[RFCM:BWS] An Iberian Love Story

Since I use Spanish and Portuguese for the dialogue (both of which ultimately derive from Latin), I would render it as "Emperador/Emperatriz de toda Iberia" and "Imperador/imperatriz de toda Iberia". Sounds close enough to Imperator?
"Oh, ¿por qué siguen aquí?" Isabel asked.

João replied for the crowd, "Algunos de ellos quieren adelantarse en—"

A man from the crowd stood up and interrupted João, "Sus Majestades, había rumores de que Franco enviará a su ejército de Camisas Azules de expulsarnos. Aunque la Guardia Real está aquí para defendernos según sus pedidos, el enemigo es acuartelados en las Cortes, a la espera de una señal de ese monstruo. Si ellos alguna vez vienen a atacarnos, lucharemos hasta el amargo fin."

"Hey, ¿quiere decir que tomaremos las Cortes mediante la fuerza? Podemos presionarlos a ceder, pero no estamos todavía listos para baño de sangre," a second man commented. "Como ya hemos convencido a las masas a unirse a nuestra causa, estamos sólo esperando por sus partidos al colapso por la falta de apoyo. Incluso si su organización estructural no se derrumba, Sus Majestades podría considerar la posibilidad de armarnos y luchemos junto a la Guardia Real."

"¿Por qué estás planeando un contraataque, Ernesto?" a disgruntled woman objected to the plan. "Y tú, Fidel, ¿no dijiste que 'Todo verdadero revolucionario, no tiene nada que ver con las armas'? Sugerís que seguiremos adelante con la contraofensiva después. Por lo tanto, eso es lo que finalmente va a pasar a la gente a la que organicé para la manifestación: les usaréis cualquiera como escudos humanos o carne de cañón. Hemos venido aquí desarmados y que debemos venir allí desarmados también. De lo contrario, sólo nos excluid fuera de este lío."

A third man then approached the woman, "Yo también, Evita. Fui aquí para unirse a una revolución que derrocaría a las Cortes, no mediante la fuerza de las armas, pero sólo debido a números masivos."

The first three persons were complete strangers to the royal couple. The fourth, however, was quickly identified by João. He then whispered to Isabel, "Olhe, que precisam ser Luís. Como foram os manifestantes capaz de levá-lo para este protesto?"

"Ele contemplava cerca incitar uma revolta contra as Cortes," she replied. "Ele insistiu em usar a força, mas eu finalmente convenceu-o não o fazer."

"Vês? É muito fácil convencê-lo quando entendes seus objetivos e apresentar-lo mais práticos para atingi-los," he commented. "Antes que eu transferiu-o para ti, ele tinha muitos bem-intencionados planos que faltava prospectiva de complicações futuras, o que tornaria esses planos inúteis. Fico feliz que ele está se tornando de bom uso para ti, porque ele continuava ignorando minhas sugestões."

He then turned to the people who seemed to be the organizers of the protest, "Companheiros! Qual é seu plano?"

"Marcharemos para as Cortes em poucos minutos," Luís replied.

Ernesto suddenly added, "Ellos enfrentaren a una tormenta de balas en cuanto los encontramos."

"Yo dejaré junto con veinte y cinco mil de nosotros si usted insiste en iniciar un carnicería," Evita threatened.

"¡Esperen!" João interrupted them, "Temo que la Camisas Azules estar armado hasta los dientes. Por lo tanto, mientras estamos avanzando, voy a enviar refuerzos para que nos ayuden. Isabel y yo dirigiremos la marcha. Guardias Reales, ya sea vigilen los campos o defiendan los flancos. Todos los demás, nos sigan."

"¡¿Qué?!" Isabel was shocked, unsure of João's new plan.

"Si se niegan a obedecer nuestras órdenes, debemos expulsarlos de nosotros mismos de cualquier manera posible," he replied, "¡Vámonos ya!"

On that sunrise, the royal couple led around 50,000 people to the Cortes, where the prime minister and his allies stayed in defiance of the proclamation suspending their activities.

"Señor, la zona está rodeada de gran cantidad de infantería," Ernesto pointed to some members of the army that remained loyal to the prime minister, "¿Cómo podemos pasar?"

"Hagamos de cuenta que ser fuerte," João decided. "Si los refuerzos llegan a tiempo para protegernos, les no osarán a dispararnos."

"Parecen estar desmoralizados, no obstante," Isabel suddenly noticed. "Nuestra sola presencia debería ser suficiente para hacerlos rendirse. Quiero decir, nosotros dos solos."

They kept on advancing until they reached the closed gates of the Cortes. At the other side of the gate are Franco's drowsy bodyguards, just awakened by the clamor of the indignant crowd.

"¡Abran la puerta!" the crowd started chanting in unison. The guards turned their backs to see the masses some paces away from them. They then approached the gate with their loaded rifles, intending to shoot at the crowd. Tensions arose once more, more heightened than the day before, and João had grown impatient of waiting for the reinforcements.

"¿Qué podemos hacer ya? Lo que pasó ayer que está pasando de nuevo. Estamos perdidos si los refuerzos no llegan en el momento," he shuddered.

"No espere a que los refuerzos. Trataré de negociar con las guardias," Isabel simply ignored him. "Estamos perdiendo mucho tiempo," she continued before coming close to the gate, unescorted.

She then warned the guards at the other side, "Dejadnos pasar, si no queréis a sufrir la ira del pueblo." Hearing something buzzing from behind her, she turned back to see a squadron of helicopters coming to the scene. They were the reinforcements João summoned for the confrontation. They can't take any action, however, fearing to fire at the wrong targets.

"Os reforços chegaram tarde," João grumbled. "Deveriam ter apagado este lugar de seus seguranças uns minutos antes de chegarmos aqui."

He was, however, surprised when he saw the gate open before him, letting the crowd pour through it. Franco's guards also laid down their weapons before the royal couple as they were pressured to join the protest.

"É vontade de Deus," she explained. "Se os helicópteros chegaram anterior, os guardas morreriam. Se eles chegaram mais tarde, alguns de nós vai morrer. Um desses dois acontecendo Franco dariam tempo suficiente para escapar. Porque eles chegaram no momento perfeito, os guardas renderam-se sem luta, eo resto deles já não podiam nos escapar. Vamos."

The two went into the building, finding inside Franco alone in the middle of the chamber, abandoned by his allies amidst the litter of torn-up documents and scattered party flags left over by a riot inside the congress. Isabel then recognized a flag vaguely similar to their personal banner among the mess.

A proposed Falangist party flag that never saw the light of the day

"Eso asemeja a la bandera del yugo y jarretera, nuestro estandarte personal," she confronted Franco, "¿Que surgió a tu mente demente y ¿qué quieres decir con eso?"

Franco tried to speak, but João quickly blurted out, "Ya no quiero oír tus mentiras. Cualquiera que sea la razón que das, todavia estás ocultando el hecho de que quiere reclamar por ti mismo todo lo que hemos logrado durante los últimos veinte años, pese a ser el fracaso que eres."

"P-p-pero yo peleé por ustedes en Budapest y Berlín," Franco answered nervously, "¿No es suficiente, Sus Majestades?"

João rebuked, "Dónde estuviste después de entonces? Te retiraste. Ni siquiera atacaste a los indefensos franceses con las fuerzas a tu mando."

"Cuando tomaste el poder después te retiraste de batalla, ¿alguna vez logras algo durante tu tenencia?" Isabel continued, "Tú nunca hiciste! Por tanto, estás despedido."

The two then dragged the disgraced prime minister out of the halls of the building and presented him to the crowd before sending him to a prison in distant Jayakarta for penal labor. Although they were delighted to see the common goal of their movements finally accomplished, they wondered what to do within the next few months. They can't decide yet how to reorganize the government as they were caught by surprise by the swift decision of the monarchs.

"Hemos exitosamente derrocado su régimen. ¿Qué hacemos ahora?" Ernesto asked.

"¿Qué pasa con su promesa de llevarnos a Borneo? ¿Será capaz de cumplirse?" Fidel added.

"Por supuesto, lo haríamos," João answered, "Por dos días, todos pueden viajar gratis en tren desde Madrid a Lisboa. Una flota de cruceros le esperara cerca de la Torre de Belém. Vamos abonar sus gastos mientras están a bordo. Por lo tanto, si quieren unirse a nosotros, empáquense y vayan a la estación cercanísima de tren ahora."

The crowd then slowly went back to their encampments near the Royal Palace, dismantled their tents and peacefully dispersed. Although most of them simply left as soon as they picked up their things, a few thousand still went ahead and took the train. Meanwhile, the two, after waiting for the road to be cleared, left their palace at Madrid probably for the last time.

Spoiler translation :
"Oh, why are they still here?"
"Some of them wanted to be ahead in—"
"Your Majesties, there were rumors that Franco sent his army of Blueshirts to expel us. Although the Royal Guard is here to defend us according to their orders, the enemy remains garrisoned in the Cortes, waiting for a signal from that monster. If they ever come to attack us, we will fight to the bitter end."
"Hey, does that mean that we will take the Cortes by force? We can pressure them to surrender, but we are not yet ready for bloodshed. As we have convinced the masses to join our cause, we are just waiting for their parties to collapse for lack of support. Even if their organizational structure doesn't collapse, Their Majesties might consider to arm us and let us fight alongside the Royal Guard."
"Why are you planning a counterattack, Ernesto? And you, Fidel, didn't you say that 'Every true revolutionary has nothing to do with weapons'? You are suggesting to go forward with the counteroffensive afterwards. So that's what ultimately will happen to the people that I organized for the event: you'll use them either as human shields or as cannon fodder. We have come here unarmed and unarmed we should come there too. Otherwise, just count us out of this mess."
"Me too, Evita. I went here to join a revolution that would overthrow the Cortes not by force of arms, but due to sheer numbers alone."
"Look, that must be Luís. How were the protesters able to take him for this protest?"
"He contemplated about inciting a revolt against Cortes. He insisted on using force, but I finally convinced him not to."
"See? It is very easy to convince him when you understand his goals and provide him more practical means to achieve them. Before I transferred him to you, he had many well-intentioned plans that lacked foresight of future complications that would render those plans useless. I'm glad he is becoming of good use to you, because he kept ignoring my suggestions."
"Comrades! What's your plan?"
"We'll march to the Cortes within a few minutes."
"They shall face a storm of bullets as soon as we meet them."
"I'll leave along with twenty-five thousand of us if you insist on starting a bloodbath."
"Wait. I fear that the Blue Shirts are armed to the teeth. Therefore, while we are moving forward, I'll send reinforcements to aid us. Isabel and I will lead the march. Royal Guards, either look over the camps or defend the sides. All others follow us."
"If they refuse to obey our orders, we must expel them ourselves in any way possible.Let's go now!"
"Sir, the area is surrounded by large amounts of infantry. How can we get through?"
"Let's feign strength. If the reinforcements come in time to protect us, they won't even dare to shoot us."
"They seem to be demoralized, nevertheless. Our mere presence should be enough to make them surrender. I mean, us two alone."
"What can we do now? What happened yesterday is happening again. We are doomed if the reinforcements do not arrive in time."
"Do not wait for the reinforcements. I will try to negotiate with them. We have lost so much time."
"Let us pass, if you don't want to suffer the people's wrath."
"The reinforcements arrived late. They should have cleared this place of his bodyguards a few minutes before we got here."
"It's God's will. If the helicopters arrived earlier, the guards would die. If they arrived later, some of us will die. One of these happening would give Franco enough time to escape. Because they arrived at the perfect moment, the guards surrendered without a fight, and the rest of them could no longer escape us. Come on."
"That looks like the yoke and garter banner, our personal standard. What came up to your insane mind, and what do you mean by that?"
"I don't want to hear your lies anymore. Whatever reason you give, you're still hiding the fact that you want to claim for yourself everything we have achieved over the last twenty years, despite being the failure you are."
"B-b-but I fought for you in Budapest and Berlin. Isn't it enough, Your Majesties?"
"Where were you after then? You retreated. You didn't even attack the defenseless French with the forces under your command."
"When you took power after you retreated from battle, did you ever accomplish anything under your tenure? You never did. Therefore, you're fired."
"We have successfully overthrown his regime. What do we do now?"
"What about your promise to bring us to Borneo? Will it be fulfilled?"
"Of course we would. For two days, everyone can travel free by train from Madrid to Lisbon. A fleet of cruisers will wait for you near Torre de Belém. We will pay your expenses while on board. Therefore, if you want join us, pack up and go to the nearest train station now."

Spoiler OOC notes :
Here's the Valentine's day update. I admit that it's unfitting for today, considering that a few missteps by anyone would lead to violence. But I've finally finished the parts on turning the protesters into settlers and another update will come within a few days, together with a flashback to their first days together.

By the way, the Falangist flag in this update was created by Martin23230 from the AltHist forums.
If you haven't noticed, this story had remained unupdated for a month. Right now, real life has been keeping me considerably busy. I'm expecting to spend, at most, a month dealing with the amount of RL stuff I have in my hands before I could focus on writing the next update. So, before April 14, I can't guarantee an update.
this looks like fn, what mod si this, the portugal mod, i want o paly as New Spain or the Islamic Arabian Calphate.
I'm sorry if the story hasn't been updated for half a year. Right now, I don't have Internet access at my new home in a rural area and lost almost all game-related data over this "zero-byte" glitch my external drive had. Having no access to a computer at home (because the local power company sucks) worsened it.

However, I'm trying my best to update this on the last week of August, if not on early September, when I get to upgrade the power lines at home and work on writing it offline and recovering the save file together with the snapshots. I managed to save the contents of the next update to my e-mail drafts, so I have to work from that until PC-friendly voltage levels are available at home.

It turned out that this story is becoming a full-fledged narrative story after I began writing a little backstory since November last year to go with the endgame narration that soon turned into a mission creep. I guess it's worth trying now that I have lots of time on my hands. By the way, what inspired the backstory is hidden somewhere this post. You'll have an idea of it if you know where to look.

Once I finish writing a narrative version of this story, I'll post it elsewhere but I'll leave a link here.
I'm sorry for not updating this story for almost a year. Lately, I'm having a hard time on writing an update because I failed to recover much of story related data stored in my external hard drive. With that said, I'm afraid that I have ran out of snapshots to use for this story and this would become a text-only story until I get professionals to recover the files from my disk. My writing style has also changed so much during the ten-month hiatus that I want to revise some previous updates just to be consistent with my style here.

By the way, the following update gives you a preview of the prologue for the narrative if ever I get a chance to transform the entire story into a narrative form.


Their trip to Lisboa was going well until João suddenly stepped on the brakes. The sudden halt startled Isabel, who was barely awake by then.

"João, por que paramos aqui?" she asked.

"Não posso continuar dirigindo: estou muito cansado," he answered after turning off the engine.

She felt uncomfortable when he turned off the air conditioner, so she rolled the window down to let the cool, fresh breeze of the air inside. She eventually noticed a familiar scenery over the horizon.

She then set her eyes on a bridge over nearby Tagus River and imagined herself being there. She had been there before countless times, but the first one was unforgettable for her, she thought. She remembered, however, that hundreds of years worth of memories had buried that special moment.

She had just been crowned as the Queen of Castile after her stepbrother died in a naval battle against Moorish pirates and she was on her way to visit the shipyard of Sevilla. Several days into her horseback journey, the increasingly-harsh winds had blown thick clouds over the river, covering the horizon with fog and the sky with darkness. She thought she could escape the impending storm, but the ground gradually muddied and she eventually slipped from her steed and was thrown into the river. The last moment she could remember clearly is her desperate cries for help, and what happened afterwards seemed to be forgotten.

She went out of the car and tried to recall how she made it out of impending death, but hundreds of years worth of memories has buried it.

She sat on the damp grass of the riverside and asked, "Lembras desse lugar?"

"Por quê?" he responded.

"Acho que eu poderia lembrar de algo especial que aconteceu comigo aqui há muito tempo."

"O que é isso exatamente?"

She spent a few moments in deep thought before continuing. "Yo podría acordarse a mí mismo montando a caballo por aquí en mi primer mes como reina, en mi camino a visitar un astillero. El tiempo no era bueno entonces, y acabé cayendo de mi caballo y ahogando en el río cuando trataba de pasar." She looked behind her and saw him sit by her side before continuing, "No puedo recordar lo que sucedió en el resto de ese día."

"Bueno, recuerdo presenciando algo similar que también pasó aquí. Había un señora joven que casi se ahoga aquí. Afortunadamente, su voz me despertó, y me fui a rescatarla. Estaba inconsciente cuando yo la arrastró fuera del agua, y tuve que resucitar. Ella volvió a la vida después de soplar en la boca muchas veces, y ella pensó que yo iba a violarla porque, según ella, se despertó para verme besándola."

She was visibly shocked when she heard his last word. "¿Me puedes decir quién es esa señora era?" she demanded.

"Tem que ser ti, minha senhora," he answered in a mellow tone.

Pleased, she leaned closer to him. He was expecting her to reply, but she remained speechless, waiting for him to elaborate the events of that fateful day.

"Eu não sei onde estaria agora se não fiz encontrá-te naquele dia." He then stood up, and pulled her left hand. "E desde que eu te vi aquele dia, eu sempre te amei e sempre vou fazer."

She was already expecting a kiss from him, but she was confused when a few seconds have passed without one. Instead, she had to tiptoe on the ground as he carried her aloft. "Somos nós retornando a nossa viagem?" she asked.

"Só depois de uma dança que anima-te." Then he put his free hand around her. "Tu parece não ser despertada bastante."

She put her right hand around his shoulder, led him a few steps further from the riverside and looked up to his eyes with a subtle smile to signify her consent. He began a waltz and they started taking turns on singing a song to go along with it:

"En la inmensidad de las olas flotando te vi,
y al irte a salvar, por tu vida, la mia perdi
Tu dulce vision en mi alma indeleble grabó
la tierna pasion que la dicha y la paz me robó."

"Si el eco de mi dolor tu refugio llegara a turbar
te seguira con amor, no te niegues su pena escuchar.
Que el viento te llevara, los gemidos de mi corazon
y siempre repetira los acentos de mi cancion."

"La tempestad es su furia del mar
y del relampago en rudo fragor
Solo podrian debilmente escuchar
la tempestad que hay aqui por tu amor "

"Por doquiera que yo voy, tu recuerdo es mi guia,
en la noche es mi fe, pues mi sol en el dia,
Mis suspiros, es mi ideal o mi acerbo dolor,
mi doliente quebranto es por ti, por tu amor "

"Con mi gemido te envio el corazon
Y en mis sollozos te mando mi fé,
Mas no, no quiero de ti compasion,
Yo quiero amor o por el perecer—"

At this point, his drowsiness made him miss a step and collapse to the ground, bringing her down along with him. "Ahora, ¿quién no es despertado suficiente?" she chuckled.

"Sólo tendrás que turno para conducir el coche, ¿verdad?" He said, then rose and walked to the passenger seat.

"¿Por qué no?"

When she sat at the driver's seat, he kissed her and told her before going to sleep, "Buenas noches. Ten cuidado."

Noticing a packed train bound for Lisbon through the window on her side, she started the engine and stepped on the accelerator, hoping to catch up on them. Lest the captains of the ships forget that they were also going with the first batch, they should be able to make it.

Spoiler translation :
"João, why did we stop here?"
"I can't continue driving: I'm so tired."

"Do you remember this place?"
"I think I could remember something special that happened to me here a long time ago."
"What is it, exactly?"
"I could remember myself riding around here in my first month as queen, on my way to visit a shipyard. The weather was not good then, and I ended up falling off my horse and drowning in the river while trying to pass." ... "I can't remember what happened for the rest of that day."
"Well, I remember witnessing something similar that also happened here. There was a young lady who almost drowned here. Fortunately, her voice woke me up, and I went to rescue her. She was unconscious when I dragged her out of the water, and I had to resuscitate her. She came back to life after blowing into her mouth several times, and she thought I was going to rape her because, she said, she awoke to see me kissing her."
"Can you tell me who this lady is?"
"It has to be you, my lady."
"I don't know where I'd be right now if I didn't meet you that day. And ever since I saw you that day, I have always loved you and I will always do."

"Are we resuming our trip?"
"Only after a dance to awaken you. You seem to be not awakened enough."

"In the vastness of the waves I saw you floating,
and went to save, for your life, I lost mine
Your sweet vision indelibly engraved in my soul
the tender passion that stole happiness and peace. "

"If the echo of my pain came to disturb your refuge
love will follow you, do not refuse to listen to its pain.
Let the wind take you, the wailing of my heart
and always repeat the accents of my song. "

"The storm is the fury of the sea
and of the lightning in harsh thunder
One could only faintly hear
the storm that's here because of your love "

"Everywhere I go, your memory is my guide,
at night is my faith, then my sun in the day,
My sighs, my ideal or my bitter pain,
my aching grief is for you, for your love "

"In my groan I send you my heart
And in my weeping I send my faith,
But no, I don't want mercy from you,
I want love, or perish for it—"

"Now, who's not awakened enough?"
"Just take your turn to drive the car, won't you?"
"Why not?"

"Good night. Take care."
Good story
I'd like to say this is an amazing story!
I have a question, though. I started playing RFC today, but I'm wondering how you get the countries to have their "full name" (like "Spanish Netherlands" or "Viceroyalty of New Spain") in the bottom-right box thingie?
That comes with the latest version. If that isn't there then you probably have an older version.
That comes with the latest version. If that isn't there then you probably have an older version.

I'm using the 3000BC version that came with my copy of BTS. BTS is patched to the most recent patch, do I have to update RFC separately?
It was only a month, Daed. :rolleyes:
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