Science vs Religion - The Ultimate Battle?

Which is more important?

  • Religion

    Votes: 19 26.0%
  • Science

    Votes: 54 74.0%

  • Total voters
Hm... Science versus Religion...

I voted for Science. My major disagreement with religion is just that there are so many. And pretty much all of them say that the rest are wrong. They cannot all be right. It almost seems like a lottery to me. If you pick the right one, you get to go to Heaven. Otherwise, Hellfire and Damnation for you!

My second major disagreement is the 'or else' idea. I once this debate with someone, who told me that he believed, quote, "Because I'm afraid not to." I don't think that true faith should come from fear. I realize that not all of the believers out there have this philosophy, and this person's intellignece was not exactly up to par. He also said that God was white, which I refused to dignify with a response.

My final major disagreement is the 'because Jesus said so' factor. No deity has ever appeared to me and said, "Check me out, I be God. Believe in me, or go to Hell." I realize that proof would completely deny faith, but, I don't know. I guess I can't commit myself to change my lifestyle because Jesus (whoever that is) said so.

You have my two cents.
Originally posted by prefect42
Science proves nothing but that Religion is completely necessary. Knowing about subatomic particles only deepens my appreciation for the God that created them, and his love of infinite complexity and beauty.
Well said! :goodjob:

Religious fundamentalists fail to see the true nature of God. The idea that God created the universe in six days pales when compared to the idea that we are all a part of a huge cosmic chain of events. Evolution shows us how amazing the almighty really is, because ecosystems have been changing and growing for billions of years.
I agree it's apples and oranges we're trying to compare here.

Both science AND religion have their places--one does not necessarily usurp the other. Look at the first Muslims--their science flowered at the same time their faith was burning in their bellies.

In some cases they create somewhat of a balance though--science, with its cold, unemotional logic, is tempered from its worst utilitarian excesses by "human" concerns of spirit and conscience, which for some people anyway is inspired by religion. But that is where they overlap--essentially they are still very different things, not necessarily opposing forces. Fundamentalism may have declared a war of sorts with SOME science anyway, but remember that not all religion is fundamentalist.

So no, I don't "sit on a fence"--there is no "fence" here.
Originally posted by napoleon526

Well said! :goodjob:

Religious fundamentalists fail to see the true nature of God. The idea that God created the universe in six days pales when compared to the idea that we are all a part of a huge cosmic chain of events. Evolution shows us how amazing the almighty really is, because ecosystems have been changing and growing for billions of years.

Even though I disagree that your god exists,
you are the first poster I have came across who has had the
guts to come out and say your god created the universe.

That shows some intergrity.

But as it is, science and religion still have no 100% firm
answer on how the cosmos came to be...

Originally posted by CornMaster
The way I see it is the Religion is just a form of Oppression.

It attempts to control the masses.

Do this or you will burn in Hell.

If you don't believe in Hell, then what is stopping you?

If you remove this fear....more people would probably commit violent crimes.

Damn good post, CornMaster!

Only the last line is up for argument.
Remove that fear and you are free.
Just because you no longer fear the lies spewed by the church,
Doesn’t mean you are going to buy an MP40 and spray the neighbours...

Such thinking is caused by religion...remove it from your mind.

Religion champions fear and oppression, especially against
Women, the old and the weak. Early indoctrination is also used.

This sick cycle has to be stopped.

Too many humans are trapped in this mire of ignorance and
Intolerance, pinned by fear and guilt programmed into them
From a young age, apparently you are 'born a sinner'...

Utter balderdash.

Just because some dubious man in a dress declares you a sinner
Means nothing, he probably has not mentioned that most
Priests are porno-freaks who abuse kids, harsh but true.

I am glad I was never forced into this sick and twisted religion,
And I hail the day I came to the conclusion that to escape the
Madness of religion and conformity, you have to break the fear.

The promises made by priests are a lie...
The threats made by priests are a lie...

Take that huge weight off of your spirit...
Break your guilt chains people!

"Only the last line is up for argument.
Remove that fear and you are free.
Just because you no longer fear the lies spewed by the church,
Doesn’t mean you are going to buy an MP40 and spray the neighbours..."

Of course not. At least for people like you or me. But I think there are SOME people whose "worst nature" is stayed by belief in something bad happening to them if they indulge it.

Take for instance a typical human's moral development: At infancy, there is no "right or wrong", just innocence. As a child grows, he is discouraged from doing bad things by punishment--he is at a stage where if there were no punishment, he'd do the bad things because there is no DEEPER reason in his mind not to do them.

Now, SOME people mature beyond that, and start seeing that there are indeed GOOD reasons to do good things and avoid bad things, OUTSIDE of themselves and what may or may not happen to them directly. Unfortunately, not EVERYONE matures to this degree. Or else they ignore this for whatever Macchiavellian mindset they adopt. It can be argued that religion may temper such people (well, the former type, not the Macchiavellians), by implying a punishment they cannot supposedly escape.

"Such thinking is caused by religion...remove it from your mind."

Religion is hardly the sole source of violent impulses. NATURE is violent--and I don't see wolves (who kill each other as well as their prey) bowing before a god. What you mean is that religion has sometimes been CHANNELED by manipulative people to convince them to do violence. But then again, so have other things. Did Pol Pot or Josef Stalin channel religion into violence?

"Religion champions fear and oppression, especially against
Women, the old and the weak. Early indoctrination is also used."

Before religion, "the old and the weak" were likely abandoned by the nomadic neanderthal tribe. Rather practical in nature, though it does lack compassion. I'd say religion introduced some compassion where there wasn't any before.

Tell me something, is this thing "compassion" something rooted in science, or inherent to it? Or is it something that came from belief in something that wasn't quite so logical?

Oh, and as for women, there have been some religions that are very matriarchal--priestesses and such. I'd say "matriarchal" or "patriarchal" are more an element of culture than religion.

"This sick cycle has to be stopped."

Peacefully, or with violence if that doesn't work? Just wondering....

"Too many humans are trapped in this mire of ignorance and
Intolerance, pinned by fear and guilt programmed into them
From a young age, apparently you are 'born a sinner'...

"Utter balderdash."

I'm not a Christian in the conventional sense, although I do think that the example of Christ's life is a good one. And he was the ultimate pacifist....

But the way I look at "original sin" is that everybody has a kernel of evil in them--i.e. they are capable of doing evil to their fellow men. It is up to the person to recognize that capability and guard against temptation to use it. Nothing at all wrong with that.

"Just because some dubious man in a dress declares you a sinner
Means nothing, he probably has not mentioned that most
Priests are porno-freaks who abuse kids, harsh but true."

"MOST"? I'll have to ask you to back that up statistically, being as you are a dedicated disciple of science.... ;)

All the media attention on a FEW doesn't mean that MOST men of the cloth engage in such things--just that the ones who don't aren't "newsworthy".

But I agree that it is a problem that the Church needs to seriously correct--and they are not above the law either. I hardly believe that churches should be above the law--I am a firm believer in separation of church and state, as are quite a few Christians I know personally.

But we are forgetting those priests that DO abstain from these acts, and who have for hundreds of years done good things like feed and shelter the poor when few others could or would, counseled the depressed, etc. Things done from COMPASSION--pure scientific calculation would probably come to the cold but logical decision of letting only the fit survive, right? Such is the way of nature, after all. Which is what I mean when I said in the last post, that religion can temper the cold, logical reasoning of science when it becomes too excessively utilitarian. There is more to life than utility and logic, after all....

"I am glad I was never forced into this sick and twisted religion,
And I hail the day I came to the conclusion that to escape the
Madness of religion and conformity, you have to break the fear.

"The promises made by priests are a lie...
The threats made by priests are a lie..."

You sound angry. Perhaps too angry to reflect on things more subtle than the black-and-white you present to us here.

Simply put--religion can be used for good OR for evil. As can science....

"Take that huge weight off of your spirit...
Break your guilt chains people!"

I am a slave to no one but my conscience. And that is a GOOD thing. And with some people, their consciences need encouragement by some sort of faith. As long as it is pure and not twisted into evil itself, it is a good thing.
I'd say that science evolved from religion. Both attempt to find meaning in the universe, and as for religion offering comfort, well perhaps the universe isn't the cosy little place we once thought it was. Science forces us to face some hard facts.

The trouble is, religion is so dogmatic that we havn't yet been able to totally phase it out.

Science I support out of it's quest for reason - let's face it, I can't see myself facing an attack from a scientificly fundamentalist suicide bomber any time soon.;)
There are a few different issues surfacing in this thread, and I think that they should be separated.

Is this the question about creationism vs the big-bang, or is this about what people need to rely on to get through the day?

I believe that God did not create the world. However, I believe that God and Faith/Belief is a great benefit to a great number of people, in providing reassurence, hope etc.

However, God does not actually have to exist to provide this.. It is the faith that does it.

As long as the church does not return to the days where its sole function was to extort money simply by scaring people to death, then the church is an important and needed part of our society.

In my view, there is room for both.
Originally posted by Lab Monkey
Science I support out of it's quest for reason - let's face it, I can't see myself facing an attack from a scientificly fundamentalist suicide bomber any time soon.;)

I don't know. It might be worthwhile to nuke jerusalem just to eliminate the holy objects/places of contention. :satan:
"I believe that God did not create the world. However, I believe that God and Faith/Belief is a great benefit to a great number of people, in providing reassurence, hope etc.

"However, God does not actually have to exist to provide this.. It is the faith that does it."

Exacto! :goodjob:

"As long as the church does not return to the days where its sole function was to extort money simply by scaring people to death, then the church is an important and needed part of our society."

It certainly has done its share of good, as well as bad. It's not the institution, but the PEOPLE who are in it.

I'd say that most Christians don't see themselves as being "extorted"--they contribute to help the church in its poverty relief efforts, to run homeless shelters, etc. And also to pay the minister for providing some intangible value (in their eyes) to them, not only every Sunday, but also 24/7 in times of personal crisis when they need someone to talk to. In days gone by it may have been more like extortion, but not these days....

"In my view, there is room for both."

Definitely! And like I said earlier, religion and science don't have to oppose each other--they can complement each other, religion bringing a "human" factor into the cold logic of science.
"Religion without science is blind. Science without religion is lame."
-Albert Einstein

As a an agnostic/atheistic scientist, I personally would have to vote science. However, I feel the quote above sort of gets to the heart of the matter. That is, there is no "vs". Science and religion are not mutually exclusive, despite the claims of some hardcore religious fundamentalists. Each serves their own unique purpose. Sorry if this counts as "sitting the fence".
The only serious beefs I have with religion involve attempts to disguise religious doctrine as science for the purposes of sneaking it into the classroom (e.g. creation "science"). Or when religiously influenced legislation attempts to block important scientific research.
Oh, and lets not forget extremist fanatical groups, that blow up buildings etc.
Posted by Sparrohawk:
The current Israel/Arab situation (if they didn't conflict religiously, they'd live together in the same land no prob.)

That is false, and you know it as well as I. Both of their leaders want war. If the israeli's gave up their war and gave back all of the land they have taken, and even gave up more of their land, the Palestinians, along with every other hostile muslim nation over there would still kill Israeli citizens. They want israel gone because it looks to them that it is an extension of the U.S. and, of course, they hate us. Anyway, this is a topic for another thread.

Posted by CornMaster:
The way I see it is the Religion is just a form of Oppression.

It attempts to control the masses.

Do this or you will burn in Hell.

If you don't believe in Hell, then what is stopping you?

Or maybe it is your fear that hell actually exists, so you automatically deny its existence. Its easier that way, isn't it? Not to have to be accountable for anything?

Anyway, I'm going with Religion on this. Science won't matter when I'm lying in my grave.

BTW, I think that religion also helps you live a better life, knowing that you're going somewhere so great you can't even fathom it. I can't understand how you could even compare something like science to that. But, again, that is just my opinion.

BBTW, why do all of you so-called "non-believers" continue to capitalize God's name if you don't believe in He/She/It?
Originally posted by The Art of War
BBTW, why do all of you so-called "non-believers" continue to capitalize God's name if you don't believe in He/She/It?
I thought that would be the correct spelling according to the science called linguistics. ;)
I thank you VoodoAce

I believe in creation give me an example of proven complete evolution and the chance that we would exist. I would also like more proof of the big bang thingy I mean we have written account of creation and that was from that Moses dude when he had a vision of creation or the angel told him on Sinai however it is spelled.

Please give me the chance and proof of evolution
I voted Religion.

I feel that this is an apples and oranges comparison as well.

I had a physics teacher in university who said that most of his collegues, the "smarter" they got and the broader (rather than focused) thier knowledge got, his collegues faith increased. He said that he had not come to this point however.

I don't understand how this could be but I found what he said quite interesting. (Its one of the few things I remember from his classes)

I am religious. I pray before meals. We have family prayer. My wife and I read church materials together. I go to activities at my church that happen outside of the Sunday norm.
However, I am not a "burn-in-hell" type nor am I a fundamentalist. I feel that if Chirst came today, most of the current fundamentalist would be the ones crucifying Christ. I believe that God, our Heavenly Father, created the earth. I also believe in a certain level of evolution. I believe the God opperates His miracles within the laws of science. Some of the science has not been discovered yet, however, somethings are being proven now that thousands of people had to accept by faith alone.

My feelings and thoughts may not be in line with the leader of my congregation, but that is fine. I know that there are people sitting near me at church who do not share my opinions. But neither one of us declares each other hell-bound.

I also feel that the "do-this-or-go-to-hell" thing is a farce and the preacher doing the condemning better not be throwing stones from a glass house. I feel that we will all be judged on what we know. We will also be judged with the same harshness we judge others.

With all this in mind I am able to keep an open mind and therefore I am in the middle of the road on a lot of issues like abortion, evolution, capital punishment and personal accountability.

I hope I didn't put all you "enlightened" science people to sleep and I hope I won't get any hate mail from any religious fundys out there. :) This is how I feel.

Edit - I feel science is necessary for religion to prevent blind faith. And I feel science needs religion to keep it all in perspective.
Originally posted by The Art of War
Posted by Sparrohawk:
The current Israel/Arab situation (if they didn't conflict religiously, they'd live together in the same land no prob.)

That is false, and you know it as well as I. Both of their leaders want war. If the israeli's gave up their war and gave back all of the land they have taken, and even gave up more of their land, the Palestinians, along with every other hostile muslim nation over there would still kill Israeli citizens.

Art of War, I said explicitly "if they didn't conflict religiously". I didn't say "if israel gave up ground" or anything of the sort.

IF neither side had ever had religion, there would be no "Jews" or "muslims". The distinction between the two populations would never have existed. THAT is what I was referring to, in the context of giving an example of a conflict inspired by religion.
I miss understood. I thought you were saying that the only reason they were fighting was because of religion.
Originally posted by The Art of War
I miss understood. I thought you were saying that the only reason they were fighting was because of religion.

Don't worry about it. It's a touchy issue, and I knew when I added it to my list of examples that I shouldn't have, but...

I know that there's more to the equation now than just religion... lots of spilled blood and ego have screwed things up as well.
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