[SDK MODCOMP] Civ 4 Community Core Project v1.61.0003a

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Mar 11, 2006
Boise, Idaho
Civ 4 Communit Core Project Release

Version: 1.61.0003a
Release Date: 7/1/2006
Compatability: Civ4 1.61 patch

Download Here: CCPv1610003a.zip

We of the CCP are well aware that modifiying the games sourcecode is hard (oh brother can it be frustrating) and unlike XML or Pyton changes made by different people can not be easily combined (easy being a relative term of course as I am sure Sevo will atest too). Thus we face massive fragmentation if the changes are not consolidated under one Dll. The members of the Civilization 4 Community Core Project work to develop a core DLL that merges SDK mods together to avoid conflicts between mods, improve the modability of the game by improving current and adding new python hooks, improving the UI interface by making it more user friendly and also add more information, improving performance, fix bugs found by the community, and improve the AI to make it actually smarter. All of our changes are open source and we welcome any help offered, weather you can code or not.

Just add the folder named Community Core Project into the MODS folder either in the Firaxis main folder or the MODS folder in your my games folder in the my documents folder.

You can also add the files to your custom assets by just removing the ini file.

If your interested in joining our project you will want to access our Forum. Go to "Group Management" in the UserCP ( http://forums.civfanatics.com/profil...editusergroups), and apply to join the "Civ4 Community Enchancement Project" group. Then The Great Apple will aprove you, if he is online and dosn't do it in a timley mannor then send him a PM. TThe forum is ware we discuss and debate the CCP mods and work on merging. If you cant code but have an idea you can post on the main C&C forums, we are always reading it and pick up many ideas their. If you have a mod and would like to see it included in the CCP you will need get it in a stable working state with control calls that can be used to turn the feature on and off at runtime, and use good commenting on all changes. Help is avalible but do not expect other to debug your code for you or hold your hand. If you feel your up to it TGA can make you a developer on the SF project which will enable you to commit changes directly to the CVS. Most people will probably need to get a developer to sponsor their work and Commit it for them, the more hastle free you make this for the developer the better your chances. If the Mod is small you could get away with modifying the Virgin SDK files and submiting these changed files, the developer would then use a diff tool such as WinMerge or your comment tags to find your changes and incorporate them. But if your mod is going to be more then just a few lines on a handfull of files you should checkout the latest stable version of the project from SourceForge and modify thouse files instead this will make it feasable to include. 90% of all the moding so far has been in a handfull of files CvPlayer/CvUnit/CvCity/CvInfo and they get crowded with changes very quickly. Visit SF for guides on how to check out.

Due to the addition of new data members to the game its not yet possible to load older games.
WARNING: When using the CCP an attempting to load a game created without the CCP will result in a crash to desktop. Only games started with the CCP running will be loadable under the CCP. If you want to play an old game make shure your Custom Assets is clear and your current mod contains no Dll. For this reason it is recomended that Mod makers include the CCP within their Mod folders so CustomAssets can be left clear. We hope to have this issue resolved as soon as possible with full back loading capability of original Firaxis games and between version of the CCP. It will never be possible for unmodified Civ to load a game saved under a version of the CCP.


-fixed "you have been defeated" bug
-cleaned up and improved python interface calls
-performance improvents
-alot of code cleanup

-stability fixes

-see thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=174026
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