Rhye's and Fall of Spain

Louis the XIV

Sun King
Jun 23, 2020
Court of Versailles

Hola Amigos:wavey: and welcome to...

Rhye's and Fall of Spain

Where you will relive the history of Spain with your very own eyes

Planned Release Date: January-February

As you probably know there are over 20 RFC modmods. Only 6 survived. This mod is also not going to be abandoned for as long as I'm around. And that's a promise.


It is my pleasure to announce that I have started working on Rhye's and Fall of Spain which features the history of Spain , Northern Africa, and Southern France in between the years 500AD - 1700AD.
This mod will let you relive the history of Spain and will have a lot of the mechanics included in RFC like historical spawns, Wars, Barbarian uprises and a lot of other things. This mod will rework the whole tech tree to make it more Medieval and Industrial. All the Wonders will also be only about Spain as well as Religions, Corporations, units and, buildings.
The mod will be released in 1-2 months (hopefully not 3:coffee:)
I created this thread because it will take a lot of time to create all the units, buildings, wonders, python, maps, sdk, etc.. so I need all the help I can get.
If you decide to help me with this mod, no matter how little or how much I will also give you credit. To learn more about how you can help scroll down until the title titled 'How you can help;

Religions and Corporations

Of course Religions play a very important part in History, especially in Spain.
There will be 2 main religions and 2 minor ones.

    • Catholicism - Holy City: Santiago - Shrine: Grave of St.Taigo
    • Islam - Holy City: Kairouan - Shrine: Mosque of Uqba
    • Judaism - Holy City: None - Shrine: None
    • Protestantism - Holy City: None - Shrine: None
Judaism will be more like a corporation and will give extra income in cities with Judaism, Jewish missionaries are replaced by Jewish Merchants which can conduct trade missions or spread Judaism. Instead of Jewish religious buildings there will only be Synagogue and Jewish market.

Corporations will be more like in DoC. I have not planned all of them yet or if they will have headquarter cities but until now it's something like this:

    • South American Gold trade route: Requires Trading Company. Gives +1:gold: in cities that have it
    • Trans Saharan Trade Route: Requires Camel. Camels provide +3:commerce:
    • Spice route to Asia: Requires Trading Company. Provides free spice resource and free sugar resource
    • The Jesuits: Requires Catholicism. State religion in city provides 1 gold per turn
    • Byzantine Trade Route: Horses produce +1:commerce: and 1:hammers:


This is a list of all the civs, suggestions are still open. Not all civs have UP's ready yet:

    • -Civ Name; Start Year; Start City; Start Religion; Unique Power
    • -The Vandals; 500 AD; Carthage; North Africa; Catholicism; Sea plots provide extra :gold:
    • -The Visigoths; 500 AD; Toledo; Eastern Coast and Central Spain; Catholicism; Mounted units start with 3:move:
    • -The Kingdom of Aquitaine; 600 AD; Bordeaux; Catholicism; Civs are more friendly towards you
    • -The Moors; 711 AD; Cordoba; Islam;
    • -The Kingdom of Castile; 800 AD; Burgos; Catholicism; Inquisitors can attack and spread Catholicism
    • -The Kingdom of Navarre; 811 AD; Pamplona; Catholicism; Extra culture in cities
    • -The Kingdom of Leon; 910 AD; Leon; Catholicism; Catholicism spreads to conquered cities with a Temple
    • -The Aragon Crown; 1035 AD; Zaragoza; Catholicism;
    • -The Portuguese; 1130 AD; Lisbon; Catholicism; Corporations provide 2:gold: per turn per city with them
    • -The Almohad Caliphate; 1140 AD; Marrakesh; Islam; Islam spreads to cities with a Mosque
    • -The Mali; 1235; Niani; Islam; Islamic :religion: buildings give extra :gold:
    • -The Mandinka; 1300 AD; Kangaba; Plots provide +3:commerce:
    • -Eyalet of Tunis; 1574; Tunis; Islam; Palace provides +1 :hammers:, :health:, :culture:, :commerce:, :traderoute:, and 2 xp
    • -British expeditionary force of Gibraltar; 1704; Gibraltar; Protestantism; Naval units have 2 extra :strength: and :move:
    • -Napoleonic Spain; 1808 AD; Northern Spain; Protestant; Gunpowder units start with Pinch and Shock
    • -Nationalist Spain; 1936; Burgos; Catholicism;
If you have any other Ideas for UP's or Civs feel free to suggest them.
UHV's (Unique Historical Victory) might not be included. Not sure yet.


The map is also an important part of the game I think I should include in this thread.
The map is already decided by me as to how it will look but I haven't decided on the size (you can vote on the poll). I personally like smaller maps but I'm sure lot's more people like bigger maps, that's why you can vote.
The map will be something like this:
All of Spain as well as southern France all the way to Bordeaux.
The map will also have the Island of Corsica.
No part of Italy will be included but I will be considering adding part of Italy and add Genoa as well in another update.
The part of Africa will have all of Northern Africa from Morocco to Tunisia.
Also the map will go all the way down to the lands of the Mali but not until Timbutku. So that's why the capital of the Mali won't be Timbutku.

Hopefully this will give you an insight as to how the map will look.
After I finish the map (somewhere in December) I will post a picture here.

Rhye's and Fall Concepts

I'm not the greatest python and c++ modder but I can work my way with python a bit. So this mod will not include all the RFC Concepts.
This mod will not have the stability mechanic though it might be introduced in another update.
UHV's, not sure if I'm capable of creating them.
Manual AutoPlay: I have no idea how to force AI Auto Play so when the game starts a popup will pop up on which it states how many turns you have to manually insert. To open the AI Auto Play window you need to press Ctrl+ Shift +X.
Do not press Ctrl Shift X while the AI is auto playing or this will result in the You have been defeated message showing up and you being eliminated.
The RiseAndFall.py will be totally reworked as to make it more simple. Using various python scripts from various mod comps I have created a method that turns the RiseAndFall.py file into RiseAndFall.xml and everything is defined much simpler. Same to the AI Wars.py was turned into AIWars.xml.

How you can help

As a lot of other mods I want the Civ players to be able to contribute as well.
I will be creating all the Civs and Leaderheads but the units and buildings/wonders can be created by anyone. If you want to add a unit/building/wonder or maybe all 3, I recommend (and I would appreciate it) if you make it modular, because making modules is much easier then you might think. Here is a guide on how to make something modular: Modular Tutorial.
If you help out in any possible way I will post your name in the credits file.txt and in the mod thread.


This mod will be released in English only.
After finishing the mod and uploading it I might start working on an update that adds the language Spanish since this a mod about Spain.
But if you don't know English you will not be able to read the civilopedia but that's not such a big deal.
Another thing, the units and buildings will not have a entry in the civiliopedia, or at least not all of them, only the Wonders, Civilizations, and Leaders will 100% have a background entry in the civiliopedia.

Post Scriptum
I hope people will enjoy this mod after I finish it because it will take a lot of effort to complete it, also don't forget to vote how big the map should be because the map will be the last thing I will work on in this mod.
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