Riesstiu IV
Anybody ever visit roman-empire.net? This site has almost everything you would want to know about the Roman Empire, including the army, society, religion, etc. Even has pictures of Roman reenactors .
Originally posted by Xen
yea, privatehudson, what so wrong....
Originally posted by privatehudson
I'm not saying it does, I'm saying the public will walk past and see a bunch of guys dressed in uniform and assume that without finding out the facts. Some time back one of the big shows was picketted by CND or someone similar because they thought we were warmongers. Apparently the show put up with it for a day, but on the second day they invited them in to look at what was involved, they left straight after admitting they were wrong.
Visual affect can be everything unfortunately. Having guys appearing to revel in playing at being SS (whom the public equate to being mass murderers) or any army will usually give totally the wrong impression.
Originally posted by Riesstiu IV
Wow, ! look at this guy ... so that's why the Romans lost the battle of Cannae
Originally posted by Xen
i odnt see why people would equate the Roman legions with the SS, or any thing having to do with nazism (but then mabey this is limited ot my own country)