BBcode owns in sigs!
On a different point, once we get a road network map from the GMs, the roads need to have numbers, and also a letter which signifies the type of road. Or will the GMs do all this for us?
If not, I'd propose the following letters for these types of roads:
Super-Highway - S (from Superhighway) or A (in Europe most highways have an A number, at least in countries I know of)
Highway - H (from Highway) or N (national)
Major Roads - P from provincial roads, but it could be confused with P as a parking sign. Maybe they shouldn't even have any numbers.
Other types of roads shouldn't have actual road numbers.
If you still don't know what I was talking about, a road could be called the H12, S2, P356 etc.
I don't know why we make a difference between rural and urban highways. Aren't highways usually meant to connect cities? If that's so, it doesn't matter if they are running through urban or rural areas, as the traffic doesn't have to stop for any other roads. Maybe there could be made differences between very crowded roads and roads with less traffic though.
Anyway, as for speed limits, maybe there should be differences for night traffic, rush hours, busy roads, bad weather etc.
All speeds in KMPH.
S: Day with Good Vision: 130
At night: 110
Bad weather, rush hour, etc. :110
Night with Bad vision: 100
H: Day with Good Vision: 120
At night: 100
Bad Weather, rush hour etc :100
Night with Bad Vision: 90
P: Day with Good vision: 80
At night: 70
Bad weather etc: 70
Night with Bad Vision: 60
Residential roads: 50 at all times, except when a P, H or S roads runs through the residential area and no other roads cross these roads, as in, when driving on the road you do not have to stop for any traffic from another road.
Areas with lots of children, close to schools or maybe a neighbourhood with streets on which children play: 20 at all times.
Highways, P-roads or Superhighways that run through a residential area should not count as a residential road, as long as no other road crosses them.
Of course, these speed limits should merely be standards. Each situation is in fact different, and if the speed limit on a particular road differs from these legal standards, it should be marked as such on the road. For example in tunnels, mountain areas, dangerous bends in the road the speed limit should be a bit lower than usual.
If not, I'd propose the following letters for these types of roads:
Super-Highway - S (from Superhighway) or A (in Europe most highways have an A number, at least in countries I know of)
Highway - H (from Highway) or N (national)
Major Roads - P from provincial roads, but it could be confused with P as a parking sign. Maybe they shouldn't even have any numbers.
Other types of roads shouldn't have actual road numbers.
If you still don't know what I was talking about, a road could be called the H12, S2, P356 etc.
I don't know why we make a difference between rural and urban highways. Aren't highways usually meant to connect cities? If that's so, it doesn't matter if they are running through urban or rural areas, as the traffic doesn't have to stop for any other roads. Maybe there could be made differences between very crowded roads and roads with less traffic though.
Anyway, as for speed limits, maybe there should be differences for night traffic, rush hours, busy roads, bad weather etc.
All speeds in KMPH.
S: Day with Good Vision: 130
At night: 110
Bad weather, rush hour, etc. :110
Night with Bad vision: 100
H: Day with Good Vision: 120
At night: 100
Bad Weather, rush hour etc :100
Night with Bad Vision: 90
P: Day with Good vision: 80
At night: 70
Bad weather etc: 70
Night with Bad Vision: 60
Residential roads: 50 at all times, except when a P, H or S roads runs through the residential area and no other roads cross these roads, as in, when driving on the road you do not have to stop for any traffic from another road.
Areas with lots of children, close to schools or maybe a neighbourhood with streets on which children play: 20 at all times.
Highways, P-roads or Superhighways that run through a residential area should not count as a residential road, as long as no other road crosses them.
Of course, these speed limits should merely be standards. Each situation is in fact different, and if the speed limit on a particular road differs from these legal standards, it should be marked as such on the road. For example in tunnels, mountain areas, dangerous bends in the road the speed limit should be a bit lower than usual.