RR-01 World Conquest


Feb 1, 2003
I'm interested in working on my war skills and early wars/conquest and would like to set up a succession game to assist in this. I have randomly generated 3 maps - everything random except the only victory condition enabled is conquest. Once the roster is full, we will vote on which civ/map we want to play.

C3C 1.22

t3h m013

Will follow the usual 24hr got it/72hr post rule
Will follow gotm rules

Level: Emperor
AI aggressiveness: highest/most
AI respawn: off
Cultural links: off
Cultural Conversions: on
Scientific Leaders: on

All world conditions are random, but from what I recall during generation of the maps: Byzantine map was huge, England Large, and Persians huge

Here are the 3 start positions:



id like to play as a wannabe warmonger as apposed to a warmonger if you follow. if you feel like you can let me join thatd be good? id prefer large to huge map personally.
excellent, you're both in :)
i vote persia as well, but i think i should be moved down the list (if that is a play list as well as roster) as im not great at starts, and so that could make things much harder
Hum. That sounds interesting but I have never played on a huge map.

When I play on a large map, I cannot stand handling the workers for the whole game. I get tired at some point when it takes almost an hour every turn to handle the workers, so I automate most of them. I cannot imagine doing the same on a huge map!

So, unless you play with the worst start (England), which is on a large map, or accept some kind of compromise about automating workers from the mid-game or reroll the huge starts, count me out.

I am sorry if that sounds like blackmail, but I just hate [pissed] handling tons of workers when I am playing a warmonger game.

Of course, you are free to reply to this post with tons of insults :gripe: if you disagree with what I just wrote and find it unacceptable.

Just don't :ar15: me!
If everyone else agrees, once we have roads, we could shift-A most workers so they auto improve tiles and if we don't agree and change the builds they did, they won't change them back. If everyone agrees are you in?
What exactly do you mean by "once we have roads"?

Anyway, if everyone agrees that once we have more than 100 cities (or when we consider it is becoming a pain in the ***), we can automate most of the workers, I am in. :)

I have not played a lot of emperor games (about a dozen or so), but I realized that starting in a position to have a capital as 4t settler factory is almost like playing on monarch level, especially on large map (I guess it is even worst on a huge map).

My skills for a domination victory are pretty good, but I rarely play for conquest, so it would be a good practise.

The best starting position seems to be Persia. I am not very good when it comes to fog gazing, but there seems to be something white in the forest 2 SW, but I cannot quite determine what it is. Maybe I am imagining things...
This is a conquest game and we hope to do some early conquests (before connecting roads are done). Outside of the core, once the cities are connected we could automate them in the cities they are in (so they don't run all over the map).

I often do this once I have the tiles in a city radius that I know I want irrigated/mined done and let the automated worker do the rest. When rails come in (if the game goes that far), I usually build one or two main rail lines through the territory while leaving the other workers on "automate-don't-change-this-city" to rail the cities themselves.

I know this is not how things are usually done in a SG, but our team for SGOTM3 did it towards the end when worker management was a pain and I would be willing to do it for this huge map, too.
yea, im fine with automating most workers when its unpractical (Sp) to manually choose all squares to be worked
All right! Unless TimBentley voices any objections when he comes back on tuesday, then I am signing up!

We need 2 more players to complete the roster.
t3h_m013 said:
w0000000t... but plleaasee dont put me second on the playing list...

That's just the player list and not the order roster :)
Well Hajime, we still have 2 free spots, so I do not see why you would be refused.

BTW, wellcome to CFC! :)
Welcome :D

We just need one more now and then we're ready to start
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