Rise of the Byzantines

The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene

Justinian: I have no idea what to do!
Anna: The people votes to declare war on England, so let us do it!
Justinian:But the Parthenon AND Sankore.....
Theodora: I still think this whole war idea is idiotic...
Anna: We are falling behing in technology and in wealth
Belisarius: Also, I'm going to be a realist; We have no chance of making it to the ocean with a Dutch invasion.
Justinian: No! We're doomed! DOOMED! We NEED the New World!
Belisarius: We can only reach it through England. I've drawn up a small battle estimation on what would happen if we invade the Dutch. Look at this:
Justinian: Hey were #2 in wealth!
Belisarius: But that a beeline to Radio; we haven't even started Combustion and Willem is still on Biology.....
Justinian: This is great!
Anna: Biology isn't esactly too far behind Radio WITHOUT a beeline....
Belisarius: We manage to capture The Hague bu-
Justinian: Perfect! I'll give the word to move!
Belisarius: But Leonidas was killed!
Justinian: Who cares they have the Parthenon AND Sankore!
Belisarius: Here we capture Nijimegen, renamed after Arminius, who capture ot
Belisarius: Finally, we make our last great gain at Middelburg
Justinian: Wait, that's it? No losses? I'm moving the troo-
Belisarius: It gets worse. We make peace to rebuild ourselves but we never regain the Byzantine flare. New Byzantium is plaqued with revolt and cultural influence suppresion. Amsterdam is tthe culprit, and it is the one city that was nig inpenetrable. We could have NEVER taken that monster, meaning these lands could never be fully free,
Anna: WE then fall behing in tech, right?
Justinian: So, I'll adjust, I know where to invade for minimal cas-
Belisarius: Then we go try to revive our empire but as I said, we are clearly falling, and our only free ally becomes Charlie when Lizzy offers herself to him
We lose. Joao build Rock N' Roll and Broadway in Lisbon, the nail in the coffin
Theodora: There was no culture possibility?
Belisarius: Joao.....
Justinian: So how does it, no how do you 'THINK' it will end?
Belisarius: Stalin will declare war, but I can;t project the carnage we can expect.
Anna: This proves it! Justinian, you have to take out England, it is the only way for a quick and fruitful war!
Justinian: Gah!......Send the troops into Dutch terriroy...
Theodora: *sighs* I'll go send an envoy to te-
Justinian: Don't send anything. We're not declaring war....
Anna: Finlally some good news!
Justinian: Oh what am I getting Byzantium into......
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The villians of the world: Elizabeth

Theodora: Constantinople has once again proved why it is fundamental to the empire:
Justinian: Even more ecomomic stability!
Belisarius: The stack is in position to destroy our first target: the city of Newcastle.
Justinian: Call up English, I want to enjoy this moment.
Elizabeth: Justinian! You really don't visit me enough anymore!
Justinian: Right. Well, I'm here tell you before anyone else my plan to decalre on Hannibal! The Third Cartho-Byzantine war!
Elizabeth: Well that is great!
Justinian: Truly! Especially when tyou consider that the Buddhist founder, along with every other existing nation, hates you and loves Hannibal!
Elizabeth: .....I ha-
Justinian: The plan sounds even better when you consider that you have a nice litttle coastal outlet! In fact....
Elizabeth: Get out of here you little sadist!
Anna: So, Hannibal has captured Canterbury, which means we can probably have Adrianople flip the city.
Belisarius: Out military plan is to swipe across north England until we reach Nottingham. We will then go down to Hastings and have our Cataphracts take he coastal city.
Justinian: So, are we going to let Hannibal help us?
Belisarius: We have to for now, so we can keep in a resting mood
Theodora: Colinization of the new world started tears ago, so let's get ready to take Liz out!
Justinian: No! We're doomed! DOOMED! Once the enemy starts to spread, you can't stop it!
Belisarius: OF course you can! YOu just kill them before they realize the over-extended themselves!
Anna: We are about to reach Astronomy for the early research boost, and while we are at it, Education too.
Theodora: WEll, I think we're ready!
Justinian: It's time to expand again! Who could hope to outshine the wonderful glory of the Byzantine Empire?
I am back and will be updating this as usual this week. My unoticeable hiatus is currently over.;)
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The villians of the world: Elizabeth

Belisarius: Our trebuchets lick at the defenses of Newcastle, sir
Justinian: Marvelous! Keep up the work
Anna: We've discovered NAtionalism, which means we can build the Hermitage now
Theodora: We better start quickly, the quicker those thing go up the better!
Justinian: I take it you assume we aim for a Culture win?
Theodora: Yes, Joao and Charlie have us alost hoplelessly outclassed
Justinian: Us? Outclassed? No! We're doomed! DOOMED! That means the culture wonders will be taken!
Belisarius: We continue to batter Elizabeth, sir and Hannibal makes no noticeable gains
Theodora: Our culture is slowly seeping its way into the hearts of the ENglish at Canterbury! The city will be ours soon!
Justinian: Terrific.....now we should have our empire build plenty of Observatories and Universities!
Belisarius: Hey, we're at war here? We need back-up!
Justinian: Well you'll have to survive with minimal aid. Maybe that will make them want to fight with a little more gusto!
Belisarius: We're bombarding the city.....
Justinian: PErfect! Attack!
Belisarius: Wha? It still has 60% defense!
Justinian: So? Charge, darn it!
Justinian: We've captured the city!
Belisarius: Isn't it great what shall we name it?
Justinian: Belisar will do for now!
Belisarius: I'm touched! This almost makes up for all the people that died because you charged early!
Justinian: I knew you'd appreciate it. As will Byzantium appreciate it new gains! Continue on to....Nottingham.
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The villians of the world: Hannibal

Justinian: Okay, so let us move out!
Belisarius: Sure. Though I think leaving only 1 or two maces here will do for a garrison
Justinian: You actually expect counter attacks?
Theodora: We have good news for once! Canterbury is in revolt:
Hannibal: Hey you, the one taking my city!
Justinian: Come to enjoy your last days in England?
Hannibal: No, to extend them. MAke na offer, and I might let you and your tribe of Romans pass through Carthage. PASS not stay in, I'm not responsible if our men kill yours if you stay inside the cities:
Justinian: Fine, But don't be surprised if some people who haven't heard of this agreement yet soot you on the way out
Anna: We have Gunpowder now so, we can kill much easier than you.
Hannibal: Whatever
Belisarius: Well the Battle of Newcastle gave us a new Great General.
Anna: We better promote him well this time
Justinian: Let's make him a Medic, it will keep our advance going
Belisarius: As if our glorious armies will need healing!
Anna: At least any that they can't do while the wait in a captured city
Justinian: Hopefully he will be more useful than Leonidas who is wasting away in Adrainople.
Belisarius: Hey, our secretary of defense is pretty good, We haven't lost a city yet!
Justinian: That's it! Leonidas must die!
Belisarius: Hey, he could of died defending Belisar, but you didn't send him with the army!
Justinian: And just as well!
Theodora: We can recapture our gain later! Right now we should work on increasing Adrianople's culture might to flip Canterbury!
Justinian: Well we should shell the city for...one more turn. Than we'll attack!
Belisarius: No! We should bombard it to 0 or 10, mayb-
Justinian: No! Maybe 64% then send in one or two, actuall no catapults!
Belisarius: No!
Justinian: Send two Cataphracts and our war General to help take Belisar. A trebuchets and a catapult should meet them there
Justinian: Okay, defense is at 72%! Bombard twice more!
Belisarius: Will do......
Justinian: Charge! Send in three catphracts!
Belisarius: No collateral! collateral!
Justinian: Forget Collateral!
Belisarius: Out of three....two are dead!
Justinian: No! We're doomed! DOOMED! At this rate will never hit London! Which means we might also miss Coventry!
Theodora: We'll make it to the New World! We just have to war smartly!
Belisarius: Which means using collateral damage!
Justinian: Send in the wholo of thw invasion army! How dare they kill our fighters!
Anna: Isn't that fall into the opposite realm of what they just said?
Justinian: Victory! Have them rest!
Anna: Huh.
Belisarius: Our armies rally at Belisar!
Justinian: Have then shell the city a bit!
Belisarius: A bit? A bit?
Theodora: Our culture prevails!
Justinian: Great, now let's take another one! Liberate Belisar!
Anna: From their 'cruel' English 'oppresors'.
Justinian: Exactly!
Belisarius: Good! With this we might be able to ask for peace!
Justinian: No peace until we make it to the ocean!
Theodora: Which will be soon!
Justinian: Yes. So let us attack our third and penultimate target: Hastings!
THeodora: That;s on the other side of England!
Justinian: Oh. Well then I meant York! To the next Byzantine army's next frontier!
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The villians of the world: Elizabeth, Joao II

Justinian: Come on, you know you have no other choice
Elizabeth: Not true! You see that stack of 7 units right there? There all here to kill!
Justinian: Those are 5 workers being guarded by two Maceman. Hardly an army.
Elizabeth: What about the glorious garrison of Hastings? You'll never win!
Justinian: Those are 7 missionaries of Taosim, Christianity, and Judaism, all guarded by a single Longbowmen. Your really done.
Elizabeth: Oh fine! I'll capitulate! Give you all my wealth! Just spare me!
Justinian: Hmmm. Well, since Khmer and Holy Rome have declared war on you, I suppose you need some help.
Elizabeth: Yes! You'll own my empire?
Justinian: Nah, I'll pass for now, need to make a few more gains. I'll be back!
Theodora: We've completed the Kong Miao. This will allow our empire to be very wealthy!
Justinian: Justinian: Congratulations. Now maybe those heretics will finally stop ask me for absurd things like "Free Religion" or to abolish the "Death by Heresy" Law.
Belisarius: Defeated fools outside of Justiniana have given us:
Justinian: Excellent! Send him on to Coventry. He'll be met by our army, who will now go to York!
Belisarius: I've promoted him myself to a Cataphract and I'm carrying out your orders
Joao: Hi Justinian!
Justinian: ?
Joao: Hi, yeah my airship broke down a few minutes back, and I"m stuck and I need money to contact Portugal, and my wife is celebrating her birthday tomorrow, so I'm mugging you!
Justinian: Huh?
Anna: I have trouble believing you?
Joao: So? Give me the money or I'll smother you with my coat!
Justinian: Fine. Just don't expect me to do let YOU near me for the rest of the century.
Belisarius: City being shelled, army two cataphracts are coming to help take the Coventry. On and his seige is already present, so we only need Pachi and another Cataphract to go!
Justinian: We will take the cities at the same time. So Lizzy won't look for a different master.
Justinian: Wow. When your picked on my WIllem, you know you've lost.
Anna: We've traded for Economics and have just finished Astronomy. Replaceable Parts is next.
Theodora: Adrianople has almost completed the Hermitage. Culture is starting to proliferate!
Belisarius: WE've spotted Willy's army
Justinian: Well he won't take Coventry like Charlie took Liverpool. Shame he did, Liverpool had nice Floodplains.
Belisarius We're ready to bombard!
Justinian: You never learn! Bombard with about half the stack, send the other catapults in!
Belisarius The defenses are now at shaky odds....
Justinian Send in half the remaining catapult! Then have Pachichuti charge at Coventry! Bombard first, though.....
Beliarius: We can take Coventry!
Justinian: Do it! And take York while your at it!
Belisarius: We've done it! Both cities are ours! Plus, our army can still take London and Hastings!
Justinian: Blech. We have what we need.
Theodora: ANd maintenance is starting to add up. Peace woukd be nice
Justinian: I'll make peace then.
Justinian: Examine the facts. You've got five people trying to kill you. iIoffer a way out, Juse give me Military Tradition.
Elizabeth: I can't! I can't!
Justinian: Fine! Then give me all your money!
Elizabeth: I only have 120 gold!
Justinian: Darn. WEll then fine, but remember, I own you!
Justinian: I've renamed Coventry Pachicum and began a Glleon
Belisarius: What about York
Justinian: Keep it the same, the capital of Byzantine England should have some historical basis.
Theodora: WE are going to go to the New World!
Justiniam: Right, and Byzantium will establish a mighty colony. With the wealth for our shrines we are a powerhous especially with all this new land:
Belisarius: Beautiful.
Anna: Just make sure we use it well
Justinian: All of Byzantium will be used to form us as a budding power! Only ten turns until we begin dominate the world.....
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The vassal: Elizabeth
The villians of the world: Survaryarmen, Wang Kon

Justinian: Remember Elizabeth, your stay here is only to allow you to get a feel for our culture you can leave as soon as Pachica obeys our rule.
Elizabeth: Which will be never. You know, once we colinize the New World, we will break free, right?
Justinian: You keep thinking that.
Theodora: Mencius has completed the Kashi Vishwanath!
Anna: We should be able to increase research with this bonus of gold
Belisarius: PAchica is in revolt for 7 turns, sir
Justinian: Darn! Have it get ready to build a Galleon
Theodora: I think I can safely say the mst peculiar Domestic incident I'll ever see just happened
Justinian: Domestic! Has an outbreak occured?
Theodora: No. Thessalonica has not been growing, yet more people are being born at an alarming rate. This has led to many people moving away from the city to imrove our actual land and live in small towns and open buisnesses on thier own land
Justinian: So, basically Thessalonics is producing so much people, they are moving away to improve the land all around the empire! It's like modernizing! That's good!
Theodora: I guess....
Theodora: Charlie's completed the Versaillies.
Justiniain: In 1806, as if we couldn't got it if we had wanted to.
Elizabeth: Hey, you know what would make a rear souvenir for my trip here? Astronomy, that way when I look up in the sky I will always remember this place.
Justinian: Reserch it your self, oh wait I won't let you. HAHAHAHA!
Justinian: Besides slightly increased output at Nicea this means nothing!
Survaryarmen: Hey there my land-owning friend! Say, you know this useless Divine Right tech? Why don't you don't give it to me what use could you have for it?
Justinian: Sure, just give me Scientific Method....and all your gold
Survaryarmen: Sure no problem.........I swear if we didn't love your tea som much...
Justinian: And we thank you for the tea buisness. Good-bye.
Theodora: A ballad has given Constantinople +450 for victory
Justinian: Great, have Thessalonica and Nicea get on building our New World colonizers. Can't forget them.
Elizabeth: You know what would really benefit both of us? You making the AP surrender Kaesong to me.
Justinian: If you stop asking me for things then sure. But I'm not voting for you. In fact I might vote against you...no not really.
Theodora: We'e completed the Hermitage in Adrianople.
Justinian: Good 100% culture
Belisarius: All our cities are out of revolt and Pachica is building a Galleon.
Justinian: Well, seeing as KAesong is still Korean Eliza-
Wang Kon: Lucky isn't it. I wonder why that was even resolution.
Justinian: Me too.
Wang Kon: Tell you what, if you give me Divine Right, I won't have to tell my allies you are our enemies.
Justinian: Allies? Right.....but don't expect to feed you while your here.
Wang Kon: Fine. I don't plan to stay.
Justinian: To protect us, I'm having the world sign a Defensive Pact.
Belisarius: I hate those things, they make war too hard....
Anna: You and your armies can do all the killing you want in the New World.
Belisarius: And we intemd to...our Galleon is one turn from completion!
Justinian: Great! Now with all the Lumbermills we have at Constantinople we can have the original Byzantine cities go into all out culture!
Anna: We are three turns from Steam Power and have researched Replaceable Parts.
Elizabeth: Hey, you guys are building culture? For what? Your not beating Willem to culture at any rate..
Justinian: Willem may be close, but he is only as strong as his thord-strongest!
Justinain: Load a regular Cataphract and the two Settlrs onto the boat.
Theodora: Here we go...to the New World!
Anna: Be careful not to go crazy, we don't want our research slider to go to low
Justinian: Like we'll need it soon.
Elizabeth: Well I'm getting out of here
Belisarius: And don't come back unless you are offering us something
Justinian: Like she has anything to offer glorious, soon to be multi-continental Byzantium.
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The vassal: Elizabeth
The villians of the world: Cyrus, The other new guy

Belisarius: Every ship in our one-ship navy is heading south for the New World.
Anna: Why would the New World be South when our continent is more or less vertical?
Belisarius: Our maps say the New World is south, so its south.
Theodora: We have two coal mines in Byzantium
Anna: They were revealed by our newest technology, Physics.
*war horn sounds*
Justinian: No, we're Doomed! DOOMED! Hannibal's back to kill us!
Theodora: No, super powers are just attacking each other:
Justinian: But who do we root for, their both our enemies
Belisarius: We should probably support Holy Rome to keep them stepping on our puny military! Build more units!
Theodora: We need more culture! We need to win!
Anna: We need the Internet! Keep researching technology!
Theodora: Justiniana is in revolt.
Justinian: You can't please these English! We liberate them and let them join the holy empire, and they want to join the trash empire!
Elizabeth: Hey I'm still here!
Justinian: That's the point da-
Theodora: You know we could declare on Joao anytime now, and he would just slaughter you.
Elizabeth: Anyway, give me Gumpowder, Astronomy, and Divine Right, for Constitution, Military Tradition, Our world map and enttire treasury.
Justinian: I have a feeling your treasury is about as mighty as the "Glorious Army of Hastings". Whatever.
Cyrus: To help heal our recent rift, I will give Democracy, my World Map for Steam Power and 330 gold.
Justinian: You won't let me sweeten the deal? How about we keep the techs and maybe you can declare war on anyone?
Cyrus: Who? Holy Rome ansd its pet? No. Joao and his pets? Survaryarmen and his pet? N-
Justinian: Survaryarmen has a vassal?
Cyrus: Yeah, Ethiopia. Over here, Zara!
Zara: So you're the zealot whose fanatcism fails in comparison to my master and me.
Justinian: You over estimate ourself. Hat's my religion you have.
Zara: Confucianism works for me. It will work for you soon.
Justinian: There is no way I'm letting you inside my borders. Good-bye
Theodora: We've got a new Great Artist!
Justinian: Perfect! Keep that up! Send him to Thessalonica!
Belisarius: Wang Kon has become a slave to Charlie
Justinian: What he gets for threatening me.
Anna: We have Physics!
Theodora: We have two sources of urnaium:
Belisarius: The New World is empty! Or we went the wrong way..
Justinian: We went the wrong way....Byzantium will be in the New World! We will!


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The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The villians of the world: Hannibal, Cyrus

Theodora: Charlemagne has completed the Mahabodhi
Justinian: What! We're doomed! DOOMED! If he has been keeping his economy up this well without ashrine, how can we survive!?!
Belisarius: We can beeline Nukes. That is always an option.
Anna: We would be risking too much!
Belisarius: Well we certainly will have trouble producing MArines,...
Hannibal: My master has Marines...
Anna: When did you get here?
Justinian: I called him here to make a historically one-sided deal! I will give your people delicious wheat for a small fee of 14 gold per turn! It goes great with bone bread too!
Hannibal: Just give me the stupid plant.....
Theodora: We did it! We made it to the New World!
Justinian: But it is guarded by Persia...maybe the coast is taken this late.
Anna: No way. That would make the A.I.s smart.
Justinian: You have no idea how lucky you are to get this deal!
Cyrus: I have a feeling. Perhaps I shouldn't have said yes and watched your people starve from anger
Justinian: You mean starve like your people are from your excessive Factory pumping? No? Then I guess your out of luck
Theodora: Joao has completed the Apollo Program
Belisarius: Nuke him! Incidently, we found a partially desert coast to settle.
Justinian: Good. Settle there of course. Move the other one up to the wheat , pigs, and copper.
Belisarius: Nuke him!
Justinian: We still have a source, but I hope that isn't is only site for coal now.
Anna: We got Electricity and are about to get Corporations and then Railroad
Justinian: Keep going, and start developing our new provinces: Henceforth Rome.
Belisarius: Once we have MAchine Guns we will be a force to be reckoned with!
Justinian: We already are! No one is a rival to our might!
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The villians of the world: The 3rd new guy


Justinian: not another one
Lincoln: Hey, why don't rule from Nicea? It's central and its Confucian! That is all you need!
Theodora: Justinian, you should sign a document preventing us from ever having these thing.
Justinian: I shall make it so, we will never let a nation free from our territory. But isn't this like Joao's third vassal?
Lincoln: Hello? Open Borders? Anyone?
Theodora: A miracle had occured at Adrianople. We are converting two of our cities!
Justinisn: It won't help. We have the Cathedrals up. I"m thinking of going full culture and maybe letting Elizabeth have more tech...
Anna: What! You can't give away your tech! That is the exact kind of leadership that got us in to this mess.
Justinian: Hey, the world hates us, so let's not be touchy!
Anna: You mean they hate you. And why not? You've made a mockery of them time and time again!
Anna: We have learned Corporation! And Steel from...Lincoln!
Theodora: Wow, we are backwards.....
Belisarius: I'm having our west cities build more military to relieve Dutch culture.
Theodora: I think our best move would be to tech to that Culture Corp to get some more culture
Justinian: Sounds like a last-ditch effort not worthy of Byzantium
Anna: But you said "Byzantium is worthy enough for anything".
Justinian: Well not disgrace
Belisarius: Wake up! Justiniana is in a cesspool of civil uprising! We don't have the troops to keep them down!
JustiniaN: We'll just get enough resolution passed and we will all be fine. Trust me. Ardrianople will make it. It will. And if it can, Byzantium is more unstoppable then the wolrd knows.....

Notice: I might try to rewrite this in what actually happened and as a way to write in the Byzantine world again.
Rise of the Byzantines: Diplomacy of the Byzantine Empire
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The Vassal: Elizabeth
The villians of the world: Charlemagne, Joao, Cyrus, Willem, Hannibal, Wang Kon, Lincoln, Stalin, Survaryarmen, Zara, and Peter

Charlemagne: Religion: Buddhist HCH , Score: 1, Annoyed, Cautious

Theodora: Our relations have soured beyond repait
Justinian: But in the name of Culture

Joao II: Religion: Former Christian, now Buddhist, Score: 2, Pleased
Anna: He has at least Radio, so we need to watch for a Space win
Justinian: If we get him to friendly, we are safe though. It sounds like a plan to me!

Stalin: Religion: Buddhist, Score: 11, Cautious
Theodora: Scheduled for decay in about 10 turns
Justinian: Hopefully he won't be an annoying hinderance.

Cyrus: Religion: Taoist HCH Score: 5, Cautious
Theodora: We need to work on better diplomacy! So much relations have been soured!
Justinian: Their loss

Willem Van Orange: Religion: Formerly Christian, now Free Religion Score: 3rd, Cautious
Belisarius: He is evil! He's stolen our coal and he'll steal our cties!
Justinian: Willem? No way....

Survaryarmen: Score 4th, Religion: Buddhist, Pleased
Justinian: This hut seems to be also a good canidate for a DP
Theodora: Let's hope the AP still gets us defense though
Anna: Oh right. That deaying symbol of one of the most outright failures in Byzantine history. I guess redemption is always possible...

The Vassals: All Confucian, except Free Russia and Buddhist War-torn Nations.

Peter's Russia: Vassal of Stalin
Belisarius: He should be free anytime now
Justinian: I almost wish I had treated him better. Almost.

Ethiopia: Vassal of Survaryarmen,
Theodora: He's a problem. A major detour in New World growth,
Justinian: We still have plenty of land there! That is plenty more land to be assimialted.

Carthage: Vassal of Joao
Justinian: Just when our relations got better...
Belisarius: I say its a good thing! A testament to Byzantine resilience, while all other fighter in the "Crusade" led their nations into the ground
Anna: All other?

Korea: On and Off Vassal to Charlemagne
Justinian: Shame we didn't grab him while we had the chance
Theodora: Korea is a dicey place, with almost enough freedom to live happily, yet not enough power to be safe.

Justinian: This makes things hard. We are on shakey ground with most of the world
Elizabeth: Hey! Why don't I have a summary?
Justinian: Because you have no interesting culture or fact. Not even a little Fun Fact at the corner of a page or something
Elizabeth: Just don't lead yourselves into the ground. I don't want to be vassals to a weak and failing people!
Justinian: You don't have a choice. If we go down, you come with us! Hevk, you'll go down first.
Belisarius: So now we know who to nuke?
Justinian: Only if the time arises. Let us hope it dosen't. Culture is the way to go, not Time.
If you haven't noticed, I have a new story on my signature. It means what is says; by March 5 I will begin a new story on Japan.

But I didn't make this post to tell you about that. I will be finishing this story, victory or defeat. The outlook is.....neutrally foggy and clear. I have a plan to take care of my threat, Willem who has 3 cities half-way there to Cultural Win. It may not go smoothly, and that is bad part. I'm playing right now, and how I use this GA will likely dictate victory or defeat. All cities will arrive before 2050, but not before Willem. The only resolution is war, so I have taken a course. I've gone against Justinian to win and to survive.

Wish me luck...
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The Vassal: Elizabeth
The villians of the world: Stalin

Before, I go on, Lincoln doesn't exist. I started from a differnet save and he wasn't spawned there. In this version at least

Anna: We need to stop this mad culture run
Justinian: Why? We're doing good so far
Theodora: Well, actually, Willem has stopped going for culture, but we still probably can't make it.
Justinian: What! We're doomed! DOOMED!
Anna: Probably. Unless you don't go through with dropping our research.
Belisarius: We gained five decent cities from the conquest of England
Elizabeth: More like brutal subjagation of an innocent people
Belisarius: No need to sugar coat it
Justinian: But Culture will make us famous!
Anna: So will reaching the stars We need to only build the Internet to get back in this!
Theodora: I agree. We have two options, so we should the logical one!
Belisarius: Ah! I hat having to listen to these boring meetings! Our army is the laughing stock of the world! We're weaker than Peter and Stalin!
Theodora: Speaking of Stalin, he's here. I'll let him in.

Stalin: Help...
Justinian: Hey, you brought the war upon yourselves.
Stalin: I'll do anything, but be your vassal!
Justinian: No. You see, I like living, no matter how doomed life is from your position
Stalin: But Peter will be free if you don't help me fight the Franks!
Justinian: And no one wants to see Peter free less than us. But no. Peter is only sligtly weaker than you.
Stalin: AH!
Anna: We are in this again! Our techs are back to good rates and we now score more than Persia and rival the Khmer!
Belisarius: Uh....guys...
Theodora: Did a general donate his experience to troops in one of our cities?
Belisarius: No. Willem is probably coming after us
Justinian: What! We're doomed! DOOMED! It all makes sense
Belisarius: Yes it does. He stopped going for culture to take us out, but why is probably due to A.I. stupidity! Worse, our army consists of twn catapults and a few Machine Guns
Justinian: We're doo-
Anna: Stop that. Your not making for forgetting to say it the past few times
Justinian: Whatever. I need sometime to save Byzantium from the Dutch monsters....
Belisarius: Told you we should of killed them. Hey wait! Does this mean we can know nuke them instead!!!!!
Justinian: *makes the 'a little' sign with his hands*
Belisarius: Whoo!
Justinian: Oh....

No screenshots.Nothing to to show this time.
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The villians of the world: Joao and Cyrus

Justinian: I moved the Great Artist we got awhile ago to Iconium. He's regained a few decent tiles
Belisarius: Hello? Willem is going to invade and we don't have nukes!
Justinian: Yeah, I took care of that. We are sending those 9 catapults from Pachica to Antioch to help defend
Belisarius: Catapults? CATAPULTS? Why not send warriors to help while you're at it!
Justinian: Well, they're defending Thessalonica, and I didn't want to weaken the defenses of Upper Byzantium
Theodora: Well, the good news is we can survive without holding Antioch. We just need help to make sure Willem doesn't head for New England, or go- I mean or the gods forbid, Nicea
Justinian: Don't forget we're secular. You almost made a slip up there.
Anna: We can make the Internet. All we need is Plastics and Radio to save us from your mismanagement!
Belisarius: Hello? We're about to be invaded!
Justinian: I'll take care of that. We are leaving Free Speech and Universal Suffrage for Vassalage and Hereditary Rule. It will get us good with Cyrus, Charlie and Joao
Justinian: .....and that's how signing this Defensive Pact will make an alliance rivaled only by Holy Rome!
Cyrus: I get your point, but we are only Pleased. My people wouldn't like...
Justinian: The people didn't want us to declare war on England. We did. Look at us now, a land-owning continenta-
Cyrus: Just-existing empire. Whatever, I'll sign the darn thing. Like it could hurt....
Justinian: .....and that's how signing this Defensive Pact will make an alliance rivaled only by Holy Rome!
Joao: No.
Justinian: What?
Joao: No way. Why should I pledge my armies to protect your empires? I shouldn't, that's why
Justinian: I already have a pact with Cyrus. Signing this would create an alliance that includes all of the western world!
Joao: No already!
Justinian: .................The divinities say you should
Joao: Oh, do they?
Justinian: Yes, I'll give you Divine Right for free so you can check.
Joao: Divine Right! Perfect!
Justinian: Okay, now the pact
Joao: Yeah, whatever

Justinian: This is it
Belisarius: Our -catapults- are getting to Antioch.
Theodora: Nothing now to do I guess.
Anna: Except be invaded
Belisarius: Well, most of our cities have switched production accordingly, so we have no worries
Anna: We have plenty of worries
Justinian: Sure....
Belisarius: Well look, Willem's army is moving toward Antioch
Justinian: We're doomed! DOOMED! Our catapults had not arrived yet!
Belisarius: Pity...oh wait, no they got pushed inside!
Justinian: Oh boy....Let's Go.
The Cast:
Our glorious hero: Justinian I
His wife and Culture/Domestic/Foreign Advisor: Theodora
The great Military Advisor: Belisarius
The completely sane Scientific Advisor: Anna Comnene
The Vassal: Elizabeth
The Colonial Advisor: Alexander
The villians of the world: Willem

Justinian: I'm taking the risk of upgrading the catapults to cannons
Belisarius: Willem will reduce the defences of Antioch to 0! He'll attack now
Justinian: It's all or nothing. We'll upgrade some and attack the rest

Anna: Congratulations
Justinian: I'm not in the mood, Anna
Belisarius: She's right! It's over! I've suffered my first defeat in history!
Justinian: What about the assult on Carthage
Belisarius: That was your fault. Hey, wait so was this! You upgraded the catapults!
Justinian: Enough! This is World War! WWe have to just sit back and bide our time. We'll wait to modern armor...
Alexander: Correct, even the New World is in chaos!
Justinian: Who are you and what makes you think your good enough to even see Constantinople
Alexander: I'm Alexander, the colonial advisor. Remember, you crerated to me to advise you on colonies so you would always be able to keep them
Justinian: Right, the Roman guy
Alexander: We're Greek!
Belisarius: We only need you for oil
Alexander: Only
Theodora: The two settlers we sent to the New World aren't settling. We need to keep our economy strong.
Justinian: And our diplomacy. Elizabeth, adopt Vassalage so the rest of the world doesn't hate you so much they hate us
Elizabeth: Just wait until next time!
Justinian: I believe that's what you said when I made you adopt Free Religion
Justinian: I, against my wished employed Carthaggian help. They hold Antioch
Belisarius: You had Carthage take the city! Their like Catalans, once you get them their never leave
Anna: It's a better alternative than having Willem dominate culturally
Theodora: Speaking of culture, we need to take down Willem's cities He is churning out the stuff
Belisarius: These are all the wars that comprise World War 1
Willem vs. Joao and pet
Willem vs. Cyrus
Charlemagne and his pet Wang Kon vs. Survaryarmen and his pet (This wasn't mentioned, but Charlemagne indeed grew even more imperialistic than he already was. Worse, you'll see soon he's not stopping there )
The Russian Civil War: Peter's Russia vs. (Charlemagne's pet) Stalin-run Russia
Justinian: As I said, let's bide out time. Khmer is doomed though, a shame since they were sort-of allies
* Ten or twelve years later:
Belisarius: Mercy! This is why nukes are needed! There is no mercy in war!
Anna: First off, we don't have Fusion, the Manhatten Project hadn't been built, and the U.N. banned it. None of what I just said gives any reason for you to be hoping to use a nuke
Justinian: I'll make peace too, it'll effectively in the war gains for Willem
Willem: Let the hackling begin
Justinian: It's haggling. I'll give you 460 gold for peace tribute
Willem: No. If I'm going to win, I want to have money to rub it in everyone's faces
Justinian: 700 gold then
Willem: Are you kidding? That's unreasonable, it will hardy do
Justinian: 1000 then!
Willem: Fine! Now leave before my culture smashes you like your Belisar
Justinian: Well that was vulgar. Belisarius, prepare for war
Anna: We have Plastics, on to Computers!
Theodora: We might make it! I"m clearing Theodorium up so it'll be able to build, it is the only city with a Hydro Plant yet.
Belisarius: The Tanks are coming.....
Justinian: And so are we. We can now win the race with and for the Internet. Byzantium WILL be feared yet again.


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