Turn 205 (inherited turn)
Guys, all our shtuff's pillaged. We have nine tiles on fire in our empire. That's not good. Especially since I need to now delete some defenders. Sigh...I rolled a D12 in lieu of a D3 (I've never heard of a D3, Pholk) and got a 5. That's as good as a 2 on a (mythical) D3 so I have to delete 7 levels of unit. That sucks.
Before looking to delete units (we have a scout and an archer that look primed for retirement, I look to see if we can purchase any cheap units. Well, it depends on what you call units. We *could* purchase 7 missionaries and delete them, but I think that's not in keeping with the spirit of the variant. It's a shame we cannot faith purchase any military units because we have a ton of faith. We also don't have enough gold to buy anything, which is also a shame, because we can still make spearmen. I'd love to build some spearmen in 1440 AD just to off them creatively.
Oh well, I think I need to take out our more backwoods members of the army...
L2 scout
L3 legion
L2 crossbow
Now to look forward and roll a new objective. Link to the objectives:
1d20 was a 15. "15 Hire 3 priests (ie, fill 3 citizen slots in Holy Sites)"
Again, I rolled a d12 in lieu of a d3 and rolled a 12. That's equivalent to a 3 so we have 7 turnsets.
Turn 207
Naval Tradition comes in. I think it was boosted when I sank the Congolese frigate that was pounding [city name I already forgot]. I chose mercantilism next.
Turn 208
Astronomy comes in. I selected Industrialization (5 turns), by means of Square Rigging (6 turns).
Turn 209
We recruit Giovani Di Medici, though I don't know if we have a commercial discrict w/out already having a market and bank. Turns out we have 3 commercial districts, all with markets. I spent him in Xian.
Turn 210
I turned a couple of units into corps, because it's very cramped in Sumeria with all the mountains and encampments. I have to leave it here, because it's getting late and I have to do my ironing for the week. Bummer. Sorry for the short play, but it takes forever this game.