Rhyes of Seljuks?


Civilization City Planner
Jan 7, 2010
Seattle, WA
Ok I'm Arabia on viceroy. I guess you could say I've overstepped my boundaries in Turkey, I have 5 cities, including one on the black sea, and I can't stop the flow of seljuks! every turn 3 more appear. I've tried guiarmisseur, they work until they die. and i cant keep getting 3 every turn, i simply dont have the production. I'm trying knights now but they arent enough either. I've expanded through libya, and I still have a fair stability rating. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SELJUKS?? Is this an indicator that I got too many cities in turkey? The seljuks got triggered after the schism (around 1063 or something)

EDIT: now I'm good stability, they keep coming and crusade just happened
how am i supposed to survive until 1500?
Ok I'm Arabia on viceroy. I guess you could say I've overstepped my boundaries in Turkey, I have 5 cities, including one on the black sea, and I can't stop the flow of seljuks! every turn 3 more appear. I've tried guiarmisseur, they work until they die. and i cant keep getting 3 every turn, i simply dont have the production. I'm trying knights now but they arent enough either. I've expanded through libya, and I still have a fair stability rating. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SELJUKS?? Is this an indicator that I got too many cities in turkey? The seljuks got triggered after the schism (around 1063 or something)

You've got to be kidding me. ;)

The number of Seljuks don't depend on anything. But their are some ways to survive them better.
1. If you didn't have the city at the Black Sea, some Seljuks would have went to the east to attack the Byzantines.
2. You have enough time to build Walls and Castles. If you build them in your most north cities and put 1 or 2 crossbowmans in their, you should be fine. In the meanwhile, you can build some cavalry to attack the Seljuks. (The last isn't neccessary, but it is useful, otherwise the Seljuks plunder everything.)
3. You don't need the cities in Turkey. The most north cities you need are Tarsus, Antioch and the other name (I forgot the name).
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