Sailing Ships Reskins


Lost in Translation
Apr 13, 2008
Lower Saxony
My privateers got borred allways two sink the same ships, so I decided (inspired by VD) to try some reskins. I used vanilla units and the xebec by Refar only, because I wanted the ships to have damage stats. Thats what came out of it:

French and Spanish Sailing Ships

Included are: French Caravel, Galeon, Frigate and Ship of the Line, Spanish Caravel and Galleon, Xebec (meant to replace the Frigate, because Spain is so famous, to have used so many Frigates) and War Galleon (with two canon decks, meant to replace the Ship of the Line).

English Sailing Ships

Included are: English Caravel, Ship of the Line, Frigate (a reskined Privateer) and Galleon (reskinned East India Man).

German Sailing Ships

Included are: Prussian Ship of the Line, Frigate, Galleon and Kraweel (a 15th century cog variant, inspired by the caravel, meant to replace the caravel ingame for germany).

Dutch Sailing Ships

Included are: Dutch Ship of the Line, Frigate and Kraweel (a 15th century cog variant, inspired by the caravel, meant to replace the caravel ingame for germany).

Portuguese Sailing Ships

Included are: Portuguese Frigate, Galleon and War Galleon (to replace the Ship of the Line).

Russian Sailing Ships

Included are: Russian Kraweel (to replace the Caravel), Merchant (reskinned East India Man to replace the Galleon), Xebec (to replace the Frigate) and Man'O'War (to replace the Ship of the Line). In version 2 I have added skins with an alternative (later) flag, and a reskined Caravel, Frigate and Galleon for those, who don't like my choices for replacement.

Norse Sailing Ships

Included are: Vinking Caravel (edited Galley), Galleon, Frigate and SotL. For people from the I-have-replaced-the-vikings-with-another-tribe-because-of-historical-accuracy faction I have also added minor reskins for danish and swedish ships. I have chosen to replace the SotL with a Wargalleon, because all pictures of danish and swedish SotLs I have found have more the shape of a Galleon than of a Frigate.

Mediterranean Sailing Ships

Included are: What-If-Units for Rome, Greece and Carthage (Caravel, Galleon, Frigate, SotL) and for those people, who don't like what if units, I have added simple reskins of vanilla units with italian and modern greek insignias.

Dutch East India Man and Portugese Carrack

Just minor reskins of these two UUs as requested by Walbeek, so that they do match the dutch and portugese pack.

Various Frigate und Privateer Reskins

Requested by GeoModder: Frigates: dutch, english and spanish. Privateers: french, portugese, prussian, russian and spanish.

This ships are my first release in this forum, so please be gentle. :) I am thinking about doing some more reskins for other vanilla civs, especially if there is a demand for it.

Special thanks go to Refar, who gave me quite some lessons. If you like to use the units in another mod, which will be released, I'd appreciate, if you give me credits and send me a short PM, so I will get a feedback.


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Where did you find the war galleon if I may ask?

Sure you may ask. I did not find it. Refar was so kind to show me, how to attach small gimmicks to a unit. I was thinking about adding even more canons, but it started to look absurd.
Nice reskins, I'll include them in my mod. Looking forward to ships by other european nations :)
Thanks everyone for the kind words. :)

@JF00: Spanish are allready included. ;) English, dutch and portugese are very on top of my to-do-list.
Ther reskins are nice !

Did you used my Man'o'war unit for the two gun row frigate ?

Also, it would be cool if you could make VD ships with galleys (for varaints models), trierme, galleas, Medieval ship. It would be nice also if do it for other european country, specialy portugal and dutch who already have naval UU.
Did you used my Man'o'war unit for the two gun row frigate ?

No, I used the vanilla ship of the line. I have downloaded your Man'o'war, but I did not use it yet. Of course, if I use your Man'o'war, I will credit your work. :)

Also, it would be cool if you could make VD ships with galleys (for varaints models), trierme, galleas, Medieval ship. It would be nice also if do it for other european country, specialy portugal and dutch who already have naval UU.

Because there are allready quite some galleys and triremes, and because I can only do one ship after the other, I decided first to work on sailing ships. We will see, what I will work on, after that. :)
The problem is that lots of those triremes and galleys lack proper animations. When attacking or defending, they just sit there and make noise, then disappear if they die.
Well, is anyone ever going to fix the animation on the Galleass so the rows animate?
Well, is anyone ever going to fix the animation on the Galleass so the rows animate?

Animation should be fine. It was fine on my pc when I made it.

JustATourist : Will you do the same job for Portugal and Netherlands ? Would be cool also for Russia and Germany even if they weren't naval warfare powers like Spain, Portugal, Englang, Netherlands and France. Also, it would be cool if you do it with my man'owar too. It would make more stuff for modders to play with :D
JustATourist : Will you do the same job for Portugal and Netherlands ? Would be cool also for Russia and Germany even if they weren't naval warfare powers like Spain, Portugal, Englang, Netherlands and France. Also, it would be cool if you do it with my man'owar too. It would make more stuff for modders to play with :D

At the moment I am working on the english ships, the dutch would be the next. But how many reskins I will do in total depends on, if my units will be used, and of course when I will get borred reskinning the same ships. :)
Animation should be fine. It was fine on my pc when I made it.
You've never included a "KFM" file with your download... the Galleass Download has never had the needed KFM included with the download... just the KF files but no KFM.

Several people reported the animations never worked in your Galleas thread, but this problem has never been resolved.
Animation should be fine. It was fine on my pc when I made it.

The thing is, Firaxis put up a new .kfm file for the galley since BtS or the last patch of Warlords pre-BtS. Since then all your models using the galley.kfm don't animate anymore.
You can copy the Vanilla galley.kfm and the According KF's into a extra folder (Or to where your Galeas model is stored), and point your Art Defines to that place, hence keep using the old vanilla Galley Animation on units that need them...
Problem is, the patching up replaced the old .kfm file. A complete reinstall must be done to get the old one.
Huu ?! It did Replace the file inside the .fpk Package ? That's mean.
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