RPNES- Adventures in Ansei


Dec 18, 2001
Welcome to Nirn, my friends! Come in...come in! First, let me introduce myself and my story so far. It is the year of our Lord Julius Klinsis VII, and he is very old and sick. Corruption and turmoil rule the countryside. An evil plot is starting to unfold, and I need your help to stop it. But before we enter Nirn there are a few rules:

  1. No Spamming! Only RP about Kogo'Tun here.
  2. No flamming! Respect the other people here in Kogo'Tun.
  3. No arguing! Role-playing is permitted but actual arguing is not permitted.
  4. In Kogo'Tun, Volen punishes the wicked, so don't make him angry!
  5. Rules will be added as needed (hopefully not).
  6. Each person will be listed below and has the option of taking a color. More than one person may have the same color.
  7. Characters may be added at any time during game play but PM me first so I can add your name and Kogo'Tun name below. Anyone who is not "registered" will have there posts ignored and requested to be deleted until they are "registered."
  8. Anyone who does not abide by the rules (3 strikes) will be asked to leave the RP.

    Game Playing Rules:

    1) Most important rule is not to make your character super strong, give weaknesses - For example a character may not have alot of stamina.

    2) Choose a format that suits you but can be understood by others - meaning that I would choose to use **'s for roleplaying and ""s to talk; use different colors and fonts if you want to be different

    3) Before roleplaying, say what your character looks like, what he/she is doing and even what skills, weapons, etc.

    4) Once you and another person begin roleplaying give your opponent time to reply, this could be for a day, etc.

    5) When you roleplay, say you are attacking, don't say you hit the opponent; this is also known as "autoing"

    6)This is not a rule, but advice, Roleplay is about imagination and not about winning fights, concentrate on describing the area around you, what you do, where you are etc.

    7) Also, don't speak for another character unless it is trivial, or they gave you permission.

    8) Please, don't make up nonsense stuff like, 'Jim dodges the attack and jumps 500 feet into the air.'

    9) Also, there is no "almighty mod". Conflicts are resolved by RP, not by instruction.

    OK, now that is cleared up, here is the storyline:

    In another realm, there was another world. A world where people could cast spells and handle weapons. Where what you looked like wasn't concerning. This world is Nirn. But we go to a continent called Avakir. On this continent, the Unbreakable Empire, or Kogo'Tun, has conquered the land and brought peace and prosperity. One province, though, is in great turmoil. This province is Ansei. In the center of this province is a large volcanoe, called Red Mountain. Around Red Mountain, there is a magical fence that was erected to stop the blight, a horrid disease. But now, below Red Mountain, a terrible foe has emerged. He and his undead army are slipping creatures infected with the blight past the fence, called the Ghostfence. Soon, he will leave the Ghostfence and try to conquer the world. It is up to the Ancients, the ancient gods of Nirn, to restore order. But the Ancients cannot go in their own form. They must go in a disguise, but this disguise will hide their concsious knowledge of being Ancients themselves, but it is a risk worth taking. Will balance be preserved in Ansei?

    Characters in Ansei:

    Civanator is Shadowbane

    Heine is Sir Lampar

    RoddyVR is Gwyneth

    lmsw08233 is Kalane Starwind

    Erez87 is Willow

    Erik Mesoy is Circon

    CivGeneral is Mara Jade

    Gladinia is Adriana

    Sheep2 is Manfred von Carstein

    Province of Ansei:
U got a map of Kogo'Tun/Ansei?
OOC: got a little time off, as I don't have so many planets to control at Xenocide anymore, therefor I have the chanse to join 1 NES for now, and I want to try out this one.
I have always wanted to try RPG;)
And (ask Naervod) I acctualy planned to make an RPG NES before my 2nd dissapering...

Heine is "Sir Lampar"

Sir Lampar, once a great and noble knight in the kings army, now he was nothing, his lack of inteligence had killed serval of his best friends in battles against other enemies, where his plan sent them out in sucide battles, only he had survived.
This was mostly becuse of his strenght and stamina and a bit luck. After killing serval enemies he had been forced to run away, loosing his shield and sword when he ran, and throwing away his chain mail so he could run faster. Did him much less an danger in combat, at the top of an hill his enemies had again him into the lenght of their sword, he took up his last weapon, an Dagger, blocked the first his, but the next hit was so hard that he lost his dagger.
He jumped on the nearest enemy, hitting him in the face. But the next one forced him to the ground took up his battleaxe, ready to cut Sir Lampars head of his body, then suddently he heard someone sckreaming some strange words, his enemy fell to the ground, also all the other enemies did.
He took up his head.
A man dressed in White cloaths stood in front of him, around him it was a strange light, nearly burning Sir Lampars eyes.
"Follow me!" said the wizard, Sir Lampar was sure it was a wizard.
The man/Wizard took Sir Lampar into his house, a small hut made of a strange wood Lampar never had seen before.
The wizard opned a chest and took up an long shiny sword, he saw runes printed in on the side of the sword.
"Take this sword," said the wizard. "Once it was mine, but I am about to die, this sword once forged by anicent smithers will help you on your adventure, if you learn how to use it"
Sir Lampar took the sword and went out, when he walked away he took up his old dagger to, and began walking to the forest west of him.

OOC: hope this is alright, if you want more info about Sir Lampar I will tell:p Also tell me if I need to change something as I am not an experienced RPG player ;)

Sir Lampar
Strenght: good
Stamina: good
Inteligence: TERRIBLE

Note: Welding an strong sword made by anicent smithers.
Followed by nightmares, where his old friends are accusing him for their death.
He can not count to over 100:p

OOC (again): Map?
Character Profile=
Name: Kalane Starwind
CFC Name/Aim Name: lmsw08233/angelscotboi
Race: High Elven / The Eldar
Homeland: Elvandar -Eternal Homelands of the Eldar-
Occupation: Elven Apprentice Spellweaver
Age: 98 Cycles(Years), Appears 19 Cycles(Years)
Religion: Disciple of Solani - Goddess of Light, the Sun, the day, and High Lady of the Eldar -
Alignment: Pure Good (Like all High Elves)
Magical Talent: Path of Fire Level 1
Strength: Weak
Stamina: Acceptable
Agility: Very High
Charisma: Very High
Intelligence: High

Description: Standing at only 6 feet 3 inches, Kalane is relatively short for one of the Eldar, this is due to his human heritage. Though he would deny it thoroughly, his father was half human half eldar - the product of a Eldar woman being raped by a human soldier.
Like most elves he has long blonde hair, and his almond shaped eyes the deepest colour of blue that one could possibly see.
Also like most Eldar - in the darkest of places he appears to radiate a light of his own; and his tall and slim stature while being quite ordinary in Eldar circles make him something of an oddity amongst humans who rarely see such a person with blonde hair and blue eyes, or who was quite as tall as Kalane.
History: Youngest child of the great half Elven Warrior, Tanis Starwind, and the great Eldar general Laurana Silvermoon. The first in his family to be accepted into the Spellweaver ranks, and the youngest apprentice spellweaver in Elvandar history.
He showed promise as the most talented Spellweaver since the ancient Eldar Wizard Celeborn (I know I know i stole it from LOTR); and as such was assigned to be the apprentice to the Elvandar court spellweaver, Lord Tomas.

'Why are we here?' Kalane thinks to himself as he takes in his surroundings.
He and Lord Tomas had just gotten off an Eldar Wingship - a sea going warship of the Eldar which appeared to fly above the water, but in reality only hovered - which had moored in a secluded cove which was the eastern most point of the continent of Avakir and the Kogo'Tun Empire.
Kalane picks up the large back pack which Lord Tomas insisted they bring, stating only that they were going on a long journey and would need them.
'Could he have been any more cryptic?' Kalane asks himself, as he looks around the cove.
The cove itself was actually a deep natural harbour, it had actually surprised him that the Humans had not found it and established a settlement here, it would have been a good place for one.

"Our ship will set up a small outpost here" Tomas' speaks for the first time since setting foot on land, "They will await our return to bear us back to Eternal Elvandar..."

Kalane was quite glad the Humans had not set up a outpost or settlement in this cove, from what he could see it was quite beautiful and he knew that the Wood Elves of Quelthalas would love to see a place like this.
Humans, he thought, tended to destroy wherever they went, they were like locusts to Kalanes eye, spreading and destroying indescriminately - even each other.

"Lord Tomas?" Kalane calls to his master who has now began to confer with the Captain of the Wingship, "Why are we here? Why did her majesty send us to this land of Humans?"
"Our Queen Agalaranna could feel something stirring on this continent..." Tomas turns to regard his apprentice, "Something she feels would threaten even our Elvandar"
"Nothing can threaten Elvandar" Kalane says confidently, "No evil can set foot in the land of eternal light!"
"Are you sure about that Kalane?" Tomas asks, making Kalane pause, "If that were true why would there be any need for Spellweavers? Or ordinary Eldar soldiers for that matter?"
"There is the threat of the lesser Elves and the night Elves" Kalane replys uncertainly, "The lands of Quelthalas and Novindus do not recognise the divine right of the Eldar to rule our continent"
"And by what right do we have claim over our cousins in Quelthalas and Novindus?" Tomas asks, raising an eyebrow in surprise at Kalanes attitude
"We are Eldar" Kalane simply replies, "The greatest of all the races"

Tomas shakes his head and smiles sheepishly at the captain of the Wingship, glad he was an Eldar himself, but knowing that there were Wood Elves and Night Elves in occupation aboard the ship, Tomas tries to convey a silent apology to the Captain.

"Is it any wonder the rest of the world dislikes and distrusts the Eldar?" Tomas asks himself mostly, and then he turns to Kalane, "Come now my apprentice, we obey our Queen, she commanded we come and investigate the evil she felt stirring here, and so we shall"
Requesting permission to join as:

CFC name: RoddyVR
Character: Gwyneth
Gender: Female
Race: Forest Druid
Primary: Archer
Secondary: Forest Mage
Weakness: Close Combat
- Natural ability to grow things out of forest magic(including arrows and food)
- Camouflage in Natural environments provided by her Live Cloak that assumes the coloring of any natural surroundings (not cities and stuff)
- If she leaves the forest, her magic ability starts depleting and disapears altogether till she's back to a forest.
- Most of her training assumes she has a "Guardian" warrior that would hold of enemies while she shoots them.
Build: Slim
Height: 4 feet 10 Inches (148cm)
Hair: Black with a Green tint, Long
Eyes: Dark Green
Dress: Living Cloak (with a hood that's rarely worn)
Arms: Living Bow (as tall as she is), Dagger (more of a tool then a weapon)

"Take the Ring girl! Get out of here, I wont be able to hold them off long!"
"No! I'm staying. Where would I go? I'm not leaving you to face them alone."
"Don't you UNDERSTAND? If you dont leave, in less then an hour I'll be one of THEM! Do you want that? If you're around I wont be able to bring myself to use the Incinerate and then we'll both end up joining the ranks of the undead. Now GO!!! Use the ring, survive!"

Gwyneth and her father were the last of a large hunting party that had been cornered by a large group of infested zombies. Their friends had already been killed and raised as reinforcements to the attackers.
The only chance for escape that they had was the Teleporting Ring that Gwyneth's Mother had given them when they left their home forest to help stop the evil that was breaching the Ghostfence. Unfortunately, only one of them could use the ring. Gwyneth's father insisted that she use the ring, even though he knew that she didnt have the magical ability to control it. It could teleport her anywhere, from just a yard away to the other side of the world.

"Go my dear, and if you find your way back home, tell your Mother that I love her, and thank her for the Ring. Now go, i have to start the spell now or it'll be too late, the shield is failing."

Crying her eyes out, Gweneth put on the ring and started the spell to activate its power. She hoped that it wouldnt teleport her too far and that she could still SOMEHOW help her father fight of the undead. The energy ring wrapped around her, blinked and her father saw her no more.
With his daughter safely out of range of the spell, her father released the holy shield spell that had been holding the zombies at bay and finished the Incenerate spell he had started when Gwyneth took the Ring. He put all his power into the spell and aimed it at his own heart. The explosion did what he had hoped it would do. It vaporized him and destroyed the horde of zombies that used to be his hunting party and the unlucky souls that had attacked them. All their souls would rest in peace now.
When Gwyneth woke up, she was in a strange forest. The leaves were thin like needles and it was entirely way too cold for trees to have leaves on them at all.
She knew that her father was gone now. She was alone in a forest she did not know, with no idea which side of the world she was on and with the mission of the Hunting party uncompleted.
She did still have her bow and dagger, and the forest did feed her magic, even if the power seemed a little foreign. She knew she could survive in this forest, but she needed to get home finish the mission the hunting party had set out for and then get home.
Her mother's Teleport Ring was completely drained, and Gwyneth had no clue how to recharge it, so it was now no more then a souvenir. She feed some of this forests magic into her cloak to make it better thiker and it also grew to a darker green to match the strange leaves in this forest. She grew an arrow into her bow and was amazed at how much thiner and sharper the arrow was then usual. Usualy her arrows resembled very strait branches, here they resembled large versions of the needle leaves. She would have to try some out to get used to them.
If she hoped to complete her father's mission, she would need to find another guardian. She knew none would ever compare with her father, but her training required a guardian, and without one she was as usefull in combat as a human child.
OOC: Cuz of Roddy and Lmsw I fell forced to make an description like that on my own (idiots:p)

Name: Sir Lampar
CFC Name/Aim Name: Heine/no aim
Race: Human/edãin (if I recall right)
Homeland: Unknown
Primary: Warrior/Knight
Secondery: Archer
Religion: Worshipping the good of war (let Civanator choose name:p)
Alignment: Good (but is not fully trustfull as he can go crazy cuz of his past)
Magical Talent: none, he lack intelligece to do it.
Strength: Very Good/Very Strong/ Very High
Stamina: Good/High
Agility: Good/High
Charisma: Under normal
Intelligence: Terrible

-Know alot of diffrent sword tactics and are extremly good in combat
-His low intelligence make most poeple belive he is easy to kill, until their meet his sword
-Don't know any magic, he have a feeling that it is some magic over his sword, but thats all.
-His strenght make him able to fire arrows and throw spears over a long distanse.

Build: Strong, wide over the shoulders, is more agile than he looks.
Height: 190 cm (I don't know what it is in Inches)
Face: A small beard is the first you see, after that you see 2 cold grey eyes, it's easy to see he will not think before he kills you.

On Head: a Cheap cap of leather, don't await any defence from this, it's green.
On body: Cheap Leather jacket, see info above, green.
On hand: Nothing
In bent: A long sharp iron dagger, last of his orginal weapons.
Weapon Wealding: Long Iron sword, forged by anicent smithers and old runes are printed on it.

He is trained in most way of using weapons, consentraiting in use of swords, but also use of bows, axes and spears.
He is trained to not think when he fights, if a fighter thinks to much it can be dangerus in combat.
What his trainding lacks are trainging of his intlect and us eof magic, he totalt lack this.

he is mortaly afraid of Magic and tries to run if he see it.
Height: 1.90 cm (I don't know what it is in Inches)

um. that would be about the length of my left big toe.
i think you meant "1.90m" or "190cm"

anyway, just FYI, that's ~75 inches (or 6 feet,3inches)
I just have a suggestion so it will be a little easier for us players:

You/Civanator, send us PM's about what we meet and what happens, if this is an meating with 2 players, they players shall talk toghter and make an joint story.....
Did anyone read the rules? ;)
Next time please PM me and wait for a reply so it doesn't get cluttered.

Heine- This is an RP, and no one can control the whole thing. I won't be telling what to do outside of the RP, unless we are planning. Be imaginative.

Erez- You can be anything humanoid and that can speak ;)

About the map- I am tryin to get it right now.
OOC: I read the rules, was there anything I missed or violated by accident?

Kalane looked out across the boy at the Eldar WingShip, wishing nothing more than to board that vessel and return across the seas to Elvandar.
He turns to regard his master who is conversing with the captain of the Eldar ship.

Lord Tomas, the court "mage" of the Elvandar Royal court, and rumour has it secret consort of the Queen Agalaranna, wasnt an Eldar.
At least it wasnt known if he was of the Eldar or not; for sometimes he looked the exact epitome of the Eldar race, and other times Kalane could swear he looked like a human; it was almost as if the Lord Tomas was a shapeshifter of sorts.
The Lord would take great offense at anyone who suggested he was not of the Eldar, and usually turn whoever said it into something quite unpleasant for a few days.

"Master?" Kalane calls the attention of Tomas, "Where do we head?"
"We go to the Red mountain" Tomas turns and points off into the distance; Kalane looks to where he had pointed and with his elven eyes saw the distant outline of what appeared to be a vast mountain range.
"Why there?" Kalane asks

"Queen Agalaranna told me of an ancient legend which spoke of an ancient evil sealed beneath the Red Mountain..." Tomas replied, "Whether it is true or not remains to be seen, but it is a good place to start looking do you not think?"
"That seems reasonable master" Kalane replies
Your stamina decides if how long you can run before need to rest and such (ok, stupid way to explain it, try to do something better).


Sir Lampar was in a dark room, not "black", but dark.
The Wall that was 5 meters in front of him was nearly to long away to be seen.
When he went one step away from the wall he heard an strange noise and an light appered back him, he turned around.
Now there where an Fire place there, the fire was hot and light.
Then he saw something move at his left side, he turned to left to see what it was, his hand attomaticly went down to his sword.
"You don't need that sword, you have already killed me!"
His old friend Almant said to him, the voice was like an sharp wind have hitted him in his face, "Almant, but he is dead" thought Lampar.
"So you think I am dead, Lampar?" Almant began walking towards him, "Yes, I am dead in the mortal world. Yes you sent me and the others of your so called "friends" right inot the death, and now, NOW I will revenge us. I will follow you in your dreams until your last day, and remember you have to sleep". Almant dissapered, instead an big snake appered at the same place.
"It's an dream, Wake up!" Sckremed Lampar, "it's a dream!"
"Yes it is" Almant's voice was back. "But sometimes Dreams are more dangerus than other things!"
And arrow suddently appered, hitting Lampar in his right arm.

Lampar woke up, he was wet of swetting, automaiticly he took his left arm to check where the arrow had hit his right arm, he took it back immidliaty. It was wet, wetter than it could have been from swet, he took his left arm up in the light from the first sunshines in this eraliy morning.
The blood dripped down........
Lampar jumped up, quicly searching to left and to right, not even an animal as around his camp.
After searching the lightly muddy ground for around an hour, without finding anything else than his own footprints, he began making breakfest.

1 hour later he once again began walking to south, to west of him was the forest, the leave was green, but could have been greener. An cold win blowing from north forced him to have his robe around him, haden't it been for the wind this would have been an fine morning.
After walking for around 2 hours he saw a group of 2 trolls walking eastwards, away from the forest.
1 of the trolls had something under his arm.
Lampar silently moved forward, scounting to all sides to be sure that there was no more trolls.
He followed the trolls all of the day, right before he was about to give up the trolls stopped, in an small valley they made an small campfire, from one of thier many bags they took up something bloody, Lampar was prettey sure it was a human.
Now that he had come closer he saw both had big swords as trolls usualy used.
The trolls steaked their food at the fire and eaten it, then they took up their pipes and began smoking on them, first after many hours they gone to sleep, it was now or never for Lampar.

He took up his sword and dagger, and silently began moving toward the trolls, when he was 2 meters from them he tread on an pin, broke it. The trolls was up in few seconds and Lampar had now place to hide, what could he do?
The first troll attacked, Lampar took his dagger and threw it, trying to his it............

Rest I need to know what happen in the fight with the trolls.

OOC Heine you explained it the same way as others :)
BTW i plan to join, but I'll need to talk with civfanator befor.
What your AIM civanator?
CFC name: Erez87
Character name: Willow
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 20
Religion: Wicca
Alignment: She's not evil, but not that good...
Areas of interest ? : Wicca witchcraft, black, white and gray magic, Telekinesis.

Willow is a 20 years old girl that has learned the Wicca religion witchcraft since the age of 16. Her powers are amazing and it seemed like She had a talent for magic.
When she was only 3 years old her parents died in an attack of evil creatures.
She has a dream of bringing them to life and that is the reason she begun learning magic.
At the age 17 while doing her first real magic she have got addicted with Magic and her teachers had to stop her magic before she could finish it.
While reaching the age of 20 her magical abilities have grew much further.
But because every time she is using magic she just can’t stop she swear she won’t use magic anymore.

While learning magic her interests were for several areas that could aid her.
She is very good in black magic’s and has learned several very strong spells and tricks. (OOC I’ll PM you this stuff later on). Also she has shown great talent in using telekinesis. She is very smart and gifted, which helped her imagination and concentration work very well. She today can raise several things into the air and throw them at her enemies.

These days she is still living at her school but after a talk with the teachers she prepares herself to leave the city.

Her out look:
She has a normal height of 167cm. have an Orange hair color. Her eyes are blue and she usually wear normal teenagers clothes (normal for that world of course ;)).
While using her magical powers her eyes are changing their color to black.
She is not very powerful at fighting in close combat or and other kind of physical fight. She prefers not fighting at all just to not use her magic.

She hold no weopns, but can use them while using telekinesis.
OOC: Stamina represents how long a person can endure something for example a long hard march without rest; or whether a person is able to lift an extremely heavy object; or even how well a person can resist poisons and diseases.

Tomas studied his young apprentice carefully, watching him strain to hear the sound of footfalls which Tomas had been hearing for the past ten minutes.

He and Kalane had set out from the Cove nearly a day ago and since then both Tomas and Kalane noticed how eerily quiet the forest had been; leaving both of the High Elves wondering if indeed there was something dark abroad.

"I hear it master..." Kalane almost whispers as he focuses all his concentration on listening, "They are very quiet, more like the dragging of feet in the distance rather than actual footfalls"
"Yes that is what I had thought" Tomas whispers in reply, "It is far away yet, id say nearly a half mile perhaps more but it is closing"
"And it is not human..." Kalane states

"Oh? What do you think it is then?" Tomas asks, unable to supress his surge of pride in the improvement his apprentice is displaying, "Elves? Dwarves?"
"No..." Kalane shakes his head, "Something else...something heavy footed"
"I am not sure either my apprentice..." Tomas smiles ruefully, "It does not sound fleet enough to be an Elf or anything of close relation to our peoples; and it is not rhythmed enough to be a Human or Dwarf..."

Kalane is an High Elven spellweaver - that is an Elven Mage - spellweavers however put Human Magi in the shade in terms of magical power and endurance however and usually spellweavers unlike Humans will specialize in a "Path".
A Path is a magical area of expertise - The Path of Flame, The Path of Storms, The Path of Time, and The Path of Change to name a few.
And Kalane specializes in the Path of Flame - currently he is only a Level One adept in the Path of Flame - and Lord Tomas specializes in the Path of Storms, he is a level 12 Master in the Path of Storms.

"Should I ready myself master?" Kalane inquires
"That would be prudent apprentice - you know sometimes I wish you were a Night Elf Kalane..." Tomas replies to Kalane who then gives him a sharp look.

"Well if you were a Night Elf you could just meld into the shadows of the wood, a useful trait" Tomas grins cheekily at his apprentice who simply sighs and shakes his head at his Master.
* A dark figure emerges from the old creaking boat, the figure comes into the light to reveal a 6' 2" tall figure standing on the dock wearing what looks like a black and grey costume, in the chest area two letter S and B glow bright green and start to dim and slowly disappears...after a couple of minutes the figure tilts his head to the left hearing a crack and then to the right hearing a crack. Still standing on the dock, his bright green eyes spotted the guard who cam up to him to ask who he was.*

"I'm a human shadow, deal with it."

*the guard smirks as he looks at Shadowbane's eyes to see them flash from bright green to dark red and then back to bright green, the guard stutters and points to a wooden door, Shadowbane grins as he walks to the door and opens it to be greeted by an oldish man in a brown robe who asks about class*

"hmmm Shadow Elder, Major skills: longblade, Armourer, Illusion, Destruction and Light Armour...Minor skills: Alchemy, Restoration, Marksman, Sneak and Security"

*The oldish man nods and explains about the outside world and points to the release papers, Shadowbane nods and takes the papers and walks out the two doors not noticing the free goods...later he finds Sellus and gives him the papers and turns semi-shadow to go through the door, outside he returns to normal but breathes heavily and decides to go to Arrilles Tradehouse to find where the nearest tavern is*
In Char as Gwyneth:

I've never felt this alone before. I doubt i'll find any Druids in this freaky forest, but even an elf or a human will do at this point. If i ever get home i'm gonna force them to change the training routines, i just wasnt prepared to face the unknown without a Guardian. "Your camouflauge should protect you untill you reconect with your Guardian", well i guess they were right, my cloak will protect me untill i'm dead and with Dad.
No camouflauge will hide a woman from a hungry wolf or whatever hunts these woods...probably some beast with needles instead of fur.
Dam it! Stop scaring yourself. That smoke you saw from the treetop will be a Druid village and they'll tell me where I am and how to get to the Red Mountain.

*third person view:
Gwyneth had been walking through the forest for almost a whole day and had not seen any sign of intelligent life. She'd scaled a tall tree and spotted a slim colomn of smoke off in the distance. Hoping that the inhabitants were friendly she headed strait for the village.

for things like what Heine left his last post at, who decides?
Civinator, do we wait for you to "resolve" the situations, or can other players write up the next phase?
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