[RFC] The Rise of the Germanic Peoples


Aug 20, 2010
Restaurant at the End of the Univs.

"What are we going to do today, my Führer?"

"Same thing we do everyday, try to take over the world. "​

After seeing some of the fabulously made stories that exist on this forum, I decided to try to make my own. I shall be attempting to succeed at every German's dream: world domination. :D I shall be going for the UHVs, but the gears of war will not stop until we surpass the domination limit.


The small tribes of Germanic people, that at one point in their existence brought down the Roman Empire, began to band together under the rule of a charimistic leader, Otto the first sometime around 900 AD. The city of Posen, which would later become the German capital, was founded around this time.


Otto made great reforms to the government during his rule, and adopted slavery and a theocratic rule. He also made Christianity the German state religion.



The Germans soon made contact to the Kingdom of the Franks, a civilization located west of the German capital, and the Viking Union, who appeared to be "a ruthless nation full of savages", as described by a German poet who lived in this era.


Soon all of the Germanic tribes were united under Otto's rule, and a large empire was created in central Europe. It was also during this time that a monarchal and vassalage rule was implemented, and Germany came into contact with the rest of the European powers.


Envious of the Germanic claims in central Europe and wishing to demonstrate their naval power, the Viking Union declared war upon Germany. Although the war lasted over 400 years, it was rather quiet; not a single troop fought. It was merely anger and stubbornness that made the war last as long as it has.


The Dutch peoples were more than willing to lend a helping hand to the starving people of Frankfort. It was this act of kindness that started the Dutcho-German alliance, one that would last for hundreds of years.


The German influence on the world was small, but it was at this age that Germany was pronounced the most powerful nation in Europe.


The German's used this new found strength to launch a surprise invasion of about 50,000 men on the Papal State. This came as an insult to the church to many Catholic nations, especially since they were currently electing a new pope. Germany shrugged off these false claims, and continued with the invasion.

The siege of Rome was long and bitter. Much blood was shed as German troops attacked the city walls. After 10 years, General Adelbert Erwin said enough is enough. Seven of the ten main divisions would rush into the broken sector of the ancient city's wall. The remaining divisions would attempt to flank the Roman forces and climb over the walls on the other side of the city. The plan worked, and the city was finally under German occupation.


Erwin turned his attention towards the city of Venice, which too fell to German hands, although it met a bitter end. The city was burned by German forces, and few escaped the city. The overall estimated deaths of the war are numbered as high as 450,000, or a twelve of Europe.


With the new territories gained in Italy, Germany was pronounced "The Holy Roman Empire" and the nation flourished as many a celebration was had.
Great story, but isn't laibach gonna get conquered, judging from the last screenshot.
Great story, but isn't laibach gonna get conquered, judging from the last screenshot.

Those are Byzantines, so unless he DoW'd on them he is fine.

Love the Binky and the Brain quote in the beginning there. You might want to make some more workers.
Those are Byzantines, so unless he DoW'd on them he is fine.

Love the Binky and the Brain quote in the beginning there. You might want to make some more workers.

In RFC, The Byzantines are at always war with everybody.
Great story, but isn't laibach gonna get conquered, judging from the last screenshot.

No, I am not at war with the Byzantines. They're highly advanced, but they can't declare war or build any settlers. But as soon as you take Istanbul, even if it's just for one turn, they will colapse. It's better to do that earlier rather than later, they already discovered liberalism and economics. You don't want them to get Physics, Communism, or Fascism and get the free great people.
No, I am not at war with the Byzantines. They're highly advanced, but they can't declare war or build any settlers. But as soon as you take Istanbul, even if it's just for one turn, they will colapse. It's better to do that earlier rather than later, they already discovered liberalism and economics. You don't want them to get Physics, Communism, or Fascism and get the free great people.

I play RFC, and in it byzantines are at war against everyone, so are you playing a mod-mod or what?
I play RFC, and in it byzantines are at war against everyone, so are you playing a mod-mod or what?

I'm playing a non-updated version that came with BTS, due to the fact that I have a mac. Maybe that's it, but I'm pretty sure that only you can declare war on Byzantium. :dunno:

Update tomorrow. Been busy today, but I have played up to 1500.
I'm fairly sure that you're not at war with byzantium: look at the Cataphract; it doesn't have the red circle underneath it that denotes "enemy".
I havent played RFC that much, but since when can you attack independants?
Right-click on their territory. A message saying, "Would you like to declare war?" should pop up.

EDIT: I'm sorry about not getting an update today. A lot of unexpected things came up and took all the energy out of me, plus getting a cold didn't help. But I don't want this story to die. I'll make sure that I get an update tomorrow, for realzies ;)
I never knew that. Ruined RFC for me. Thanks for the answer bobby
Yeah, on it's own. But when Marseille could work the wheat and stone, Rome could work the marble and wine, and Laibach could work the two hills. Not a single tile in it's BFC is working a tile a tile unreachable by any other city; it would just get in the way.

EDIT: :ninja:
I'm playing a non-updated version that came with BTS, due to the fact that I have a mac. Maybe that's it, but I'm pretty sure that only you can declare war on Byzantium. :dunno:

Update tomorrow. Been busy today, but I have played up to 1500.

I play the non-updated version on a PC and Byzantium is in always war with everybody. So, maybe the PC and Mac versions are different by default.

Anyways, Great story.:goodjob:
Anyways, Great story.:goodjob:

Thanks :goodjob:

Knowing that competition for Eastern Europe was high, several German settling parties were ordered by the German government to settle the lands of the Ukraine before the Russians.


This year also marked the date that the plague spread to the German city of Frankfort.


The Turkish civilization came into contact with Germany sometime around this era.


The Russians took the aggressive German expansion into Eastern Europe as a threat, and used this as an excuse to declare war.


Despite the recent declaration of war, the city of Rome produced something of less violent intentions, the Moai Statues.


Due to the recent plague, the two German settlements in Eastern Europe were undefended and new reinforcements were en route. This gap allowed a single division of Russian horse archers to swoop down from the north and raze the two cities to the ground, killing thousands of innocent German civilians. The Russians honored the act of violence as a heroism and bravery, and showered the troops with gifts and medals when they returned home.



The Russians were confident that the mission in Germany was now accomplished, and most of their troops returned home. The Germans however knew fully well that the war has just begun, and started drafting troops in most of their cities.

Meanwhile, a spiritual leader in Rome started to gain national attention. He was pronounced a saint in 1500, just 5 years after his death.


A trade ship bound from the Malinese Empire came into contact with German officials sometime around the year 1500. Negotiations were established, and German merchants offered to trade their supplies of iron in exchange for ivory. Mali accepted the deal, and new trade routes were formed of the west coast of Africa.


With most German resources being used up in the war with the Russians, Germany was more than willing to sign a white peace treaty with the Vikings.


After a long, bloody struggle, offensive Russian troops were defeated in the battle Riga. Most historians mark this battle as the turning point of the war.


Two Thirds of the German army were ordered to gather at Russian border. General Brunhile Ekkeheard ordered his troops to march into Russian territory and take the city of St. Petersburg, the largest and most populous Russian city. "The journey ahead of you will be difficult. The winter is cold, the march is long, and many of you will not make it alive. But I have faith in you. The German army will no longer be something that is mocked, but something that is feared." And so the march began. The winter was indeed cold, supplies ran low, and many troops died to disease. There was no time to bury the dead, so their decaying bodies were left on the road. Many young soldiers did not make it to St. Petersburg, but those who did fought long and hard.


When the German army reached the city, the cannon divisions were the first to enter, followed by the musketmen, and finally the war elephants imported from Mali. The battle continued late into the night, and by morning the city was in German hands.



The Russians, after seeing the lose of St. Petersburg, were finally willing to negotiate a peace treaty.


The two nations were once again at peace.

Spoiler :
You guys have no idea how much of a pain it was to upload all of these pictures. :wallbash:
No update today, although I did play a little ahead and am now up to 1800. The person who could guess some of the surprising stuff that happened wins a free cookie! Comments are appreciated, they keep me motivated.
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