i like that post napoleon526.
I am a Catholic, not as devote as i feel i should be and im trying to change that, yet i am planning on going into Engineering and such. I believe that God made the universe and that Jesus died for the sins that i commited, am commiting, and will commit.
I have been exposed to the 2 many theories of how the universe was made, Creation by a God, or the big bang. Now i have thought over this many times and i have come to the conclusion that the big bang has one big flaw in it. Apparently there was enough mass in the universe for it to collapse on itself, but where did this mass come from, it somehow must have been formed, but the law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created or lost, only have its form change. And in our view of the world, everything has a beggining and an end, nothing physical is infinite. There must have been a beggining to all, and what explains that best is the presence of an omnipotent being. This being that did exist for ever and will continue existing for ever, but gave all mass, life, energy etc a starting point.
And about these religious wars. No where does it say in the Bible, though shalt kill thy brother. wars such as the Crusades were started because people misinterpreted the holy books or just had a convoluted idea of what the world should be like. The problems with the Church in the middle ages was simply caused because power corrupted, it isn't religions fault. Taking a look at the Irish problem, that is not a religious war. It may be under the mask of religion but it is not religious at all. Both parties are Christians yet in different denominations, I am a Catholic and i have many Protestant friends, Frankly i could care less what denomination you belong too. It is conflicts like those in Ireland that give religion a bad name.
I have studied what some athiests have said. One thing that has come up many many times ppl use science to disprove religion. However you cannot do that, the supernatural is something that can be measured or observed. But since religion and science are somewhat in different areas you can be scientific and religious.
Now more reasons why I'm religious. One reason that i believe God doesn't make it evident to all that He does exist and why we need faith is because we were made to love Him. If God made us love him then his goal wouldn't be achieved. If there was definate proof that God existed then there would be no choice for us as if you do know God exists, for a certanty, there would be no reason you would believe otherwise. Therfore if we had no choise to but to love Him the act of making us to love Him would be useless. Why i have a real hard problem with us being finite came to me one night durring the last summer. I went to bed around 2AM and i was starring at my ceiling and i thought to my self ...
What if there is no God? What then? Ok, so i die, then what happens, I dont regret anything i did or didn't do, but i dont see darkness or nothingness. I dont see anything either, I just dont exist.
Frankly that is a scary thought. I find it very uncomforting. But if we continue of with what happens if there is no God, then why dont i just kill myself, i mean it wont matter in the end, I wont be able to say ahhh damn no i cant do that, I just wont exist. There is no point to life, some people ask what the meaning of life is, but if there is no God then there is no meaning. So what if you become famous, so what if you discover the cure to aids, You'll be dead, you wont exist anymore at all, you wont have a conciousness. But what happens, some peoples live are saved from your vaccene, who gives a rip? Your dead now, you cant enjoy it, when you die you cannot have any sense of satisfaction. So where do our morals come from? If we have a sense of right and wrong were did it come from? I chalange someone to come up with a reason why it is wrong to kill a little girl without using religion. If you say its because it hurts her, you can just reply so what thats not me its hurting, and in the end it doesn't matter, the reason i wont do it is because i can get caught, but thats not why its wrong. What is wrong with stealing from someone? All major Crimes we have today cannot be explained as to why they are wrong. It was just decided they are wrong. We did this in a class of mine before and we spent one hour and found out that you cannot do it without bringing in a higher authority figure.
Sparrowhawk, you said that religious people use religion as a safety blanket because we want answers. If i want an answer to how the universe was created i still dont have it, i know who created it but not how. I dont know how God could have existed for ever and how i will exist from my birthdate on for ever, i will never not exist anymore. The reason why people dont belive in religion is because they have questions about it that cannot be answered, or they do not want restrictions on them. But to be religious you need faith, that means that you dont know the answers yet you will believe anyways.
well my rambling is over, thnx for reading. Good topic by the way