Rnes4: Allies and Enemies (Board nes)


Veteran Board NESer
Mar 29, 2002
Russian in US
There are now ZERO board games on this forum. I feel this has to be remedied.
I'm reviving the smaller board games like UKnes3. But i'm adding a new balencing system, that i hope will make the game more diplomatic.


This is NOT like the other games on this forum right now. So if you're into joining EVERY game, make sure you understand how this works before joining.
When you sign up:
Pick a Nation and SEND IN YOUR FIRST TURN ORDERS. If you dont send in your orders for first turn within half an hour of signing up, I will DISREGUARD your sign up.

The map has 70 territories on it. There are 10 nations. So that's 7 territories on average. Each nation has its own color. White territories do not belong to anyone yet. Territories can have the following symbles:
Filled Circle = Town
Empty Diamond = Barracks
Empty Square = Naval Yard
Empty Circle (with a dot) = City
Small Squares (filled) are single armies.
Large Squares (filled) are groudps of 5 armies.
On the seas:
Colored Square is a Fleet.
Black Dots on a Fleet's corners are Armies boarded on the fleet.

Nation Relations:
Relations: Your relationship with other nations defines your Trade income and whether you can use newly built armies for attacks. In every Turn's orders you will tell me what you would like your relationship to be to every other nation: Enemy, Neutral or Ally.
Mismatch: If your opinion of a nation and their opinion of you do NOT match then your relationship is Neutral.
War: If you are attacking a nation(or its fleets) this turn, then your relationship with them is automaticaly Enemy.

Land: Each empty Territory brings in 1 Gold per turn. Barracks and Naval Yards provide 1 Gold, even though they used to have towns in them.
Town: Each Territory that has a Town brings in 2 Gold per turn.
City: Each Territory that has a City brings in 3 Gold per turn.
Trade with Allies: Every Nation that you are Allies with, you get 1 gold for each of THEIR territories. (They get 1 credit for each of YOUR territories).
Cost of War: Every Nation that you are Enemies with, you LOOSE 1 Gold for each of YOUR Territories and you GAIN 1 Gold for each of THEIR Territories. (and They loose their count and gain yours). If your Loss from War is bigger then your WHOLE trade income then you will just get neither (they'll zero out).

Costs: - any prerequisets have to be on the map already for you to build the upgrade. (ie you cant build a town and the barracks on top of it in the same turn)
Town - 2 Gold - can be built on any empty territory you already own.
Barracks - 1 Gold - can be built on top of a Town.
Naval Yard - 1 Gold - can be built on top of any Town that is on a coast.
City - 2 Gold - can be built on any Barracks or Naval Yard.
City - 5 Gold - can be built on any town.
Army - 2 Gold + 1 Gold per turn - can be built in any Barracks or City.
Fleet - 3 Gold + 1 Gold per turn - can be built in any Naval Yard or coastal City.

Unit Movement:
Army - Can move to any Territory adjacent to the one its in. Can not attack Ally and Neutral Nations the turn its built (have to declare Enemy the previous turn to use NEW units in an attack). Can move to Unclaimed Terriotries the turn it is built. Can board Fleets, but cant move (on land) the same turn its boarding or leaving a Fleet. Will automaticaly deffend from any attack on the territory its in.
Fleet - Can move to any sea adjacent to the one its in. Can attack the turn its built. Can carry upto 4 Armies. Will automaticaly defend the shores of any territories belonging to your empire from an attack comming off the sea its in.
Sea Transportation Rules:
Each of your Fleets can do any TWO of these Four actions:
Pick-Up Army(s) from an adjacent Territory.
Move the Fleet.
Unload the Army from the Fleet to a adjacent Territory.
Attack other fleets
Marine Landings - To unload Armies onto another Nation's territory, you must first sink all of their ships in the Sea from which you are unloading.

Initial Combat System:
To make things easier at the beggining, the initial combat system is:
Every army (or Fleet if at sea) rolls a 6 sided dice. Each roll of 4 or more kill one of the enemy units. Repeat untill one side is completely dead. If the battle is over unclaimed territory (white space) then the looser's armies retreat back instead of dying and the winner doesnt loose any of his armies.

Advanced Combat System:
Later in the game, i might (depending on how warlike the game turns, and how many armies the average battle has on each side) switch the combat system to what i designed for Rnes3, with the bonuses taken out to fit with this game.
Nation Relations:

Russia - Erez
Turkey - Emu
Sweden - Toasty
Spain - RI00SF2
Austria - Amon Savag
Germany - Heine
England - Nivi
France - Spacetrvler
Italy - ArbitraryGuy
Africa - Souron

relations now posted with every update. didnt want an outdated chart confusing people.
General info and before you decide your nation and or strategy for the game.

I think i'll let England and Africa decide their starting locations (on England's main island and in Africa respectively cause their locations are at a disadvantage for initial expansion).

You start with:
a City in your starting territory
3 gold to spend on your first turn (from the city)

So basicaly what i need for turn 1 is:
If you're building an army (or fleet)?
If so, where is it going? (or is it staying in capitol)
And what you want your Relationships with other nations to be.

While you CAN post your orders on here if you want, its probably better if you PM them to me. then others wont use the fact that they know your orders against you (and they are allowed to do that if you post your orders openly, so dont complain).
well, i think this should do it. if you wanna sign up, go ahead. dont think i need more then these 2.
I understand we start with 0 economy?
cause we have no towns or anything else that produce money...
well, no. i've been talking to erez about it and i guess erez is right, with the "enemy" rules being the way they are now i should give money for territories.

I changed the rules to add 1 gold per turn earned per territory (even empty ones).
basicaly just to encourage expansion.

I do wanna point out to everyone that MOST of your income SHOULD come from your Alliences and trade, not your own lands. and having changed the rules to add gold for territories, i'm already somewhat regreting it. but i guess having negative income while at war (for undeveloped countries) could be abused so i'll stick to this for now.
Ok I decided to take Russia :)
The Russian Monrachy is online and Tzar alexander is controlling.. orders in less than a minute
something else to make sure when you sign up you know how important i've made the relationship system in this game.

on turn 2, if you have no relations with anyone you can make 4 gold (3 from capitol city and 1 from territory you claim on turn 1).

if however you make alliences with EVERYONE else in the world, then you'll get 18 more gold for the trade (2 territories each for 9 other nations)
but so will they, is you getting the money worth them getting it?
to all the world:
For our best Russia suggest we ALL be allies!
i realized that asking everyone to submit who they wanna be allies with on the first turn is a bit of a stretch since most (the ones who join first) dont even know who the other players are.

I'm gonna wait to start the game till i have atleast the majority of the nations taken (i can deal with 2 or 3 NPCs). and depending on how many have talked about/agreed on nation relations we'll see what to do about it.
for now i'd suggest putting something to the effect of "propose allience to everyone" like erez did, or putting in your orders who you want to be allies with and who you dont (cause you dont want them to have too much money).

if you put that you wanna be allies with someone and they dont wanna (when they sign up) then it'll just be a neutral relationship, which is what you'd have gotten anyway.
I'll take Sweden.

To: Russia
From: Sweden

We will ally with you.

To: All Nations
From: Sweden

We propose an alliance to strengthen relations and create profit from trade.
RI00SF2 is going to take Spain. He'll post a bit later, but asked me to reserve it for him.
I'm taking Austria

To:Turkey,Itally,And Germany

We propose an alliance with you
nvm, i am not too fond of the rules after reading them, especially with the war and ally income thing.

It will promote a lot of peace in the world.

Ill keep my eye on this tho.

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