I would consider this opinion uninformed. Early, cheap money, especially before access to Courthouses, would allow a large nations to wreak military havoc on their neighbors. With it's military dominance (through accessible credit) later real economic gains would be even more pronounced.
Point taken. I rarely use mercenaries, as I usually value a faster tech rate over a stronger military, but I can see the argument. As mercenaries currently stand, I'd still say it's debatable...
Venice's military actions were a direct result of their aggressive politics. Besides, any gains Venice had relied far more in political maneuvering and
a vast store of wealth than actual military power. Venice relied on Mercenaries, like most Italian states at the time, and was never guaranteed in it's own military power.
Mercenaries, dude. Mercenaries paid for with Italian credit.
After spending much of a 15-hour drive mulling over this set of suggestions, I think that this might be the angle to explore further. Of course, you're right about the reliance on mercenaries; we tried to represent this in the Genoan UP (same as Carthage), but it really fits both city-states. The AI doesn't really take advantage of this power, but this may in part be because the AI doesn't really know how to use mercenaries. As a player, I don't use mercs very often because you can't control where they initially show up, the maintenance costs add up quickly and severely hamper tech progress, and the mercs available are often pretty useless.
But what if we were to change these things? If, rather than having Jute warriors or Celtic chariots, we had Florentine condiotteri, or Bavarian arquebusiers, or Swiss pikemen? If we were able to ensure that the units available in the merc screen were period-appropriate and more militarily useful, and give the player or AI control of where they appeared when hired, the merc system would become a lot more attractive. This also creates a way for us to include/reference some of our minor civs (as in the examples above).
Additionally, to represent the dependence of the Italian city-states and other small civs on mercenaries, I'm going to make the following proposals:
-While running Merchant Republic, you cannot build military units, but can only hire mercenaries. (workers, spies, missionaries, and settlers are exempt.) If you switch into MR from another civic, your existing units take on a maintenance cost equal to that which you would pay if hiring as a mercenary unit.
-To partially offset this increased set of costs and difficulties, Merchant Republic increases the commerce in all cities by a large percentage. Currently it's set at 25%; I'd recommend increasing it.
-Gold trading should be moved up earlier in the tech tree.
-Both Venice and Genoa should start as merchant republics.
-Both Venice and Genoa will need new UPs, and possibly revamped UHVs.
-I'd like to see one UHV goal for both be control of Italy (which would involve conquering or vassalizing the other.)
I'm not sure how difficult these things would be to implement, particularly the reworking of the mercenary system. Still, it seems like that's an area that clearly needs some tuning - and it doesn't seem like the rest of these ideas would be very difficult to code.
What do people think of these ideas?