[BTS] Road To War - Historical - 1.06


Road to War Modder
Jan 11, 2006
Auckland, NZ (GMT+12)
I have discovered in play-testing a number of significant issues that need fixing in Road to War Historical. These are significant enough to warrant a whole new version update.

1: Scenario Changes

The starting tech levels needs to be increased, such that units the nations are able to create are equivalent to what they have have at the start in 1936. I will also need to ensure that the prerequisite techs are also given to them.

However, this will unlikely affect land-based units, as I feel that the production of these should be limited according.

I discovered a major error in my 1.05 scenario file. I gave nations TECH 16 - Household goods, instead of TECH 17 - Infantry level 1. This meant nations could not build Infantry Divisions from the start. This was wrong.

All English Anti-Air (Radar) units upgraded promotions
Many Fortresses have upgraded promotions

I have added a German Mission base between Russia and Iran, as this will reflect the timing of Russia and England joining forces to attack Iran in 1941. As part of this change I have also made Iraq (part of Hungary) for scenario purposes so that the Iraq cities can be attacked by England then too, as opposed immediately when they were Barbarian.

I noticed French culture expanded enough to allow the Alps to be used as a back door to France for Germany, so I closed that with two Swiss cities.

Carriers - These techs are only available to Britain and USA
Battleships - These techs are only available to Britain, USA, Germany, France, Italy and Russia
Cruisers - Only major nations can create these
Submarines - Only major nations can create these, except Russia

AIR Units
Fighter II - These will be available to Britain only, e.g. Spitfires.
(Note: due to the link to carriers, the USA may have this tech as well, but no units)
Bomber II - These will be available to Britain and USA
Fighter I and Bomber I will be available to all other major nations
Minor nations will need to develop these techs.

I will also change starting difficult levels on minor nations - I will need to play test the effect of this on tech development when they join alliances.

2: Unit Changes - DONE

As alluded to in my 1.05 play-testing, I believe that giving unlimited basic infantry units (Infantry Divisions in major powers and Reserve Divisions in minor nations) will give me my desire of having divisions be a more significant component of the game than currently. This requires a minor change to the UnitClass file. - DONE

I have noticed some significant unit cost differences in minor nations, so will align these with Italy who has similar units. - DONE

Battleships can carry 1 land unit and reflects the fact they can escort merchant vessels - already in 1.05
Cruisers need to be able to carry great people and propaganda units as well. e.g. the President of the USA on a cruiser. https://beta.history.navy.mil/research/library/exhibits/roosevelt-1936-cruise-to-latin-america.html - not all Cruiser units have this.

3. Building Changes - DONE

These changes should make it easier to build

Wheat Silo (13) -- Essential building for all others
--> Sewer (06) --> Hospital (15)-Tech11
--> Bank (07) --> Grocer (14)-Tech16 --> StockExchange
--> Barracks (08) -- Fascist Propaganda-Tech04 --> Walls-Tech10 --> Military Academy (17)-Tech27 & Fascism in city
--> Coal Plant (10) --> Vehicle Factory (21)-Tech02 --> Aircraft Factory (22)-Tech03 --> Air Base (05)Tech39
--> Courthouse (11) -- Democratic Propaganda-Tech04 --> Goods Factory (24)-Tech25
--> Shipyard (12) --> Naval Factory (23)-Tech06
--> Theatre (19) -- Neutral Propaganda-Tech04 --> Broadcast Tower (09)-Tech04
--> Jail (16) -- Communist Propaganda-Tech04 --> Bomb Shelter (03)-Tech26 --> Nuclear Shelter (04)-Tech46
--> University (20) -- Spy --> Laboratory (01)-Tech15 -- Codebreaker --> Chain Reactor (02)-Tech24 --> MH Project-Tech40

Buildings in BOLD require no techs
Propaganda units require the building as listed above

4. Other changes

Forest and Jungle can only be cut down at higher techs

I will list the changes as they are completed above with the word - DONE

Get it here!!


Included in the file are the following under Public Maps

The base Scenario to start the game in single player mode
- 1936 - Europe (Historical - 106)

Five Scenario files to start the game in Hot Seat Mode.

- The Road to War - ALLIES Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1936-January
- The Road to War - AXIS Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1936-January
- The Road to War - AXIS Team - Open, Random or Historical Events - You decide !!!
- The Road to War - SOVIET Team - Historical Hot Seat - 1936-January

and for those who want to get into the action sooner after my play-thru until 1939

- The Year of War - AXIS Team - Historical - Hot Seat - 1939-January

I have decided to include only one advanced scenario as I feel the majority of the players will want to play the Germans.

I have played thru the scenario as Germans and Soviet single player campaigns in the play testing, and have determined that a skilled player can defeat the enemy, so long as they plan their attacking or defensive plans well.

NOTE: I have come to the conclusion that this project is a culmination of my life's research and direction. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I have in making it.

However, make sure you extract the contents to its own mod folder --- ..\Beyond the Sword\Mods\The Road to War - Historical - 106

This folder should then contain \Assets , \CvGameCoreDLL and \PublicMaps

If not you have installed it incorrectly.

Remember to save every turn. This mod is very complex and can have the occasional Crash to Desktop.
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It's always great to see new rtw historical content. Are there any other updates or projects further down the pipeline that you can divulge?
TBH: This mod has taken at least 3 years of my life, and a bit more now, so I doubt I will want to embark on a whole project.
Remember to save every turn. This mod is very complex and can have the occasional Crash to Desktop.
I wanted to limit them to select number of cities. This will reflect the abundance of food supplies, and hence more likely to have greater city development.

NOTE: Great People can be used to create other buildings, if you need to develop an individual city
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So far the testing looks good.

I was considering releasing later year scenario files, but the problem there is that they are using set difficulties. e.g. you may want to play at deity level and have the enemies at settler or vice versa, depending on what level of challenge you want.

Alternatively I could set them minor as Noble and major as Prince.
The end is coming in sight.

Major scenario changes incoming;

All English Anti-Air (Radar) units upgraded promotions
Many Fortresses have upgraded promotions

I have added a German Mission base between Russia and Iran, as this will reflect the timing of Russia and England joining forces to attack Iran in 1941. As part of this change I have also made Iraq (part of Hungary) for scenario purposes so that the Iraq cities can be attacked by England then too, as opposed immediately when they were Barbarian.

I noticed French culture expanded enough to allow the Alps to be used as a back door to France for Germany, so I closed that with two Swiss cities.
Being playing other games, e.g. Armored Warfare. Thanks for asking.

Still refining a few little things in the mod, but should be able to release fully soon.

I now have a 5800X and turns times are a lot faster now.

The biggest drain on the game in terms of time is the changing of the terrain from bitter winter to normal and back again, which is why I limited it to a few years where the winters were really bad, followed by the AI having to manage and move 1,000s of units and 100s of cities.

It is still by far the time to be had.

As Germans (single player) I was able to defeat Russia.
As Russia (single player) I was able to halt the German advance.

I think I will have to play the Allies as Multi-player as a final test.

These tests will prove a good player can defeat the AI, however if you make the wrong pre-war decisions (Road to War ;) ), you will find it hard.
The biggest drain on the game in terms of time is the changing of the terrain from bitter winter to normal and back again, which is why I limited it to a few years where the winters were really bad, followed by the AI having to manage and move 1,000s of units and 100s of cities.

It is still by far the time to be had

nice to hear, ill be waiting for this.
im a wwii history buff my self :)
I am wondering if I need to do pre-starts, i.e. so players will not need to grind for the first few years and get straight into the action in 1939. I am in two minds, the game is called "Road to War", so some period of grind is acceptable, plus you can try different development paths.

If I dont, I am thinking just 3 starter files, in addition to the map.

AXIS Team - Historical - German, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary, Romania-Bulgaria - Start January 1936
ALLIES Team - Historical - England, France, USA, Poland, Netherlands-Belgium, Denmark-Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece - Start January 1936
Soviet Team - Historical - Russia, Albania - Start January 1936

I am more inclined to this plan.
I was wondering if to mention this,
We played for quite a few hours, building up towards 1939. Setting up our cities, production (we play as sweden and norway).
Its a bit repetitive, we are eager for the action.. But the road is long..
Maybe a shorter game start to war woukd have been more thrilling.
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