Right Wing or Left Wing part 3: A political survey


Aug 15, 2003
Maryland and Virginia
Those of us who have been following the recent OT political orientation threads have generally agreed that the old right/left dichotomy and one dimensional political classifcation is outdated, and doesn't represent the views of such varient ideologies as Fascism, Libertariansim, Anarchism, and others. A few of us have introduced the idea of a two-dimesional political spectrum, which separates general political orientations from the original "right-wing" or "left-wing" identifications to a new system divided into 4 different quadrants. I think that it would be interesting to see in which quadrants the various people here fall into. If you'd like to take a survey to find out which quadrant you fit into, then go to this website and take the test.


After you take it, come back and post your results. Maybe it'll spark some interesting conversation.

My results:

-4.0 Economics, 4.56 Authoritarian

My thanks to Comrade Davo for providing this link.

EDIT: If you feel like taking even more political quizes, then here's another one:


It tells you what political groups/philosophies best fit you.
My best fit was Liberal Nationalism (such as Pat Buchanan or the British Nationalists), my worst fit was Anarcho-Communism.
Didn't I do this about two months ago or so? Anyway, I remember that I was fairly close to center, but towards the left just a little.
Originally posted by The Yankee
Didn't I do this about two months ago or so? Anyway, I remember that I was fairly close to center, but towards the left just a little.

I don't remember; maybe I wasn't a member yet. If you did then it seems that no one remembers their results or the implications of those results.
Fine, fine fine. I'll do it. Put a gun to my head.


E.g. midway in the lower right corner.

That said, I still found the questions absurd. What does abstract art have to do with political orientation? And SO many false choices.

Originally posted by Richard III
Fine, fine fine. I'll do it. Put a gun to my head.

lol. I think that its fun to do these surveys. I try to be as unbiased as possible when taking them, read the questions carefully, and aviod taking the bait on "leading" questions.
We did do this a couple of months ago. I was shockingly close to the center. Exact center on the Libertarian/Authoritarian axis and +0.5 to the right on the Right/Left axis.
What I didn't like was an option of "Don't care". I remember taking it and there were just somethings I didn't care about....but then again, I guess you have to take positions on things....
I was a slightly slightly left-leaning libertarian...
The test changed a bit.

Economic Left/Right: -5.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.49

I'm slightly more libera than before.
I came in at:

Economic Left/Right: 0.25
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.41

On the graph I rated dead-center on the left-right axis and leaning by two ticks from the center towards the libertarian, away from the authoritarian. In short, it came out much as I expected; I'm a centrist who believes good (and bad) ideas can be found on both the traditional left and right, with the improvisio that a successful and just society will always be striving for the balance between the freedom of the individual (citizens and entities) and the needs of the whole.

RIII was right about many of the questions though; they were shaped around simplistic and clichéd "knee-jerk" reactions to contemporary issues. It was a bit like taking an NRA survey.
Originally posted by Vrylakas
RIII was right about many of the questions though; they were shaped around simplistic and clichéd "knee-jerk" reactions to contemporary issues. It was a bit like taking an NRA survey.

I agree, but I've yet to find a political survey that wasn't based on knee-jerk reactions. I think that it needs a "neutral", "undecided" or "unimportant to me" answer choice.
Economic Left/Right: -4.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.38

I rate approximately the same as:

Al Sharpton
The Dalai Lama
the British Green Party

There is obviously something VERY screwed up with this test :p
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.25
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.97

More left and libertarian than the last time...though, there were some questions I didn't care about, might have answered differently and never remembered. Oh well...tests can sometimes be odd.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
Economic Left/Right: 9.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.33
Now if we could just lower your second score by around 11 points, you'd be great!
Here's me:

Economic Left/Right: -6.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.00
No way am I anywhere near Kucinich! He's too left for my tastes....
It's the wishy-washy questions like "there are no savage or civilized peoples, just different cultures" that made me score on the authoritarian scale.
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