[SDK MODCOMP] Commerce Rates Modcomp

Dom Pedro II

Modder For Life
Apr 3, 2002
Exit 16, New Jersey
Commerce Rates - BtS 3.13

File: Commerce Rates (2.00 MB)

This mod adds new rewards for investing a certain percentage of the total commerce in a particular commerce types just like how Theaters and Colosseums currently give +1 :) from X% :culture: .

Now, you can give:

+1 :health: per X% Commerce
+1 :gp: per X% Commerce
+1 Experience per X% Commerce
+1 Free Specialist per X% Commerce
+1 Trade Routes per X% Commerce

Not only that, but Traits and Civics can now provide these bonuses (plus the original happiness bonus) in all of the player's cities.

I'm working on something where you'll also be able to give +1 Commerce or Yield for every X% of a commerce. So you could give +1 :food: for every 10% :culture: , for example, or +1 :gold: for every 5% :culture: . But that's proven to be much more difficult than I'd initially anticipated.

I'm also considering a War Weariness option so you can say -10% War Weariness per 20% :espionage: for example.

New XML tags:

















Wow, nifty concept and it looks like an excellent execution. I'll keep my eye on this.

As everything, I consider things as how they might be folded into my own mod, but I'm not sure how I would use these new additions.
Wow, nifty concept and it looks like an excellent execution. I'll keep my eye on this.

As everything, I consider things as how they might be folded into my own mod, but I'm not sure how I would use these new additions.

Well, this may or may not be useful to you, but I was inspired to do this one day when I was listening to the radio and they were talking about the plans to expand the NYC public transportation system. Around that same time, there was a discussion about how one Central American country was deliberately cutting off funding to its national public water system to make privatization more appealing... or so some were saying anyway. Point being, I started to think that a new commerce called Infrastructure or something to that effect would be good. And then the more infrastructure you invest, the more you get... so Public Transportation would give +1 Health per 10% Infrastructure.

Maybe that's helpful and maybe not :)
Looks very interesting!
Dom Pedro, This comp is very interesting ! I'm contemplating for the yield bonus from commerce rate you suggested yourself and maybe the war weariness as well.
I'm also seeking new commerce types abilities like <iInitialHealth> acting as <iInitialHappiness> but for health, a(nother) commerce bonus from commerce rate.

So, do you plan to upgrade this component ?
Yes, I am planning on upgrading this component (I also think it doesn't work for 3.13, so that will need to be upgraded as well). The initial health is a good idea and a fairly simple thing to add.

I also want to add a state religion qualifier to some of the commerce rates, so for example, you could make it that Theocracy gives +1 Experience per 20% Culture in cities with State Religion.

I've not really figured out how to get the yield commerce rates/commerce commerce rates to properly load from the XML, but I also haven't really tackled it since release.
Great, many thanks for your great work !
Basically, I plan on a new commerce that will use the initial health and have a reward for the percentage you expend in this particular commerce. I have not make my mind wether it would be a commerce bonus or a gp birth rate modifier. This new commerce will have a slider of his own, will be used by at least one specialist and some buildings but no hammer conversion.
I look forward to the upgrade. :D
Please, PM if you want details.
This is a truly innovative mod. I particularly like the idea of relating the intelligence points to war weariness and other modifiers. Can't wait for an updated version. :goodjob:
I agree, the intelligence points being helpful in some way would make it worth it maybe to put points into it.

I'd like a mod where there's a similar effect for all the intel type buildings. Jail and courthouse should give a bonus to happiness, the intelligence buildings could give a bonus towards esp. points again?

I don't know, but it should be viable to run espionage more. Beakers or gold are just much more useful as it is. Espionage is just a distraction.
I don't know, but it should be viable to run espionage more. Beakers or gold are just much more useful as it is. Espionage is just a distraction.

Which is why I was personally against the espionage slider being in the game.
I just read the topic, and I love the possibilities this modcomp presents. You can essentially add functions to the existing commerce types (almost like creating additional commerces without all the hassle).

I too would like to request an update, as well as some of those features you talked about trying to work out for a future version. Thanks.
I've ported this to BtS 3.13 and uploaded it to the site (see opening post). I haven't added in the new features yet however. I did add one new thing which is a State Religion Experience modifier which works like the regular experience one except that it only provides the experience in cities with the state religion.
This sound interesting but the file was lost to the hacker. Can you please re-upload it? Thanks. :goodjob:
This is just perfect, sorry didn't read all the thread but i'll later.
This is just what i was looking for, and i though i would have to implement it myself.
Is there a newer version or would it work simply by adding the source files?

If you look here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=388151
I'm planning on a mod that could adjust the tax rate, in other words the amount of usable commerce. And to make it have sense, it would use xml tags on buildings and civics to give direct bonuses compensating the loss of usable commerce...

By the few things i saw your work here helps on about 50% of my work :D, can you take a look and see if you like the idea?

ps: dunno if you're a Brazilian, but Dom Pedro Segundo? Nice to see :D
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