SCENARIO: American Civil War Full-Release Version

Did you enjoy playing this scenario?

  • Yes, this is one of the best ever, please send it to Firaxis.

    Votes: 62 39.5%
  • Yes, this scenario is well-made.

    Votes: 26 16.6%
  • Yes, but improvements could be made.

    Votes: 11 7.0%
  • I cannot vote at this time.

    Votes: 47 29.9%
  • No, I didn't really like it.

    Votes: 11 7.0%

  • Total voters


ACW Scenario Creator
Jan 5, 2003
Washington State, USA
It is the summer of 1861. The Union and the Confederacy have their forces lined up on their respective borders. Take command of the Union, and try to subjugate the Confederacy back into the Union. Take command of the Confederacy, and try to conquer the Union to force them to accede to your independence. The Native American tribes though, are hostile to both sides and will seek to drive both belligerents away from their native lands...

Welcome to the American Civil War Scenario. In this thread, you will hopefully find all the information you will need to play the scenario. A Scenario Index is included to better browse what's here. First, here are those who have made the scenario possible:

ACW Scenario Creator: Procifica
ACW Scenario Producer: Procifica
ACW Co-creator: Rocoteh
ACW Historical Contributions: Rocoteh
ACW Map Creator: Procifica
ACW C3C Producer: Rocoteh
ACW C3C Development Manager: Misfit_Travel
ACW C3C Development Team: Rocoteh, Misfit_Travel, The Last Conformist, Dreadknought
ACW2 Creator: Procifica
ACW2 Producer: Procifica
ACW2 Development Team: Procifica, Rocoteh, Misfit_Travel, The Last Conformist, Whizkid1950, Dreadknought
Scenario Testing Team: Rocoteh, Misfit_Travel, Noldodan, The Last Conformist, Eric_A, Jatutt, Whizkid1950, Dreadknought
Special Thanks to: Pdescobar, Rocoteh
Other Acknowledgements: read Credits.txt, included with downloaded file.


Version 3.01 for Civ3/PTW

This is Version 3.01 of my American Civil War Scenario. A complete Civilopedia is now included.

>> Download Version 3.01 Civ3/PTW version here

It is recommended that you use Version 1.27f for PTW and Version 1.29f for Civ3, downloads for these can be found at


American Civil War II Scenario Development

A new version of the American Civil War Scenario is being developed by Procifica.

>> American Civil War II Development Thread

This is featuring a 240 X 240 map, which will have a little over double the area of the ACW map. This will allow for more realistic gameplay and operations. It also will feature more Native American Tribes, more techs, more cities, more units, and 3 new Civ's (British, Spanish, and Mexican). These 3 new civs though will not be playable civs.


Other Scenario Information

It is advisable that you keep your playable version on your computer current. New fixes for bugs are uploaded as they are found, and it is best if you are able to play with as bug-free of a scenario as possible. Old version saved games usually will not run with a later version.

Please download the text file below after you download any new version of the scenario, as it is to help me keep track of downloads. It is a 2KB file, and can be deleted once downloaded.

Browse Scenario Index here Note: Clicking this will open a new window.

Scenario Index, except for CSA screenshots and Information for those new to the American Civil War, is complete.

We highly encourage you to post your thoughts about the scenario in this thread, whether they are positive or negative. All feedback is appreciated and needed to make later versions of the scenario better.

**Main support for this scenario is here at CFC, in this thread.**


Version 2.40PRE removed after 15 downloads.
Version 2.41PRE removed after 29 downloads.
Version 2.42PRE removed after 220 downloads.
Version 3.00 removed after 18 downloads.


Below is an index to help the user better find their way around this thread. I hope this will make your ACW experience even better than a typical scenario. Note: Links will all open in new window.

1) Civilization 3 Install Instructions
2) Play the World Install Instructions
3) Version Updates
4) General Scenario Information
5) Upcoming Changes and Fixes
6) Information for those new to the American Civil War Not completed yet
7) Known Bugs
8) USA Screenshots
9) CSA Screenshots Not completed yet
10) Tech Tree Screenshot
11) Scenario Map Screenshot
12) Custom Unit Graphics Downloads
Below are installiation instructions for Civilization 3. It is recommended that you use the latest version of Civilization 3 for running this scenario. This version currently is 1.29f.

Install instructions also are included in the downloaded file for your convienence. (Note: Install.txt included with the latest version is not the newest version, please use what's below)

1. To Install, unzip the zip file into your Civilization III folder.

2. Backup the following folders: Art and Text. Name them Art_Original and Text_Original.

3. Copy the Art folder that came with Acw into your Civ3 folder. Everything in the Acw art folder should automatically be put into the Civ3 art folder. If prompted with anything, click yes to all.

4. Copy the Text folder that came with Acw into your Civ3 folder. Everything in the Acw text folder should automatically be put into the Civ3 art folder. If prompted with anything, click yes to all.

5. Copy the .bic file from the Acw folder into your Scenarios folder.

6. To play as the USA, just load like a normal scenario.

7. To play as the CSA, be sure and change in the editor, under Player Properties, that Player 1 has CSA government and Player 2 has USA government. Failing to do so can unbalance your gameplay, since the two governments are designed with the Union and Confederacy in mind.

8. Post your feedback, comments, and any bugs or mistakes you find in the Civfanatics forum, where you found the scenario.

9. Have fun!

10. To play regular Civ3 again, change the name of the Art and Text folders to Art_Acw and Text_Acw, and rename the Art_Original and Text_Original to Art and Text.
Below are installiation instructions for Play the World (PTW). It is recommended that you use the latest version of PTW for running this scenario. This version currently is 1.21f for USA, and 1.14f for all other countries.

Install instructions also are included in the downloaded file for your convienence.

Originally written by pdescobar. Steps 5 through 11 written by Rocoteh. Modified by Procifica.

1) Extract the ZIPFile to the Scenarios Folder. This will create a new "Acw" Folder inside your Scenarios Folder.

2) If you downloaded the custom graphics as well, extract these 9 files into the Units Folder inside the Art Folder of the "Acw" Folder.

3) Move the .bix file from the ACW folder into your Scenarios Folder.

4) To play as the CSA, be sure and change in the editor, under Player Properties, that Player 1 has CSA government and Player 2 has USA government. Failing to do so can unbalance your gameplay, since the two governments are designed with the Union and Confederacy in mind. No changes of this nature are needed to play as the USA.

NOTE: If the scenario fails to load after steps 1-4, please proceed to steps 5 through 11. Be sure and post in the
CivFanatics forum about this failure (include version of scenario and version of PTW). If the scenario does load, proceed to
step 12.

5) Load PTW and choose Multiplayer, click on Host. You should now have a new screen. Write in your name (this could be on the previous screen on some PTW-versions).

6) Under Game Type, choose Hotseat.

7) Under Game Mod, choose Scenario.

8) You can now choose scenario. Click on any scenario and then on Acw (If you click on Acw direct you will probably get an "empty" screen).

9) Under Player1 you will have the name you wrote. From Civilizations choose USA/CSA.

10) Under Player 2 choose computer. From Civilizations choose USA/CSA.

11) Click Launch.

12) Post your feedback, comments, and any bugs or mistakes you find in the Civfanatics forum, where you found the scenario.

13) Have fun!
Here you will find the latest Scenario version updates. Only the most recent will be posted, to conserve space. All past version updates are included in the downloaded file for your convienence.

Version 3.00: Complete Civilopedia.txt file, major updates also have been made. Confederate sloop attack power and bombard raised to 10. Blockcade Runner attack power and bombard raised to 9. Both of these have been increased in cost by 10. Coastal Gun rate of fire raised to 4, cost increased to 400. Many units costs and stats have been slightly adjusted. Coast/Sea/Ocean squares reduced to 5% defense bonus. Blockcade Runner added off Norfolk coast. Dry Tortugas garrison changed to US Regular (small). Invisible flagged units and the Scout unit no longer can Fortify. Civilization flags for Union and Confederacy reduced to 4, naval units build often added to both. Techs.txt updated. Pediaicons.txt updated. ACWunits.txt updated. Full-release Version.txt, Beta Version.txt, and Test Version.txt have been merged into a new Version.txt file. Acknowledgements.txt has been redone completely, and is now named Credits.txt. Install.txt changed to InstallCiv3.txt and updated. **This Version was sent to Firaxis and Atari for use in Conquests and on**

Version 3.01: Home Guard, Garrison, Home Guard (small), and Garrison (small) no longer have the Go To, Skip Turn, or Wait commands available. Union/Confederate Militia and Union/Confederate Militia (small) no longer are flagged as Foot Units. Fortress Gun, Heavy Fortress Gun, and Coastal Gun no longer have the Go To command available. Engineers, Slaves, and Leaders no longer have the Fortify command available. Home Guard, Garrison, Home Guard (small), and Garrison (small) no longer are flagged as Foot Units (this was a bug from Version 3.00aT and is now fixed).

Below is the amount of times older versions were downloaded. These soon will be put someplace else where they are less in the way.

Version 2.00PRE removed after 78 downloads.
Version 2.10PRE removed after 9 downloads.
Version 2.11PRE removed after 27 downloads.
Version 2.12PRE removed after 24 downloads.
Version 2.13PRE removed after 15 downloads.
Version 2.20PRE removed after 33 downloads.
Version 2.30PRE removed after 19 downloads.
Version 2.31PRE removed after 11 downloads.
Version 2.32PRE removed after 24 downloads.
Version 2.33PRE removed after 98 downloads.
Below is some general information about the setup of the scenario, as well as notes about historical accuracy.

I've created the map, to be as accurate as possible. I divided the 160 X 160 map into latitude/longitude blocks, of .15 lat and .25 long. The map stretches from 68 W to 108 W, and from 23 N to 47 N. The map includes the eastern half of the areas known as New Mexico Territory and Colorado Territory, to include the Civil War battles that took place in those areas. In particular, the battles that took place near Santa Fe were important.

Terrain placement was done as accurately as possible, but I could not find a really good source of such, so some areas might be off. I did the best I could and still am updating some areas as I go.

Cities I have placed to within .5 longitude and .3 latitude of their actual latitude/longitude. Nearly all cities though, are within .25/.15. City populations are on a sliding scale, based on the 1860 US Census. Some cities appear to be larger than they should be, this is due to large county populations, or very large increases from the 1860 to 1870 census. In some instances, the larger population includes suburbs with large populations which couldn't be fit due to space restrictions. New York City would be an example of this, Brooklyn at the time was an independent city, but it couldn't fit on the map, so its 272,000 people were combined with NYC's 830,000.

Forts have been placed within the same degree of accuracy, but also all of the forts in the scenario existed in the early 1860's.

Indian tribes have been roughly placed as to where they were located in the early 1860's.

"Railroad" placement is as accurate as possible to the actual railroads of 1860, except for the Northeast, where I could not find a good map. Some areas don't have as many railroads as they should, because it would create too much clutter and hurt the concept of Cavalry raids.

There are currently about 90 units, alot of these though are merely Union and Confederate versions of the same thing, with slightly different stats.

There are 38 techs in the scenario.

River placement also is as accurate as possible, and only major or ACW significant rivers were placed. The Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Red, Tennessee, and Cumberland Rivers have been made navigable for some or most of their length, to simulate the ability of gunboats to traverse these.

Unit placement is as accurately as possible for the summer of 1861, particulary the armies on the respective frontiers. Some of the "backwater" garrisons may not be completely accurate. Home guards and militia are based on a sliding scale of city population and State population respectively. All units are named as appropriate, to provide more realism to the scenario.

Each HP represents 500 men for each regular unit. For (small) units, each HP represents approximately 50 to 200 men (except (small) militia, which is same as normal militia).

Resources are placed to give each side the ability to build what they need, and if possible are placed in areas where they were likely to be found in 1860. The map though, doesn't have alot of resources on it to make them more valuable.

Irrigation was placed mainly based on city population, and in some instances additional irrigation was placed to connect cities. A mine was given to each city in the Appalachian Mountain chain, from New York to Alabama.

More information will be posted as needed.
Here you can find any upcoming changes and bug fixes.

Version 3.10bT:

Complete overhaul of Division/Corps setup, elimination of Armies. Continued fixes and balancing to unit stats and attack vs. defense. Enhancements to AI. More to be posted soon.

Saved games:

Civ3 saved games which will have all Home Guards and Garrisons fortified will be posted TBA, for those who don't wish to have to fortify all of them (which can take 5-10 minutes of time). This will also decrease load time for slower systems.

PTW version:

A dedicated PTW version will be posted TBA, which will have an accurate starting date, and turns will be in weeks. This will add more realism for PTW users.

PTW Short Games:

Two short game versions for PTW are in planning. The first one will require the player to capture 8 specific Confederate or Union cities to win the game. This will hopefully allow a game of approximately 100 to 200 turns in length.

The second one will require the player to capture 3 specific Confederate or Union cities to win the game. This will hopefully allow a game of approximately 50 to 100 turns in length.

General Improvements

Great Lakes need to be fixed. Transports need to be buildable at certain cities on the Ohio/Mississippi Rivers.
Here you can find some general information if you are new to the American Civil War. This will give you some background and historical information. Hopefully this will help you better understand the scenario, what its about, and scenario main objectives.

This will be up soon.

76% crash bug on PTW has been fixed as of Version 2.10PRE. If you experience this crash, please post it ASAP. Note: This crash is still confirmed fixed as of Version 3.00

Waiting time between turns:

Waiting time between turns has increased in Version 3.00. This is being looked into and will be fixed promptly. It is not at a level which makes the game unplayable or unenjoyable, it is just higher than in previous versions.

Update 9/4/03: Version 3.10bT should be reducing the wait time between turns substantially with the changes to Divisions.[/i]

How to post a bug report:

1) Please include the Version of the scenario you are using, and the Version of Civ3 or PTW you are using.
2) Please try to give the error if possible (such as couldn't find X file).
3) Please also include where you received the error (if during load, please give place of load, such as the % progress).
4) Please post any special actions which might have caused the error, to see if it can be duplicated by someone else.
5) Please post system information, such as Processor type/speed, and amount of RAM. This is all that is really needed with regard to system information. The scenario may have problems on low-end systems (under PIII 600 MHz and/or under 128 MB RAM).

Posting this information will enable those who play-test and bug-test the scenario to find the problem faster, and correct it faster. :)
Below are screenshots from the USA player's view.
Here is a screenshot of New England (well part of it).

The river on the map is the Connecticut River. The area you're looking at is Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and southern Vermont and New Hampshire.


  • union1.jpg
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Here is a screenshot of the Mid-Atlantic region. New York City is on the top right, Washington DC is on the bottom left. States in this view are southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, northeastern Maryland, Delaware, and the New York City metro.


  • union2.jpg
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Here is a screenshot of the northeastern New Mexico Territory. Several important battles were fought in the area in this screenshot, including one near Fort Union.

The Native American Tribe on there is an Apache. There is a Navajo tribe just off the screenshot's upper-left.


  • union3.jpg
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Here is a zoomed out screenshot of the Great Lakes/Midwest region.

Ohio, most of Indiana, southern Michigan, northeastern Kentucky, and western Lake Erie are on the screenshot.

Cut off on the north are Grand Rapids and Grand Haven (in Michigan, upper left), and on the south is Lexington (in Kentucky, at the bottom).

Notice the amount of "railroads"...Ohio and Indiana were #1 and #3 in 1860 in total railroad mileage.


  • union4.jpg
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Here is a pic of the tech tree used in the Scenario. There are 38 techs in all.


  • techtree.jpg
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Below are screenshots from the CSA player's view.
No screenshot as of yet, will be coming soon!

Note: File below is a placeholder so screenshot can be uploaded.


No screenshot as of yet, will be coming soon!

Note: File below is a placeholder so screenshot can be uploaded.


No screenshot as of yet, will be coming soon!

Note: File below is a placeholder so screenshot can be uploaded.


This is a screenshot from the editor, of the scenario map.


  • acwmap.jpg
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