Mr Black

Los Zetas
May 8, 2003
Houston, Texas
WHY??? Because you can never have enough WWII scenarios around. :D

Download the WWII Pacific REDUX scenario here.
Download WWII Pacific REDUX (1.3Mb)

Unit Creators;
NVA Infantry - by Sween
Yamato Class - by ???

Changes to original;

1. New Map size 180 x 272. It now includes the eastern part of India, USSR, western Canada and Alaska.
2. New civs; Xinjiang Uygur, Tibet, Mongolia, Soviet Union, Communist China.
a. China has been renamed to Nationalist China.
b. Netherlands has been renamed to Dutch East Indies.
3. Some Aussie cities were sacrificed in exchange for cities in India and Canada.
4. Desert no longer Impassable.
5. New cities were added, but not many.
6. Iwo Jima was placed further north than it actually is. This is so that the Atomic Bomb can hit Hiroshima and, or Nagasaki. For those who wish to repeat history.

1. Every unit sans Arty cost 1 population point.
2. All Tanks and Arty are now wheeled. (This will add importance to the Burma Road.)
3. Immobile Civil Militia unit, added to some cities. Immobile Cannon unit, but only for the Communist Chinese (they are so small, they just need some defensive help.
4. Added 3 Russian specific units (Sturmovick, Russian Infantry, T-34). Please note, that the T-34 and Sturmovick are also available to the Communist Chinese.
5. Added a Maoist Guerilla to the Communist Chinese only (5.4.2), does not cost population.

1. Added a late tech called Diplomacy. This tech allows Military Alliances. AI Japan will never discover this tech because of the flavors.
2. No more MPPs allowed. I think I did that. :)

1. There are 3 versions, MP, one for Japan and one for the Allies.
2. With the inclusion of the Communist Chinese, China is now independent of the Alliance.
3. Upgrade cost now 4, or something like that.

Other than that, its pretty much the same as the original. :)
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forgot about the screenshots


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nice dude once i hav civ wrking again ill try it immeadiatly!
Why have tanks lost their multiple attacks/turn? That's the main reason they're used.

Edit: Only Light Tank and T-34 have this issue, not the Medium Tank. Fixed it in my personal file, but I think it should be resolved. If it were just the Light Tank that didn't have blitzing, I'd understand, but T-34s were rather evil tanks... look at Kursk.
Ah, yes that's a big problem.

It should only be done to the Light Tank. Reason is that it made them real terrors of the Pacific, which they really weren't. At least I don't think they were.

I shall fix the T-34 issue!!!
I get a error when I click to play communist china saying commun.pix... something like that. Do I need to do anything after I download the scenario to the conquest/conquest folder?
I love this version. very god job, the only thing i changed was to keep culture on city capture, but excellent none the less
DemiGod Level.

Dec 1941 - Lost Nanning to Japan on the very first turn.

Jan 1942 - I have a very long front to defend! sending Workers throughout the land to connect my cities, secured Rubber resource through the Dutch to build some MG Batallions. Concentrating on building Arty, bombers and MG Batts for defense. Sent all of my land units to various cities as the front is very spread out. Concentrating on protecting Geiju, Kumming, Hankou and Nanchang. Fuzhou and Taiyuan are in pretty perilous locations, not sure how long they'll be able to hold out.

May 1942 - Huge breakout of Japanese south of Chnagsha, forgot these guys can move by 2 and they ended up taking and razing the city! Can't reinforce Nanchang and Fuzhou without passing through a bunch of Japanese units, so I rush build some MG Batts there. :( I also lost my Rubber resource as the Dutch are getting pounded, all other Rubber available is now in the hands of Japan all the way in Indonesia. I am in no position to capture any of it! There was an Army unit around Geiju, which I kept blasting with Arty and now they appear to back off that area.

Note: the Chinese Nationlist guerrillas are terrible, they don;t have All-Terrain-as road movement, so pretty worthless. THe Chinese communist have a very nice Guerilla unit which has been effective in battling Japanese units around Taiyuan.

July 1942 - shifted all production to Arty, as my Bombers have been ineffective, they keep getting shot down. I am trying to destroy all roads leading to China in the remaining areas to slow down the Japanese. Lots of fighting around Nanchang and Guiyang.

August 1942 - first Kamikaze appear attacking Nanchang. I don;t have much many Infantry units left, and I'm trying to save all units to defend the cities, blasting all attackers with Arty as much as I can.

Elsewhere, looks like half of the Dutch are gone, Guam and Wake are Japanese. The Phillipines are mostly Japanese save for Cebu, SIngapore is still British, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur was razed. I used to see British bombers attaching the Japanese in China, but not no more...

I would change the timeline to every 2 week, as 1 month per turn is too fast for this world size.
November 1942 - Kumming was lost and razed by the Japanese. There is a VP so they’ve kept a couple of units there. Japan attacks have been throughout the front.

March 1943 - Japanese light tanks appear with a movement of 3. Kamikaze are allowed to kill units and they are taking their toll on my troops. :( Have been building some Fighter-Bombers, but some are still getting shot out of the sky by the Zero’s.

June 1943 - Been shifting arty and guerrilla all over the country to stave off the Japan attacks as they occur, they are mostly concentrating on Nanchang. The workers building and rebuilding the railroads are the true heros of this war!! I’m Steadily been building up my guerrilla forces, as I think I have enough arty now to repel most attacks. Kamikaze are annoying as hell.
July 1943 - pushing the Japanese back south of Nanchang, captured a Fortress and will hold it till I can amass a bigger force and push further into Japan to attack Canton! Japan declares war on the USSR!!! Massive aerial bombing on multiple cities by the Japanese.

Sept 1943 - Japanese Army unit was killed near my captured fortress. Bringing in lots of Arty to the front now.

Dec 1943 - I’ve massing a big force in the fortress with arty and now the Japanese troops are bypassing us. Will need to build some more Arty to keep back in China if I mount an attack on Canton. Noticed even the Communist Chinese have tanks!!! Aerial attacks are constant now by the Japanese fighters and bombers on every turn.

Around the world Singapore is still British, Cebu is still Yank, and Rangoon was razed by the Japanese.
The strategic captured fortress.


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Feb 1943 - Japanese controlled city of Keifing was razed by the Chinese Communists! The Soviet war must be taking its toll on Japan. Have set up some Fighter Bombers in my front line cities and the Japanese aerial attacks have stopped.

Apr 1944 - Mongolia declares war on us. They would later find themselves at war with everyone of the Allies.

June 1944 - Aerial bombings are back!

Sep 1944 - I’ve been getting overrun by Japanese tanks, I lose a Guerrilla for every Tank Unit I eliminate. Fighter-Bombers not very successful against Japan air units. I’ve lost hope of setting up any kind of offensive attack. :(

Dec 1944 - Been back on defense this whole year as no real good way to go on offense with all of these Tanks and their movement of 3 coming on every turn with big numbers!

The city of Taiyuan is now getting attacked and I have no way of getting units there fast, as I have to pass Communist territory and their units are blocking the roads!

I have noticed no change to any cites elsewhere in the world. Large aerial bombings on every turn, but I now have Jet Fighters, so hopefully can turn that around quickly.
March 1945 - Russia captures Harbin and Soviets and Japan sign peace treaty, but the Soviets declare war on Mongolia. Many Japanese units cross into China after that.

April 1945 - Signed alliance against Japan with the Soviets! They just wanted a World Map…. Accidentally sent 4 guerrilla units to a random forest terrain tile in Japan, they would not return :(

May 1945 - Finally got access to rubber resource from the Aussies! Building a bunch of light tanks! Hsinking is captured by the Soviets.

June 1945 - game ended in defeat according to VP’s. The Score was heavily lopsided to Japan.

Recap: Major mistake getting my Rubber resource from the wrong guys as the Dutch were pounded by Japan and lost half of their territory very early. If I could’ve built some good units, I could have probably taken some Japanese cities.

*recommended changes for you guys downloading.
-It looks like the Nationalists are not a part of the Allies to allow them to fight the Communists. But there is no chance of beating Japan on points without being combined with all Chinese in the alliance.
-I think maybe the first 8 turns should be weeks and then the rest months, or maybe 3 weeks per turn. But the Tech cost would all need to adjusted.
-I’d start some Japanese units in Cebu to help them fully conquer the Philippines.
-Make Guerrillas move with all terrain as road.
-Remove Puerto Princessa from Map.
-Maybe remove some more Aussie towns, just because their population wasn’t that big.

Will play again with the Yanks and Japan to see that side of things.
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