The Guardian
Savage Heart
These civilizations built huge awe inspiring pyramids rivaling any built in egypt.
Their architects designed cities of fantastic beauty.
There Astrologers and priests created a language that is still being deciphered and a calendar that we still use today.
But there was a dark side to these people as well. A savagery beyond belief, which was the foundation of their beliefs. Other ancient civilizations often required sacrifices from their followers, but nothing like the sacrifices required by the ancient meso american Gods. These ancient deities required the blood of still beating human hearts. It is written that more than 20,000 captives had their hearts cut from their chests and their bodies cast down the steps of the great Pyramid of the Sun, on a single day.
Now you have the opportunity to go back more than 3000 years and see if you can conquer the savage heart.
There are 12 meso american civs to choose from.
approximately 105 unique units
93 buildings
First and foremost I want to thank RedAlert for allowing me to use his graphics from Born of Fire and his generous advices. Almost half of the building and most of the interface were created by him.
I would like to thank Blue Monkey for his map, which I did some heavy editing on,
and his suggestions and advises. He was a great help.
The terrain graphics are mostly from Pounder. Also the wonder splash screens interface is from Pounder.
Takhisis helped with the popheads and had several good ideas I incorperated.
Any unit creator that has produced a an indian unit, it's probably in this scenario, so thanks to all.
This is a beta release. I have tried to enlist some beta testers but the results were insufficient.
The civilopedia file is incomplete and I will continue to work on that and hopefully I can get some feedback on this release.
Here is the DL for the main file and BIQ
Savage Heart
Update your BIQ file with This BIQ
This includes fixes to BIQ problems mention in post #3 by BlueMonkey