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[RFC] Rome: Eternal Empire


The most Epic.
May 5, 2011
Not Canada :P
Hey guys, I'm More Epic than You, and this is Let Play Minecra... wait, I'm too used to saying that. :D If you want to see that, head here. http://www.youtube.com/user/MoreEpicThanYou747 Go on, watch my vids! All of them!
*waits 4 hours*
If you actually watched that, than you are officially awesome.
Anyway, I'm going to do Rome RFC... as a n00b. My goal is to stay alive until the 19/20th century, then TAKE OVER TEH WORLD!
Will I fail epicly along the way? Probably.
Will I entertain you guys with those epic failiures? Absolutely!
I will start playing now, expect the first chapter up soon!
Anyone know how to take a screenie on BTS? I tried printscreen, but it just gave me what was behind the full screen.
Will be following. Good luck surviving the barbs, you'll need it :D

Oh, and welcome to teh forums :band: We wont eat you or anything, of course :mischief:
:band::band::band: welcome to the forums :band::band::band:
You know how to take a screenie on BTS? I tried printscreen, but it just gave me what was behind the full screen. :confused:
there is a folder in your computer where screenshots are stored.
The screenshots in Windows XP should be under My Documents -> My Games -> Beyond the Sword -> Screenshot
the prntscrn button. if it still isn't working try asking in the quick questions\answers thread in the civ4 genral forum
Making Rome last to the present day or beyond? I did this once myself, it's not easy. But it's very rewarding. I look forward to seeing how many times you collapse.
MoreEpicThanYou747? :lol:
10 more than Yoshi...

I think this'll be good - judging by the opening post, that is :)
Will be eagerly following this.
And now, the moment you've ALL been waiting for... The first installment of Rome: Eternal Empire... will come in the next 15 minutes. :D Making you get hyped is fun.
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