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Rhye's and Fall of the Greek World Unofficial Patch released!


Plotting something
Sep 1, 2010
This is Rhye's and Fall of the Greek World, a modmod focused on the Mediterranean before the fall of Rome. This was meant to be a community mod, however I have continued its development on my own after the community effort died. I am an amateur modder, so I appoligize for errors.
Here is the link:
Or, if that doesn't work:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/rh...s and Fall of the Greek World 0.7.7z/download

Changes since I took over:
Spoiler :


Added Bactrian Civilization with a leader, dynamic names, etc.

removed Athens from the Athenian city name list. It gets built in odd places. Same for Rome for the Roman city lists

Rome can now produce units slightly faster

Changed some of Persia’s dynamic names

Remove Socialist names now that they can show up. Replaced them with the names of late dynasties (like the Sassanids and the Kushans)

Carthage no longer becomes a caliphate if it converts to Egyptian mythology

renamed “Nationhood” to “empire”, and make it accessible with the citizenship tech

Made Vassalage available with Aristocracy

Renamed Free Market to Trade (available with Trade)

Renamed State Property to Centralized Coinage (available with Currency)

Made Bureaucracy available with its own tech: Record Keeping, which is also a prereq for Education, that requires mathematics and alphabet

Made mercantilism available with Record Keeping

made river trade accessible with fishing. Otherwise, you can currently trade along the coast earlier than along rivers, and trade is an OP tech

Added record keeping tech (see bureaucracy note)

give starting nations technologies for the appropriate starting religions.

Moved drama into the tech tree, make it researchable

Replace Kashgar mountains with land for Bactria

Make Merchants a national unit (limited to three of them at a time). They are overpowered otherwise

Background Fixes:
Fixed the “tuple index out of range” error associated with the Indus Valley by adding another 0 to the end of tBirths in consts.py. Not sure why this helps, but for some reason it does. Not sure what the consequences would be. They still collapse, which is ok, I guess.

Fixed a tuple index out of range exception related to AI Wars

Made Pirates not go on Ocean
Gave triremes and Quinqueremes anti-pirate bonus
Make pirates also require trade.
Added battering ram unit as an early siege weapon, with logging
Merchant unit added. Functions like the great merchant, but its trade mission produces much less gold. I’m not sure if the AI knows how to use them.
Raised the strength of hoplites to 5. If they are suppose to be a technological upgrade of spearmen, then they have to actually be better than spearmen

Terrain Features/Resources
Made jungles passable
Made Jungles chopable with Iron Working
Fixed bug for the paved road
Added olives and pearls and salt resources
Pearl Resources are near: Bahrain (replace a clam), Red Sea, South India, Persia, Algeria (replace a clam)
Olive resources are near: Phoenician spawn zone, South Italy, Greece, Macedonia, North Iraq
Salt Resources are near: The dead sea (Israel), Romania, Salzburg, the Sahara, and Ethiopea, Venice
Added Sheep to Sardinia and Forests to Corsica
Added hills to Somalia
Expanded Arabia into the Ocean
Made Socotra smaller
Untrimmed Iberia
Shrunk Isle of Man, Moved Ireland to the South
Moved England West, adjusted it considerably so that its outline is better
Fix British Resources
Improve geography of Wales, added more hills, forests and rivers
Fixed bug: Wine was previously “enabled” by the tyranny tech, which meant that the resource was unobtainable… It is now enabled by the amphora tech, the same one as allows wineries and tabernas

Added trading post, which has the ability of the customs house, and art from the Viking trading post
Add Elder’s Council with storytelling, which gives a small science bonus
Fix the name of the Yazilikaya
Add Taberna building, with amphora and wine, which gives +1 happiness and culture, but -1 health
Fix Olympic park TXT_KEY
Fix Leaning tower TXT_KEY
Fix Flavian Amphitheatre TXT

Barbs and Independents:
Move Yemen City 3 South and 1 East
Give Saana starting archers
Added Libyan barbarian armies to weaken Egypt. Currently, 4 spawn on Monarch level, and this seems to be the optimal number, as Egypt sometimes survives, and is usually overwhelmed. I may want to decrease this later, as I still want Egypt to survive more often than it actually does
Adding Numidian Barbarians to pressure Carthage.

Give Rome storytelling at start
The Nubian starting units are now Medjay instead of archers, and there are now 4 of them instead of 3. This should make Nubia harder to steamroll (before, an Egyptian player can take over them in a few turns)

Fixed Black Sea Coastline
Fixed terrain of the Indus valley
Moved Indus valley civilization onto Indus valley
Renamed Aleppo to Halab
Restore terrain yields of plains and grasslands to what they originally were
Added island of Socotra
Removed Tundra Jungle in Ethiopia
Added some hills to Ireland and Scandinavia
Added Isle of Man, and a river in Ireland
Move Nubian capital
Iron + hills to Nubia
Copper to Israel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timna_Valley)
Added marble to Create

Game Balancing:
Gave Etruscans fishing and Archery and Agriculture
Gave Sparta Archery and agriculture and fishing
Gave Gauls Archery
Gave Israelis, Athenians, Macedonians, Persians, Romans, Carthaginians Agriculture
Archery to Germanics
Remove warrior +25% city defense
Gave Huns Strength 9 UU
Gave Germanics Strength 8 UU

Fixed Sparta/Rome Dynamic names issue
Fixed cotton and camel txtkeys
Add two movement to the Phoenician galley, which was currently slower than the normal galley
Fixed Byzantium typos (though they will just be replaced next patch so)
Copy RFC text for expansion civics

Add shipwright building
Add pirate unit
Add explorer (unit form civ 4, with Cartography)
Replace future tech with medieval tech, and make it researchable so the tech tree does not end
Move representation civic to republicanism
Gaul empire -> Gallic Empire
move medic promotion to Herbalism
add Paved Roads tile improvement

Idk what I changed with this since the changes were made many years ago (sorry :p) but apparently some bugs were fixed and camels were added

Civilizations: Nubia no longer collapses
Adding Indus Valley Civilization
Better Etruscan LH
I have expanded the map to fill in the blank areas. This added Ethiopea, Scotland, India and ussless Saharan and Siberian land. The reasons for this is are 1: to give the IVC more room. 2: To give Nubia more room. 3: To make Brittan worth colonizing. 4: For a future Vandal civ or barbs.
The red sea coast is now more fertile.
Religion: General bug and error fixing.
All religions now have holy shrines.

Other modifications were made.

Added Nubian Civilization. Leader: Taharqa, UU: Medjay, UB: Vaulted Granary
Fixed some city names
Gave Phoenicians UU: Briem
Gave Israel UB: Kotel
Replaced David with Solomon for Israel
Removed Swamp on Nile Delta (Egypt is stronger in the North Nile but weaker in the South Nile)
Moved Hittite spawn point
Israel now starts with Pottery since all neighbors are stronger
Phoenicians get fish instead of Sheep
Adjusted some city names
Changed some dynamic names to distinguish between large and small empires
Gave Hittites Animal Husbandry so it takes longer for barbs to overrun them (they are still overrun, as they historically should be, but they have time to become a threat to the South empires and a player can lead them easier (no chariots against warriors and swordsmen against chariots)
Britan is now one Island

City Name Map Working
Missionary renaming
All Python exceptions fixed
Added Cannanite Missionary to Carthage
Adjusted Hittite and Spartian starting units
Added copper to Greece and Cyprus
Added leaderheads for Germanics and Etruscans
Moved starting religions to earlier techs, which I will give to starting civilizations in next patch
Removed Spiritual Burial tech
Removed Archers from Hun and Germanic starting stacks (they were slowing the horde down) and replaced accordingly
Changed some dynamic names to distinguish between large and small empires

Religions: Cannanite Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Mesopotamian Mythology, Judaism, Hellenism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity.
Readded Missionaries
Leaderheads for: Phoenicia, Israel, Hittites, Sparta, Huns
Dynamic Names for all civilizations
Healers Hut Building
Added technologies: Herbalism, Spiritual Burial (the first is for the Healers Hut, the second for Egyptian Mythology)
Strengthened Byzantine, Hun and Germanic starting armies greatly
Added City Name Maps from the forum
Added Settler Maps from the forum
Added City Lists (temporary)
Minor Bugfixes

+: Will be fixed in the next patch
- Reason unknown for now
? Unverified
Spoiler :

-Civilipedia does not work for civics and units
?When I tried to give Nubia's UU and UB art the game would crash to desktop, no errors of any kind. Debuger shows a strange crash to desktop error, tracing it back to a file in the civ4 folder
?IVC is weak and often collapses early
+Jewish buildings and missionaries incorrectly named
+Nubia's start year listed incorrectly

Spoiler :
Fix buttons (and other minor art)
Add more buildings and techs
Add more civics
a few remaining UUs
Bug fixing
Art for all UUs and UBs
Replace Byzantium with either Dacia, Numidia, Bosporus or Akkad (add many of these civs)

Spoiler :
advice and feedback:)

Glad to see this mod alive
Suggestion: Sparta needs copper. Infact, the only copper in Greece is by the Macedonians... Eh... I'll just attempt to warriors spam the Athenians before the Macedonian Swordsmen get to them. 30 warriors with City Raider 1 Should do the job no?
Just tried this sucker out as Israel and had a blast, but I also noticed a few areas where resources need some readjusting. In addition to the aforementioned copper-less Greece, Phoenicia definitely needs some copper on Cyprus a.) because they loved them some of that Cyprus copper IRL and b.) because the AI needs some spears to avoid becoming an ineffectual whipping-boy for their later neighbors. Hell, maybe even a human player would need it, but I haven't tried them out yet to find out.

All in all, though, I'm digging the map. The propensity for smaller, more cramped cities works surprisingly well with the smaller variety of resources in different areas of the map. As Gem and I have noted, however, there are some areas that probably need some attention. I'll try to test things out a bit more and get a more detailed analysis/impression/opinion when I have a chance.

Some first impressions:
-Israel's research seems a bit slow. Granted, I eventually decided to shamelessly expand at the expense of progress when the Hittites beneficially collapsed for me. (that's what they get for declaring war on me right after I got a bunch of free horses) Still, things seemed kinda slow before I threw science by the wayside.

-Persia and Rome turned into somewhat ridiculous powerhouses with seeming ease. I really only have one game to go on, though. I just started a game as the Celts and Persia seemed a bit more reasonable, but in my Israel game they and Rome were beating everyone by almost twice as many points. (I'm pretty sure, at least; possible hyperbole) That's with me in control of the Levant, the Arab Peninsula, and the Hittites starting area up to the Black Sea.

-The Germans probably need a starting city, since the AI can't seem to handle organizing any invasions. Not sure if the Huns have the same problem or not. I actually started a game as the Huns, but only had time to look at there starting area. Hopefully the AI is programmed to suicide-rush Thrace. If not, I distinctly remember reading somewhere in the RFC forums about how to set AI units on the warpath to a particular city on-spawn... but I can't remember where. (I believe they were talking about modifying the Arabs' spawn)

Well, that turned into a wall-o'-text. I'll crank out another one after I've done some more testing.
Calling it an Unofficial Patch seems a little pointless seeing as how unfinished this is.
You thought about trying to picking up the flag and trying to finish it?
That is the plan (hopefully)
You also need to fill it out alot. Having a couple Iberian civs, a Trojan one, Etruscan((Roman city states that the Romans have to fight in Italy)) ones, Numidia, etc. Wouldn't hurt I think. Also: Tech speed is too slow for the game speed. You should also slow down the Macedonian era so they aren't only around for under 20 turns((One game)). I'll try one as Sparta with sufficient copper placed in Greece.((One for Sparta, one for Delian League))
There is an Etruscan Civilization already. As for the others, as I said, I am an amature, and I need to figure out all these bugs before I continue, than, I plan to edit the map and only than will I add new civilizations.
Phoenicia does not seem to expand enough. From my plays, they are usually limited to their capital, with maybe one of the cities in Cilicia controlled. They should be much more naval oriented.
Also, I think Macedonia should have a separate city name map, while that's being resolved, with Alexandria and Philippopolis everywhere, as historical.
While we're on the subject of other civs, perhaps Illyria, Kush, or Akkad.
That is SWEET!

That's a nice coincidence that you released it when i return.
I once tried to update it as well, but i sucked utterly:blush: Anyway, when i gathered art for the modmod, i used Lars Porsena with Mark Anthony as a LH (i have no idea how Etruscans are supposed to look like, though. Maybe a little exotic? But definitely another BG), and Arminius with the Clovis LH.
I can hardly wait to try it out.
That is SWEET!

That's a nice coincidence that you released it when i return.
I once tried to update it as well, but i sucked utterly:blush: Anyway, when i gathered art for the modmod, i used Lars Porsena with Mark Anthony as a LH (i have no idea how Etruscans are supposed to look like, though. Maybe a little exotic? But definitely another BG), and Arminius with the Clovis LH.
I can hardly wait to try it out.

I was also planning to help this mod come into shape after RFCE 1.0 is released
Probably we should make this a team effort, it seems we have plenty of RFC modders interested in this
What do you think, spaceman98? After all, you are the who actually started to work on it
I wonder if you're planning to add more civs; i'd love to see Troy as an actual one-city challenge, Paurava (or Indian in general), because that place is empty atm, and Nubia.
For balancing issues, it's better to finish the civ list early.
Does Troy really have any historical relevance though?
If it were not for the Iliad would we really see it as anything more than another small fraction around the Greek area?
Well, it always comes down to how serious you want to be about history;)
I am going to say that Troy is a bad idea, since it had little actual historical importance and would unnecissarily compete with the Hittites.
I plan to expand the map at some point (replacing mountains and space with land) and add Nubia and an Indian faction.

Also, I found leaderheads:)
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