000 AD and so on to the bitter end)
Frankish (500-1000 AD) ---> French (1000 AD and so on)
Burgundian (500 or 850 - is there still debate for the spawn?- to the end)
Arab (620 -1000 AD) ---> Mamluk (1000 AD-the bitter end)
Bulgarian (steady ones, no change)
Cordoban (same as above)
Castillan (720-1500 AD) ---> Spanish (all remaining years)
Norse (780 AD-1
400 AD) --->
Union of Kalmar (1
400 AD-1500 AD) -->
Denmark (1500 AD-end of game)
Venezian (no change too)
no change needed, Crimea was ruled by a Tatar khan, if Kiev wasn't conquered they wouldn't have most likely altered their name
Magyar (900 AD-1000 AD) ---> Hungarian (1000 AD-end of history)
Holy Roman Empire, there was no nation called Germany before 1871, and most likely Germany/HRE will have a bigger area than Prussia controlled
Polish (972 AD-1300 AD) ---> Polish-Lithuanian (
when Poland controls Poland and Lithuania)
Genoan (all timespan)
Muskowan (1000 AD-1500 AD) ---> Russian (
when Muscovy has at least X amount of cities)
English (1066 AD - battle of Hastings as spawn date? - to 1600 AD) ---> British (
when England controls British Isles)
Austrian (1172 AD-1500 AD) ---> Habsburg (1500 AD-1800 AD)
Ottomans (no name change)
Dutch (same as above)
Swedish (same, no time to change name
The suffixes-prefixes are as in post 6 and 8.
Once again-this is not a high priority thread. Any proposals welcome.