Welcome to Nirn, my friends! Come in...come in! First, let me introduce myself and my story so far. It is the year of our Lord Julius Klinsis VII, and he is very old and sick. Corruption and turmoil rule the countryside. An evil plot is starting to unfold, and I need your help to stop it. But before we enter Nirn there are a few rules:
- No Spamming! Only RP about Kogo'Tun here.
- No flamming! Respect the other people here in Kogo'Tun.
- No arguing! Role-playing is permitted but actual arguing is not permitted.
- In Kogo'Tun, Volen punishes the wicked, so don't make him angry!
- Rules will be added as needed (hopefully not).
- Each person will be listed below and has the option of taking a color. More than one person may have the same color.
- Characters may be added at any time during game play but PM me first so I can add your name and Kogo'Tun name below. Anyone who is not "registered" will have there posts ignored and requested to be deleted until they are "registered."
- Anyone who does not abide by the rules (3 strikes) will be asked to leave the RP.
Game Playing Rules:
1) Most important rule is not to make your character super strong, give weaknesses - For example a character may not have alot of stamina.
2) Choose a format that suits you but can be understood by others - meaning that I would choose to use **'s for roleplaying and ""s to talk; use different colors and fonts if you want to be different
3) Before roleplaying, say what your character looks like, what he/she is doing and even what skills, weapons, etc.
4) Once you and another person begin roleplaying give your opponent time to reply, this could be for a day, etc.
5) When you roleplay, say you are attacking, don't say you hit the opponent; this is also known as "autoing"
6)This is not a rule, but advice, Roleplay is about imagination and not about winning fights, concentrate on describing the area around you, what you do, where you are etc.
7) Also, don't speak for another character unless it is trivial, or they gave you permission.
8) Please, don't make up nonsense stuff like, 'Jim dodges the attack and jumps 500 feet into the air.'
9) Also, there is no "almighty mod". Conflicts are resolved by RP, not by instruction.
OK, now that is cleared up, here is the storyline:
In another realm, there was another world. A world where people could cast spells and handle weapons. Where what you looked like wasn't concerning. This world is Nirn. But we go to a continent called Avakir. On this continent, the Unbreakable Empire, or Kogo'Tun, has conquered the land and brought peace and prosperity. One province, though, is in great turmoil. This province is Ansei. In the center of this province is a large volcanoe, called Red Mountain. Around Red Mountain, there is a magical fence that was erected to stop the blight, a horrid disease. But now, below Red Mountain, a terrible foe has emerged. He and his undead army are slipping creatures infected with the blight past the fence, called the Ghostfence. Soon, he will leave the Ghostfence and try to conquer the world. It is up to the Ancients, the ancient gods of Nirn, to restore order. But the Ancients cannot go in their own form. They must go in a disguise, but this disguise will hide their concsious knowledge of being Ancients themselves, but it is a risk worth taking. Will balance be preserved in Ansei?
Characters in Ansei:
Civanator is Shadowbane
Heine is Sir Lampar
RoddyVR is Gwyneth
lmsw08233 is Kalane Starwind
Erez87 is Willow
Erik Mesoy is Circon
CivGeneral is Mara Jade
Gladinia is Adriana
Sheep2 is Manfred von Carstein
Province of Ansei: