ROTQM03: Return of the Quantum Monkies

Rex Tyrannus

280lbs of gross stupidity
Feb 22, 2006
Charlotte, NC USA
Return of the Quantum Monkeys
(In four part harmony--with feelin')

Well, since Pholk clearly lacks the taste to give us a *true* third installment, I've decided I want to continue the ROTQM series myself. That said, the only thing I can think of is a really silly idea.

Return of the Quantum Monkeys. We're time travelers and we hate everybody. We hates em, precious. Unfortunately, being monkeys, we sort of botched the time travel machinery and we have no control over it. What's that mean?

Every time the game comes around to my set (or we could specify a different interval) we roll a kinky die and set the game to a new era.

  1. Ancient
  2. Classical
  3. Medieval
  4. Renaissance
  5. Modern
  6. Future

Edit: 5.5 Industrial (does a die have a five-and-a-half?)

(Did I leave any out? Hope not 'cause there are only six faces to the kink.)

At the beginning of the time shift, we world build everyone all techs from all eras prior to the era we entered. 'ferinstance, we roll a four. Four = Renaissance, so we strip all civs of all techs, then give them each all ancient, classical, and medieval techs.

We get to keep any units or buildings created during any given era, though I'm not sure about buildings/units mid-way through completion.

This is all war and the difficulty ought to be rather high (since teching would be meaningless). Any other silly ideas? Leader and other options are all open to group discussion.

This is open to all.

Rex Tyrannus: Legendary Blowhard
GreyFox: Legendary Lickspittle
Pholkhero: Legendary Alchemist
Ruff Hi: Legendary Prankster
negyvenketto: Legendary Guy I Don't Know
Lobster Boy: Legendary Steak Ecoutrement
Zophos: Greater Ape of Antics to be our world builder
Xtreme Rockstar: First Alternate
Ozbenno: Beer Fetcher in Chief

For reference:

Rise of the Queen Mother
Rape of the Queen's Maidenhood (original title: It's a man's man's world, but only because Pholk lacks true vision)
RNGod (for the kinky dice joke)

So come on, we need four two no more. First come, first served (by Fox).
phew ~ if you provide me cliff's notes, then you may draft me...the only true constant will be the units, improvements and cities . . . call me crazy, but i think i really like this idea.

Also, why not roll 2 dice, one for the era, and 1d6+6 for the number of sets before we leap to the next era
Deal. Pholk's been drafted. I like the second die for sets, but it might yield 12 sets in a given era. How about 1d6+3 instead?
Sounds good to me!

Let's go for Monarch or Emperor ~ and am leaning Emperor for now ~

Leader? Random?
Tech trading? Barbs??
blah - I am trying to drop out of SGs and then this crappy one turns up. Totally silly and totally up my alley! If you can stand someone who can only play speratically (and cannot spell), please sign me up.
I think you're going to want a non-player DM type to do the edits, just to avoid information leaks from all the WB activity. I can be drafted for the role, but I'd request the right to make other edits of an undisclosed nature during a 'temporal event' - who knows what could come spilling out of a rift in the space-time continuum? Nothing game-breaking, of course, but it might be interesting to add a little something extra once or twice. :mischief:

For maximum fun, put the DM in charge of the timing of the events, per Pholk's suggestion (1d6+6 turnsets or so), but have the number remain secret until 1-2 sets before it happens.

E.g. "Monkey scientists have noticed an alarming increase in the tachyon flux through the temporal instability zone near Skull Island. When contacted for his comments, Curious George, spokesman for the National Association of Simian Academics (NASA), warned citizens to prepare for another 'event' within the next 10 years. 'We haven't seen flux levels this high since the Crash of 1400,' said George, 'and we all remember what happened THEN.'

"The Kong administration has not yet issued a report on preparations for another 'event', but a press conference is scheduled for tomorrow. We will bring you full details at that time, so long as our printing press continues to function."

Further thought - this is going to be harder than it looks. Every once in a while, you're going to get tossed back into Ancient. And all your happiness resources will become unavailable, chain irrigation will stop working, etc.
Ruff, you are absolutely welcome. Thanks.

Zophos, you are hereby our Greater Ape of Antics. I was planning on just zooming in on our capital before entering WB. (You can strip/grant techs without seeing anyone's territory.) However, your idea seems way fun. You want to roll up the start, too?

Also, I don't think regression will suck that much. Improvements already finished should remain. (Shouldn't they?) You only need the tech to build the improvement. When, in a normal game, you take over an advanced opponent's territory, you keep their improvements that you can't yourself build. (I think)

To all others, I've never played Emperor but would be willing on this game. Any objections?
Zophos said:
Further thought - this is going to be harder than it looks. Every once in a while, you're going to get tossed back into Ancient. And all your happiness resources will become unavailable, chain irrigation will stop working, etc.
Not 100% correct. If we build broadway and then get thrown back in time, broadway stays with us. I played in a deity SG where we build the internet on the first turn and had it for the rest of the game (we won by the way!).
negyvenketto said:
I would like to join if it's a vanilla game.

I wouldn't mind doing vanilla, though I think Pholk's lost his vanilla disc. What does the rest of the group feel about it?
I don't care either way (vanilla or warlords). I have actually played my first warlords game the other day and I must say that I like the interface improvements (stacked units, settled specialists, etc). Warlords will actually give me a kick in the butt to port my mod over. Actually, speaking of my SG mod, I just might steal the HOF warlords mod and work from that (again).
Even better, roll both dice in secret, Zalson, and then just steal the save when appropriate ~ don't even bother with the hints, though they may work well every now and again. it would be cooler if it was all a total surprise
Ruff, let me know when that works out for you so i can transport it to my game!

Also, if we do Vanilla, I'll still play, but let's add on Blake's AI mod/patch and go w/Monarch
Pholk ... do you have a preference regarding which element is added first / last? My suggested order is below. I also have to check if a warlords version exists or if I have to make one (sigh).
  • Reminder (starting with this because it is easy!)
  • HOF autologger - originally from eotinb
  • Porges - Attitude Icons
  • Clock Mod - reportedly by eotinb too
  • TheLopez - Great Person Mod
  • Sevo - Sevo's Civilopedia
  • Roamty – Enhance TechWindow
  • Unit Naming
  • Dr Elmer Jiggle - Civ4lerts
  • Requies - Exotic Foreign Advisor
  • 12Monkeys - Modified Special Domestic Advisor (might go with TheLopes' version on this)
  • 12monkeys - Plot List Enhancement (this is a very large mod and warlords' interface already stacks the units - might not put it in)
  • SupremeOverlord - Enhanced military advisor (might go with TheLopes' version on this)
  • TheLopes - Specialist Stacker (I'm not putting this in - warlords' method is better)
Rex Tyrannus said:
Zophos, you are hereby our Greater Ape of Antics. I was planning on just zooming in on our capital before entering WB. (You can strip/grant techs without seeing anyone's territory.) However, your idea seems way fun. You want to roll up the start, too?

I humbly accept the crown. :king:

I'll roll up the start when we reach consensus on settings. Keep in mind that this is an Always War game, per the OP, so Emperor could be...challenging. Unless you want to make it a FFA? I'm agnostic on settings, 'cuz I just get to watch the carnage. :cool:

Rex Tyrannus said:
Also, I don't think regression will suck that much. Improvements already finished should remain. (Shouldn't they?) You only need the tech to build the improvement. When, in a normal game, you take over an advanced opponent's territory, you keep their improvements that you can't yourself build. (I think)
ruff_hi said:
Not 100% correct. If we build broadway and then get thrown back in time, broadway stays with us. I played in a deity SG where we build the internet on the first turn and had it for the rest of the game (we won by the way!).

Yes, you'll keep any happy resources from Hollywood, Broadway, or Rock & Roll, plus Gold, Silver, and Gems. You lose Fur, Wine, Ivory, all the Calendar resources, and Whales, plus a passel of health resources (seafood, Ag resources, AH resources, etc.). Sure, the improvements remain, but the resources themselves become invisible, so I imagine you can't use 'em.

And I don't know if you'll get tossed OUT of, say, Hereditary Rule and lose those happies, too. It'll be fun to find out - and it might make a Spiritual leader quite a bit more attractive than usual...

Pholkhero said:
Even better, roll both dice in secret, Zalson, and then just steal the save when appropriate ~ don't even bother with the hints, though they may work well every now and again. it would be cooler if it was all a total surprise
Ok...I'll post a DM 'got it' whenever I'm snatching the save for edits. No warnings in advance. Probably. ;)

And..."Zalson"? :confused:
ruff_hi said:
Pholk ... do you have a preference regarding which element is added first / last? My suggested order is below. I also have to check if a warlords version exists or if I have to make one (sigh).
  • Reminder (starting with this because it is easy!)
  • HOF autologger - originally from eotinb
  • Porges - Attitude Icons
  • Clock Mod - reportedly by eotinb too
  • TheLopez - Great Person Mod
  • Sevo - Sevo's Civilopedia
  • Roamty – Enhance TechWindow
  • Unit Naming
  • Dr Elmer Jiggle - Civ4lerts
  • Requies - Exotic Foreign Advisor
  • 12Monkeys - Modified Special Domestic Advisor (might go with TheLopes' version on this)
  • 12monkeys - Plot List Enhancement (this is a very large mod and warlords' interface already stacks the units - might not put it in)
  • SupremeOverlord - Enhanced military advisor (might go with TheLopes' version on this)
  • TheLopes - Specialist Stacker (I'm not putting this in - warlords' method is better)
I know that the autologger at least does not have a stand-alone Warlords version (at least as of a couple of weeks ago), though you could probably extract the version in the Warlords HOF mod. I'd love to see a modpack with some or all of these and a HOF-like options screen to turn 'em off and on...

EDIT: And I think the Great Person Mod is redundant in WL - it already tells you what GP type each GP is when born.
Zalson ~ hmm...i'm not sure where that came from :spank: suitably admonished :)

@ Ruff ~ there is a Warlords HOF mod; i use it for SP games, but i don't care how you implement them. I don't use the GP Mod, but don't care which. I just tech splashes back in my normal game :D
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