Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn


The White Wizard
Jul 31, 2007
Austin, Texas
Last edited by a moderator:

Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn is an expansion of the former, and incredibly popular Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword Mod, Rise of Mankind, by Zappara. Rise of Mankind attempts to simulate history, but was not intended to be a perfect historical simulator, like Rhye's and Fall of Civilization is; instead it follows mostly historical lines, but allows for those "What-If" scenarios to occur. Rise of Mankind serves as an expansion from Beyond the Sword, adding a huge new technology tree, putting great importance on buildings and creating infrastructure, along with incorporating other successful mods, Like Revolutions, Influence Driven War, Next War, and much more.

The Goal of A New Dawn is to provide the player with the same enthralling experience that Rise of Mankind gave, but with a more powerful AI, new class of features, and in-depth customizability. Where Rise of Mankind provided players with a wide variety of expanded content, Rise of Mankind A New Dawn provides in-depth control and more specialized content that contributes to the gameplay. Existing content has been balanced to make the games challenging. The AI has been enhanced in unit tactics, diplomacy, and city building strategies. Existing features, like nuclear weapons, are even more useful when automatic pre-targeting Mutually Assured Destruction. Tedious tasks, like patrolling your borders for barbarians can be automated. Civilization 4 deserves a better class of mods, mods where players have maximum control over aspect of the game, content, and outcomes. Rise of Mankind A New Dawn is that mod.

Advanced Diplomacy Civilopedia Article:
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Guilds Civilopedia:
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Mastery Victory Screen:
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City Screen:
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Defense Hover:
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RoM Settings Page
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Diplomacy Settings Page
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Effects of Castle Gatehouse
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Building Upgrade Chains
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Castle Improvements
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Personalized Map
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New Random Events
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Interface Color Schemes

Tech Tree (warning: large image):
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Advanced Diplomacy
Advanced Diplomacy adds depth and realism, making diplomacy dangerous and important for any player that wants to succeed. The AI is fully aware of all the new diplomacy options, and will trade for them, or in return for them.
  • Embassies
    • Embassies are a vital agreement that must be made before Open Borders or any form of alliance can be made with any other civilizations.
  • Right of Passage
    • Rights of Passage are a limited form of Open Borders. They only allow non-combatants and trade through the borders.
  • Contact
    • Players can sell contact with other civilizations, if they have not met the third party.
  • Cease Relations With
    • Players can pay for civilizations to cease all contact with enemy civilizations - more effective than embargos.
  • Pay War Reparations
    • Players can pay war reparations and rebuild relations with former enemies.
  • Trading Workers
    • Players can buy and sell workers on the market.
  • Trading Military Units
    • Heavy Military units, like Aircraft, ships, and siege machinery can be bought and sold to other players.
  • Trading Corporation HQ's
    • Players can sell and buy the headquarter of corporations.
  • New AI Memories
    • The AI will know when you start lots of wars between others, or when you backstab a good friend. Don't expect them to forgive you for being manipulative. However, deciding NOT to declare war when asked may grant you better relations with the targeted nation.

Foreign Policies
Choose foreign policy civics that influence other civilizations. Choose to intercept & seize foreign trade at your borders, or receive tribute from weaker civilizations looking to appease you. Isolate your civilization from the world and focus on your economy, or intervene and expand your trade influence at the expense of others. Be charitable and contribute to the redevelopment of weaker civilizations. Every choice you make will help, or hurt your relations with other civilizations.

Ruthless AI
The Ruthless AI Gameoption will make the AI much more manipulative and harder to beat than normal or Aggressive AI. The AI will use techs and gold to hire war allies, often sparking small border disputes into raging world wars that ultimately will work to their advantage. Expect to be sneak attacked, or worse, blitzed, as the AI siezes poorly defended border cities, and gobbles up smaller city-states. The AI will remember your breaches of trust more keenly; it may be wiser to die an honorable death then become the next Benedict Arnold. Lastly; suspect every AI request; an ordinary map request may actually be a search for future attack sites, so be prepared for pre-emptive strikes.

Spoiler :

Expanded Cities, Multiple Production & Multiple Research
With the Larger Cities, your cities will expand to a third level of workable tiles at "Influential" culture. Your cities will be able to work 37 tiles, and become large powerhouses. Just be warned, unhappiness and unhealthiness will plague the cities, as their size spirals out of control. These expanded cities will likely take advantage of Multiple Production, which allows them, if they have enough overflow production, to build multiple units or buildings in one turn. Likewise, if your research becomes high enough, you could research more than one tech in a turn.

Usable Mountains
With Usable Mountains, every peak will give 3 :hammers:, and will become passable after the research of "Mountaineering". Mountains give +75%, the largest in the game, and become strategically important to research, especially if others already have the ability to cross them. A special promotion is available to Great Generals that allows them to cross peaks before researching Mountaineering, so that your armies can elude more backwards defenders and raid and pillage enemy land with easy.

Defender Retreat
With Defender Retreat, defending units that have a withdraw chance, and are not in a city have a chance, if possible, to retreat backwards towards a safe tile. (A safe tile is one where there are no enemy units around it in any direction).

Dynamic and Fractional Experience Gain
Unit XP is now saved in fractional values, and units gain experience dynamically, depending on their battle success and the odds. The less likely a unit will win a battle, the more XP it will receive, to a maximum of 6XP attacking or 3XP defending. Units will always receive a minimum of 0.25XP. In battle, the less health the units lose, the more XP the units can earn, so that players are forced to make more strategic attacks, and that players can no longer gain significant amounts of XP by attacking very weak units.

Great Commanders
Great Commanders replaces the ability for Great Generals to join with a unit, and instead, they lead units into battle by being near battles. If a great general is near or on the site of a battle they will earn 1XP each time your forces win (up to 5XP a turn), and can earn special Commander-Only promotions that apply to your entire nearby army. Great Commanders can help your units withdraw from one-sided battles, or give your forces the edge they need to destroy the enemy. Use their promotions to turn the tide, and the odds in your favor. Just don't be surprised when the AI uses them against you too!

Fixed and Realistic Borders
Fixed Borders stops enemy culture from shifting your borders, but only with certain civics. Yours, and enemy units can claim tiles and shift their allegiance to you, even without any culture. Forts now give off 1 culture per turn, and can be used to claim frontier land, before someone else does. Forts that have defending units in them also give off a Zone of Control, one tile around them. Enemy units that enter this zone of control will be forced to confront and attack the fort, or retreat out of the area. By strategically building forts, one could create a nearly impenetrable wall of forts, where all the choke-points where heavily defended forts. Realistic Borders causes culture to spread based on the terrain and features on the land, more quickly on grassland and plains, but slower over peaks and densely vegetated areas.

Save Compatability
Created by Koshling, frame the Caveman 2 Cosmos mod, Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn uses a new save format which ensures games remain compatible and can be loaded no matter what - even when the game code, content, or other features change. RAND has remained fully save compatible with previous games from previous releases of the mod dating over 2 years old. Never lose a game when the mod updates. Never fear updates or new content. We take care to ensure saves will be compatible forever.

United Nations
Ever wanted to play with the UN, but hated when the AI used it to win the game? Use the United Nations gameoption, and the UN will still be active without Diplomatic Victory, and no one will be able to use it to win, but you can still have all the other normal votes.

No Future Era
Some players simply dislike the late game. It's understandable, because Rise of Mankind lasts about 100 years longer than Beyond the Sword does. The No Future Era option fixes that. The tech tree will hide all the tech's past the modern era (except for the Future Tech), and blocks players from getting futuristic technology.

One of the most interesting (and controversial) features of Civilization 5 is the 1UPT rule. xUPT mimics this, in a customizable fasion. Instead of limiting yourself to only 1 unit, you can make it 10 units, 5, or 100, and any number in-between, dynamically, inside the game. After 100 turns, if you feel 5 is too many or too few, just change it and go play the same game some more!

Fine-Tuned Automations
Ever want to automate your units, but feel like they make too many mistakes? Wish you could fine tune what they can and can not do? Now you can. There's 100's of options to chose from. Restrict your workers from building forts around your capital, but allow it around your border cities, while allowing paths nationwide and banning paved roads. Or disable farms in all cities but one, and allow mines in all of them. Or anything in-between. Even your combat troops have further controls. Want to control what odds your units will attack at? Now you can!

Installation & Setup

  1. If you are using Vista or Windows 7, Either turn off your UAC or Right-Click on your Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword shortcut, enter the properties menu, and under the "Compatibility" tab, select "Run As Administrator".

  2. Download the Mod from the link above

  3. Install the "Mods" folder on your computer (the installer should attempt to help you out here)

  4. Install AND with the components you want.

  5. Install the AND Patch

  6. Launch BTS, load Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn, and play!

  1. I started up my game, but nothing appears different!
  2. I installed A New Dawn correctly, but in game, the terrain flickers and is black!
    • Although the cause is not known (I suspect users are running out of VRAM), the solution is either to remove some of the new civilizations from the Mega Pack out of the Rise of Mankind/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations folder OR only use FULL or LITE RoM.

  3. When I start the game up, the interface is all gone! I can't select anything!
    • This occurs with bad installs. Go back to the Directions and try again.

  4. When I tried to install A New Dawn, I got an error message that said "bad end of central directory record"
    • This occurs when the download is interrupted, which can happen for a variety of reasons. Redownload the mod and try again.

  5. What is a A New Dawn (RAND)?
    • A New Dawn is an expansion mod of Rise of Mankind

  6. There are features that I want/don't want. How do I turn them on/off?
    There are three ways to choose features in this modpack:
    • The first one is through installation process. When you install, there are list of features that you can choose from to be installed.
    • Second, when you load the mod, you should go to Custom Game and go to the options below the default options there. There will be more features for you to choose from.
    • Third, you will be able to use BUG Options Screen's tab named "A New Dawn". There will be even more features in there. Also, don't forget to check out other choices in other tabs as well.

  7. What if I don't like some of your features, can I play without them?
    • Absolutely! I will never force users to play with a specific features. Every feature can be turned off or disabled.

  8. RoM plays slow on my computer, won't all this new content slow the game down even more?
    • No! I've fixed most of the things that cause Rise of Mankind to play slower. Even if you install all the extra components, you should still experience a 10-20% speed boost from standard Rise of Mankind.

  9. I think I found a bug in A New Dawn, what do I do?
    • Report it! A screenshot and/or a save, along with your A New Dawn.log (located in your base Rise of Mankind folder) would also be helpful.

  10. Will you add feature X to your Mod?
    • I do take feature requests, as long as they are feasible.

  11. Is A New Dawn available in any other languages than English?
    • Yes. Most of the text has been translated into German and French. Iff you can translate the text for me, I will gladly add it in the next version.

  12. How do I get A New Dawn to work on a Mac?
    • Step 1: Throw your Mac out the nearest window
    • Step 2: Buy a PC

  13. If I want to send you a donation, where do I send it?
    • I can not take donations, but if you feel obligated to pay for this mod, send a donation to Amnesty International.


Bug Reporting, Feedback, & Forums

Bug Reporting


I always appreciate feedback on my work. You can post in this thread, or start a thread in my forum for more detailed discussion.


Civfanatic's hosts a mod forum for Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn, open to all users to discuss my mod.

Credits & Thanks

Mods & Modcomps:
  • Rise of Mankind:
    • Zappara
  • RevDCM:
    • Jdog5000
    • glider1
    • Phungus420
  • Better AI:
    • Jdog5000
    • Fuyu
  • Unofficial patch:
    • Jdog5000
  • BUG & BULL:
    • EmperorFool
    • Ruffhi
  • Vicinity Resource Code:
    • Shqype
  • Civic Flavor Code:
    • Grave
  • Mountains back to Service:
    • NeverMind
  • Larger Cities
    • Jooyo
  • Sea Tunnels:
    • Jooyo
  • CAR Speed Improvements:
    • Stmartin
  • Multiple Production:
    • Denev
  • Event Image Code:
    • EmperorFool
  • Promotion enter City code:
    • Kael
  • Avoid Unhealthiness & unhappiness:
    • Jean Eclard
  • Defender withdraw concept:
    • Killmeplease
  • Battlefield promotions concept:
    • Killmeplease
  • Great Commanders concept:
    • Killmeplease
  • Advanced Nukes Mod:
    • Civ Fuehrer
  • Early Buildings:
    • GeneralStaff
  • Civic Buildings:
    • Generalstaff
  • Fixed Borders:
    • Dexy
  • Improved Cultural Border Spread:
    • Phunny Pharmer
  • Original Civic Screen Code:
    • StrategyOnly
  • Mapscript Tools:
    • Temudjin
  • Building Upgrade Chains:
    • KillTech
  • NS Event issues:
    • Max Barry
  • Save Compatibility Framework:
    • Koshling
  • And code contributions from the Caveman 2 Cosmos mod team which are too numerous to list here.

  • mechaerik
  • hrochland
  • Kathy
  • jojoweb
  • nitram15
  • Walter Hawkwood
  • Arian
  • Civ Fuehrer
  • Dancing Hoskuld
  • Darkstyx
  • TechXltd

Active Project Members:

Former Project Members:
  • jtanner28
  • JosEPh_II

General Coding Assistance:
  • EmperorFool
  • DavidAllen
  • XienWolf
  • God-Emperor
  • Kael
  • Sephi

Alpha Testors:
  • Os79
  • lichen8566

If you think I used your work, and didn't properly credit you, PM me.
Excellent work with AND. Are the modmodmod's listed below included with 1.74 and if not are they compatible with 1.74?
[B said:
A New Dawn Custom Content[/B]
There are a group of dedicated and talented modders creating new buildings, units, civics, and civilizations for A New Dawn. You can find most of them by searching in my forum, but here is a brief list of what is available:

Excellent work with AND. Are the modmodmod's listed below included with 1.74 and if not are they compatible with 1.74?

Afforess added them based on his latest understanding of them. He, in no way, guarantee these modmods because they're not his work. You need to ask the owners of these modmods yourself :).
Excellent work with AND. Are the modmodmod's listed below included with 1.74 and if not are they compatible with 1.74?

All of those threads should list their current status and compatibility. ;)
I tried to download RoM 2.92, but the download links do not work. Is there another way to get 2.92 so I can run this as well?
I downloaded 2.92 just this afternoon, so it should be working fine.
im not sure if its a RoM 2 bug or new dawn. But in Multiplayer Techtrade is always on. Even if u disable it and double check it several times...always on. Its kinda frustrating if u dont like that at all...and everything else is optional ;-)
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