RTS: Warrior Kings


I was kittenOFchaos
Jan 6, 2001
Brighouse, England
I recently bought "Warrior Kings" (brand new and yet only £18) and whilst I HAD to patch it up and some bugs remain I think this is an extremely fun and promising game.

Many of the problems I saw people getting worked up about in the official forums (in terms of installation etc) were easy to solve if you have any experience with computer gaming (I remember when every new game meant a new bootdisk!).

I'll have more to say later on, but for now I recommend you have a look at either:


OR better still


The development team seem to be getting thrashed enough to provoke patches very quickly...1.3 will be around any time soon...whilst we civ3'ers wait ages between patchs :rolleyes:

The game certainly is a treat to look at and with it selling so cheaply due to "bugs" that will get ironed out soon I think it is a bargain :king:


More GOONS please :crazyeye:


Website is:


When I ordered it was £18...or £18.99 pretty good I thought!

We had 4 friends over for the last 28 hours...and Warrior Kings multiplayer was a hit!
Looks like a sweet game...one I must get from my nearest G+K store...along with Jedi Outcast. :D
An indeed exceptionnal store, open 24/7, with nice, kind, handsome and friendly owner. Who has good stuffs, new stuffs. I would definitely recommend that one indeed :D

Btw, it's quite funny, civ3 is just officially released in France. Quite late eh, for then french version portage. Well actually France is quite slow. This month I bought the most famous French video games magazine and look at their games test and reviews. Let me see they're reviewing...
_ warlords battlecry 2
_ warrior kings,
_ jedi outcast
_ civ 3
_dungeon siege
_ ooh a preview of might and magic IX, disciples 2 and Arx fatalis ;)

In one word: only game that are already in store. At least in the best store of the world
They're reviewing prehistoric games ;)
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