Russo_Iranian alliance: Putin visits Iran


Feb 9, 2002

The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.

In itself, the Putin-Khamenei meeting was extraordinary, because the Supreme Leader rarely receives foreign statesmen for closed talks, even one as crucial as Putin.

he usually only speaks through a representative

I must say, I have been waiting for this move by Russia on the global chessboard for a long time.
"An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia."

Even if that holds, I doubt it will have any serious implications.
Russia will not go to war because of Iran.
"An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia."

Even if that holds, I doubt it will have any serious implications.
Russia will not go to war because of Iran.

Ehh, Putin isn't stupid, he wouldn't dare, because if he did, Russia and America would be wastelands, meanwhile China would take all of Siberia.
I'd prefer not to push him. Not that I would of invaded Iran for awhile.
Ehh, Putin isn't stupid, he wouldn't dare, because if he did, Russia and America would be wastelands, meanwhile China would take all of Siberia.
I agree, my point is: does the sentence "An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia" mean anything??
IMO, very little.

Russia and Iran are only benefiting from this Iran-US tension. With the price of oil at $92 they have no reason to reduce tensions.
Let cooler heads prevail.
I must say, I have been waiting for this move by Russia on the global chessboard for a long time.

Why? I thought you were all for peace and all that? Or is this so you have someone you can cheer for against America? :confused:
Even if that holds, I doubt it will have any serious implications.
Russia will not go to war because of Iran.

Would America go to war because of Israel?
What if Russia sent a small army of say 30000 troops to Iran to act as a trip wire like American troops in South Korea. like "you could take this army.... but then we nuke".

All the time people ask "who is the next super power? China, India?" but Russia hasn't given the title up, it was just a rest, now the bombers are flying again and they are flying towards america.

Im sure happy no one is going to nuke my country...

Now we have no reason to target New Zealand with our intercontinental missiles and indeed we have ceased to do so. I'm sorry we cannot say the same about Australia'. Quoted in Phillip Knightley, Philby: KGB Masterspy

Hey northerns... (i mean everyone north of New Zealand) unless you got 20000k sunscreen your going to have a real bad day get it?

(I dont really think theres going to be a war, im just acting like a goat)
meanwhile China would take all of Siberia.

What a loss.

I doubt Russia would invest very much in an Iran-American war, unless Putin has plans on how to deal with that kind of conflict, which is unlikely. I'm not sure how much technology he could get away with giving them without putting himself up for a fight.
Would America go to war because of Israel?
What if Russia sent a small army of say 30000 troops to Iran to act as a trip wire like American troops in South Korea. like "you could take this army.... but then we nuke".

All the time people ask "who is the next super power? China, India?" but Russia hasn't given the title up, it was just a rest, now the bombers are flying again and they are flying towards america.

You can't be serious. Russia protecting Iran??!!!
Russia didn't protect Serbia in 1998, there is no chance in hell they spill Russian blood because of Iran.

Russia will use all its superpower muscle to keep Anti-ballistic missiles out of Poland. If you tell me that Russia will attack Poland if the US deploys missles there I can even believe, but Iran doesn't make sense.
Russia will not go to war because of Iran.
Agree. But Iran can become SCO member, and its security will be guaranteed by Russia, China and (may be) India.
An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia

How legitimate is this site? Also, who cares?

Iran is to Russia, as Taiwan is to America.

No war would be fought over this. America's military is too spread thin, and Russia can't afford such a move either.

IF it did happen though... who would back America? 4 years of WW3, then France comes to liberate us for a change?
Why? I thought you were all for peace and all that? Or is this so you have someone you can cheer for against America? :confused:

Yeah, Russians are only sadistic murderers who eat children and drink their blood, while planning to bury the whole world and to restore global communism.

Can't Russians make moves in the global chessboard? Especially since the world's most predominant super power behaves like a . . . like any Empire behaves. United States has already now aggressively invaded two countries, and virtually taken over the middle east and now, is planning on inviting the central asian tyrants to their fold. Russia should support Iran, because it seems that an US attack on Iran maybe imminent.
4 years of WW3??? hahaha:lol: Years?!

Try 15 minutes of nuclear holocaust....

Yeah, if hot heads prevailed. Couple days and it'd be done. But nukes aside, it'd be a loooong war. No one would want in.
4 years of WW3??? hahaha:lol: Years?!

Try 15 minutes of nuclear holocaust....

Nuclear response is the last resort, not the first. As much as teachers may have drilled into your head that at the drop of a hair the whole Nuclear Club would annhilate the world, in the real world, it is much more likely for a prolonged conventional war. Because of our wonderful doctrine of MAD, no nation is going to want to be the ones to escalate the war to a nuclear exchange.
Stop reading Tom Clancy novels.

umm, the only Tom Clancy book I have read is Red Storm Rising. And no offense, but lets say the US and Russia nuked each other, do you seriously think China would sit on its hand with all of the opened real estate next to it? Come on, as it is, the Chinese are overwhelming border areas in Russia with immigrants, why wouldn't China decide to make it official and just take it in the event of the destruction of Russia?
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