Running SMAX on Windows 7?


Oct 28, 2006
In orbit
I´ve recently gotten a new PC which runs on Windows 7. Any suggestion on how to get SMAX tot run? (I have the Complete edition installed, but I get the `Your CPU is not supported...´ msg and the game simply doesn´t start after that.)
Modify your Alpha Centauri.ini file to make it look like this:


You may still get the error msg, but you can click through it and play the game.

Hm. I know Civ4 works with ini. files, but the SMAC/SMAX startup files are just given as "application" or exe. file. In other words I don´t know how to open them.
You want to open the file Alpha Centauri.ini, not any of the exe files. The ini file should be in the folder as the exes. I don't have Windows 7, but the ini files might be hidden (since Windows treats them, I think, as system files that shouldn't be altered). In Windows XP, you can go into Explorer, Tools, Folder Options, View and set it to show hidden files and folders. Perhaps Windows 7 works similarly. Use Notepad, or whatever program Windows 7 uses for text files, to open and edit the ini file. Be sure to save the file in text format.

HTH. Let me know if you have any other questions or need more help with this.

OK, I unhid files, but still can´t find ini. files. There are ICD files though; does your suggestion apply to those as well?
The icd files are part of the exe files. You don't want to touch them. I've attached a file named Alpha Centauri.txt.. Save it to your main SMAX folder, rename it to Alpha Centauri.ini, and try again. Please let us know what happens.



  • Alpha Centauri.txt
    41 bytes · Views: 278
Longstoryshort: it works!

By placing the txt file in the main folder I was able to locate the ini. file; the rest was simple. ;)
The ini file sometimes doesn't get created until you can actually start the game, I discovered this when trying to edit the voxel setting myself.

My other suggestion would be to download Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 (free) and install an old copy of Windows 95/98/ME/XP and run SMAC virtually. I've kept all the discs through getting new computers for the last 10 years or so and now have Win95 with SMAC running so it can be Windowed :D
Man this looks surprisingly good for being 12 years old. I made the following fixes and it seems to run great!


Given that, are there any other issues that we might need to consider? Thanks!

I also installed this on my... ahem... work laptop with Windows XP. This runs beautifully on that.
Ok I just installed Alien Crossfire and both games cease to work now. Does anyone know what I must do to get both to work in Windows 7 again? The ini file has the changes I made previously. Thanks!

It looks like Alien Crossfire works, but Alpha Centauri does not. When I launch SMAC, I see the main menu screen in the corner of my widescreen. It is surround by all black and the options are gone.
Make sure that the directdraw command is in the [Alpha Centauri] section of your ini file:

[Alpha Centauri]

If that doesn't help, try various options in Compatibility Mode.
Thanks Petek. It works now. I actually uninstalled everything and then did the following:

Install SMAC
Install SMAC patch
Install SMAX
Install SMAX patch
Install Windows Fix
Update INI file where ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=1 and directdraw=0

Both games now work. Thanks for the help!
@knavery - thanks mate, you are a legend!! my only problem now is that i cannot get smax to work without having my external dvd drive plugged into my there anyway that i can get the game to work without needing the cd to get it started?
@knavery - thanks mate, you are a legend!! my only problem now is that i cannot get smax to work without having my external dvd drive plugged into my there anyway that i can get the game to work without needing the cd to get it started?

Hi cool magool :)

Welcome to CFC! Starting SMAX requires the CD to be in the drive. You might want to read the CFC FAQ. Linking to no-cd cracks is not allowed. Perhaps you can disconnect the drive after starting the game? I'm not certain that will work. However, fully patched SMAC does not require the CD to be in the drive. You might wish to play SMAC if keeping your external drive connected is too inconvenient.

I did this:

Install SMAC
Install SMAC patch
Install SMAX
Install SMAX patch
Install Windows Fix
Update INI file where ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=1 and directdraw=0

Still does not work. Still says "CPU not supported", and CTD. Both games.
The forceoldvoxelalgorithm=1 command should fix this problem, but it has to be in the correct section of the ini file:

[Alpha Centauri]
(Plus other stuff)

Check that and please post again if it still doesn't work.

I found that there is an unofficial patch. That solved the problem.

Moderator Action: Link deleted. I regret that we don't allow linking to the unofficial patch from this forum because doing so violates our rules. The unofficial patch is based on a no-cd crack and also goes against the EULA.
Please read the forum rules:

Thanks anyway for replying!
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