The most dreaded part of this pre-game has arrived!
It's time we come up with a ruleset, and this time, I don't just want to copy and paste one from the ISDG. This one needs to be short, simple, and concrete - AKA, to the point. It should say what you cannot do and what will happen if you do. We also need to overhaul the punishment section (perhaps we should just leave all punishments up the admins? It's sort of hard to just write down a one-size-fits-all punishment for every violation).
Most importantly: allow breaking of in-game treaties. It's your reputation. The admins don't care what happens to it.
So, for those that want to see it, here is the old ruleset.
I think we can keep all the exploits in sections 1, 2, and 3 (unless you have comments). However, let's just keep a description of what they are. No need for a "description, definition, purpose, verdict, punishment". Let's make it simple - have a category of "Disallowed Exploits", and then just simply list them and their description. After that, there's just some game-related stuff, like posting in the turn tracker thread, sending the save to the admins, playing within 24 hours, etc.
What we need to discuss:
If you guys don't have much to say, I'll just whip up a quick ruleset (similar to the Civ4 MTDG one, very basic) and we'll go from there.

Most importantly: allow breaking of in-game treaties. It's your reputation. The admins don't care what happens to it.

So, for those that want to see it, here is the old ruleset.
I think we can keep all the exploits in sections 1, 2, and 3 (unless you have comments). However, let's just keep a description of what they are. No need for a "description, definition, purpose, verdict, punishment". Let's make it simple - have a category of "Disallowed Exploits", and then just simply list them and their description. After that, there's just some game-related stuff, like posting in the turn tracker thread, sending the save to the admins, playing within 24 hours, etc.
What we need to discuss:
- Refugees (can they share spoiler information or not?)
- "Spirit of the Game" - just eliminate this altogether?
- Others?
If you guys don't have much to say, I'll just whip up a quick ruleset (similar to the Civ4 MTDG one, very basic) and we'll go from there.

1.0 - Game Information
1.1 - The Save
All teams are required to play the save within 24 hours, unless they request an extension in the Turn Tracker thread. After playing the save, they must send it to the next team via email. Additionally, the turnplayer must post in the Turn Tracker thread to indicate the save has been sent. The next team's 24 hours begins after said post.
1.2 - Battle Logs
Teams are required to send a battle log to the team(s) they attack during their turn, indicating what units attacked, and what the result was. This includes bombardments as well. A sample line could read: "4HP Rifleman attacks 3HP Mustketman - Rifleman wins, still 4HP".
1.3 - Punishment
The game administrators are responsible for handing out punishment after a violation of a rule. Punishment may be limited to one single player or the team, but it will not be overly harsh or cruel. It could include forced anarchy, forced payment of gold, removal from the team forum for a period of time, or other actions. If a team feels it is unfair, they may appeal the decision.
1.4 - Clarifications
If a team would like to ask the administrator's approval for an action they want to undertake to see if it is against the rules or not, they may PM the administrators and get their interpretation. It is advised that if a team is in doubt, they ask the administrators and get a clarification.
1.5 - Refugees
After a team has been eliminated from the game, its members may apply to become members of another team still active. They are free to share any information they have with their new team.
1.6 - Acceptable Utilities
The following out-of-game utilities are allowed: CivAssist II (v2.0.2387) and MapStat (v2.11.0). When using these programs, please use the latest version. If you would like to use a utility that is not on those list, or a new version of an approved utility, please contact the administrators.
1.7 - Turnplayer Preferences
Turnplayers for a team must have "Always Renegotiate Deals" off in their preferences.
2.0 - Banned Exploits
2.1 - Coordinated Capturing of Units
It is prohibited for teams to capture and recapture each turn units such as workers, catapults, and other non-combat units for the intent of using them twice in a turn against another team.
2.2 - Leader Sacrifices
Teams are not allowed to intentionally provide another team with units for the purpose of generating a Military Great Leader.
2.3 - Contact Trading
Contact trading in-game is allowed at Writing. While a team may send emails to any discovered teams, regardless of whether or not they have Writing, out-of-game contact between undiscovered teams may not occur unless they meet in-game or another team (with Writing) sells the contact to another team.
2.4 - Map Trading
Screenshots and visual maps cannot be traded between teams until Map Making is researched. After that, teams are free to trade screenshots as a normal trade item. Verbal maps (descriptions of the terrain, however detailed, as long as no images are involved) are allowed without any prerequisite.
2.5 - City Trading and Misleading Naming
Teams are not permitted to trade cities with the intent of teleporting units. Teams cannot name or rename cities or units with the names of technologies, resources, maps, units, or gold, nor can they rename units to pass them off as another unit type to confuse the other teams. If in doubt, teams should contact the administrators about their proposed name.
2.6 - Reloading
Reloading the save because of unfavorable outcomes or events is not allowed. If you are playing the save and the game crashes on you, it is permitted to load the save again, but please notify the administrators as well.
2.7 - Save Manipulation
Using any utility for the purpose of altering the game save or a game event is prohibited.
2.8 - Build Sequence
Teams cannot break into the build sequence to change anything, including actions such as hurrying production of a building/unit, changing prebuilds to the desired build, changing city laborers around to prevent a riot, and changing any build to another build (say, from a factory to a rifleman due to nearby enemy units). Instead of taking these actions during the build sequence before your turn, please make these changes during your turn. If a team is wondering whether something would be considered breaking into the build sequence, please contact the administrators.
2.9 - Ships' Visibility
It is not allowed to use up all of a ship's movement points and then press Fortify All, which will fortify not only the units in the boat, but also the boat itself, giving increased visibility on the next turn.
2.10 - Auto Go-To
Units can get double movement (as the second turn of movement happens earlier than it should) if the auto go-to command is used for distances over 1 turn. Do not use go-to commands for over 1 turn of distance.
2.11 - Negative Spending
Teams may not have a negative income when they end their turn which would put their treasury below zero gold, at the expense of just a few units or buildings, in order to gain advantages, such as running full science, which they could not normally afford with their regular income. Although having a negative income is permissible, perhaps to finish research of a technology one turn quicker, exploiting the game in the aforementioned manner, in a way that the disbanding of units and buildings does not make up for the commercial gains, is not allowed. If a team does end with a negative income and gets the in-game pop-up saying buildings/units have been disbanded, they should let the administrators know.
2.12 - Civil Engineer Exploits
It is not allowed for a team to use civil engineers to contribute shields to the construction of a building, and then rush that building and switch to a unit, as the shields from the civil engineers will carry over when they should not. Additionally, teams cannot partly build a city improvement, rush it, and then switch production to another building and continue this process, as the civil engineers' shields will be counted once for each rush, providing a false number of shields.