Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization Expanded
for BOTH Vanilla AND Warlords Civ 4 Rhye's and Fall of Civilization!
Currently at V.1.95-1.25 and W.1.46-0.10 and W.1.46-0.10-IDW
Vanilla.1.97-1.20: SHAZAM!
Warlords.1.47-0.10: HUZZAH!
Warlords.1.46-0.10 (Just Influence Driven War): HOODY-HOO! (NOT Yet Updated)
NOTE: when downloading, both the Vanilla and Warlords .zip files have the SAME NAME. Once unzipped they will STILL have the same name. Differentiate between the two with the standard power and chain rules. Or possibly by the RFC++ Readme file located inside the folder. Be aware however, that if you unzip both files into the same folder they WILL OVERWRITE EACH OTHER.
The NEW Install Instructions:
To Install this mod, all you need to do is extrect the file, and copy and paste the SECOND folder called RFC++ (NOT RFC, and NOT the RFC++ Folder immediately inside the RFC Folder, for some reason FileFront added a RFC Folder, I don't know why) into your Civilization 4\Mods Directory, (In your Mods Folder you should have a folder called RFC++, and imediately inside that folder you should have a folder marked Assets, another marked PrivateMaps, and a whole bunch of .ini files!. Then start Civ 4, go to advanced, Load a Mod, and Load RFC++! Its that Easy, plus, if you call now, you'll win, A BRAND NEW CAR!!
Okay, I lied about the car.
also alternatively to using the 'load a mod' menu in cIV, you can make a copy of your cIV shortcut (not the executable that launches the game, a shortcut that points to that executable), open the 'properties' of the shortcut, and put mod="Mods\RFC++ on the end of the field marked 'target' AFTER the quotes that are around the address. YOu can also do this for normal RFC, by putting mod="Mods\Rhye's and Fall of Civilization. Then, when ever you start cIV using that shortcut, it will start the game in RFC++ automatically.
Story at Eleven
These are the civic ideas I have right now:
I decided to try going to 6 civics per category, since there will be 6 categories, this should preserve the square (6X6, instead of a 6X5 rectangle) also I had a little trouble condensing some of the categories into less than 6 options. Particularly labor.
Links to other civics threads:
Ideas for Civic changes
An idea for expanding civics ... with matter!
New civic system?
*** Denotes civic Category being actively discussed
Despotism: (starting civic, upkeep: None, Stability: Yeah Right)
No Effects:
Oligarchy: (tech Priesthood: upkeep: low, Stability: +10/-80 "Stable")
+50% commerce, hammers and great person points in capital, +1 culture from Courthouse
Hereditary Rule: (tech: monarchy upkeep: low, Stability: +15/-50 "Very Stable")
+1 happiness per military unit in a city
Absolute Monarchy: (tech: Divine Right, Upkeep: middle, Stability: +25/-50 "Extremely Stable")
+25% culture in all cities, +2 culture from palace, and +25% millitary production in capitol
Totalitarianism: (tech: nationalism upkeep: middle, Stability: +20/-10 "Extremely Stable")
+20% mil. production, +1 happiness from Broadcast Tower(propaganda), +1 happiness with jail.
Representation: (tech: Democracy upkeep : high, Stability: +5/-90 "Affords fragile stability)
+50% War Weariness, +1 commerce per specialist (From Representation, beakers changed to gold however because ultimately whether or not the science gets done depends on whether or not the Government is willing to pay for it), Happiness Penalty for civs without, +1 health in all cities
Tribalism: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No Effects:
Bureaucracy (tech: Writing, upkeep: Medium)
+1 happiness / culture with courthouse, +1 happiness with Granary, +1 happiness with Academy (that's a lot of happiness, will really help in the early game period, but I feel there should be another bonus and some penalty. I think the +5% commerce with grocer and market might be a good bonus, but I can't think of a good malus.
Caste System: (tech: Code of Laws, Upkeep: Low)
+2 free specialist, -50% great person births
Vassalage: (tech: Feudalism, upkeep; High)
New Units receive +2 Experience Points. +5 free units per city. – 20% building production in all non capitol cities (ie. The effects will say “-20% production in all cities, +20% production in capitol.”
Socialism: (tech: Communism, upkeep: Medium)
+25% science, +1 happy, +1 health, +50% ww
Liberalism: (tech: Liberalism, upkeep: Low)
+50% culture in all cities, +1 unhappy (poor people), +10% commerce, +2 happy in 5 largest cities.
Sustenance: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No Effects:
Slavery: (tech bronze working, upkeep : middle)
+1gold and +1 food on planations, +2 unhappy, pop. rush, +50% worker speed
Serfdom: (tech feudalism, upkeep : low)
+1 food from pastures, +1 happy from castle, +25% worker speed, I would add something to monastaries, as they were the centre of culture and science in those days, maybe +1 science/culture?
Guilds: (tech guilds, upkeep : medium)
engineer +1hammer, merchant +1gold, scientist +1science, artist +2culture
specialists: +1commerce,culture
Town, village +1gold, +1 happy from walls
Industrialism: (tech : steam power, upkeep : low)
+1 free engineer all cities, +10% production, +1 unhealthy, -1g towns/villages, +10% city maintenance
Service Sector; (tech: Assembly Line, upkeep: Medium)
-20% production, +2g towns/villages, +25% commerce
Barter Economy: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No Effects:
Closed Economy: (tech: Sailing, upkeep: Low)
Not sure about this one, Ideas?
Mercantilism: (tech: Banking, upkeep: Medium)
-50% distance maintenance, no Foreign Trade.
Free Market: (tech: Economics, upkeep Medium)
, +50% foreign Trade Profit, -50% domestic Trade Profit
State Property: (tech Communism, upkeep High)
+1 Production from each tile with Village/Town/Mine/Workshop/Lumber Mill
Environmentalism: (tech: Ecology, Upkeep: High)
+1 food per farm/fishing boat. +2
with forest, +2
per city.
Paganism: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No State Religion, +1 happiness in cities without a state religion, +1 culture per obelisk
Organized Religion: (tech: Monotheism, upkeep: Low)
Can Build State Religion's Missionary without a Monastery, +25% production in cities with state religion, unlimeted priests
Theocracy: (tech: Theology, upkeep: High)
No Non State Religion Spread, can construct inquisitors, + 2 happiness from State Religion. +1 from non state religion. +2 xp for soldiers.
Pacifism: (tech: Philosophy, upkeep: Low)
Vanilla: +1 upkeep per mil. unit, +50% great person points, + 50% culture
Warlords: +1 upkeep per mil. unit, +75% great person points, + 75% culture, +50% more great general point needed for birth
Atheism: (tech: Scientific Method, upkeep: High)
No State Religion, no non state religion spread, +30% science in all cities, +1 from non state religion, can build Secret Police (an inquisitor like unit I’m going to create.) +1 happy from amphitheatre
Free Religion: (tech: Liberalism, upkeep: Low)
+1 happy from Non State Religion, no State Religion. +10% science in all cities. +1 happy from ampitheatre
Disunity: (Starting Civic, Upkeep: None)
No effects
City States: (tech: writing, Upkeep: Low)
-50% distance maintenance, -50% number of cities maintenance, -40%
in all cities save the capitol. +2 free units per city (This should let Greece conquer a massive Empire really quickly)
Commonwealth: (tech: Compass, Upkeep
+100% domestic trade profit, +1 trade routes per coastal cities.
Imperialism: (tech: Iron Working, Upkeep: Medium)
+50% military unit production, +1 culture / commerce per 10% foreign culture in a city.
Colonialism: (tech: Astronomy, Upkeep: Medium)
(desired effect): -50% distance maintenance for any city beneath size 4 that has a luxury resource within its city radius. +1 trade routes in these cities.
Sovereign Nations: (tech: Mass Media, Upkeep: Low)
Increases Diplomatic Relations. (If the enhanced conquest options are implemented) Can only Temporarily Occupy a city
The normal starting post Is Back for Now!
Inside this Spoiler is the original install instructions and Files
Download: Two files, the Core files and the art files.
CORE: Yahoo!
ART: Huzzah!
Install Instructions
I would suggest you preserve a copy of the vanilla RFC so you can take
advantage of Rhye's updates right after he gets them, and not have to wait for me to update this monstrosity, so here are your install instructions:
If you do not want to preserve a copy of RFC, then ignore step 1.
1) copy the entire Rhye's and Fall of Civilization folder into the same place, so you should end up with "Copy of Rhye's and Fall of Civilization" in your \Mods folder.
2)Rename the copied folder to RFC++, go inside the folder and rename the file Rhye's and Fall of Civilization.ini, to RFC++.ini (I hope your starting to see a pattern, because it won't affect anything anymore.)
3) Extract RFC++ CORE.zip somewhere, inside should be a folder conveniently named RFC++, copy that folder over the likewise named folder in the mods\ directory, overwriting all files.
4) Extract RFC++ ART.zip somewhere else, inside should be a folder marked, Art. Copy that folder over the likewise named folder in the mods\RFC++\Assets\ directory, again replacing all files. (there shouldn't be any)
5) Start up Civ 4 Vanilla, go to advanced, choose 'load a mod' and load RFC++
6)Choose start a scenario, start up the scenario called Rhye's and Fall of Civilization, and you should be good to go!
Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization is a wonderful mod, likely the king of mods, not because it has a lot of flashy new units and buildings, or other unnecessary things, but because it is a well polished piece of coding genius, that hides a wonderful new experience in the same candy coating of the original civ. The features, some, if not most of which are available purely through Rhye’s Masterpiece, are innovative improvements on an already stupendous game.
One thing RFC also wishes to do is improve the general balance of the game itself, while trying not to add too much stuff, after all, Like Montgomery Scott of Star Trek said, “The more you reroute the Plumbing, the Easier it is to stop up the Drain.” I, Vishaing, shall be your plumber for the day.
My plan is simply to merge mod components that I feel help balance Vanilla civ, without detracting from the beauty of RFC. All changes to the game are of course unofficial unless Rhye decides he likes them enough to ‘endorse’ them, however that doesn’t mean we can’t try new stuff.
So, I’ve begun work on Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization Expanded, or as I have affectionately dubbed it, RFC++.
I figure that while Rhye is doing the important stuff like advancing new features, or balancing old ones, you know, doing the actual work involved in making the mod, it would be nice if someone would help the job by carrying out one of the far easier steps, merging mod components.
Qualities required in all Mod Components, or at least intently desired:
The following post(s) contain my mod component list(s).
Further things to do:
*Get a nifty graphic type thing to put at the top of the thread. (taking submissions, all you Photoshop wizards you.)
"I came, I saw, I modded."
-Julius Vishaing - 1987 till sometime later than that
for BOTH Vanilla AND Warlords Civ 4 Rhye's and Fall of Civilization!
Currently at V.1.95-1.25 and W.1.46-0.10 and W.1.46-0.10-IDW
Vanilla.1.97-1.20: SHAZAM!
Warlords.1.47-0.10: HUZZAH!
Warlords.1.46-0.10 (Just Influence Driven War): HOODY-HOO! (NOT Yet Updated)
NOTE: when downloading, both the Vanilla and Warlords .zip files have the SAME NAME. Once unzipped they will STILL have the same name. Differentiate between the two with the standard power and chain rules. Or possibly by the RFC++ Readme file located inside the folder. Be aware however, that if you unzip both files into the same folder they WILL OVERWRITE EACH OTHER.
The NEW Install Instructions:
Spoiler :
To Install this mod, all you need to do is extrect the file, and copy and paste the SECOND folder called RFC++ (NOT RFC, and NOT the RFC++ Folder immediately inside the RFC Folder, for some reason FileFront added a RFC Folder, I don't know why) into your Civilization 4\Mods Directory, (In your Mods Folder you should have a folder called RFC++, and imediately inside that folder you should have a folder marked Assets, another marked PrivateMaps, and a whole bunch of .ini files!. Then start Civ 4, go to advanced, Load a Mod, and Load RFC++! Its that Easy, plus, if you call now, you'll win, A BRAND NEW CAR!!
Okay, I lied about the car.
also alternatively to using the 'load a mod' menu in cIV, you can make a copy of your cIV shortcut (not the executable that launches the game, a shortcut that points to that executable), open the 'properties' of the shortcut, and put mod="Mods\RFC++ on the end of the field marked 'target' AFTER the quotes that are around the address. YOu can also do this for normal RFC, by putting mod="Mods\Rhye's and Fall of Civilization. Then, when ever you start cIV using that shortcut, it will start the game in RFC++ automatically.
Spoiler Scrath that for now :
Story at Eleven
Spoiler Civics :
These are the civic ideas I have right now:
I decided to try going to 6 civics per category, since there will be 6 categories, this should preserve the square (6X6, instead of a 6X5 rectangle) also I had a little trouble condensing some of the categories into less than 6 options. Particularly labor.
Links to other civics threads:
Ideas for Civic changes
An idea for expanding civics ... with matter!
New civic system?
*** Denotes civic Category being actively discussed
Despotism: (starting civic, upkeep: None, Stability: Yeah Right)
No Effects:
Oligarchy: (tech Priesthood: upkeep: low, Stability: +10/-80 "Stable")
+50% commerce, hammers and great person points in capital, +1 culture from Courthouse
Hereditary Rule: (tech: monarchy upkeep: low, Stability: +15/-50 "Very Stable")
+1 happiness per military unit in a city
Absolute Monarchy: (tech: Divine Right, Upkeep: middle, Stability: +25/-50 "Extremely Stable")
+25% culture in all cities, +2 culture from palace, and +25% millitary production in capitol
Totalitarianism: (tech: nationalism upkeep: middle, Stability: +20/-10 "Extremely Stable")
+20% mil. production, +1 happiness from Broadcast Tower(propaganda), +1 happiness with jail.
Representation: (tech: Democracy upkeep : high, Stability: +5/-90 "Affords fragile stability)
+50% War Weariness, +1 commerce per specialist (From Representation, beakers changed to gold however because ultimately whether or not the science gets done depends on whether or not the Government is willing to pay for it), Happiness Penalty for civs without, +1 health in all cities
Tribalism: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No Effects:
Bureaucracy (tech: Writing, upkeep: Medium)
+1 happiness / culture with courthouse, +1 happiness with Granary, +1 happiness with Academy (that's a lot of happiness, will really help in the early game period, but I feel there should be another bonus and some penalty. I think the +5% commerce with grocer and market might be a good bonus, but I can't think of a good malus.
Caste System: (tech: Code of Laws, Upkeep: Low)
+2 free specialist, -50% great person births
Vassalage: (tech: Feudalism, upkeep; High)
New Units receive +2 Experience Points. +5 free units per city. – 20% building production in all non capitol cities (ie. The effects will say “-20% production in all cities, +20% production in capitol.”

Socialism: (tech: Communism, upkeep: Medium)
+25% science, +1 happy, +1 health, +50% ww
Liberalism: (tech: Liberalism, upkeep: Low)
+50% culture in all cities, +1 unhappy (poor people), +10% commerce, +2 happy in 5 largest cities.
Sustenance: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No Effects:
Slavery: (tech bronze working, upkeep : middle)
+1gold and +1 food on planations, +2 unhappy, pop. rush, +50% worker speed
Serfdom: (tech feudalism, upkeep : low)
+1 food from pastures, +1 happy from castle, +25% worker speed, I would add something to monastaries, as they were the centre of culture and science in those days, maybe +1 science/culture?
Guilds: (tech guilds, upkeep : medium)
engineer +1hammer, merchant +1gold, scientist +1science, artist +2culture
specialists: +1commerce,culture
Town, village +1gold, +1 happy from walls
Industrialism: (tech : steam power, upkeep : low)
+1 free engineer all cities, +10% production, +1 unhealthy, -1g towns/villages, +10% city maintenance
Service Sector; (tech: Assembly Line, upkeep: Medium)
-20% production, +2g towns/villages, +25% commerce
Barter Economy: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No Effects:
Closed Economy: (tech: Sailing, upkeep: Low)
Not sure about this one, Ideas?
Mercantilism: (tech: Banking, upkeep: Medium)
-50% distance maintenance, no Foreign Trade.
Free Market: (tech: Economics, upkeep Medium)

State Property: (tech Communism, upkeep High)
+1 Production from each tile with Village/Town/Mine/Workshop/Lumber Mill
Environmentalism: (tech: Ecology, Upkeep: High)
+1 food per farm/fishing boat. +2

Paganism: (starting civic, upkeep: None)
No State Religion, +1 happiness in cities without a state religion, +1 culture per obelisk
Organized Religion: (tech: Monotheism, upkeep: Low)
Can Build State Religion's Missionary without a Monastery, +25% production in cities with state religion, unlimeted priests
Theocracy: (tech: Theology, upkeep: High)
No Non State Religion Spread, can construct inquisitors, + 2 happiness from State Religion. +1 from non state religion. +2 xp for soldiers.
Pacifism: (tech: Philosophy, upkeep: Low)
Vanilla: +1 upkeep per mil. unit, +50% great person points, + 50% culture
Warlords: +1 upkeep per mil. unit, +75% great person points, + 75% culture, +50% more great general point needed for birth
Atheism: (tech: Scientific Method, upkeep: High)
No State Religion, no non state religion spread, +30% science in all cities, +1 from non state religion, can build Secret Police (an inquisitor like unit I’m going to create.) +1 happy from amphitheatre
Free Religion: (tech: Liberalism, upkeep: Low)
+1 happy from Non State Religion, no State Religion. +10% science in all cities. +1 happy from ampitheatre
Disunity: (Starting Civic, Upkeep: None)
No effects
City States: (tech: writing, Upkeep: Low)
-50% distance maintenance, -50% number of cities maintenance, -40%

Commonwealth: (tech: Compass, Upkeep

+100% domestic trade profit, +1 trade routes per coastal cities.
Imperialism: (tech: Iron Working, Upkeep: Medium)
+50% military unit production, +1 culture / commerce per 10% foreign culture in a city.
Colonialism: (tech: Astronomy, Upkeep: Medium)
(desired effect): -50% distance maintenance for any city beneath size 4 that has a luxury resource within its city radius. +1 trade routes in these cities.
Sovereign Nations: (tech: Mass Media, Upkeep: Low)
Increases Diplomatic Relations. (If the enhanced conquest options are implemented) Can only Temporarily Occupy a city
The normal starting post Is Back for Now!
Inside this Spoiler is the original install instructions and Files
Spoiler :
Download: Two files, the Core files and the art files.
CORE: Yahoo!
ART: Huzzah!
Install Instructions
Spoiler :
I would suggest you preserve a copy of the vanilla RFC so you can take
advantage of Rhye's updates right after he gets them, and not have to wait for me to update this monstrosity, so here are your install instructions:
If you do not want to preserve a copy of RFC, then ignore step 1.
1) copy the entire Rhye's and Fall of Civilization folder into the same place, so you should end up with "Copy of Rhye's and Fall of Civilization" in your \Mods folder.
2)Rename the copied folder to RFC++, go inside the folder and rename the file Rhye's and Fall of Civilization.ini, to RFC++.ini (I hope your starting to see a pattern, because it won't affect anything anymore.)
3) Extract RFC++ CORE.zip somewhere, inside should be a folder conveniently named RFC++, copy that folder over the likewise named folder in the mods\ directory, overwriting all files.
4) Extract RFC++ ART.zip somewhere else, inside should be a folder marked, Art. Copy that folder over the likewise named folder in the mods\RFC++\Assets\ directory, again replacing all files. (there shouldn't be any)
5) Start up Civ 4 Vanilla, go to advanced, choose 'load a mod' and load RFC++
6)Choose start a scenario, start up the scenario called Rhye's and Fall of Civilization, and you should be good to go!
Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization is a wonderful mod, likely the king of mods, not because it has a lot of flashy new units and buildings, or other unnecessary things, but because it is a well polished piece of coding genius, that hides a wonderful new experience in the same candy coating of the original civ. The features, some, if not most of which are available purely through Rhye’s Masterpiece, are innovative improvements on an already stupendous game.
One thing RFC also wishes to do is improve the general balance of the game itself, while trying not to add too much stuff, after all, Like Montgomery Scott of Star Trek said, “The more you reroute the Plumbing, the Easier it is to stop up the Drain.” I, Vishaing, shall be your plumber for the day.
My plan is simply to merge mod components that I feel help balance Vanilla civ, without detracting from the beauty of RFC. All changes to the game are of course unofficial unless Rhye decides he likes them enough to ‘endorse’ them, however that doesn’t mean we can’t try new stuff.
So, I’ve begun work on Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization Expanded, or as I have affectionately dubbed it, RFC++.
I figure that while Rhye is doing the important stuff like advancing new features, or balancing old ones, you know, doing the actual work involved in making the mod, it would be nice if someone would help the job by carrying out one of the far easier steps, merging mod components.
Qualities required in all Mod Components, or at least intently desired:
Spoiler :
Any mod can be suggested, however I intend to select the mods I will try and merge based on how I think Rhye would choose them. Therefore there are three things I want from the component before I begin merging code;
1: Completeness
2: Balance:
3: Relevance:
4: Documentation
5: Warlords
In that order.
1: Completeness remains RFC patron distinguishing aspect, it is a very complete game. Even the beta versions were extremely complete in their half constructed ness. Now that were in the official final release state, we need to hold this maxim to an even higher level.
2: The new additions must be balanced; I will not unbalance the game. If a mod component is not balanced, but promises to be balanced later, I will include it, later. Of course, if two mod components balance each other, I will consider them to be one single mod component, if one can prove they balance each other.
3: Relevance is also important. This also contains historical truth. RFC above all tries to be at least marginally historically accurate, in that history can happen, but the player can control the overall outcome. This is no more evident than in the Rise and Fall system, the founding aspect of this mod. Therefore mod components that go against history, such as the inclusion of units that were never used, like Civ 3’s Double your Pleasure’s Dinosaurs, will not be included. I will also not yet accept any ‘future’ mods. Also, the relevance pertains to relevance to balance and realism. No matter how cool a feature may be, if it is not relevant to the system or history, I likely will turn it down. A good example of historical relevance and niftiness is the MAD Nukes mod. This mod is extremely cool, and also finally represents what the world’s two superpowers did for roughly 50 years. I consider that important enough. This area will likely get the most discussion.
4: I need Documentation of the mod component. I apologize, but I have no intentions of sifting through several thousand lines of code to try and find the single line that is changed. TheLopez is free from ever worrying about this, as he is a veritable God of Documentation. If you can get the creator to tell me what lines he changed, then I can work with it. Also, xml files are small enough and repetitive enough I can deal with not having documentation, but Python files are another matter, and I would have to be far more insane than I am to even think of combing through the SDK.
5: Finally, Warlords is another key point. Xml mods need not worry about this, but if a python or SDK mod only exists in Vanilla form I will be loathe to include it, as I would hate for a person to grow so attached to the mod comp that it prevents them from switching to warlords. Some mods however, if they are small enough, I may be able to convert them myself.
1: Completeness
2: Balance:
3: Relevance:
4: Documentation
5: Warlords
In that order.
1: Completeness remains RFC patron distinguishing aspect, it is a very complete game. Even the beta versions were extremely complete in their half constructed ness. Now that were in the official final release state, we need to hold this maxim to an even higher level.
2: The new additions must be balanced; I will not unbalance the game. If a mod component is not balanced, but promises to be balanced later, I will include it, later. Of course, if two mod components balance each other, I will consider them to be one single mod component, if one can prove they balance each other.
3: Relevance is also important. This also contains historical truth. RFC above all tries to be at least marginally historically accurate, in that history can happen, but the player can control the overall outcome. This is no more evident than in the Rise and Fall system, the founding aspect of this mod. Therefore mod components that go against history, such as the inclusion of units that were never used, like Civ 3’s Double your Pleasure’s Dinosaurs, will not be included. I will also not yet accept any ‘future’ mods. Also, the relevance pertains to relevance to balance and realism. No matter how cool a feature may be, if it is not relevant to the system or history, I likely will turn it down. A good example of historical relevance and niftiness is the MAD Nukes mod. This mod is extremely cool, and also finally represents what the world’s two superpowers did for roughly 50 years. I consider that important enough. This area will likely get the most discussion.
4: I need Documentation of the mod component. I apologize, but I have no intentions of sifting through several thousand lines of code to try and find the single line that is changed. TheLopez is free from ever worrying about this, as he is a veritable God of Documentation. If you can get the creator to tell me what lines he changed, then I can work with it. Also, xml files are small enough and repetitive enough I can deal with not having documentation, but Python files are another matter, and I would have to be far more insane than I am to even think of combing through the SDK.
5: Finally, Warlords is another key point. Xml mods need not worry about this, but if a python or SDK mod only exists in Vanilla form I will be loathe to include it, as I would hate for a person to grow so attached to the mod comp that it prevents them from switching to warlords. Some mods however, if they are small enough, I may be able to convert them myself.
The following post(s) contain my mod component list(s).
Further things to do:
*Get a nifty graphic type thing to put at the top of the thread. (taking submissions, all you Photoshop wizards you.)
"I came, I saw, I modded."
-Julius Vishaing - 1987 till sometime later than that