

Unit Maker
Nov 1, 2005
I've been everywhere, man
Before the patch came out to export models, I always used SolidWorks for my 3D modeling, not 3ds Max. Because changing the format from a SolidWorks file to a 3ds Max file causes the textures to be difficult, I've started to just use 3ds Max.

Thus said, this is my first unit that I've done all in 3ds Max. I wanted something simple to make but would help my skills, and be useful to some people. There are no animations, as I haven't even started working on learning how.

Feel free to use it as you wish. I realize the texture is bland; I just threw that on to give it some style. If you want something else that's not to difficult, I'll be happy to oblige. If I can't make it, I'll supply you the model.


This afternoon I decided to make a better one. Attached is the origina 'plain' rocket (w/ fixed orientation) and a new 'sci-fi' rocket.




    101.7 KB · Views: 165
  • SciFi Rocket.JPG
    SciFi Rocket.JPG
    42.9 KB · Views: 713
  • Plain Rocket.JPG
    Plain Rocket.JPG
    29.3 KB · Views: 834
Wowsers! I might have to add that tonight and see how it works! Coolness.

Maybe it could double as a settler unit as well, ala SMAC.

Nice job. Anything "bland" you want to try for the Moon feel free! :goodjob:
Not to show how much of a complete noob I am, but how do I put just a .nif file into CivIV? Any idiot-proof help would be great!
You can dw my tiger mod and see which XML files you need to change and where to put art files for the mod. It's not complete, there are no civilopedia entries and possibly sth else I missed, but it works in principle.
Check also this thread.

Nice rocket snafusmith. Keep working, I'm sure you'll love 3dsmax once you get to know it better and there're still so many units to do.
Btw. Do you have King Tiger model? I can't find it anywhere.

Check out the new rocket I added. Personally, I like it better. Sharick is right, the easiest way is to probably look at a mod that's out and just add/change the files to match those. I highly recommend you look at the f15 mini-mod, that's what I use to test the rockets ingame (I just replace the f15.nif file with my re-named rocket file).

Sharick -

No, I don't have a King Tiger model, I wish I did (it's my favorite tank of all time). If I get good enough w/ 3ds Max I'm sure I'll make one eventually, though for the time being my skills are limited.

Thanks guys. I'll see what I can do. Be warned that more questions are highly likely. :p

Do you guys take requests?
Another cool rocket. I've seen it in some old, old movie.

@woodelf - sry no requests at the moment

I'll take your requests, as to being able to follow through, I don't know? I've been heavy into 3d modeling for the last few years, just never with 3ds max. I can do my best to make the unit, but for now at least, there'll be no animations, and I can't promise any miracles with the textures. That said, I would try. Shoot me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

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