King of myself
Well, finally I decided to make one SG on my own 
Well, as we are in summer and I don't want to make a 30 line ruleset, I decided to explore the 3.17 No Espionage option , that is said to be extremely cheesy
My idea is simple: a nice summer SG, just for fun, where we explore all the cheesy tricks that we can use with the no espionage option ticked ( mainly concerning using espionage slider ans spy specialists as culture generators and the fact that Spy GPP is seen as blank GPP ( it even overflows
) and the fact that you can use another type of specialist to decide the kind of GP you'll get ( assign a enginner over those spies to get a assured GE or a priest to get a GP ...... ) )
If you want to play this , I strongly reccomend you ( not mandatory ) that you use solver's patch or atleast his no espionage fix during it, because Firaxis decided that people playing no-Espionage games don't need to see the demographics
DM ettiquette rules applies. Type of map and civ to be discussed. Dificulty is Monarch.
Screenshots in spoiler below. Save Atached in end of post
Roster :
Ad Hoc

Well, as we are in summer and I don't want to make a 30 line ruleset, I decided to explore the 3.17 No Espionage option , that is said to be extremely cheesy

My idea is simple: a nice summer SG, just for fun, where we explore all the cheesy tricks that we can use with the no espionage option ticked ( mainly concerning using espionage slider ans spy specialists as culture generators and the fact that Spy GPP is seen as blank GPP ( it even overflows

If you want to play this , I strongly reccomend you ( not mandatory ) that you use solver's patch or atleast his no espionage fix during it, because Firaxis decided that people playing no-Espionage games don't need to see the demographics

DM ettiquette rules applies. Type of map and civ to be discussed. Dificulty is Monarch.
Screenshots in spoiler below. Save Atached in end of post
Spoiler :

Roster :
Ad Hoc