
The One and James walk a peaceful country road. Next to the road is a large lake, where a small fishing boat containing two brothers can be seen. The One watches them fish...

The One: (calling out) Any luck?

Fisherman: Not yet sir. The fish seem to have vanished.

The One: Cast your nets over the right side of your boat.

They do so, and to their amazement, the net fills with fish. There is so much, that the boat is in danger of sinking when the nets are pulled in. The brothers make for shore quickly and get out of the boat...

Fisherman: (amazed) How on earth did you do that?

The One: Aqua the Archangel of the Waters heard my prayer. He delivered the fish into your nets.

2nd Fisherman: Who are you that has the ear of Aqua?

The One: I am The One.

Both brothers fall to their knees with their eyes turned to the ground. One is visibly shaking...

The One: Rise my friends, there is no need for this. Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

Fisherman: It would be an honour to join you sir. I am John and this is my brother Andrew.

James: Praise be, the next disciples of The One have been chosen.

And so John and Andrew join with The One in his Ministry...
All too soon, the visiting Spiritualists bid Brother Joshua, Sister Angela and Brother David farewell...

Reverend McNulty: Goodbye my friends. You have done great work in setting up this Mission. We wish you well in continuing the work of Alpha in fair Rohan.

Brother Joshua: We thank you for your kind words Reverend, and thank you all for your visit. It was good to see our fellow Clanpeople once again. When you return to the Community, be sure and give everyone our fondest regards.

Brother Robert: That we shall do. Farewell friends.

And so the Spiritualists begin their journey back to the Mission at Vanir...
Sister Angela enters the Mission with a Peligram from Vanir...

Sister Angela: (excited) My Brothers, the day of Brother Adam and Sister Eve's union has been announced!

Brother Joshua: (looking up from his copy of The Book of Spiritualism ) Indeed? When are they to be married?

Angela: This very week! On our Holi Day at the Vanir Mission. We are all invited.

Brother David: Wonderful news. It will be good to see all our Brothers and Sisters once more.

Joshua: Are you forgetting our work here? As much as I would like to visit Vanir, we cannot abandon the people here. Who would organise the beds and meals for the people staying here? And who would take the Holi Day service?

Angela: You are correct of course. We all cannot go. I suggest that I stay and you two go and pay our respects.

David: No, no. I am the youngest. I need to stay, to gain the more experience. Just give the happy couple my warmest regards.

Joshua smiles to himself. His friends have proved themselves once more to be devoted and loyal Spiritualists...

Joshua: You can tell them yourself Brother David, for you and Angela are both to attend the ceremony. Of course I will be the one to stay. As the only Cleric here, it is not only my priveledge to decide, it is also my holy duty. I will hear no further arguement. Go with my blessing, and hurry; you only have a few days to get there...
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