[Rhye's and Fall] Germany - Rise or Fall


Apr 19, 2006
Carinthia (AUT)
This story was written by me in german more than a year ago and now I try to translate it into english. If you want to read the original version, go here:
BigMaexle (Member of the Civforum-Community) inspired me with his own Rhye’s and Fall-Story “IMPERIVM ROMANVM” to write this story. Due to the fact there are no Austrians I had to take the Germans, cause they are not so different from Austria. ;)
Maybe I will make grammatical or spelling errors, so correct me, if this happens. ;)

Chapter I: The early German people (840-1120 AD)

It’s 840 AD, the various tribes of Europe start to settle down and try to succeed the old Roman Empire. One of these are the “Germans” which were called “Teutonics” or “Germanics” by the Romans in earlier times.

In March the Germans arrived in a flat land, where there were wheat and some cows. Here was the perfect place for them to settle down, but some individualists had something against it. It is not known why, but maybe they had an allergy against the cows or something similar…

Finally this group decided to go southwest and in august of the same year they took over the former roman city of Mogantiacum, called “Mainz” by the Germans. Officially the old roman name for the city remained. The Individualists there called their Empire “Germanic Duchy of Moguntiacum”. Because the German speaking people were soon the majority, people claimed bilingual naming of the city and shields to show this.


The other group founded at the same time the counterpart, the „Germanic Duchy of Berlin“. So there where two German states and it was clear that only one could be alive in the long run. The citizens in Berlin claimed to be the true Germans, due to the fact that they are not related to any non-German peoples.

The first contact with another civilized nation was 846 with frog-eating people, called the “French”, who build their settlements west of the German lands. The first duke of Berlin, Guido I, “the Strong”, buyed the knowledge of sailing. He didn’t mention that this technology was useless at this moment, but his strength was not his brain as you can see…

It didn’t take a long time (actually until 848) for the Duchy of Berlin to be technology more advanced than the Duchy of Moguntiacum, which concentrated more on a dispute about bilingual name shields and such stuff.
In 851 AD the citizens of Mogantiacum decided to get rid of their duke and to unite their land with the Duchy of Berlin, which was ruled by Gunther I, nephew of Guido I at this time. After the unification Gunther decided to rename the whole land into German Empire and was crowned as the first “Duke of the German Empire”. Mogantiacum was finally renamed officially into Mainz.

The unification of both German states was followed by a decade full of wealth, in which the birthrate increased. So Berlin was so crowed in 881 AD that some brave people were sent into the south to found a new settlement, finally named Graz. From this point the German Empire bordered to the Latin “Duchy of Mediolanum” and the mighty Byzantine Empire. Furthermore the Germans get in touch with the Vatikan, also called the Papal States, the centre of Christianity.


Karl I was crowned in 891 AD and expanded the empire to the northeast onto the coast of a sea, named the “Ostsee” (Eastern Sea). After a few months the first buildings of the later city of Memel were built. They were visited by the Vikings, another Germanic tribe, which settled down, but far north. Although the horned helmets seemed very scary to the Germans, the first opening of borders worldwide happened. A sign of friendship and hopefully peace…
The following 10 years the Empire prospered, only disturbed by a big flood which destroyed the most important road from Mainz to Berlin and where many Germans died or get so injured so hard, that they couldn’t work anymore.

1003 AD a crazy tribe began to settle northwest of the German Empire, who seemed to speak a stretched German, called the Dutch. Nobody knows, from where they came, but after some sources they travelled from somewhere over the seas with their caravans to the place where now is Amsterdam.


After the enthronement of Ludwig I in 1005 AD the public administration was introduced in Germany and he also declared war at the Byzantine Empire. But after the big defeat at the battle of Athenae Ludwig made white peace with the Emperor.

Ludwig’s successor Friedrich I was a cultivated man. He is believed as the founder of the German theatre and paper, although he did not much for this. Also he was good negotiating and made a big deal with the Dutch: The knowledge how to produce paper was given to them in exchange for the knowledge of how to construct machines. This lead to a good relationship between this two peoples.

1021 AD the Germans get first in their history in contact with a nation from the east, the Russians. Their language was very different from German and so it was very hard to communicate. But alcohol helped to make the Russians peacefully and also funny. The Germans gave them some cheap schnapps from a farmer in the near of Berlin, which tasted so good in the opinion of the Russians, that they made it their national beverage and called it “Wodka”.

Under the rule of Heinrich I, „the Wise“ it was managed to develope a calendar. Heinrich ordered to build a city in the east, called by him “in der Gegend” (“in the region”). 24 years after the order the city of Landau was founded there, which was claimed by the Byzantines. Heinrich I named as the first one the whole continent “Europe”.

This was only the beginning for the German people. There were so many people out there, which where not known by the Germans right now and many new lands and technologies to discover. How would it go on? Would the rise of the Germans continue?


Here a Map of Europe at 1120 AD


So, what do you say? Good story? Bad one? Don't hesitate to say something :D
It's a good story. Your grammar and spelling is sometimes off but its not that noticable. Please continue this story. I am enjoying it.
Why did you settle there? I would've put Berlin either 1N or 1S

This is RFC and 1N or 1S wont be Berlin anymore it would be something else:eek: (in RFC cities are named by the place they are in.)
@ MagnusImperious
Thanks, point out the failures in grammar and spelling so I can fix them. ;)

@ The other 3 guys
I settled in this spot cause then it's Berlin and not something else and this is the translation of a story I wrote more than a year ago in the german forums so I cannot change anything in gameplayterms. ;)

Chapter II: Rise to the Kaiserreich (1120-1200 AD)

Under the son of Heinricha, Johann I, "the region" („die Gegend“), how the land in the East had been named disparagingly, was settled by the Germans. The Russian people translated the term word for word with „u Krajina“. As the Germans noticed this, they renamed "the region" into the russiansounding term „Ukraine“. The first city in the Ukraine was Landau in the near of the officiall border with the byzantine Empire. They saw this as a provocation of the "barbaric Germans", although they didn't want to go to war. This was maybe due to the war with the arabian heathens from far southeast who where a threat for the Byzantines for a long time.


In the year 1131 AD some miracle happened: In the mountains west of Mainz a ore of jade had been discovered. This increased the wealth of the empire significantly.

In a diplomatic misbehaviour Jürgen I, called "the Furious", triggered a war against the duchy of Mediolanum and it's protector the Byzantines in 1142. Mediolanum threatened the pope in Rome and Jürgen I wanted to save him. For the Byzantines this was the opportunity to start a reunification of the old Roman empire and to gain some territories like Landau from the Germans.

The whole Empire was in attention, all soldiers were mobilized and sent to the southern border. In May 1148 the battle of Graz started and it ended with a big defeat of the Byzantine Cataphracts against the united German army. After this a cease-fire agreement was concluded between both parties.


Jürgens successor Ernst I was the first German who converted to Christianity and from this moment on it was the state religion of Germany.
He managed to make a big deal with the Russians: German Pork against Russian fur. Ernst I was surely the prototype of a sly dog and a great tactitian. The second was proved at the conquest of Mediolanum (German "Mailand") in 1188 which brought him the nickname "the conqueror". As a thank you the pope crowned Ernst to the first Emperor (German "Kaiser") of Germany. From this point on the history of the Kaiserreich began.

Stefan I, the brother of Ernst I, was crowned in 1194 at the age of 71 years. In his short reign he buyed the knowledge of Meditation from strange people, called the English, who drank tea everyday at 5 o'clock. Gunpowder was invented and an open-border-agreement with the teadrinkers and Portugal, a kingdom in the west of Europe, was made. Furthermare he got "Divine Invention" in exchange for paper (maybe they needed it for their toilets) and aesthetics.


In the meantime the Dutch build some palace which they called the apostolic one. There all christian nations should meet in the future to vote on some things. But the normal peasents their were completly forgotten and so a famine raised in Amsterdam which caused a big plague all over western europe. Whole France, Netherlands, most of England and some parts of Spain suffered from this plague which is remembered as the "Pest" and it was only a question of time until it will spread to Germany...


A Map of Europe in 1200 AD
I hate the RFC plague for the sake of the AI. I modded the plague out.

I like the story and the maps at the end provide a nice touch.
Well, you can rename cities in RFC by clicking it in the city screen.
I sometimes go with Danzig as capital, 1 NE I think, or keep it at Berlin.
As for the story: good one, it was time someone made an RFC story :)
It is a long time since the last update. So let's post another one and I hope you can excuse me for updating so slowly due to my Matura (final exam). ;)
Chapter III: The greedy look to the West (1200-1320 AD)

Since the first meeting of French and Germans there was rivalry in the air but it stayed only a cold dislike for a long time. The great cultural achievements and the "Grande Armée" (great army) of France made the Germans jealous. As the "Pest" (great plague) spread through Western Europe, many French lost their live. The Army decreased enormously.

As the plague spread rapidly, Kaiser Rudolf I, later called "the False", decided to attack the weakened France. It should be a big surprise for them and so he made many deals with them and promised help against the plague in the near future.

The first German soldiers crossed the border (German "Grenze") to France in the night of the 7th July 1209. One army marched from Mailand to Marseille in the south and the other from Mainz to Paris in the north. Both cities were conquered in two weeks.


But the planned "Blitzeroberung" (very quick conquest) didn't happen. Bordeaux was taken 40 years after the fall of Paris and Marseille. Ten years later some revolutionaries proclaimed the Bretonic Free state, which had not been accepted by Rudolfs successor Franz I which meaned further war. At the end Germany needed over 100 years to conquer his archrival and many brave young knights lost their live during this campaign.



Germany wasn't spared by the "Pest". Mainz, Berlin, Graz and Mailand lost a lot of their population. Despite this fact, advance on the area of philosophy was made, the banking system was invented and the hanging gardens, a mixture of fun fair and swimming pool were built in Mainz. In 1320 AD there happened a wonder: Some bilingual name shield moved a few meters to the left without human intervention. This lead to a invasion of tourist from all over europe.


A Map of Europe 1200-1320 AD
That Dutch stack up there in the second-to-last picture looks AWFULLY suspicious. I'd say "Watch out in case the Netherlands declares war on you" but you've already played this game through, correct? Glad you're updating again, though. I enjoy it.
i allways take rome first... to get the money :D

and the dutch, wait untill they start making colonies... then they have no groundforces in mainland holland...
The Russian's look a bit big... I would say either a) Wipe them out NOW before they get tougher (Russian heartland may look bleak, but they can be formidable) or b) Make friends. I would go for b) and go for Western Europe.
Hope you can contiue this, I really enjoy it.
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