ROME, glory and disgrace


Jan 14, 2002
Behind you!
ALmost all the threads in the forum detail the successes of great empires. This might lead one to beleive Civilization 3 is easy and filled with victory. it is neither. it took me 2 games to understand the game enough to play it decently and while i can now i would rather impart a tale of failure. This is my tale of Rome.

The Temple at Rome

Publicus was careful with his prayers, wording everything so the gods couldn't mistake him. he had sacrificed his prized lamb and imagined that jupiter was somewhat pleased with him. He worried however, hence his presence at the temple. He worried of his family, his health and all the assorted things the comman man of any age must worry about. most of all though he worried for Rome. A mere three cities could be found in this nation which was dwarfed by her neighbor Egypt. what's more these cities were divided. Rome and antium on the southeastern coast with Veii to the distant west having all but declared independence. He took a deep breath as he stepped out onto the road. he cast his gaze skyward at the great Collussus almost completed. His heart swelled with pride to know that only Roman Engineeers could Even dream of such wonders. Caeser had sacrificed growth for this gaining him the reputation of being obsessed with the Roman culture among his people. he passed the message board, a great block of marble upon which recent events were carved, the marble would later contribute to something greater but not untuil it was full. If it weren't for the crowd he would never have looked up. but when he did he saw inscribed in great letters

Alexandria founded on southern coast. Egypt Divides rome in two.

on his way home to his sons, Anthony and Titus he pondered what ceaser would do about this'
Chapter Two: Rome at War

(18 years later)
Titus looked back at his archers from the helm of the ship. They seemed impressive even when half of them were plauged with the ocean sickness. they had certainly done their part forr Rome. After Alexandria had chosen to join the Romans Egyptian-Roman diplomacy had failed to unite the formerly freindly nations. Ironically though Alexandria had united the roman state instead of dividing it as so many had feared. His archers had been involved in the Roman offensive from the start conquring Herculaneum singlehandedly.(Authors Note: forgive me if the Egyptian names are wrong). They had then boarded this galley with a group of spearmen from Antium. they were the test of a proposed strategy to use the new navy to get past the strong Egyptian defences at border towns such as Pi'ramses.
"Land Ho!"a sailor shoutedmaking the armies cheer and the sailors as well, the boat was very crowded.
"Sir,"asked a young archer,"Do you think Giza will fall as quickly as Herculaneum did?"
"Of Course it will,"answered another archer."we're Romans aren't we? every Egyptian on the Aplian continent and the Egyptian isles wets himself at our mention."
This made the soldiers of both units aboard laugh aloud.
They even laugh as one thought titus. since the founding of Rome ceaser had stressed unity and pride. Some said too much but then again that emphasis was probably all that had kept Veii from Rebelling. To Make all Romans proud of their state ceaser had built wonders, Temples, and libraries thruought the empire making egypt insanely jealous of the roman culture especially after that culture caused Alexandria to join Rome.
A burly sailor woke him from his thoughts and indicated that it was time to disembark.Titus formed his men into the strict lines of a marching roman army and lead them off, he noticed as marcus, the spearmen commander, a freindly man from Antium lead his troops off as well. The roman set up camp near the small egyptian town and Waited for their chance to strike.

1 week later

The smell of fear was in the air. for the spearmen it was expected as they had never seen battle before, it was also expected from the enemy. a lone group of spearmen. He waved to Marcus as he lead his troops out to the city. Titus watched with his men as fellow romans, freinds and brothers battlesd to the death.fighting bravely and wounding the enemy greatly. before, in a final charge egypt found victory. thew sadness in his troops eyes turned to a vengeful rage as they realised it was their turn to try for the city.
the looks of glee and excitement in the egyptian's eyes dissapeared and became bleak and hopeless as the first volley of arrows hit. the wounded army stood no chance against the well trained Archers.
well i can strtt now here we go again

Chapter 3: Peace and Exploration

Anthony looked across the mast of the ship, his ship he reminded himself, his brother had gotten him a promotion easily, being a war hero and newly elected senator to the new senate in Rome. the War had ended with many failed attempts to capture Pi'ramses and unite the entire nation. While the attacks did fail they made cleopatra realise that they couldn't keep failing.and beg for peace. Rome now set her eyes across the ocean for people to sell her spices and gems to and hopefully an ally with Egypt rearming herself now, 3 years after the war ended. As he scanned the horizon his eyes caught sight of something suspicious, he had his helmsman steer for it to investigate. as they approached he started to gat excited, above the boat flew seagulls. The discovery of land past Aplia would win him as many honors as his brother at least. Roman colonies here could..... he stopped that thought as he noticed cities on the coast, small towns, nothing compared to Rome but still establishments. as he landed he saw a crowd gathered at the coast at the head of this assembly was a man dressed in Royal robes. as they disembarked he greewted this man, who introduced himself as Alexander. After Exchanging maps These "Greeks" sent tributes to Rome in honor of her culture. After The freindly words were exchanged The Romans set off on their next mission, Circumnavigation of the World.
I'd say continue the story. So many stories are just filled with people's own glory. I'm curious to hear a tale of failure... I've had plenty of my own, but, like successes, it's often more interesting to hear of others'.
Do continue, there are far too few stories on this forum
:( The Fall Of The Empire :(

The troops stationed in Herculaneum shivered in fear, a huge Egyptian Army stood virtually right outside the walls of their city and when the Egyptians grew bored of waiting Herculaneum would fall. New troops were all being garrisonned in Rome and Alexandria in an attempt to at least keep the nations two greatest cities in roman hands. the war had seemed so hopeful at first with the mighty Roman navy crushing it's Egyptian counterpart and landing powerful Legions on the northern coast.

The Legions had bewen destroyed by Egyptian Chariots due to their overwhelming numbers and cowardly ability to retreat. Giza had fallen then and all the Roman troops in egypt were slaughtered. Veii had gone next falling to hordes of spearmen. Rumors had it that while ceaser spoke of brighter days to come a settler to carry the last of the Romans was being built in Rome. Looking up to the statue opf their Emperor the soldiers found courage and marched out to their doom.

5 years later

"Caeser Board the Ship We must leave NOW!"shouted one of the sailors. Yes he thought hhe had to leave now to lead his people back to glory. he looked to Rome, defended by a sole group of Archers lead by the senator Titus who chose to fall with Rome. Caeser envied his freedom, many didn't want one as important as Titus to stay behind, he only could due to his experience with the Bow. In Caeser's case there would have been no way to lead valliant soldiers to their deaths. he lowered himself onto a hard wooden bench, having refused the comforts offered to him. It's the least i can do he tought.

General Ramses Surveyed the conqured Cityat his feet, Alexandria and rome had fallen together and now it was up to him what to do with Rome, a city that had caused jealosy and resentment for generations
"burn it to the ground"he said. and left.

The Flames from Alexandria, a word synonimous with traitor in Egyptian,and Rome could be seen as far away as Greece where Alexander was receiving a note.
"Sir Caeser wishes safe passage through our seaways." Wondering why, The greek monarch looked out his window. the Flames that stunned him explained it all to him.
"grant it"he replied

Author's Note: Many of you will say that the computer would Never have razed rome, this might be true but i couldn't STAND to see her in Egyptian hands and i retired just before i lost her. I put the razing in This version to keep my mind from exploding with rage at the thouyght of an :egypt: Rome

How did i do for a first time?
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