"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. Steps to enlightenment brighten the way; but the steps are steep. Take them one at a time."
The purpose of mod is to add "depth" to RFC. My main aim is Marathon speed but as I lack time to test the speed everything is tested only in Normal. The major advantage of my modmod is Future Era taken from Next War scenario. Combined with Marathon modmod it's 1620 turns of fun! But there are many features which I missed in other mods. With additional speed for modern units blitzkrieg is finally (or again, if you liked civ2 [especially IIWW scenario]) possible. Handling bigger cities is much harder with additional unhealthiness (finally important!) and unhappiness (not as important as it used to be as you can beat it with expensive artists) but more rewarding. Full list of changes is below.
Version: 0.0.13
I wish to thank numerous people. Without them the mod would be never created or at least be a lot worse. Even worse, as some people would say
First, I have to thank Rhye for creating such a great mod. Without him I would never come back to cIV
Thanks to embryodead for continuing Rhye's work. Without him I would have no base to modify
Neither last nor least thanks to Baldyr for unimaginable help. For PyScenario, motivation, etc. Man, I owe you
I need to thank supercheese for his Specialist Enhancements which I really love
Thanks to Leoreth for posting in this thread XD (and reading invisible text. And making a mod from which I can steal some ideas )
And of course thanks to Corossol whose RFCC gave me most of ideas.
The purpose of mod is to add "depth" to RFC. My main aim is Marathon speed but as I lack time to test the speed everything is tested only in Normal. The major advantage of my modmod is Future Era taken from Next War scenario. Combined with Marathon modmod it's 1620 turns of fun! But there are many features which I missed in other mods. With additional speed for modern units blitzkrieg is finally (or again, if you liked civ2 [especially IIWW scenario]) possible. Handling bigger cities is much harder with additional unhealthiness (finally important!) and unhappiness (not as important as it used to be as you can beat it with expensive artists) but more rewarding. Full list of changes is below.
Spoiler :
Increased unit maintenance cost
Added Dark Era
Manhattan Project is now team project, therefore every civ who wants to build a nuclear weapon has to build one
Renamed Stuttgart to Frankfurt and made it the capital city for Germany
Cities on resources yield the same production and commerce as if the appropriate improvement was built on it (based on DoC)
Corrected a formula for tech penalty (so it now works, making technologies much more expensive)
AI no longer chooses State Property as always the best option
Decreased number of units in Historical Great Generals' armies
Rome again starts with 2 Galleys
Rome gains it's Settlers after conquering Mediolanum
Christianity and Judaism is found in Jerusalem even if it is owned by major civilization
Great Generals add an additional free promotion
GG threshold greatly reduced
Doubled price of Mission to Mars and tripled price of spaceship
Increased returns to scale for corporations (still decreasing)
Corporations can now spread without units (just as religions do)
Minor tweaks to corporations
New technologies: Automobiles, Patronage, Naval Warfare, Mercantilism and Manufacturing
Minor changes in techtree
New unit: Dreadnought (a ship)
"We love the Ruler day" now require two times more happy faces than population in cities with Opera House
Increased Wonders cost for China, Japan and (especially) Persia
Fixed a bug which unabled Jerusalem from gaining independence
Reduced Assault Mech's power by 5 to compensate additional movement point from Industrialism
Added two Immortals and increased unit building cost for Persia
Increased probability of war on spawn for Persia and Arabia vs Babylonia
Added a tech penalty for Egypt and Babylonia in Ancient Era to balance it a bit
Added stability penalty for Babylonia
Castle is now available at Construction
Included Orion's Inquisition Mod (with some changes)
Oracle now costs 10 gold/turn because it was overpowered
Moved +1 health bonus from Construction to Engineering
Increased penalty for tech leaders
Libraries and aqueducts can't be built during Medieval Era (until invention of Printing Press and Chemistry, respectively)
Included Saharian Desertification modmod by Baldyr
Simulated Fertile Crescant desertification
Laboratory now requires Fiber Optics instead of Computers
The first 3 units in a city causes no unhealthiness
Founding a city doesn't destroy flood plains
The more religions in a city the more unhappiness
Increased hammer cost of military units for Babylonia to balance additional hammers from plains
Health and happiness from bonuses are now capped at the population of the city
Health over unhealthiness overflow now reduces food consumption
"We love the Ruler day" is now celebrated every time when there is twice that many happy faces as unhappy and city has population 3 or bigger
During "We love the Ruler day" food storage is doubled
Jerusalem now regains independence once it's owner is attacked by stronger civilization
Hanging gardens now grants +4 healthiness (was +1)
Great depressions now last for 4 turns instead of 8
Stability is now 10% closer to 0
City founding is now allowed in tundra when next to a river
Russian 2nd and 3rd goal are checked at 2000AD
Removed scenario- related code from CvEventManager.py, which caused some bugs
Winner of the game gets pernament golden era and stability set to 100
Added decreasing returns to scale in corporations (so they are nerfed a bit)
Removed national wonders per city cap
Trading company is now water world wonder (3 allowed) and gives additional 1 trade route for every city
Coastal cities now require 100% more hammers to build non-coastal world wonder, 10% more to build non-coastal building and 25% more to train a land unit
Non-coastal cities now require 25% less hammers to train a land unit
Stability now influences the production needed to build a world wonder
Kremlin is no longer obsolete with fiber optics
World wonders now require 10% more hammers for each active world wonder owned by the civilization
Moved +1 health bonus from guilds (now +1) to ecology (now +2)
-1 initial health (to balance -1 food consumption from trade route)
Fixed industrial park related bug (so the building gives +25% production for coal and +25% for oil)
Again increased population of civilizations
Fixed negative-income-bug which caused game to crash
Trade routes now reduce food consumption
Added research penalty if neighbours are backwards (up to 6x)
Increased corporation maintenance costs (to 60% of vanilla)
Increased corporation spread costs (to 40% of vanilla)
AI now prefer research over gold over culture and espionage
Fixed mercenary related bug which caused units appear at Antarctica
Updated RFCM to 1.2.2
Reversed spawn of Melpum back to 760BC
Reduced power of Gallic Warrior to 5
Integrated with Next War mod
Changed way the population is counted
Added City Hall building
Added Urban Park building
Rebalanced civics
Added cities between Germany and Russia
Removed Poland and Hungary from German spawn zone
Made Russian spawn zone a lot smaller
Changed German capital to Vienna and made Vienna tile better place for a city
Ensured Mongolian war on spawn with China and independents
Spawned Krakow, Kiev and Vilnius
Spawned Viking settler at Copenhagen tile
Removed one starting settler from Netherlands, gave them additional army and colonists
Updated to 1.21 RFCM version
Removed health penalty from factory for oil and coal (this time for real)
Changed some civcs to make them less RFCC
SoL now needs steel instead of democracy
Increased cost of technologies by 10%
Barbarians are now unable of razing holy cities (don't think it's working)
Melpum spawns later
Tweaked Roman scenario
Set starting civics for every civ
Barbarians are now unwilling of razing holy cities
Fixed Oracle's double bonus bug
Doubled health bonus from aqueducts and hospitals
Added health given by technologies
Moved +1 sea movement from refrigeration to satellites
Priests now give health, artists happiness
Palace allows 2 artists now
Doubled amount of Arabian Camel Archers at spawn
Tripled amount of Mongolian Keshiks at spawn
Removed Jerusalem from Arabian flip zone
Increased Arabian chances for war at spawn (to use it's additional units)
Fixed Celtic troops spawning at the top of city
Every citizen causes 2 unhealthiness now
Included Specialist Enhancements mod by Supercheese
5x lowered corporations maintenance and spread costs
5x increased corporations spread factor
Decreased gold produced by HQ to 1
Doubled corporations bonuses
Completely changed civics
GA yet again can be triggered by 1 GP
Factories now gives +10 hammers instead of +25% and -3 health despite coal and oil
German UB gives 1 free engineer instead of 2 slots, -3 health despite oil
Industrial park gives +25% production for oil and 25% for coal
Tripled nukes cost and made them even more deadly
Tanks and other mechanized units gets additional movement point
Gunships are 1,5x faster
Industrialism gives +1 movement point for every land unit
Weakened cannon (but gave +75% city attack) and musketman (which is cheaper)
Doubled tactical nuke's range
Changed statistics of knight (stronger attack, but needs castle)
Decreased chances of global warming
Changed bonuses of Stonehenge and Oracle
Included Roman PyScenario
Decreased number of Roman and Carthaginian troops at spawn
Decreased probability of war at Roman spawn
Increased unit maintenance cost
Added Dark Era
Manhattan Project is now team project, therefore every civ who wants to build a nuclear weapon has to build one
Renamed Stuttgart to Frankfurt and made it the capital city for Germany
Cities on resources yield the same production and commerce as if the appropriate improvement was built on it (based on DoC)
Corrected a formula for tech penalty (so it now works, making technologies much more expensive)
AI no longer chooses State Property as always the best option
Decreased number of units in Historical Great Generals' armies
Rome again starts with 2 Galleys
Rome gains it's Settlers after conquering Mediolanum
Christianity and Judaism is found in Jerusalem even if it is owned by major civilization
Great Generals add an additional free promotion
GG threshold greatly reduced
Doubled price of Mission to Mars and tripled price of spaceship
Increased returns to scale for corporations (still decreasing)
Corporations can now spread without units (just as religions do)
Minor tweaks to corporations
New technologies: Automobiles, Patronage, Naval Warfare, Mercantilism and Manufacturing
Minor changes in techtree
New unit: Dreadnought (a ship)
"We love the Ruler day" now require two times more happy faces than population in cities with Opera House
Increased Wonders cost for China, Japan and (especially) Persia
Fixed a bug which unabled Jerusalem from gaining independence
Reduced Assault Mech's power by 5 to compensate additional movement point from Industrialism
Added two Immortals and increased unit building cost for Persia
Increased probability of war on spawn for Persia and Arabia vs Babylonia
Added a tech penalty for Egypt and Babylonia in Ancient Era to balance it a bit
Added stability penalty for Babylonia
Castle is now available at Construction
Included Orion's Inquisition Mod (with some changes)
Oracle now costs 10 gold/turn because it was overpowered
Moved +1 health bonus from Construction to Engineering
Increased penalty for tech leaders
Libraries and aqueducts can't be built during Medieval Era (until invention of Printing Press and Chemistry, respectively)
Included Saharian Desertification modmod by Baldyr
Simulated Fertile Crescant desertification
Laboratory now requires Fiber Optics instead of Computers
The first 3 units in a city causes no unhealthiness
Founding a city doesn't destroy flood plains
The more religions in a city the more unhappiness
Increased hammer cost of military units for Babylonia to balance additional hammers from plains
Health and happiness from bonuses are now capped at the population of the city
Health over unhealthiness overflow now reduces food consumption
"We love the Ruler day" is now celebrated every time when there is twice that many happy faces as unhappy and city has population 3 or bigger
During "We love the Ruler day" food storage is doubled
Jerusalem now regains independence once it's owner is attacked by stronger civilization
Hanging gardens now grants +4 healthiness (was +1)
Great depressions now last for 4 turns instead of 8
Stability is now 10% closer to 0
City founding is now allowed in tundra when next to a river
Russian 2nd and 3rd goal are checked at 2000AD
Removed scenario- related code from CvEventManager.py, which caused some bugs
Winner of the game gets pernament golden era and stability set to 100
Added decreasing returns to scale in corporations (so they are nerfed a bit)
Removed national wonders per city cap
Trading company is now water world wonder (3 allowed) and gives additional 1 trade route for every city
Coastal cities now require 100% more hammers to build non-coastal world wonder, 10% more to build non-coastal building and 25% more to train a land unit
Non-coastal cities now require 25% less hammers to train a land unit
Stability now influences the production needed to build a world wonder
Kremlin is no longer obsolete with fiber optics
World wonders now require 10% more hammers for each active world wonder owned by the civilization
Moved +1 health bonus from guilds (now +1) to ecology (now +2)
-1 initial health (to balance -1 food consumption from trade route)
Fixed industrial park related bug (so the building gives +25% production for coal and +25% for oil)
Again increased population of civilizations
Fixed negative-income-bug which caused game to crash
Trade routes now reduce food consumption
Added research penalty if neighbours are backwards (up to 6x)
Increased corporation maintenance costs (to 60% of vanilla)
Increased corporation spread costs (to 40% of vanilla)
AI now prefer research over gold over culture and espionage
Fixed mercenary related bug which caused units appear at Antarctica
Updated RFCM to 1.2.2
Reversed spawn of Melpum back to 760BC
Reduced power of Gallic Warrior to 5
Integrated with Next War mod
Changed way the population is counted
Added City Hall building
Added Urban Park building
Rebalanced civics
Added cities between Germany and Russia
Removed Poland and Hungary from German spawn zone
Made Russian spawn zone a lot smaller
Changed German capital to Vienna and made Vienna tile better place for a city
Ensured Mongolian war on spawn with China and independents
Spawned Krakow, Kiev and Vilnius
Spawned Viking settler at Copenhagen tile
Removed one starting settler from Netherlands, gave them additional army and colonists
Updated to 1.21 RFCM version
Removed health penalty from factory for oil and coal (this time for real)
Changed some civcs to make them less RFCC
SoL now needs steel instead of democracy
Increased cost of technologies by 10%
Barbarians are now unable of razing holy cities (don't think it's working)
Melpum spawns later
Tweaked Roman scenario
Set starting civics for every civ
Barbarians are now unwilling of razing holy cities
Fixed Oracle's double bonus bug
Doubled health bonus from aqueducts and hospitals
Added health given by technologies
Moved +1 sea movement from refrigeration to satellites
Priests now give health, artists happiness
Palace allows 2 artists now
Doubled amount of Arabian Camel Archers at spawn
Tripled amount of Mongolian Keshiks at spawn
Removed Jerusalem from Arabian flip zone
Increased Arabian chances for war at spawn (to use it's additional units)
Fixed Celtic troops spawning at the top of city
Every citizen causes 2 unhealthiness now
Included Specialist Enhancements mod by Supercheese
5x lowered corporations maintenance and spread costs
5x increased corporations spread factor
Decreased gold produced by HQ to 1
Doubled corporations bonuses
Completely changed civics
GA yet again can be triggered by 1 GP
Factories now gives +10 hammers instead of +25% and -3 health despite coal and oil
German UB gives 1 free engineer instead of 2 slots, -3 health despite oil
Industrial park gives +25% production for oil and 25% for coal
Tripled nukes cost and made them even more deadly
Tanks and other mechanized units gets additional movement point
Gunships are 1,5x faster
Industrialism gives +1 movement point for every land unit
Weakened cannon (but gave +75% city attack) and musketman (which is cheaper)
Doubled tactical nuke's range
Changed statistics of knight (stronger attack, but needs castle)
Decreased chances of global warming
Changed bonuses of Stonehenge and Oracle
Included Roman PyScenario
Decreased number of Roman and Carthaginian troops at spawn
Decreased probability of war at Roman spawn
Version: 0.0.13
I wish to thank numerous people. Without them the mod would be never created or at least be a lot worse. Even worse, as some people would say
First, I have to thank Rhye for creating such a great mod. Without him I would never come back to cIV
Thanks to embryodead for continuing Rhye's work. Without him I would have no base to modify
Neither last nor least thanks to Baldyr for unimaginable help. For PyScenario, motivation, etc. Man, I owe you
I need to thank supercheese for his Specialist Enhancements which I really love
Thanks to Leoreth for posting in this thread XD (and reading invisible text. And making a mod from which I can steal some ideas )
And of course thanks to Corossol whose RFCC gave me most of ideas.