Rex Tyrannus
280lbs of gross stupidity
Return of the Quantum Monkeys
(In four part harmony--with feelin')
Well, since Pholk clearly lacks the taste to give us a *true* third installment, I've decided I want to continue the ROTQM series myself. That said, the only thing I can think of is a really silly idea.
Return of the Quantum Monkeys. We're time travelers and we hate everybody. We hates em, precious. Unfortunately, being monkeys, we sort of botched the time travel machinery and we have no control over it. What's that mean?
Every time the game comes around to my set (or we could specify a different interval) we roll a kinky die and set the game to a new era.
Edit: 5.5 Industrial (does a die have a five-and-a-half?)
(Did I leave any out? Hope not 'cause there are only six faces to the kink.)
At the beginning of the time shift, we world build everyone all techs from all eras prior to the era we entered. 'ferinstance, we roll a four. Four = Renaissance, so we strip all civs of all techs, then give them each all ancient, classical, and medieval techs.
We get to keep any units or buildings created during any given era, though I'm not sure about buildings/units mid-way through completion.
This is all war and the difficulty ought to be rather high (since teching would be meaningless). Any other silly ideas? Leader and other options are all open to group discussion.
This is open to all.
Rex Tyrannus: Legendary Blowhard
GreyFox: Legendary Lickspittle
Pholkhero: Legendary Alchemist
Ruff Hi: Legendary Prankster
negyvenketto: Legendary Guy I Don't Know
Lobster Boy: Legendary Steak Ecoutrement
Zophos: Greater Ape of Antics to be our world builder
Xtreme Rockstar: First Alternate
Ozbenno: Beer Fetcher in Chief
For reference:
Rise of the Queen Mother
Rape of the Queen's Maidenhood (original title: It's a man's man's world, but only because Pholk lacks true vision)
RNGod (for the kinky dice joke)
So come on, we needfour two no more. First come, first served (by Fox).
(In four part harmony--with feelin')
Well, since Pholk clearly lacks the taste to give us a *true* third installment, I've decided I want to continue the ROTQM series myself. That said, the only thing I can think of is a really silly idea.
Return of the Quantum Monkeys. We're time travelers and we hate everybody. We hates em, precious. Unfortunately, being monkeys, we sort of botched the time travel machinery and we have no control over it. What's that mean?
Every time the game comes around to my set (or we could specify a different interval) we roll a kinky die and set the game to a new era.
- Ancient
- Classical
- Medieval
- Renaissance
- Modern
- Future
Edit: 5.5 Industrial (does a die have a five-and-a-half?)
(Did I leave any out? Hope not 'cause there are only six faces to the kink.)
At the beginning of the time shift, we world build everyone all techs from all eras prior to the era we entered. 'ferinstance, we roll a four. Four = Renaissance, so we strip all civs of all techs, then give them each all ancient, classical, and medieval techs.
We get to keep any units or buildings created during any given era, though I'm not sure about buildings/units mid-way through completion.
This is all war and the difficulty ought to be rather high (since teching would be meaningless). Any other silly ideas? Leader and other options are all open to group discussion.
This is open to all.
Rex Tyrannus: Legendary Blowhard
GreyFox: Legendary Lickspittle
Pholkhero: Legendary Alchemist
Ruff Hi: Legendary Prankster
negyvenketto: Legendary Guy I Don't Know
Lobster Boy: Legendary Steak Ecoutrement
Zophos: Greater Ape of Antics to be our world builder
Xtreme Rockstar: First Alternate
Ozbenno: Beer Fetcher in Chief
For reference:
Rise of the Queen Mother
Rape of the Queen's Maidenhood (original title: It's a man's man's world, but only because Pholk lacks true vision)
RNGod (for the kinky dice joke)
So come on, we need