Apr 30, 2018
Over the last few months I've developed a series ideas for an overhaul post-apocalyptic mod for Civ VI: Rise and Fall. I have very little modding experience but I have developed ideas for civilizations, gameplay mechanics, religions, city states, etc which I think lend themselves to Rise and Fall and would create an immersive post-apocalyptic strategy experience.

Though it could also utilize random-gen maps, a tsl style map of Ruin to Rebirth would include the mid section of North America - that is, what is now the United States, northern Mexico, and southern Canada. As such, the civs I've developed come from a variety of those regions and represent different people's attempts to crawl back to civilization after an apocalypse has wiped out the old international order.

I know Civ IV had a big post-apoc mod but I haven't seen a whole lot of overhaul scenarios for VI, though I'm hopefully someone with experience in overhaul modding will be interested in this project. I'll be posting on this thread these ideas in various different sections and if anyone is interested in adding to or helping develop the mod I think it would be really worthwhile.
Ruin to Rebirth would play in most ways like a regular Civ VI game in its basic skeletal mechanics. However, the civilizations, tech tree, civics tree, pantheon beliefs, and building and unit types would all be overhauled. Many aspects would be retained (and skins recycled) from various points of the base game, but the names and stats would be changed. However, each civ still has a leader and civ bonus, unique units and infrastructure, and can build and expand and empire in the same way as any other civ game.

Beside the tree overhauls, the major gameplay mechanics that would make RtR different would be primarily focused on the early game. Barbarians (most likely renamed Raiders) are still a problem, and should make up the main antagonists of the early parts of the game. As well as creating base game units, the Raiders will have unique units (like the horse archers and throwing axeman in the vanilla game) such as the Savage, Crazie, Feral Dog, and Bandit.

There would also be an impetus in the first few eras of the game to forage for resources through Pre-War Ruins and Refugee Camps (Tribal Villages). The camps would act the same way as Tribal Villages, giving little random bonuses. The Ruins could either be "harvested" by workers or foraged using a mechanic and unit similar to the Archaeologists. Ruins would provide strategic resources and even Great Works in the early game as your technologies and civics catch up. Refugee Camps would help you gain specific bonuses as well as units and population. These two outside things would be absolutely necessary, as the growth of your cities and technology/civic research in the early game would be severely slowed. It may even be the case that seemingly basic units like Settlers would have to be unlocked with a technology. This is all to give you the feeling that your community is indeed trying desperately to survive the apocalypse. If you survive this stage, probably called the "Survival" era, then the rest of the game will be able to be played fairly normally. Throughout the game the hunt for resources as well as cultural and scientific bonuses will be vital but in later eras the objective will switch from scrounging Pre-War knowledge and resources to starting fresh and creating your own unique community and culture.
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Military: Stonewall, Crocket, Freebear, Darkdome, Bombsburg, St Thanatos

Religious: New Salem, Maria Hill, Zionista, Blackhill, Salt Village, Nueva Augustino

Cultural: Bacchus, Columbia, New Graceland, Green Lady, Francopolis, Cashville

Scientific: Baja Atlantis, Moreau, Yosemite, Fifty-One, Ivy City, Booker

Economic: Border Town, Bridgetown, Green Acres, Vegaworld, Tower City, Oz

Production: Appalachia, Erebus, Rust City, Wallsburg, Belechek, Los Manos
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The next few days I will posting information on the civs that inhabit the world of Ruin to Rebirth. All of these are tentative, and I am fully aware that the civ and leader bonuses may be unbalanced. However, I wanted to get these ideas down. Inevitably, these will also bleed into areas that I have not expounded on yet (notably religion, units and buildings). Again, these civs could be played on any map (as long as it has Pre-War ruins and refugee camps) but geographically they occupy middle-North America.
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Pine Tree Republic

Leader: John Bear Cyr

Location: Northern New England and French Canada

Symbol: Pine tree embedded with a star

Leader Bonus: Dirigo - Gain Great Scientist, Prophet, and Engineer points for each city you are a Suzerain of.

Civ Bonus: Country of the Pointed Firs - can build lumber mills at the beginning of the game. Bonus faith from forests. Begin the game with an extra Scout.

Unique Unit: Militia Acadien - cheap to build unit which gets a bonus in friendly territory and woods. Replaces the Rifleman.

Unique Structure: Eastern Lighthouse - Unique building for the Harbor district replacing the Lighthouse. Provides science in addition to normal Lighthouse bonuses.

Religion: Judaeo-Christianity

Agenda: Independent Tribe of the North: Likes civs which trade with it and do not settle near them. Dislikes civs who take their cities through loyalty.

City Names: Penobscot, Francis-Claire, St. John, New Orchard, Portsbay, Green Mountain, Sir Edmund, Newgusta, Lewburn, Moosehead, Rockcoast, Hampshire’s Haven, Pistatiqua, Benjerry
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Great Northern Union

Leader: Marshall MacCormack

Location: Southern Canada

Symbol: Maple Leaf divided into three sections

Leader Bonus: The Glacier - 50% chance of a free encampment district upon conquering a city

Civ Bonus: All Thy Sons Command - bonus loyalty in cities with a garrison. All cities with a garrison gain production.

Unique Unit: Steel Mountie - unique cavalry unit with extra strength. Replaces the Cavalry.

Unique Structure: Log Barracks - unique building for the Encampment district replacing the Barracks which provides Production for every lumber camp in the city as well as unit experience.

Religion: Abrahamism

Agenda: Canadian Conqueror: Likes civs which do not border them. Dislikes civs who do.

City Names: Magnus, Thunderton, Moosejaw, McMurray, Maple City, MacDonald, Snowspeak, MacKenzie, Neo-Cree, Redleaf, Damsland, Jonsparrow, Deerplain, Glacier City, Bisonia, Bowell
New Texas

Leader: Daniel Rodrigues

Location: Texas and Northern Mexico

Symbol: Skull with star on forehead

Leader Bonus: Caudillo of All Texas - Cavalry units receive a bonus if within several tiles of a New Texan city or friendly city state. During a War of Reconquest, they receive faith from kills.

Civ Bonus: Lonestar Nation - Gets a bonus fighting against Free Cities and City States.

Unique Unit: Ghost Rider - unique cavalry unit which gets extra bonuses from flanking and fighting in enemy territory. Replaces the Horseman.

Unique Structure: Mission Fort - unique building for the Encampment district which provides faith and Great Prophet points as well as unit experience. [Architecture]

Religion: Judaeo-Christianity

Agenda: Proud As Santa Anna: Likes civs with strong military power. Dislikes civs with weak militaries.

City Names: Austinos, New Waco, Antonia, Cowboy City, Apache, Santa Anna, Worthington, Chavez, Comanche, La Fantoma, Nelson, Bush City, Puebla City
New New York

Leader: Mr. Empire

Location: New York city and surrounding area

Symbol: Two interlocked “Ns” with a “Y” underneath

Leader Bonus: Uniter of the Burroughs: Receive emissaries to send to city states faster. One free Diplomatic policy slot with every government.

Civ Bonus: Big Apple: bonus gold, production, and culture in the capital. This bonus starts off modest but gets better with each age.

Unique Unit: Dodger - unique unit replacing the Scout with better attack and a bonus against Raiders.

Unique Structure: Lady Liberty - Unique tile improvement which grants culture and boosts loyalty. Must be built on coast.

Religion: Abrahamism

Agenda: League of Liberty: Likes civs who stay out of city state politics. Dislikes civs competing for the same city states as them.

City Names: Megahattan, New Harlem, Dodgerville, Queensborough, Los Bronx, Wrigley, West Yank, Lazarus, Promethea, Zerotown, Pomme, Old Jersey, New Times, Rockefeller
Whig Federation

Leader: Alexander Jones

Location: Upstate New York and Pennsylvania

Symbol: Cracked Bell

Leader Bonus: Voice of the Founders: Eurekas for civics are much more effective.

Civ Bonus: Original Intent - Can adopt a Resettlement era government immediately after founding the capital city. Upon researching Head of State gain a Wildcard policy slot with any government.

Unique Unit: Constitutional - unique naval unit which has a bonus in friendly territory and against land units.

Unique Structure: Federation Mint - unique building replacing the Bank that provides both gold and an additional trader slot.

Religion: Neo-Americanism

Agenda: American Heritage: Likes civs with the same amount or more civics than they do. Dislikes civs with fewer civics than them.

City Names: Ordum, Franklin, Libertas, Bellsburg, Hamilton, Jon-Jay, William Henry, Claytown, Tippy Canoe, Brothersburg, Poor Richard, New Albany, Americanopolis, Tyler, Harrison, New Buffalo
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Capricorn Commune

Leader: Quintin Astro

Location: Northwestern United States

Symbol: Goat’s head

Leader Bonus: Prince of the Stars - Each time you found or upgrade your religion, receive a Great Person of your choosing.

Civ Bonus: Shared Destiny - Upon founding a religion, any Refugee Camps searched provide a free Missionary unit.

Unique Unit: Flower Archers - Ranged unit replacing the Slingshot. Heals faster than most units and has a range of two rather than the usual range of one.

Unique Structure: Commune - unique district which provides faith and housing. Replaces the Trailer Park.

Religion: Astrologism

Agenda: Quest for Alignment: Likes civs that avoid war and produce culture and faith. Dislikes civs that go to war, especially with city states.

City Names: Astroverse, Libra, Virgo, Gemeni, Moody Blue, Portlandia, Cosma, Spacezone, Sagittaria, Raintown, Oyster Bay, Needleverse
Queen’s Dixie

Leader: Virginia Daring

Location: Virginia and the Carolinas

Symbol: Crown

Leader Bonus: Southern Charm - Receive better relations with civs when you meet at the beginning of the game. Cities where you have diplomatic visibility receive double pressure from your religion.

Civ Bonus: Long Live the Queen - all units receive a bonus when fighting adjacent to the capital city.

Unique Unit: Yellowjacket - Fast armor unit with a bonus against cities. Replaces the Armored Car.

Unique Structure: Racetrack - unique building for the Entertainment District. Provides 1 Amenity and experience for Armor and Cavalry units. Requires an improved source of Horses or Petroleum. [Automotive Repair]

Religion: Southern Adventism

Agenda: Only the Finest Company: Likes civs who recruit Great People, dislikes civs who do not or pass on Great People.

City Names: Smith City, New Roanoke, Myrtle, Spartan, Lee City, Elizabeth, Williamstown, Jefferson, Jameswoods, Battletown, Madison, New Bombsburg, Bubbagump, New Cannon, Whitetail
Free West

Leader: Jessica Wayne

Location: Plains region of the US and parts of Arizona and New Mexico

Symbol: Hissing Rattlesnake

Leader Bonus: Fastest Draw in the West - Gunmen units can be trained at the beginning of the game, start the game with two Gunmen units.

Civ Bonus: Spirit of the Frontier - border growth is faster and Recon units heal and earn experience faster. After researching Carpentry, Settlers can be purchased with faith.

Unique Unit: Gunslinger - Unique gunpowder unit which gets gold from kills. Has a special promotion tree. [Militias]

Unique Structure: Saloon - unique building replacing the Dance Hall. Provides unit experience as well as an amenity.

Religion: Neo-Americanism

Agenda: Wide Open Skies: likes civs who explore. Dislikes civs which do not.

City Names: Lo Bueno, Diamondback, Blood Kansas, Lo Malo, Sidewinder, Little House, Donner, Schermerhorn, Lo Feo, Clintwood, Lewiston-Clark, Elliot, One Dog
Eternal Everglades

Leader: Big Mick

Location: Florida and the Gulf Coast

Symbol: Alligator eating its tail

Leader Bonus: Undisputed Lord of the Glades- can embark units on coast at the beginning of the game. Melee units receive combat bonuses when next to rivers, marsh, or lakes.

Civ Bonus: Kingdom of Orlando - receive faith after unearthing Pre-War Ruins with Foragers. Find science eurekas in ruins more often.

Unique Unit: Airboat - unique early game naval unit with a bonus against Raiders. Can only move on coast. [Simple Boating]

Unique Structure: Swampyard - unique tile improvement which can only be built on lakes and on coastal tiles adjacent to three plots of land. Provides both food and production.

Religion: Astrologism

Agenda: Gulf Empire: Likes civs which do not border the coast. Dislikes civs who do.

City Names: Micksworld, North Keys, Crocodilly, Magic Town, Dead Duck, Jaguar, Mousetown, Devilsville, Seminole, Costa Mexica, Cattle Cove, Choctaw, Swampbuck, Maw, Daytona
Patriotic Americans Coalition

George Jackson

A rough area stretching from Ohio to Kentucky

Symbol: Eagle’s head

Leader Bonus: Hearts of His Countrymen - PAC cities lose loyalty much slower and exert more loyalty pressure on nearby cities.

Civ Bonus: Liberty and Justice - Receive eurekas for civics and technologies after gaining control of cities through loyalty.

Unique Unit: Steel Patriot - unique armor unit with a bonus against other armor units. Replaces the Tank. Converts cities to PAC religion after conquest.

Unique Structure: Washingtonian Academy - unique building for the Encampment district replacing the Military School. Bonus Great General points.

Religion: Neo-Americanism

Agenda: Manifest Destiny: Likes civs with the same or no religion. Dislikes civs who have founded their own religion.

City Names: Pilgrim’s Pride, Grant, Polk, Taylor, Roosevelt 1, Roosevelt 2, Monroe, Van Buren, Purple Mountain, Bannerstown, Scott-Key, Harding, Fort Eisenhower, Constitution City

Barbara Benson

Location: Roughly the state of Kansas

Symbol: A large M

Leader Bonus: Employee of the Month - Begin the game with more money than other civs and a free Builder. Builders receive an extra charge when built in the capital.

Civ Bonus: Corporate America - Trade Routes spread McMegaMart loyalty pressure to other cities. Extra money and production from trade routes to city states.

Unique Unit: Shopper - unique unit replacing the Forager. Receives better yields from Old World ruins (particularly money and strategic resources). Available at the beginning of the game.

Unique Structure: Big Box Store - unique building replacing the Warehouse. Can hold one more artifact slot. Each slot filled provides money.

Religion: Southern Adventism

Agenda: Bargain Hunter: Likes civs that trade luxury items with them. Dislikes civs who withhold from them luxury items that they don’t have.

City Names: HQ, Corntown, Benson ,Cornsburg, Shopdrop, Megatown, Neo-Peka, Smith’s Hand, Cornsburough, New Benson, Overland, Adamsville, McVille

Leader: Arthur Swarzenburg

Location: Southern California

Symbol: A single star with Omega in the middle

Leader Bonus: The Annihilator- Upon researching Storytelling, units with two or more promotions gain culture from kills.

Civ Bonus: Filmocracy - Great Works of Writing and Music provide an amenity and faith, along with normal their culture and tourism bonuses.

Unique Unit: Spartan - unique melee unit replacing the Pole Infantry. Fights at full strength even when damaged.

Unique Structure: Movie Theater - unique building for the theater district which replaces the Stage. Can hold a Great Work of Music as well as the normal Great Works of Writing.

Religion: The Balance

Agenda: Last Action Hero: Likes civs with strong military and culture. Dislikes civs who have a strong military but little culture.

City Names: Star City, Spielberg, Bogart, Lucasville, Stallion City, Hitchcock, Casablanca, Kubrick, Mulholland, Signsville, Ebert, Kane City, Scarlettown, Tarantino
Rocky Mountain Alliance

Leader: Lea Redstone

Location: Rocky Mountain region of the US

Symbol: Planet with a ring around it

Leader Bonus: Alpine Guerilla - ranged and recon units receive extra defense in hills.

Civ Bonus: Rocky Mountain Way - All cities with a specialty district gain 1 amenity and bonus production. Adjacency bonuses for districts next to mountains increased.

Unique Unit: Ranger - unique ranged unit with fast movement which receives a combat bonus based on the attractiveness of the tile.

Unique Structure: Mountain Base - unique tile improvement built next to mountains which provides combat bonuses for nearby units

Religion: The Balance

Agenda: Rebel Alliance: Likes civs who are the victim of a declaration of war. Dislikes civs that declare surprise or formal wars.

City Names: Elbert, Big Blanca, Denbear, Sawatch, San Miguel, New Olympus, Hagues, Twinspeak, Spanishtown, Lost Sinai, Big Boulder, Caspertown, Moabus, San Jorje
I have not gotten a chance to develop anything because I have been away from any computers for a while. I don't have a lot of experience with modding but I'd love to work in tandem with someone to get it developed. There are more civs too which are not posted here such as Kingdom of the Valley, Silicon Syndicate, Continental Hawaii, and Patavista Confederacy. I can post the information if you like
Hi, I don't really have the skills or time to be of help developing this, but I just wanted to say that I think the idea sounds pretty amazing and I'll definitely play it if it gets developed. Thanks for your work on this!
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