Roman Empire Compendium

I'll be a re-encator one day, but I ASSURE you, my tunic will be siginicantlly longer then the man who is pictured is ;)
Hopefully you'll also look more imposing too. Those reenactors in the pictures are too skinny! They also need some muscles.

*grumbles a lot*
I know... they need to pum up :)- the empire needs its troops to be good and strong :) (and weight lifting was one of the activites that troops activelly engaged in while in service)

just for notifacation, with the exception of the helmet, this is where I plan to get most of my uniform ;)-
yea, privatehudson, what so wrong....
no thank you ;)- I'll be going with a fine helm more of a legate, or a priviledged centurion (I prefer the fron to back rather then the side to side crest)
Originally posted by Xen
yea, privatehudson, what so wrong....

Whenever I go to wargames shows they are there... they're NOT wargamers! (well they're not there to be anyway) :mad:

And some of them have a tendency to take things a little too far. If you're busy trying to promote wargaming in this day and age, with war being unpopular, you often get accusations of being neo-nazis or warmongers. Having a bunch of guys standing around in Waffen SS uniform doesn't tend to persuade these people that we are not of that ilk.

Not that I'm saying re-enactor=neo nazi, I'm not. I'm saying that to the uneducated masses it looks bad to have them at shows. Mostly wargames shows impress on the public that we do not glorify war, indeed we tend to know more about the horrors than the average person, but having people wandering around in infamous formations uniforms just tends to stick in people's minds more.
so the recreationist (I prefer Roman loyalist factions ;) j/k :p) have a reputation for being neo-nazis?
It's also the general impression it gives. If you're trying to say you don't enjoy or revel in war and death and concentrate on the studying, research, gaming and artistic side of the hobby, having some guys wandering around pretending to be soldiers is contary to that aim, no matter their period.

At their own shows or local shows I think they're great, I just don't wish them at wargames shows as it damages the effect some shows intend.
if wanting to look heroic, and spiffy in a nice pair of greaves, some lorica segmentata (none fo which i n my opinion the "example guy" in that one link has ;)) is evil ,and denotes a loving of war, then somthing s wrong with scoiety
I'm not saying it does, I'm saying the public will walk past and see a bunch of guys dressed in uniform and assume that without finding out the facts. Some time back one of the big shows was picketted by CND or someone similar because they thought we were warmongers. Apparently the show put up with it for a day, but on the second day they invited them in to look at what was involved, they left straight after admitting they were wrong.

Visual affect can be everything unfortunately. Having guys appearing to revel in playing at being SS (whom the public equate to being mass murderers) or any army will usually give totally the wrong impression.
hes a few cebnturies POST- cannae :p
Originally posted by privatehudson
I'm not saying it does, I'm saying the public will walk past and see a bunch of guys dressed in uniform and assume that without finding out the facts. Some time back one of the big shows was picketted by CND or someone similar because they thought we were warmongers. Apparently the show put up with it for a day, but on the second day they invited them in to look at what was involved, they left straight after admitting they were wrong.

Visual affect can be everything unfortunately. Having guys appearing to revel in playing at being SS (whom the public equate to being mass murderers) or any army will usually give totally the wrong impression.

i odnt see why people would equate the Roman legions with the SS, or any thing having to do with nazism (but then mabey this is limited ot my own country)
Originally posted by Riesstiu IV
Wow, :lol: ! look at this guy ... so that's why the Romans lost the battle of Cannae

he's about 300 years past cannae, however he would fit in good at teutobugerwald:(
Originally posted by Xen

i odnt see why people would equate the Roman legions with the SS, or any thing having to do with nazism (but then mabey this is limited ot my own country)

:confused: I didn't just say that, I said that it is also associated with war, the military and the glorification of death and destruction by a public who often don't find out the truth. The sealed knot here sometimes get the same reaction despite being English Civil War re-enactors. I did not simply say they equate it to the neo-nazis remember, I mentioned other reasons? ;)
not to be nit-picky, but his sheild. judging from the one behing him, is a bit post- Agustus as well- the agustina shelgs were basically more rectangular Caesarian era sheilds, which look like this


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